What I rent - Lee Cook
Lee shares a two-bedroom flat in Holloway with someone he met on SpareRoom (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)

If, like us, you take great joy in being nosy about other people’s lifestyles, you’ll be into our What I Rent series.

Each week we take you inside someone’s rented property in London.

The series’ purpose is to take an honest look at what it’s like renting in London and question why we’re paying so much for places that never feel like home – but it’s also fun to dig around people’s bathroom cabinets while we’re at it.

This week we’re with Lee, who shares a two-bedroom flat in Holloway with a flatmate he found on SpareRoom.

What I rent - Lee Cook
He pays £825 a month in rent (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)

Hey Lee! How much rent do you pay?

We pay £825 a month each in rent. The room sizes are equal so it’s pretty fairly down the middle.

This is for a converted mansion with good space and an excellent location – I was looking for cheaper but this place was restored really well by the landlord and has that best feature – a killer shower – that makes the difference. That and amazing parquet flooring.

We pay around £100 each in bills on top of rent each month. That’s for everything – council tax, water, electric, and TV licence.

What are you getting for what you’re paying?

It’s a two-bed flat shared with one other person – we share the bathroom, living room and kitchen – but as there’s only two of us it’s more than enough space.

I find it plenty large enough and with the good room separation it doesn’t feel that we are cramped or on top of each other.

How long have you been in the flat?

I just moved in at the beginning of September after a strenuous search.

What I rent - Lee Cook
There’s not much storage, but Lee makes do (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)

How did you find it?

I found it on SpareRoom as I was replacing a tenant who needed to move – it was a really convenient time crossover.

It has the right balance between being a nice place, close to work (13 minute cycle) and not hugely extortionate. The agents were very expensive and I would have pulled out of the fees if the tenant that I was replacing hadn’t split the cost down the middle.

Some charges are ridiculous at the moment especially as most fees like this will be illegal next year!

As I had never lived with someone I didn’t know before I set the parameter on Spareroom to be LGBT+ friendly so that at least one potential barrier would be removed.

Do you like where you live?

I used to live in Harringay in North London. It’s a great area that I feel comfortable in.

Knowing the bars and takeaways as well as having friends in the area and my mate with my goddaughter means that it’s my favourite part of London. I have lived in most parts.

There are many shops on the doorstep so you never have to venture too far for emergency pizza.

What I rent - Lee Cook
The flat used to be a level of a mansion (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)

Do you feel like you have enough space?

I have a fair amount of clothes and kitchen stuff. The storage isn’t massive, but things like high cupboards and under bed storage more than make up for perceived lack of storage. I managed to get everything in without ruining the feel of the flat.

For example – the wardrobes are floor to ceiling so there is enough to really make sure that you can get the space that you need – especially considering the amount of clothes and jackets that I own.

Are there any problems with the flat you put up with?

As the flat is in a converted mansion on Holloway road there isn’t any parking, and the security is pretty tight on the building.

The place itself has been restored to a classic standard by the landlord and is a really comfortable and well designed place to live in. The main issue was the agent stress before moving in.

How have you made the flat feel like home? 

It has naturally worked well between the housemate and I that we are both really easygoing and are happy and open to the others’ design and living style so that has been the main way that I felt at home.

The flat also has high ceilings and good lighting (thanks to it being part of a former mansion) that really create a comfortable/spacious atmosphere.

In between books and belongings I quite like a simplistic and minimalist look.

What I rent - Lee Cook
The housemates share a minimalist style, but they make the flat their own with bits and bobs scattered around the shelves (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)

Any plans to move again? 

We are here for a year contractually, but I hate moving so would like to stick around as long as is practical – so essentially until I started looking at buying or moving with a partner.

And what about buying a place? 

I am not in a position to do so with the deposit requirements these days in London. It’s of course the dream but it is an ongoing one.

Right then. Shall we have a nose around the place? 

What I rent - Lee Cook
Plus plenty of books (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
We’re big fans of this screen and barber’s chair (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
(Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
The view of the kitchen (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
(Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
Hidden storage means Lee and his housemate can keep the kitchen looking tidy (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
Here’s Lee’s bedroom (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
Some small personal touches (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
The flat is filled with books (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
And gym gear (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
(Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
The bathroom, complete with a shower and a tub (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
Pretty nice, right? (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)
What I rent - Lee Cook
Ooh, an electric toothbrush. Very good. (Picture: Jerry Syder/Metro.co.uk)

What I Rent is a weekly series that’s out every Tuesday at 10am. Check back next week to have a nose around another rented property in London. 

How to get involved in What I Rent

What I Rent is Metro.co.uk's weekly series that takes you inside the places people are renting, to give us all a better sense of what's normal and how much we should be paying.

If you fancy taking part, please email [email protected].

You'll need to have pictures taken of your kitchen, living room, bathroom, and bedroom, plus a few photos of you in your room. Make sure you get permission for your housemates!

You'll also need to be okay with sharing how much you're paying for rent, as that's pretty important.

MORE : What I Rent: Max, £900 a month for a room in a four-bedroom house in Tooting

MORE : What I Rent: Chris and Liv, £1,520 per month for a two-bedroom flat in Brixton

MORE : What I Rent: Alex and Andy, £1,400 a month for a maisonette in Hither Green