A grapefruit on a pink and purple background
It seems we have been hunting for the wrong thing all these years (Picture: Getty)

Hunted by many over the years, the elusive G-spot has been a focal point in sexual pleasure. 

However, now experts are claiming the ‘G-spot’ should actually be named the ‘G-zone.’

Researchers say the term – which is used to describe an area of the vagina that orgasms when stimulated – is ‘misleading.’

Thought to be located inside the vagina on the upper walls of the organ, experts now believe there are actually five separate ‘erotogenic’ tissues which perform in a similar way to the G-spot. 

These five areas are the clitoral crura, the clitoral bulb, the periurethral glands, the urethra, and the anterior vaginal wall. 

German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg first described the orgasm-producing area in the 1950s and although he didn’t coin the term, it is named after him. 

He was the first to scientifically recognise an ‘erotic zone’ located ‘on the anterior wall of the vagina along the course of the urethra.’

The G-spot was named in his honour by Dr Frank Addiego and colleagues, who wrote about female ejaculation in the 1980s.

But now, Dr Irwin Goldstein, editor in chief of the Sexual Medicine Reviews journal, is calling for the name to be changed.

The five areas of the G-zone

The clitoral crura

These are two internal tissue structures that form a V shape converging from the clitoris downwards. During arousal, the clitoral crura fill with blood.This creates the swelling and pleasure components of the G-Zone.

The clitoral bulb

The clitoral bulb is internal tissue shaped like a bulb that is located at either side of the vaginal opening. During sexual arousal the structures fill with blood and this increases the pressure on other structures creating a pleasure sensation. Like the crura, the bulb creates the swelling and pleasure components of the G-zone.

The ‘prostate’ (also called Skene’s gland)

This is tissue located near the female urethra. It contributes to pleasure sensations and fluid ejaculation before and during orgasm. 

The urethra

Located above the vagina, the urethra is where urine passes through. It plays a role in the pleasure sensation part of the G-zone.

The anterior vaginal wall 

Finally, this is the muscle tissue located on the upper wall of the vagina. It is the spot where the G-spot has been assigned to. Its role in the G-zone is pleasure sensation. 

Along with two others who wrote in the publication, Dr Goldstein claimed the ‘correct term’ should be the ‘Gräfenberg-Zone or G-zone’. 

After re-analysing the original interpretation of the area given by Dr Gräfenberg, the experts came to a different conclusion. 

They wrote: ‘Based on the description by Gräfenberg of the anterior vaginal wall as containing a ‘distinct erotogenic zone,’ we believe that the subsequent use of the term ‘G-spot,’ coined 31 years later by Addiego et al, to be misleading.’

They said Dr Gräfenberg originally assigned three functions to the ‘erotic zone.’ These were ‘pleasurable sensations’, ‘swelling’, and ‘fluid ejaculation.’

As there seemed to be no singular spot, they noted it is very likely five separate tissues are involved. 

‘We suggest the current term ‘G-spot’ is misleading and therefore inappropriate,’ the team wrote.

‘The five erotogenic regions of the anterior vaginal wall can be more accurately and appropriately termed the Gräfenberg Zone or G-zone.’

They are now urging other experts to consider the name change. 

This isn’t the first time the science behind the G-spot has been questioned. 

Various studies have claimed it does not exist because even researchers cannot find it.

As recently as last year, Portuguese scientists failed to pinpoint its location, size or nature. 

They described the G-spot as being akin to the lost city of Atlantis.

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