Picture of woman in underwear taken through the mirror
Caption: What is mirror sex and how do you do it? Provider: getty

Mirror mirror on the wall, what’s the hottest position of them all?

If you’ve never wondered about having mirror sex – that is, watching yourself have sex or masturbate in front of a mirror – you’re either extremely vanilla (no shade!) or simply do not own a mirror. 

Why is mirror sex so appealing?

Mirror sex, for whatever reason, seems to appeal to us as humans.  

Actually, says Gigi Engle, sexologist and lead intimacy expert at 3Fun, there are two reasons: porn and voyeurism. 

‘Watching yourself in a mirror is like your own personal porno,’ she tells Metro.co.uk. 

‘You get to see yourself enjoy being touched, watching your partner do things to your body while you do things to theirs. 

‘It’s pretty hot – when you’re used to being in on the action, seeing it from the outside’ can be a major turn on.’

For others, mirror sex might satisfy a deeper sexual fantasy: voyeurism. 

‘Voyeurism is the act of watching two people have sex (most of the time without them knowing you’re there),’ she explains. 

‘This is a common sexual fantasy, though obviously not okay to act out unless all parties involved have consented to the watching and being watched. 

‘This is how mirrors help to make that fantasy come to life – you get to have sex and watch yourselves at the same time.’

For some, then, mirror sex is a way to live out that voyeuristic dream without involving others.

How to have great mirror sex

There are a few things to consider while trying mirror sex. Namely, positions and placement of your mirror (and partner). 

For positions, Gigi says doggy-style is the best. ‘You get a really great view of your partner behind you,’ she says. ‘It’s a bit like being in your very own erotic film.’

Stand-up sex against the mirror is also a juicy option. 

In terms of mirror placement, you should have it across from your bed, but you can try moving it around to get the perfect view.

‘Get curious about it,’ says Gigi.  ‘This should be fun. 

‘I suggest a full length mirror for mirror sex so that you can get as much of a view as possible, and, frankly, we all look hotter in full length mirrors.’

You could even try multiple mirrors, so you have all of the angles. 

What if I feel self-conscious?

While mirror sex can be a hot fantasy for some people, for others, it’s a self-esteem based nightmare. 

As Gigi says, given the constant barrage of unattainable beauty standards we’re faced with, looking at yourself naked – let alone while having sex – can be confronting and desperately uncomfortable.

Maybe you want to try mirror sex but don’t feel quite ready. Gigi recommends starting out solo.

‘I’d recommend starting with masturbation in front of the mirror,’ she says.

‘This can help you ease into it, actually taking time to admire your reflection and what you look like when you become aroused.’

The more you can build on your relationship with your body, the better you’ll feel. Then, says Gigi, ‘mirror sex can be a source of confidence rather than self-consciousness.’

The ultimate mirror sex checklist

  • Get a full-length mirror because they’re better for the view – and you can use it to check out your outfits before work too
  • Strategically place the mirror where you get the best view
  • Start by having mirror sex with yourself in order to build a comfortable relationship with watching yourself
  • Reflect (pun intended) on the experience afterwards. How did it make you feel? What did you enjoy about it?

Gigi Engle, sexologist and lead intimacy expert at 3Fun

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