Leisurely gay men kissing under bed covers.
You probably need a pretty robust lower back too (Picture: Getty Images)

Want to try something new tonight?

Big fan of deep penetration?

Well, the Y Style sex position could be just what you’re after.

You both just need to have a bit of upper body strength to pull it off.

And you’ll probably need a pretty healthy lower back too…

What is the Y Style sex position?

The idea is that your bodies should, well, come together to make the shape of a sideways capital letter Y.

To do this, the penetrator has to be both behind and on top of the penetratee.

Said penetratee needs to position themselves face-down before moving so that their head and torso are hanging over the side of the bed, and they’re facing the floor.

They’ll put their hands on the floor, so they’re supported by their arms throughout – this ensures that they stay put during any thrusting.

Image of wooden lay figures, jointed artist's models, representing sex positions in doll house bedroom scene
A bit like so, but with your head closer to the floor (Picture: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Meanwhile, the penetrator will also manoeuvre themselves so that their torso is off the bed directly over their partner’s.

But instead of hanging low, they’ll use their arms (and a healthy bit of lower back flexibility) to support themselves, so their torso is in the air while their hips are in the right spot for penetration.

The person on top can support themselves on the side of the bed, or on their partner’s hips below them.

For anyone who’s ever done yoga before, this part is a lot like upward-facing dog – just a bit more fun.

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What are its benefits?

Fans of things like The Speed Bump may find this is right up their street.

People who enjoy sex from behind and are a bit sick of plain old Doggy Style should also give the Y a look in.

Provided you and your partner have the arm strength to support yourselves, the main thing is that this angle should allow for some pretty deep penetration thanks to the extreme angle of the penetratee’s hips.

If you’ve got a g-spot, this is probably music to your ears.

Do you have a story to share?

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