LLVM 20.0.0git
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1//===-- llvm/CodeGen/GlobalISel/LegalizationArtifactCombiner.h -----*- C++ -*-//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
8// This file contains some helper functions which try to cleanup artifacts
9// such as G_TRUNCs/G_[ZSA]EXTENDS that were created during legalization to make
10// the types match. This file also contains some combines of merges that happens
11// at the end of the legalization.
28#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
30#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
32#define DEBUG_TYPE "legalizer"
34namespace llvm {
36 MachineIRBuilder &Builder;
38 const LegalizerInfo &LI;
41 static bool isArtifactCast(unsigned Opc) {
42 switch (Opc) {
43 case TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC:
44 case TargetOpcode::G_SEXT:
45 case TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT:
46 case TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT:
47 return true;
48 default:
49 return false;
50 }
51 }
55 const LegalizerInfo &LI,
56 GISelKnownBits *KB = nullptr)
57 : Builder(B), MRI(MRI), LI(LI), KB(KB) {}
61 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs,
62 GISelObserverWrapper &Observer) {
63 using namespace llvm::MIPatternMatch;
64 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT);
66 Builder.setInstrAndDebugLoc(MI);
67 Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
68 Register SrcReg = lookThroughCopyInstrs(MI.getOperand(1).getReg());
70 // aext(trunc x) - > aext/copy/trunc x
71 Register TruncSrc;
72 if (mi_match(SrcReg, MRI, m_GTrunc(m_Reg(TruncSrc)))) {
73 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine MI: " << MI;);
74 if (MRI.getType(DstReg) == MRI.getType(TruncSrc))
75 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(DstReg, TruncSrc, MRI, Builder, UpdatedDefs,
76 Observer);
77 else
78 Builder.buildAnyExtOrTrunc(DstReg, TruncSrc);
79 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
80 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg), DeadInsts);
81 return true;
82 }
84 // aext([asz]ext x) -> [asz]ext x
85 Register ExtSrc;
86 MachineInstr *ExtMI;
87 if (mi_match(SrcReg, MRI,
88 m_all_of(m_MInstr(ExtMI), m_any_of(m_GAnyExt(m_Reg(ExtSrc)),
89 m_GSExt(m_Reg(ExtSrc)),
90 m_GZExt(m_Reg(ExtSrc)))))) {
91 Builder.buildInstr(ExtMI->getOpcode(), {DstReg}, {ExtSrc});
92 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
93 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *ExtMI, DeadInsts);
94 return true;
95 }
97 // Try to fold aext(g_constant) when the larger constant type is legal.
98 auto *SrcMI = MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg);
99 if (SrcMI->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT) {
100 const LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(DstReg);
101 if (isInstLegal({TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT, {DstTy}})) {
102 auto &CstVal = SrcMI->getOperand(1);
103 auto *MergedLocation = DILocation::getMergedLocation(
104 MI.getDebugLoc().get(), SrcMI->getDebugLoc().get());
105 // Set the debug location to the merged location of the SrcMI and the MI
106 // if the aext fold is successful.
107 Builder.setDebugLoc(MergedLocation);
108 Builder.buildConstant(
109 DstReg, CstVal.getCImm()->getValue().sext(DstTy.getSizeInBits()));
110 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
111 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *SrcMI, DeadInsts);
112 return true;
113 }
114 }
115 return tryFoldImplicitDef(MI, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs);
116 }
120 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs,
121 GISelObserverWrapper &Observer) {
122 using namespace llvm::MIPatternMatch;
123 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT);
125 Builder.setInstrAndDebugLoc(MI);
126 Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
127 Register SrcReg = lookThroughCopyInstrs(MI.getOperand(1).getReg());
129 // zext(trunc x) - > and (aext/copy/trunc x), mask
130 // zext(sext x) -> and (sext x), mask
131 Register TruncSrc;
132 Register SextSrc;
133 if (mi_match(SrcReg, MRI, m_GTrunc(m_Reg(TruncSrc))) ||
134 mi_match(SrcReg, MRI, m_GSExt(m_Reg(SextSrc)))) {
135 LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(DstReg);
136 if (isInstUnsupported({TargetOpcode::G_AND, {DstTy}}) ||
137 isConstantUnsupported(DstTy))
138 return false;
139 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine MI: " << MI;);
140 LLT SrcTy = MRI.getType(SrcReg);
141 APInt MaskVal = APInt::getAllOnes(SrcTy.getScalarSizeInBits());
142 if (SextSrc && (DstTy != MRI.getType(SextSrc)))
143 SextSrc = Builder.buildSExtOrTrunc(DstTy, SextSrc).getReg(0);
144 if (TruncSrc && (DstTy != MRI.getType(TruncSrc)))
145 TruncSrc = Builder.buildAnyExtOrTrunc(DstTy, TruncSrc).getReg(0);
146 APInt ExtMaskVal = MaskVal.zext(DstTy.getScalarSizeInBits());
147 Register AndSrc = SextSrc ? SextSrc : TruncSrc;
148 // Elide G_AND and mask constant if possible.
149 // The G_AND would also be removed by the post-legalize redundant_and
150 // combine, but in this very common case, eliding early and regardless of
151 // OptLevel results in significant compile-time and O0 code-size
152 // improvements. Inserting unnecessary instructions between boolean defs
153 // and uses hinders a lot of folding during ISel.
154 if (KB && (KB->getKnownZeroes(AndSrc) | ExtMaskVal).isAllOnes()) {
155 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(DstReg, AndSrc, MRI, Builder, UpdatedDefs,
156 Observer);
157 } else {
158 auto Mask = Builder.buildConstant(DstTy, ExtMaskVal);
159 Builder.buildAnd(DstReg, AndSrc, Mask);
160 }
161 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg), DeadInsts);
162 return true;
163 }
165 // zext(zext x) -> (zext x)
166 Register ZextSrc;
167 if (mi_match(SrcReg, MRI, m_GZExt(m_Reg(ZextSrc)))) {
168 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine MI: " << MI);
169 Observer.changingInstr(MI);
170 MI.getOperand(1).setReg(ZextSrc);
171 Observer.changedInstr(MI);
172 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
173 markDefDead(MI, *MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg), DeadInsts);
174 return true;
175 }
177 // Try to fold zext(g_constant) when the larger constant type is legal.
178 auto *SrcMI = MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg);
179 if (SrcMI->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT) {
180 const LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(DstReg);
181 if (isInstLegal({TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT, {DstTy}})) {
182 auto &CstVal = SrcMI->getOperand(1);
183 Builder.buildConstant(
184 DstReg, CstVal.getCImm()->getValue().zext(DstTy.getSizeInBits()));
185 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
186 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *SrcMI, DeadInsts);
187 return true;
188 }
189 }
190 return tryFoldImplicitDef(MI, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs);
191 }
195 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs,
196 GISelObserverWrapper &Observer) {
197 using namespace llvm::MIPatternMatch;
198 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_SEXT);
200 Builder.setInstrAndDebugLoc(MI);
201 Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
202 Register SrcReg = lookThroughCopyInstrs(MI.getOperand(1).getReg());
204 // sext(trunc x) - > (sext_inreg (aext/copy/trunc x), c)
205 Register TruncSrc;
206 if (mi_match(SrcReg, MRI, m_GTrunc(m_Reg(TruncSrc)))) {
207 LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(DstReg);
208 if (isInstUnsupported({TargetOpcode::G_SEXT_INREG, {DstTy}}))
209 return false;
210 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine MI: " << MI;);
211 LLT SrcTy = MRI.getType(SrcReg);
212 uint64_t SizeInBits = SrcTy.getScalarSizeInBits();
213 if (DstTy != MRI.getType(TruncSrc))
214 TruncSrc = Builder.buildAnyExtOrTrunc(DstTy, TruncSrc).getReg(0);
215 // Elide G_SEXT_INREG if possible. This is similar to eliding G_AND in
216 // tryCombineZExt. Refer to the comment in tryCombineZExt for rationale.
217 if (KB && KB->computeNumSignBits(TruncSrc) >
218 DstTy.getScalarSizeInBits() - SizeInBits)
219 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(DstReg, TruncSrc, MRI, Builder, UpdatedDefs,
220 Observer);
221 else
222 Builder.buildSExtInReg(DstReg, TruncSrc, SizeInBits);
223 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg), DeadInsts);
224 return true;
225 }
227 // sext(zext x) -> (zext x)
228 // sext(sext x) -> (sext x)
229 Register ExtSrc;
230 MachineInstr *ExtMI;
231 if (mi_match(SrcReg, MRI,
232 m_all_of(m_MInstr(ExtMI), m_any_of(m_GZExt(m_Reg(ExtSrc)),
233 m_GSExt(m_Reg(ExtSrc)))))) {
234 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine MI: " << MI);
235 Builder.buildInstr(ExtMI->getOpcode(), {DstReg}, {ExtSrc});
236 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
237 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg), DeadInsts);
238 return true;
239 }
241 // Try to fold sext(g_constant) when the larger constant type is legal.
242 auto *SrcMI = MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg);
243 if (SrcMI->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT) {
244 const LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(DstReg);
245 if (isInstLegal({TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT, {DstTy}})) {
246 auto &CstVal = SrcMI->getOperand(1);
247 Builder.buildConstant(
248 DstReg, CstVal.getCImm()->getValue().sext(DstTy.getSizeInBits()));
249 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
250 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *SrcMI, DeadInsts);
251 return true;
252 }
253 }
255 return tryFoldImplicitDef(MI, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs);
256 }
260 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs,
261 GISelObserverWrapper &Observer) {
262 using namespace llvm::MIPatternMatch;
263 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC);
265 Builder.setInstr(MI);
266 Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
267 const LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(DstReg);
268 Register SrcReg = lookThroughCopyInstrs(MI.getOperand(1).getReg());
270 // Try to fold trunc(g_constant) when the smaller constant type is legal.
271 auto *SrcMI = MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg);
272 if (SrcMI->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT) {
273 if (isInstLegal({TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT, {DstTy}})) {
274 auto &CstVal = SrcMI->getOperand(1);
275 Builder.buildConstant(
276 DstReg, CstVal.getCImm()->getValue().trunc(DstTy.getSizeInBits()));
277 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
278 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *SrcMI, DeadInsts);
279 return true;
280 }
281 }
283 // Try to fold trunc(merge) to directly use the source of the merge.
284 // This gets rid of large, difficult to legalize, merges
285 if (auto *SrcMerge = dyn_cast<GMerge>(SrcMI)) {
286 const Register MergeSrcReg = SrcMerge->getSourceReg(0);
287 const LLT MergeSrcTy = MRI.getType(MergeSrcReg);
289 // We can only fold if the types are scalar
290 const unsigned DstSize = DstTy.getSizeInBits();
291 const unsigned MergeSrcSize = MergeSrcTy.getSizeInBits();
292 if (!DstTy.isScalar() || !MergeSrcTy.isScalar())
293 return false;
295 if (DstSize < MergeSrcSize) {
296 // When the merge source is larger than the destination, we can just
297 // truncate the merge source directly
298 if (isInstUnsupported({TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC, {DstTy, MergeSrcTy}}))
299 return false;
301 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Combining G_TRUNC(G_MERGE_VALUES) to G_TRUNC: "
302 << MI);
304 Builder.buildTrunc(DstReg, MergeSrcReg);
305 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
306 } else if (DstSize == MergeSrcSize) {
307 // If the sizes match we can simply try to replace the register
309 dbgs() << "Replacing G_TRUNC(G_MERGE_VALUES) with merge input: "
310 << MI);
311 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(DstReg, MergeSrcReg, MRI, Builder, UpdatedDefs,
312 Observer);
313 } else if (DstSize % MergeSrcSize == 0) {
314 // If the trunc size is a multiple of the merge source size we can use
315 // a smaller merge instead
316 if (isInstUnsupported(
317 {TargetOpcode::G_MERGE_VALUES, {DstTy, MergeSrcTy}}))
318 return false;
321 dbgs() << "Combining G_TRUNC(G_MERGE_VALUES) to G_MERGE_VALUES: "
322 << MI);
324 const unsigned NumSrcs = DstSize / MergeSrcSize;
325 assert(NumSrcs < SrcMI->getNumOperands() - 1 &&
326 "trunc(merge) should require less inputs than merge");
327 SmallVector<Register, 8> SrcRegs(NumSrcs);
328 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumSrcs; ++i)
329 SrcRegs[i] = SrcMerge->getSourceReg(i);
331 Builder.buildMergeValues(DstReg, SrcRegs);
332 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
333 } else {
334 // Unable to combine
335 return false;
336 }
338 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *SrcMerge, DeadInsts);
339 return true;
340 }
342 // trunc(trunc) -> trunc
343 Register TruncSrc;
344 if (mi_match(SrcReg, MRI, m_GTrunc(m_Reg(TruncSrc)))) {
345 // Always combine trunc(trunc) since the eventual resulting trunc must be
346 // legal anyway as it must be legal for all outputs of the consumer type
347 // set.
348 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine G_TRUNC(G_TRUNC): " << MI);
350 Builder.buildTrunc(DstReg, TruncSrc);
351 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
352 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MRI.getVRegDef(TruncSrc), DeadInsts);
353 return true;
354 }
356 // trunc(ext x) -> x
357 ArtifactValueFinder Finder(MRI, Builder, LI);
358 if (Register FoundReg =
359 Finder.findValueFromDef(DstReg, 0, DstTy.getSizeInBits())) {
360 LLT FoundRegTy = MRI.getType(FoundReg);
361 if (DstTy == FoundRegTy) {
362 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine G_TRUNC(G_[S,Z,ANY]EXT/G_TRUNC...): "
363 << MI;);
365 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(DstReg, FoundReg, MRI, Builder, UpdatedDefs,
366 Observer);
367 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
368 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg), DeadInsts);
369 return true;
370 }
371 }
373 return false;
374 }
376 /// Try to fold G_[ASZ]EXT (G_IMPLICIT_DEF).
379 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs) {
380 unsigned Opcode = MI.getOpcode();
381 assert(Opcode == TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT || Opcode == TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT ||
382 Opcode == TargetOpcode::G_SEXT);
384 if (MachineInstr *DefMI = getOpcodeDef(TargetOpcode::G_IMPLICIT_DEF,
385 MI.getOperand(1).getReg(), MRI)) {
386 Builder.setInstr(MI);
387 Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
388 LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(DstReg);
390 if (Opcode == TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT) {
392 if (!isInstLegal({TargetOpcode::G_IMPLICIT_DEF, {DstTy}}))
393 return false;
394 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine G_ANYEXT(G_IMPLICIT_DEF): " << MI;);
395 Builder.buildInstr(TargetOpcode::G_IMPLICIT_DEF, {DstReg}, {});
396 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
397 } else {
398 // G_[SZ]EXT (G_IMPLICIT_DEF) -> G_CONSTANT 0 because the top
399 // bits will be 0 for G_ZEXT and 0/1 for the G_SEXT.
400 if (isConstantUnsupported(DstTy))
401 return false;
402 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << ".. Combine G_[SZ]EXT(G_IMPLICIT_DEF): " << MI;);
403 Builder.buildConstant(DstReg, 0);
404 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
405 }
407 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *DefMI, DeadInsts);
408 return true;
409 }
410 return false;
411 }
415 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs) {
417 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES);
419 const unsigned CastOpc = CastMI.getOpcode();
421 if (!isArtifactCast(CastOpc))
422 return false;
424 const unsigned NumDefs = MI.getNumOperands() - 1;
426 const Register CastSrcReg = CastMI.getOperand(1).getReg();
427 const LLT CastSrcTy = MRI.getType(CastSrcReg);
428 const LLT DestTy = MRI.getType(MI.getOperand(0).getReg());
429 const LLT SrcTy = MRI.getType(MI.getOperand(NumDefs).getReg());
431 const unsigned CastSrcSize = CastSrcTy.getSizeInBits();
432 const unsigned DestSize = DestTy.getSizeInBits();
434 if (CastOpc == TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC) {
435 if (SrcTy.isVector() && SrcTy.getScalarType() == DestTy.getScalarType()) {
436 // %1:_(<4 x s8>) = G_TRUNC %0(<4 x s32>)
437 // %2:_(s8), %3:_(s8), %4:_(s8), %5:_(s8) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %1
438 // =>
439 // %6:_(s32), %7:_(s32), %8:_(s32), %9:_(s32) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %0
440 // %2:_(s8) = G_TRUNC %6
441 // %3:_(s8) = G_TRUNC %7
442 // %4:_(s8) = G_TRUNC %8
443 // %5:_(s8) = G_TRUNC %9
445 unsigned UnmergeNumElts =
446 DestTy.isVector() ? CastSrcTy.getNumElements() / NumDefs : 1;
447 LLT UnmergeTy = CastSrcTy.changeElementCount(
448 ElementCount::getFixed(UnmergeNumElts));
449 LLT SrcWideTy =
450 SrcTy.changeElementCount(ElementCount::getFixed(UnmergeNumElts));
452 if (isInstUnsupported(
453 {TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES, {UnmergeTy, CastSrcTy}}) ||
454 LI.getAction({TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC, {SrcWideTy, UnmergeTy}})
456 return false;
458 Builder.setInstr(MI);
459 auto NewUnmerge = Builder.buildUnmerge(UnmergeTy, CastSrcReg);
461 for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumDefs; ++I) {
462 Register DefReg = MI.getOperand(I).getReg();
463 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DefReg);
464 Builder.buildTrunc(DefReg, NewUnmerge.getReg(I));
465 }
467 markInstAndDefDead(MI, CastMI, DeadInsts);
468 return true;
469 }
471 if (CastSrcTy.isScalar() && SrcTy.isScalar() && !DestTy.isVector()) {
472 // %1:_(s16) = G_TRUNC %0(s32)
473 // %2:_(s8), %3:_(s8) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %1
474 // =>
475 // %2:_(s8), %3:_(s8), %4:_(s8), %5:_(s8) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %0
477 // Unmerge(trunc) can be combined if the trunc source size is a multiple
478 // of the unmerge destination size
479 if (CastSrcSize % DestSize != 0)
480 return false;
482 // Check if the new unmerge is supported
483 if (isInstUnsupported(
484 {TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES, {DestTy, CastSrcTy}}))
485 return false;
487 // Gather the original destination registers and create new ones for the
488 // unused bits
489 const unsigned NewNumDefs = CastSrcSize / DestSize;
490 SmallVector<Register, 8> DstRegs(NewNumDefs);
491 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < NewNumDefs; ++Idx) {
492 if (Idx < NumDefs)
493 DstRegs[Idx] = MI.getOperand(Idx).getReg();
494 else
495 DstRegs[Idx] = MRI.createGenericVirtualRegister(DestTy);
496 }
498 // Build new unmerge
499 Builder.setInstr(MI);
500 Builder.buildUnmerge(DstRegs, CastSrcReg);
501 UpdatedDefs.append(DstRegs.begin(), DstRegs.begin() + NewNumDefs);
502 markInstAndDefDead(MI, CastMI, DeadInsts);
503 return true;
504 }
505 }
507 // TODO: support combines with other casts as well
508 return false;
509 }
511 static bool canFoldMergeOpcode(unsigned MergeOp, unsigned ConvertOp,
512 LLT OpTy, LLT DestTy) {
513 // Check if we found a definition that is like G_MERGE_VALUES.
514 switch (MergeOp) {
515 default:
516 return false;
517 case TargetOpcode::G_BUILD_VECTOR:
518 case TargetOpcode::G_MERGE_VALUES:
519 // The convert operation that we will need to insert is
520 // going to convert the input of that type of instruction (scalar)
521 // to the destination type (DestTy).
522 // The conversion needs to stay in the same domain (scalar to scalar
523 // and vector to vector), so if we were to allow to fold the merge
524 // we would need to insert some bitcasts.
525 // E.g.,
526 // <2 x s16> = build_vector s16, s16
527 // <2 x s32> = zext <2 x s16>
528 // <2 x s16>, <2 x s16> = unmerge <2 x s32>
529 //
530 // As is the folding would produce:
531 // <2 x s16> = zext s16 <-- scalar to vector
532 // <2 x s16> = zext s16 <-- scalar to vector
533 // Which is invalid.
534 // Instead we would want to generate:
535 // s32 = zext s16
536 // <2 x s16> = bitcast s32
537 // s32 = zext s16
538 // <2 x s16> = bitcast s32
539 //
540 // That is not done yet.
541 if (ConvertOp == 0)
542 return true;
543 return !DestTy.isVector() && OpTy.isVector() &&
544 DestTy == OpTy.getElementType();
545 case TargetOpcode::G_CONCAT_VECTORS: {
546 if (ConvertOp == 0)
547 return true;
548 if (!DestTy.isVector())
549 return false;
551 const unsigned OpEltSize = OpTy.getElementType().getSizeInBits();
553 // Don't handle scalarization with a cast that isn't in the same
554 // direction as the vector cast. This could be handled, but it would
555 // require more intermediate unmerges.
556 if (ConvertOp == TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC)
557 return DestTy.getSizeInBits() <= OpEltSize;
558 return DestTy.getSizeInBits() >= OpEltSize;
559 }
560 }
561 }
563 /// Try to replace DstReg with SrcReg or build a COPY instruction
564 /// depending on the register constraints.
565 static void replaceRegOrBuildCopy(Register DstReg, Register SrcReg,
567 MachineIRBuilder &Builder,
568 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs,
569 GISelChangeObserver &Observer) {
570 if (!llvm::canReplaceReg(DstReg, SrcReg, MRI)) {
571 Builder.buildCopy(DstReg, SrcReg);
572 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
573 return;
574 }
576 // Get the users and notify the observer before replacing.
577 for (auto &UseMI : MRI.use_instructions(DstReg)) {
578 UseMIs.push_back(&UseMI);
579 Observer.changingInstr(UseMI);
580 }
581 // Replace the registers.
582 MRI.replaceRegWith(DstReg, SrcReg);
583 UpdatedDefs.push_back(SrcReg);
584 // Notify the observer that we changed the instructions.
585 for (auto *UseMI : UseMIs)
586 Observer.changedInstr(*UseMI);
587 }
589 /// Return the operand index in \p MI that defines \p Def
590 static unsigned getDefIndex(const MachineInstr &MI, Register SearchDef) {
591 unsigned DefIdx = 0;
592 for (const MachineOperand &Def : MI.defs()) {
593 if (Def.getReg() == SearchDef)
594 break;
595 ++DefIdx;
596 }
598 return DefIdx;
599 }
601 /// This class provides utilities for finding source registers of specific
602 /// bit ranges in an artifact. The routines can look through the source
603 /// registers if they're other artifacts to try to find a non-artifact source
604 /// of a value.
607 MachineIRBuilder &MIB;
608 const LegalizerInfo &LI;
610 // Stores the best register found in the current query so far.
611 Register CurrentBest = Register();
613 /// Given an concat_vector op \p Concat and a start bit and size, try to
614 /// find the origin of the value defined by that start position and size.
615 ///
616 /// \returns a register with the requested size, or the current best
617 /// register found during the current query.
618 Register findValueFromConcat(GConcatVectors &Concat, unsigned StartBit,
619 unsigned Size) {
620 assert(Size > 0);
622 // Find the source operand that provides the bits requested.
623 Register Src1Reg = Concat.getSourceReg(0);
624 unsigned SrcSize = MRI.getType(Src1Reg).getSizeInBits();
626 // Operand index of the source that provides the start of the bit range.
627 unsigned StartSrcIdx = (StartBit / SrcSize) + 1;
628 // Offset into the source at which the bit range starts.
629 unsigned InRegOffset = StartBit % SrcSize;
630 // Check that the bits don't span multiple sources.
631 // FIXME: we might be able return multiple sources? Or create an
632 // appropriate concat to make it fit.
633 if (InRegOffset + Size > SrcSize)
634 return CurrentBest;
636 Register SrcReg = Concat.getReg(StartSrcIdx);
637 if (InRegOffset == 0 && Size == SrcSize) {
638 CurrentBest = SrcReg;
639 return findValueFromDefImpl(SrcReg, 0, Size);
640 }
642 return findValueFromDefImpl(SrcReg, InRegOffset, Size);
643 }
645 /// Given an build_vector op \p BV and a start bit and size, try to find
646 /// the origin of the value defined by that start position and size.
647 ///
648 /// \returns a register with the requested size, or the current best
649 /// register found during the current query.
650 Register findValueFromBuildVector(GBuildVector &BV, unsigned StartBit,
651 unsigned Size) {
652 assert(Size > 0);
654 // Find the source operand that provides the bits requested.
655 Register Src1Reg = BV.getSourceReg(0);
656 unsigned SrcSize = MRI.getType(Src1Reg).getSizeInBits();
658 // Operand index of the source that provides the start of the bit range.
659 unsigned StartSrcIdx = (StartBit / SrcSize) + 1;
660 // Offset into the source at which the bit range starts.
661 unsigned InRegOffset = StartBit % SrcSize;
663 if (InRegOffset != 0)
664 return CurrentBest; // Give up, bits don't start at a scalar source.
665 if (Size < SrcSize)
666 return CurrentBest; // Scalar source is too large for requested bits.
668 // If the bits cover multiple sources evenly, then create a new
669 // build_vector to synthesize the required size, if that's been requested.
670 if (Size > SrcSize) {
671 if (Size % SrcSize > 0)
672 return CurrentBest; // Isn't covered exactly by sources.
674 unsigned NumSrcsUsed = Size / SrcSize;
675 // If we're requesting all of the sources, just return this def.
676 if (NumSrcsUsed == BV.getNumSources())
677 return BV.getReg(0);
679 LLT SrcTy = MRI.getType(Src1Reg);
680 LLT NewBVTy = LLT::fixed_vector(NumSrcsUsed, SrcTy);
682 // Check if the resulting build vector would be legal.
683 LegalizeActionStep ActionStep =
684 LI.getAction({TargetOpcode::G_BUILD_VECTOR, {NewBVTy, SrcTy}});
685 if (ActionStep.Action != LegalizeActions::Legal)
686 return CurrentBest;
688 SmallVector<Register> NewSrcs;
689 for (unsigned SrcIdx = StartSrcIdx; SrcIdx < StartSrcIdx + NumSrcsUsed;
690 ++SrcIdx)
691 NewSrcs.push_back(BV.getReg(SrcIdx));
692 MIB.setInstrAndDebugLoc(BV);
693 return MIB.buildBuildVector(NewBVTy, NewSrcs).getReg(0);
694 }
695 // A single source is requested, just return it.
696 return BV.getReg(StartSrcIdx);
697 }
699 /// Given an G_INSERT op \p MI and a start bit and size, try to find
700 /// the origin of the value defined by that start position and size.
701 ///
702 /// \returns a register with the requested size, or the current best
703 /// register found during the current query.
704 Register findValueFromInsert(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned StartBit,
705 unsigned Size) {
706 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_INSERT);
707 assert(Size > 0);
709 Register ContainerSrcReg = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
710 Register InsertedReg = MI.getOperand(2).getReg();
711 LLT InsertedRegTy = MRI.getType(InsertedReg);
712 unsigned InsertOffset = MI.getOperand(3).getImm();
714 // There are 4 possible container/insertreg + requested bit-range layouts
715 // that the instruction and query could be representing.
716 // For: %_ = G_INSERT %CONTAINER, %INS, InsOff (abbrev. to 'IO')
717 // and a start bit 'SB', with size S, giving an end bit 'EB', we could
718 // have...
719 // Scenario A:
720 // --------------------------
721 // | INS | CONTAINER |
722 // --------------------------
723 // | |
724 // SB EB
725 //
726 // Scenario B:
727 // --------------------------
728 // | INS | CONTAINER |
729 // --------------------------
730 // | |
731 // SB EB
732 //
733 // Scenario C:
734 // --------------------------
735 // | CONTAINER | INS |
736 // --------------------------
737 // | |
738 // SB EB
739 //
740 // Scenario D:
741 // --------------------------
742 // | CONTAINER | INS |
743 // --------------------------
744 // | |
745 // SB EB
746 //
747 // So therefore, A and D are requesting data from the INS operand, while
748 // B and C are requesting from the container operand.
750 unsigned InsertedEndBit = InsertOffset + InsertedRegTy.getSizeInBits();
751 unsigned EndBit = StartBit + Size;
752 unsigned NewStartBit;
753 Register SrcRegToUse;
754 if (EndBit <= InsertOffset || InsertedEndBit <= StartBit) {
755 SrcRegToUse = ContainerSrcReg;
756 NewStartBit = StartBit;
757 return findValueFromDefImpl(SrcRegToUse, NewStartBit, Size);
758 }
759 if (InsertOffset <= StartBit && EndBit <= InsertedEndBit) {
760 SrcRegToUse = InsertedReg;
761 NewStartBit = StartBit - InsertOffset;
762 if (NewStartBit == 0 &&
763 Size == MRI.getType(SrcRegToUse).getSizeInBits())
764 CurrentBest = SrcRegToUse;
765 return findValueFromDefImpl(SrcRegToUse, NewStartBit, Size);
766 }
767 // The bit range spans both the inserted and container regions.
768 return Register();
769 }
771 /// Given an G_SEXT, G_ZEXT, G_ANYEXT op \p MI and a start bit and
772 /// size, try to find the origin of the value defined by that start
773 /// position and size.
774 ///
775 /// \returns a register with the requested size, or the current best
776 /// register found during the current query.
777 Register findValueFromExt(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned StartBit,
778 unsigned Size) {
779 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_SEXT ||
780 MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT ||
781 MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT);
782 assert(Size > 0);
784 Register SrcReg = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
785 LLT SrcType = MRI.getType(SrcReg);
786 unsigned SrcSize = SrcType.getSizeInBits();
788 // Currently we don't go into vectors.
789 if (!SrcType.isScalar())
790 return CurrentBest;
792 if (StartBit + Size > SrcSize)
793 return CurrentBest;
795 if (StartBit == 0 && SrcType.getSizeInBits() == Size)
796 CurrentBest = SrcReg;
797 return findValueFromDefImpl(SrcReg, StartBit, Size);
798 }
800 /// Given an G_TRUNC op \p MI and a start bit and size, try to find
801 /// the origin of the value defined by that start position and size.
802 ///
803 /// \returns a register with the requested size, or the current best
804 /// register found during the current query.
805 Register findValueFromTrunc(MachineInstr &MI, unsigned StartBit,
806 unsigned Size) {
807 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC);
808 assert(Size > 0);
810 Register SrcReg = MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
811 LLT SrcType = MRI.getType(SrcReg);
813 // Currently we don't go into vectors.
814 if (!SrcType.isScalar())
815 return CurrentBest;
817 return findValueFromDefImpl(SrcReg, StartBit, Size);
818 }
820 /// Internal implementation for findValueFromDef(). findValueFromDef()
821 /// initializes some data like the CurrentBest register, which this method
822 /// and its callees rely upon.
823 Register findValueFromDefImpl(Register DefReg, unsigned StartBit,
824 unsigned Size) {
825 std::optional<DefinitionAndSourceRegister> DefSrcReg =
827 MachineInstr *Def = DefSrcReg->MI;
828 DefReg = DefSrcReg->Reg;
829 // If the instruction has a single def, then simply delegate the search.
830 // For unmerge however with multiple defs, we need to compute the offset
831 // into the source of the unmerge.
832 switch (Def->getOpcode()) {
833 case TargetOpcode::G_CONCAT_VECTORS:
834 return findValueFromConcat(cast<GConcatVectors>(*Def), StartBit, Size);
835 case TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES: {
836 unsigned DefStartBit = 0;
837 unsigned DefSize = MRI.getType(DefReg).getSizeInBits();
838 for (const auto &MO : Def->defs()) {
839 if (MO.getReg() == DefReg)
840 break;
841 DefStartBit += DefSize;
842 }
843 Register SrcReg = Def->getOperand(Def->getNumOperands() - 1).getReg();
844 Register SrcOriginReg =
845 findValueFromDefImpl(SrcReg, StartBit + DefStartBit, Size);
846 if (SrcOriginReg)
847 return SrcOriginReg;
848 // Failed to find a further value. If the StartBit and Size perfectly
849 // covered the requested DefReg, return that since it's better than
850 // nothing.
851 if (StartBit == 0 && Size == DefSize)
852 return DefReg;
853 return CurrentBest;
854 }
855 case TargetOpcode::G_BUILD_VECTOR:
856 return findValueFromBuildVector(cast<GBuildVector>(*Def), StartBit,
857 Size);
858 case TargetOpcode::G_INSERT:
859 return findValueFromInsert(*Def, StartBit, Size);
860 case TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC:
861 return findValueFromTrunc(*Def, StartBit, Size);
862 case TargetOpcode::G_SEXT:
863 case TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT:
864 case TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT:
865 return findValueFromExt(*Def, StartBit, Size);
866 default:
867 return CurrentBest;
868 }
869 }
871 public:
873 const LegalizerInfo &Info)
874 : MRI(Mri), MIB(Builder), LI(Info) {}
876 /// Try to find a source of the value defined in the def \p DefReg, starting
877 /// at position \p StartBit with size \p Size.
878 /// \returns a register with the requested size, or an empty Register if no
879 /// better value could be found.
880 Register findValueFromDef(Register DefReg, unsigned StartBit,
881 unsigned Size) {
882 CurrentBest = Register();
883 Register FoundReg = findValueFromDefImpl(DefReg, StartBit, Size);
884 return FoundReg != DefReg ? FoundReg : Register();
885 }
887 /// Try to combine the defs of an unmerge \p MI by attempting to find
888 /// values that provides the bits for each def reg.
889 /// \returns true if all the defs of the unmerge have been made dead.
891 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs) {
892 unsigned NumDefs = MI.getNumDefs();
893 LLT DestTy = MRI.getType(MI.getReg(0));
895 SmallBitVector DeadDefs(NumDefs);
896 for (unsigned DefIdx = 0; DefIdx < NumDefs; ++DefIdx) {
897 Register DefReg = MI.getReg(DefIdx);
898 if (MRI.use_nodbg_empty(DefReg)) {
899 DeadDefs[DefIdx] = true;
900 continue;
901 }
902 Register FoundVal = findValueFromDef(DefReg, 0, DestTy.getSizeInBits());
903 if (!FoundVal)
904 continue;
905 if (MRI.getType(FoundVal) != DestTy)
906 continue;
908 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(DefReg, FoundVal, MRI, MIB, UpdatedDefs,
909 Observer);
910 // We only want to replace the uses, not the def of the old reg.
911 Observer.changingInstr(MI);
912 MI.getOperand(DefIdx).setReg(DefReg);
913 Observer.changedInstr(MI);
914 DeadDefs[DefIdx] = true;
915 }
916 return DeadDefs.all();
917 }
920 unsigned &DefOperandIdx) {
921 if (Register Def = findValueFromDefImpl(Reg, 0, Size)) {
922 if (auto *Unmerge = dyn_cast<GUnmerge>(MRI.getVRegDef(Def))) {
923 DefOperandIdx =
924 Unmerge->findRegisterDefOperandIdx(Def, /*TRI=*/nullptr);
925 return Unmerge;
926 }
927 }
928 return nullptr;
929 }
931 // Check if sequence of elements from merge-like instruction is defined by
932 // another sequence of elements defined by unmerge. Most often this is the
933 // same sequence. Search for elements using findValueFromDefImpl.
934 bool isSequenceFromUnmerge(GMergeLikeInstr &MI, unsigned MergeStartIdx,
935 GUnmerge *Unmerge, unsigned UnmergeIdxStart,
936 unsigned NumElts, unsigned EltSize,
937 bool AllowUndef) {
938 assert(MergeStartIdx + NumElts <= MI.getNumSources());
939 for (unsigned i = MergeStartIdx; i < MergeStartIdx + NumElts; ++i) {
940 unsigned EltUnmergeIdx;
941 GUnmerge *EltUnmerge = findUnmergeThatDefinesReg(
942 MI.getSourceReg(i), EltSize, EltUnmergeIdx);
943 // Check if source i comes from the same Unmerge.
944 if (EltUnmerge == Unmerge) {
945 // Check that source i's def has same index in sequence in Unmerge.
946 if (i - MergeStartIdx != EltUnmergeIdx - UnmergeIdxStart)
947 return false;
948 } else if (!AllowUndef ||
949 MRI.getVRegDef(MI.getSourceReg(i))->getOpcode() !=
950 TargetOpcode::G_IMPLICIT_DEF)
951 return false;
952 }
953 return true;
954 }
958 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs,
959 GISelChangeObserver &Observer) {
960 Register Elt0 = MI.getSourceReg(0);
961 LLT EltTy = MRI.getType(Elt0);
962 unsigned EltSize = EltTy.getSizeInBits();
964 unsigned Elt0UnmergeIdx;
965 // Search for unmerge that will be candidate for combine.
966 auto *Unmerge = findUnmergeThatDefinesReg(Elt0, EltSize, Elt0UnmergeIdx);
967 if (!Unmerge)
968 return false;
970 unsigned NumMIElts = MI.getNumSources();
971 Register Dst = MI.getReg(0);
972 LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(Dst);
973 Register UnmergeSrc = Unmerge->getSourceReg();
974 LLT UnmergeSrcTy = MRI.getType(UnmergeSrc);
976 // Recognize copy of UnmergeSrc to Dst.
977 // Unmerge UnmergeSrc and reassemble it using merge-like opcode into Dst.
978 //
979 // %0:_(EltTy), %1, ... = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %UnmergeSrc:_(Ty)
980 // %Dst:_(Ty) = G_merge_like_opcode %0:_(EltTy), %1, ...
981 //
982 // %Dst:_(Ty) = COPY %UnmergeSrc:_(Ty)
983 if ((DstTy == UnmergeSrcTy) && (Elt0UnmergeIdx == 0)) {
984 if (!isSequenceFromUnmerge(MI, 0, Unmerge, 0, NumMIElts, EltSize,
985 /*AllowUndef=*/DstTy.isVector()))
986 return false;
988 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(Dst, UnmergeSrc, MRI, MIB, UpdatedDefs, Observer);
989 DeadInsts.push_back(&MI);
990 return true;
991 }
993 // Recognize UnmergeSrc that can be unmerged to DstTy directly.
994 // Types have to be either both vector or both non-vector types.
995 // Merge-like opcodes are combined one at the time. First one creates new
996 // unmerge, following should use the same unmerge (builder performs CSE).
997 //
998 // %0:_(EltTy), %1, %2, %3 = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %UnmergeSrc:_(UnmergeSrcTy)
999 // %Dst:_(DstTy) = G_merge_like_opcode %0:_(EltTy), %1
1000 // %AnotherDst:_(DstTy) = G_merge_like_opcode %2:_(EltTy), %3
1001 //
1002 // %Dst:_(DstTy), %AnotherDst = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %UnmergeSrc
1003 if ((DstTy.isVector() == UnmergeSrcTy.isVector()) &&
1004 (Elt0UnmergeIdx % NumMIElts == 0) &&
1005 getCoverTy(UnmergeSrcTy, DstTy) == UnmergeSrcTy) {
1006 if (!isSequenceFromUnmerge(MI, 0, Unmerge, Elt0UnmergeIdx, NumMIElts,
1007 EltSize, false))
1008 return false;
1010 auto NewUnmerge = MIB.buildUnmerge(DstTy, Unmerge->getSourceReg());
1011 unsigned DstIdx = (Elt0UnmergeIdx * EltSize) / DstTy.getSizeInBits();
1012 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(Dst, NewUnmerge.getReg(DstIdx), MRI, MIB,
1013 UpdatedDefs, Observer);
1014 DeadInsts.push_back(&MI);
1015 return true;
1016 }
1018 // Recognize when multiple unmerged sources with UnmergeSrcTy type
1019 // can be merged into Dst with DstTy type directly.
1020 // Types have to be either both vector or both non-vector types.
1022 // %0:_(EltTy), %1 = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %UnmergeSrc:_(UnmergeSrcTy)
1023 // %2:_(EltTy), %3 = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %AnotherUnmergeSrc:_(UnmergeSrcTy)
1024 // %Dst:_(DstTy) = G_merge_like_opcode %0:_(EltTy), %1, %2, %3
1025 //
1026 // %Dst:_(DstTy) = G_merge_like_opcode %UnmergeSrc, %AnotherUnmergeSrc
1028 if ((DstTy.isVector() == UnmergeSrcTy.isVector()) &&
1029 getCoverTy(DstTy, UnmergeSrcTy) == DstTy) {
1030 SmallVector<Register, 4> ConcatSources;
1031 unsigned NumElts = Unmerge->getNumDefs();
1032 for (unsigned i = 0; i < MI.getNumSources(); i += NumElts) {
1033 unsigned EltUnmergeIdx;
1034 auto *UnmergeI = findUnmergeThatDefinesReg(MI.getSourceReg(i),
1035 EltSize, EltUnmergeIdx);
1036 // All unmerges have to be the same size.
1037 if ((!UnmergeI) || (UnmergeI->getNumDefs() != NumElts) ||
1038 (EltUnmergeIdx != 0))
1039 return false;
1040 if (!isSequenceFromUnmerge(MI, i, UnmergeI, 0, NumElts, EltSize,
1041 false))
1042 return false;
1043 ConcatSources.push_back(UnmergeI->getSourceReg());
1044 }
1047 MIB.buildMergeLikeInstr(Dst, ConcatSources);
1048 DeadInsts.push_back(&MI);
1049 return true;
1050 }
1052 return false;
1053 }
1054 };
1058 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs,
1059 GISelChangeObserver &Observer) {
1060 unsigned NumDefs = MI.getNumDefs();
1061 Register SrcReg = MI.getSourceReg();
1062 MachineInstr *SrcDef = getDefIgnoringCopies(SrcReg, MRI);
1063 if (!SrcDef)
1064 return false;
1066 LLT OpTy = MRI.getType(SrcReg);
1067 LLT DestTy = MRI.getType(MI.getReg(0));
1068 unsigned SrcDefIdx = getDefIndex(*SrcDef, SrcReg);
1070 Builder.setInstrAndDebugLoc(MI);
1072 ArtifactValueFinder Finder(MRI, Builder, LI);
1073 if (Finder.tryCombineUnmergeDefs(MI, Observer, UpdatedDefs)) {
1074 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *SrcDef, DeadInsts, SrcDefIdx);
1075 return true;
1076 }
1078 if (auto *SrcUnmerge = dyn_cast<GUnmerge>(SrcDef)) {
1079 // %0:_(<4 x s16>) = G_FOO
1080 // %1:_(<2 x s16>), %2:_(<2 x s16>) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %0
1081 // %3:_(s16), %4:_(s16) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %1
1082 //
1083 // %3:_(s16), %4:_(s16), %5:_(s16), %6:_(s16) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %0
1084 Register SrcUnmergeSrc = SrcUnmerge->getSourceReg();
1085 LLT SrcUnmergeSrcTy = MRI.getType(SrcUnmergeSrc);
1087 // If we need to decrease the number of vector elements in the result type
1088 // of an unmerge, this would involve the creation of an equivalent unmerge
1089 // to copy back to the original result registers.
1090 LegalizeActionStep ActionStep = LI.getAction(
1091 {TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES, {OpTy, SrcUnmergeSrcTy}});
1092 switch (ActionStep.Action) {
1095 break;
1098 if (ActionStep.TypeIdx == 1)
1099 return false;
1100 break;
1101 default:
1102 return false;
1103 }
1105 auto NewUnmerge = Builder.buildUnmerge(DestTy, SrcUnmergeSrc);
1107 // TODO: Should we try to process out the other defs now? If the other
1108 // defs of the source unmerge are also unmerged, we end up with a separate
1109 // unmerge for each one.
1110 for (unsigned I = 0; I != NumDefs; ++I) {
1111 Register Def = MI.getReg(I);
1112 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(Def, NewUnmerge.getReg(SrcDefIdx * NumDefs + I),
1113 MRI, Builder, UpdatedDefs, Observer);
1114 }
1116 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *SrcUnmerge, DeadInsts, SrcDefIdx);
1117 return true;
1118 }
1120 MachineInstr *MergeI = SrcDef;
1121 unsigned ConvertOp = 0;
1123 // Handle intermediate conversions
1124 unsigned SrcOp = SrcDef->getOpcode();
1125 if (isArtifactCast(SrcOp)) {
1126 ConvertOp = SrcOp;
1127 MergeI = getDefIgnoringCopies(SrcDef->getOperand(1).getReg(), MRI);
1128 }
1130 if (!MergeI || !canFoldMergeOpcode(MergeI->getOpcode(),
1131 ConvertOp, OpTy, DestTy)) {
1132 // We might have a chance to combine later by trying to combine
1133 // unmerge(cast) first
1134 return tryFoldUnmergeCast(MI, *SrcDef, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs);
1135 }
1137 const unsigned NumMergeRegs = MergeI->getNumOperands() - 1;
1139 if (NumMergeRegs < NumDefs) {
1140 if (NumDefs % NumMergeRegs != 0)
1141 return false;
1143 Builder.setInstr(MI);
1144 // Transform to UNMERGEs, for example
1145 // %1 = G_MERGE_VALUES %4, %5
1146 // %9, %10, %11, %12 = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %1
1147 // to
1148 // %9, %10 = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %4
1149 // %11, %12 = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %5
1151 const unsigned NewNumDefs = NumDefs / NumMergeRegs;
1152 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < NumMergeRegs; ++Idx) {
1154 for (unsigned j = 0, DefIdx = Idx * NewNumDefs; j < NewNumDefs;
1155 ++j, ++DefIdx)
1156 DstRegs.push_back(MI.getReg(DefIdx));
1158 if (ConvertOp) {
1159 LLT MergeDstTy = MRI.getType(SrcDef->getOperand(0).getReg());
1161 // This is a vector that is being split and casted. Extract to the
1162 // element type, and do the conversion on the scalars (or smaller
1163 // vectors).
1164 LLT MergeEltTy = MergeDstTy.divide(NumMergeRegs);
1166 // Handle split to smaller vectors, with conversions.
1167 // %2(<8 x s8>) = G_CONCAT_VECTORS %0(<4 x s8>), %1(<4 x s8>)
1168 // %3(<8 x s16>) = G_SEXT %2
1169 // %4(<2 x s16>), %5(<2 x s16>), %6(<2 x s16>), %7(<2 x s16>) =
1171 //
1172 // =>
1173 //
1174 // %8(<4 x s16>) = G_SEXT %0
1175 // %9(<4 x s16>) = G_SEXT %1
1176 // %4(<2 x s16>), %5(<2 x s16>) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %8
1177 // %7(<2 x s16>), %7(<2 x s16>) = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %9
1179 Register TmpReg = MRI.createGenericVirtualRegister(MergeEltTy);
1180 Builder.buildInstr(ConvertOp, {TmpReg},
1181 {MergeI->getOperand(Idx + 1).getReg()});
1182 Builder.buildUnmerge(DstRegs, TmpReg);
1183 } else {
1184 Builder.buildUnmerge(DstRegs, MergeI->getOperand(Idx + 1).getReg());
1185 }
1186 UpdatedDefs.append(DstRegs.begin(), DstRegs.end());
1187 }
1189 } else if (NumMergeRegs > NumDefs) {
1190 if (ConvertOp != 0 || NumMergeRegs % NumDefs != 0)
1191 return false;
1193 Builder.setInstr(MI);
1194 // Transform to MERGEs
1195 // %6 = G_MERGE_VALUES %17, %18, %19, %20
1196 // %7, %8 = G_UNMERGE_VALUES %6
1197 // to
1198 // %7 = G_MERGE_VALUES %17, %18
1199 // %8 = G_MERGE_VALUES %19, %20
1201 const unsigned NumRegs = NumMergeRegs / NumDefs;
1202 for (unsigned DefIdx = 0; DefIdx < NumDefs; ++DefIdx) {
1204 for (unsigned j = 0, Idx = NumRegs * DefIdx + 1; j < NumRegs;
1205 ++j, ++Idx)
1206 Regs.push_back(MergeI->getOperand(Idx).getReg());
1208 Register DefReg = MI.getReg(DefIdx);
1209 Builder.buildMergeLikeInstr(DefReg, Regs);
1210 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DefReg);
1211 }
1213 } else {
1214 LLT MergeSrcTy = MRI.getType(MergeI->getOperand(1).getReg());
1216 if (!ConvertOp && DestTy != MergeSrcTy)
1217 ConvertOp = TargetOpcode::G_BITCAST;
1219 if (ConvertOp) {
1220 Builder.setInstr(MI);
1222 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < NumDefs; ++Idx) {
1223 Register DefReg = MI.getOperand(Idx).getReg();
1224 Register MergeSrc = MergeI->getOperand(Idx + 1).getReg();
1226 if (!MRI.use_empty(DefReg)) {
1227 Builder.buildInstr(ConvertOp, {DefReg}, {MergeSrc});
1228 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DefReg);
1229 }
1230 }
1232 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MergeI, DeadInsts);
1233 return true;
1234 }
1236 assert(DestTy == MergeSrcTy &&
1237 "Bitcast and the other kinds of conversions should "
1238 "have happened earlier");
1240 Builder.setInstr(MI);
1241 for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < NumDefs; ++Idx) {
1242 Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(Idx).getReg();
1243 Register SrcReg = MergeI->getOperand(Idx + 1).getReg();
1244 replaceRegOrBuildCopy(DstReg, SrcReg, MRI, Builder, UpdatedDefs,
1245 Observer);
1246 }
1247 }
1249 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MergeI, DeadInsts);
1250 return true;
1251 }
1255 SmallVectorImpl<Register> &UpdatedDefs) {
1256 assert(MI.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_EXTRACT);
1258 // Try to use the source registers from a G_MERGE_VALUES
1259 //
1260 // %2 = G_MERGE_VALUES %0, %1
1261 // %3 = G_EXTRACT %2, N
1262 // =>
1263 //
1264 // for N < %2.getSizeInBits() / 2
1265 // %3 = G_EXTRACT %0, N
1266 //
1267 // for N >= %2.getSizeInBits() / 2
1268 // %3 = G_EXTRACT %1, (N - %0.getSizeInBits()
1270 Register SrcReg = lookThroughCopyInstrs(MI.getOperand(1).getReg());
1271 MachineInstr *MergeI = MRI.getVRegDef(SrcReg);
1272 if (!MergeI || !isa<GMergeLikeInstr>(MergeI))
1273 return false;
1275 Register DstReg = MI.getOperand(0).getReg();
1276 LLT DstTy = MRI.getType(DstReg);
1277 LLT SrcTy = MRI.getType(SrcReg);
1279 // TODO: Do we need to check if the resulting extract is supported?
1280 unsigned ExtractDstSize = DstTy.getSizeInBits();
1281 unsigned Offset = MI.getOperand(2).getImm();
1282 unsigned NumMergeSrcs = MergeI->getNumOperands() - 1;
1283 unsigned MergeSrcSize = SrcTy.getSizeInBits() / NumMergeSrcs;
1284 unsigned MergeSrcIdx = Offset / MergeSrcSize;
1286 // Compute the offset of the last bit the extract needs.
1287 unsigned EndMergeSrcIdx = (Offset + ExtractDstSize - 1) / MergeSrcSize;
1289 // Can't handle the case where the extract spans multiple inputs.
1290 if (MergeSrcIdx != EndMergeSrcIdx)
1291 return false;
1293 // TODO: We could modify MI in place in most cases.
1294 Builder.setInstr(MI);
1295 Builder.buildExtract(DstReg, MergeI->getOperand(MergeSrcIdx + 1).getReg(),
1296 Offset - MergeSrcIdx * MergeSrcSize);
1297 UpdatedDefs.push_back(DstReg);
1298 markInstAndDefDead(MI, *MergeI, DeadInsts);
1299 return true;
1300 }
1302 /// Try to combine away MI.
1303 /// Returns true if it combined away the MI.
1304 /// Adds instructions that are dead as a result of the combine
1305 /// into DeadInsts, which can include MI.
1308 GISelObserverWrapper &WrapperObserver) {
1309 ArtifactValueFinder Finder(MRI, Builder, LI);
1311 // This might be a recursive call, and we might have DeadInsts already
1312 // populated. To avoid bad things happening later with multiple vreg defs
1313 // etc, process the dead instructions now if any.
1314 if (!DeadInsts.empty())
1315 deleteMarkedDeadInsts(DeadInsts, WrapperObserver);
1317 // Put here every vreg that was redefined in such a way that it's at least
1318 // possible that one (or more) of its users (immediate or COPY-separated)
1319 // could become artifact combinable with the new definition (or the
1320 // instruction reachable from it through a chain of copies if any).
1321 SmallVector<Register, 4> UpdatedDefs;
1322 bool Changed = false;
1323 switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
1324 default:
1325 return false;
1326 case TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT:
1327 Changed = tryCombineAnyExt(MI, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs, WrapperObserver);
1328 break;
1329 case TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT:
1330 Changed = tryCombineZExt(MI, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs, WrapperObserver);
1331 break;
1332 case TargetOpcode::G_SEXT:
1333 Changed = tryCombineSExt(MI, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs, WrapperObserver);
1334 break;
1335 case TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES:
1336 Changed = tryCombineUnmergeValues(cast<GUnmerge>(MI), DeadInsts,
1337 UpdatedDefs, WrapperObserver);
1338 break;
1339 case TargetOpcode::G_MERGE_VALUES:
1340 case TargetOpcode::G_BUILD_VECTOR:
1341 case TargetOpcode::G_CONCAT_VECTORS:
1342 // If any of the users of this merge are an unmerge, then add them to the
1343 // artifact worklist in case there's folding that can be done looking up.
1344 for (MachineInstr &U : MRI.use_instructions(MI.getOperand(0).getReg())) {
1345 if (U.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES ||
1346 U.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC) {
1347 UpdatedDefs.push_back(MI.getOperand(0).getReg());
1348 break;
1349 }
1350 }
1351 Changed = Finder.tryCombineMergeLike(cast<GMergeLikeInstr>(MI), DeadInsts,
1352 UpdatedDefs, WrapperObserver);
1353 break;
1354 case TargetOpcode::G_EXTRACT:
1355 Changed = tryCombineExtract(MI, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs);
1356 break;
1357 case TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC:
1358 Changed = tryCombineTrunc(MI, DeadInsts, UpdatedDefs, WrapperObserver);
1359 if (!Changed) {
1360 // Try to combine truncates away even if they are legal. As all artifact
1361 // combines at the moment look only "up" the def-use chains, we achieve
1362 // that by throwing truncates' users (with look through copies) into the
1363 // ArtifactList again.
1364 UpdatedDefs.push_back(MI.getOperand(0).getReg());
1365 }
1366 break;
1367 }
1368 // If the main loop through the ArtifactList found at least one combinable
1369 // pair of artifacts, not only combine it away (as done above), but also
1370 // follow the def-use chain from there to combine everything that can be
1371 // combined within this def-use chain of artifacts.
1372 while (!UpdatedDefs.empty()) {
1373 Register NewDef = UpdatedDefs.pop_back_val();
1374 assert(NewDef.isVirtual() && "Unexpected redefinition of a physreg");
1375 for (MachineInstr &Use : MRI.use_instructions(NewDef)) {
1376 switch (Use.getOpcode()) {
1377 // Keep this list in sync with the list of all artifact combines.
1378 case TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT:
1379 case TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT:
1380 case TargetOpcode::G_SEXT:
1381 case TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES:
1382 case TargetOpcode::G_EXTRACT:
1383 case TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC:
1384 case TargetOpcode::G_BUILD_VECTOR:
1385 // Adding Use to ArtifactList.
1386 WrapperObserver.changedInstr(Use);
1387 break;
1388 case TargetOpcode::G_ASSERT_SEXT:
1389 case TargetOpcode::G_ASSERT_ZEXT:
1390 case TargetOpcode::G_ASSERT_ALIGN:
1391 case TargetOpcode::COPY: {
1392 Register Copy = Use.getOperand(0).getReg();
1393 if (Copy.isVirtual())
1394 UpdatedDefs.push_back(Copy);
1395 break;
1396 }
1397 default:
1398 // If we do not have an artifact combine for the opcode, there is no
1399 // point in adding it to the ArtifactList as nothing interesting will
1400 // be done to it anyway.
1401 break;
1402 }
1403 }
1404 }
1405 return Changed;
1406 }
1409 static Register getArtifactSrcReg(const MachineInstr &MI) {
1410 switch (MI.getOpcode()) {
1411 case TargetOpcode::COPY:
1412 case TargetOpcode::G_TRUNC:
1413 case TargetOpcode::G_ZEXT:
1414 case TargetOpcode::G_ANYEXT:
1415 case TargetOpcode::G_SEXT:
1416 case TargetOpcode::G_EXTRACT:
1417 case TargetOpcode::G_ASSERT_SEXT:
1418 case TargetOpcode::G_ASSERT_ZEXT:
1419 case TargetOpcode::G_ASSERT_ALIGN:
1420 return MI.getOperand(1).getReg();
1421 case TargetOpcode::G_UNMERGE_VALUES:
1422 return MI.getOperand(MI.getNumOperands() - 1).getReg();
1423 default:
1424 llvm_unreachable("Not a legalization artifact happen");
1425 }
1426 }
1428 /// Mark a def of one of MI's original operands, DefMI, as dead if changing MI
1429 /// (either by killing it or changing operands) results in DefMI being dead
1430 /// too. In-between COPYs or artifact-casts are also collected if they are
1431 /// dead.
1432 /// MI is not marked dead.
1433 void markDefDead(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr &DefMI,
1435 unsigned DefIdx = 0) {
1436 // Collect all the copy instructions that are made dead, due to deleting
1437 // this instruction. Collect all of them until the Trunc(DefMI).
1438 // Eg,
1439 // %1(s1) = G_TRUNC %0(s32)
1440 // %2(s1) = COPY %1(s1)
1441 // %3(s1) = COPY %2(s1)
1442 // %4(s32) = G_ANYEXT %3(s1)
1443 // In this case, we would have replaced %4 with a copy of %0,
1444 // and as a result, %3, %2, %1 are dead.
1445 MachineInstr *PrevMI = &MI;
1446 while (PrevMI != &DefMI) {
1447 Register PrevRegSrc = getArtifactSrcReg(*PrevMI);
1449 MachineInstr *TmpDef = MRI.getVRegDef(PrevRegSrc);
1450 if (MRI.hasOneUse(PrevRegSrc)) {
1451 if (TmpDef != &DefMI) {
1452 assert((TmpDef->getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::COPY ||
1453 isArtifactCast(TmpDef->getOpcode()) ||
1455 "Expecting copy or artifact cast here");
1457 DeadInsts.push_back(TmpDef);
1458 }
1459 } else
1460 break;
1461 PrevMI = TmpDef;
1462 }
1464 if (PrevMI == &DefMI) {
1465 unsigned I = 0;
1466 bool IsDead = true;
1467 for (MachineOperand &Def : DefMI.defs()) {
1468 if (I != DefIdx) {
1469 if (!MRI.use_empty(Def.getReg())) {
1470 IsDead = false;
1471 break;
1472 }
1473 } else {
1474 if (!MRI.hasOneUse(DefMI.getOperand(DefIdx).getReg()))
1475 break;
1476 }
1478 ++I;
1479 }
1481 if (IsDead)
1482 DeadInsts.push_back(&DefMI);
1483 }
1484 }
1486 /// Mark MI as dead. If a def of one of MI's operands, DefMI, would also be
1487 /// dead due to MI being killed, then mark DefMI as dead too.
1488 /// Some of the combines (extends(trunc)), try to walk through redundant
1489 /// copies in between the extends and the truncs, and this attempts to collect
1490 /// the in between copies if they're dead.
1491 void markInstAndDefDead(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr &DefMI,
1493 unsigned DefIdx = 0) {
1494 DeadInsts.push_back(&MI);
1495 markDefDead(MI, DefMI, DeadInsts, DefIdx);
1496 }
1498 /// Erase the dead instructions in the list and call the observer hooks.
1499 /// Normally the Legalizer will deal with erasing instructions that have been
1500 /// marked dead. However, for the trunc(ext(x)) cases we can end up trying to
1501 /// process instructions which have been marked dead, but otherwise break the
1502 /// MIR by introducing multiple vreg defs. For those cases, allow the combines
1503 /// to explicitly delete the instructions before we run into trouble.
1504 void deleteMarkedDeadInsts(SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr *> &DeadInsts,
1505 GISelObserverWrapper &WrapperObserver) {
1506 for (auto *DeadMI : DeadInsts) {
1507 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << *DeadMI << "Is dead, eagerly deleting\n");
1508 WrapperObserver.erasingInstr(*DeadMI);
1509 DeadMI->eraseFromParent();
1510 }
1511 DeadInsts.clear();
1512 }
1514 /// Checks if the target legalizer info has specified anything about the
1515 /// instruction, or if unsupported.
1516 bool isInstUnsupported(const LegalityQuery &Query) const {
1517 using namespace LegalizeActions;
1518 auto Step = LI.getAction(Query);
1519 return Step.Action == Unsupported || Step.Action == NotFound;
1520 }
1522 bool isInstLegal(const LegalityQuery &Query) const {
1523 return LI.getAction(Query).Action == LegalizeActions::Legal;
1524 }
1526 bool isConstantUnsupported(LLT Ty) const {
1527 if (!Ty.isVector())
1528 return isInstUnsupported({TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT, {Ty}});
1530 LLT EltTy = Ty.getElementType();
1531 return isInstUnsupported({TargetOpcode::G_CONSTANT, {EltTy}}) ||
1532 isInstUnsupported({TargetOpcode::G_BUILD_VECTOR, {Ty, EltTy}});
1533 }
1535 /// Looks through copy instructions and returns the actual
1536 /// source register.
1537 Register lookThroughCopyInstrs(Register Reg) {
1539 return TmpReg.isValid() ? TmpReg : Reg;
1540 }
1543} // namespace llvm
unsigned const MachineRegisterInfo * MRI
MachineInstrBuilder & UseMI
MachineInstrBuilder MachineInstrBuilder & DefMI
static GCRegistry::Add< OcamlGC > B("ocaml", "ocaml 3.10-compatible GC")
Analysis containing CSE Info
Definition: CSEInfo.cpp:27
This file contains the declarations for the subclasses of Constant, which represent the different fla...
Returns the sub type a function will return at a given Idx Should correspond to the result type of an ExtractValue instruction executed with just that one unsigned Idx
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:101
uint64_t Size
This contains common code to allow clients to notify changes to machine instr.
Declares convenience wrapper classes for interpreting MachineInstr instances as specific generic oper...
IRTranslator LLVM IR MI
Interface for Targets to specify which operations they can successfully select and how the others sho...
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
Contains matchers for matching SSA Machine Instructions.
This file declares the MachineIRBuilder class.
unsigned Reg
Promote Memory to Register
Definition: Mem2Reg.cpp:110
static unsigned getReg(const MCDisassembler *D, unsigned RC, unsigned RegNo)
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
bool IsDead
This file implements the SmallBitVector class.
static constexpr int Concat[]
Class for arbitrary precision integers.
Definition: APInt.h:78
static APInt getAllOnes(unsigned numBits)
Return an APInt of a specified width with all bits set.
Definition: APInt.h:214
APInt zext(unsigned width) const
Zero extend to a new width.
Definition: APInt.cpp:981
static DILocation * getMergedLocation(DILocation *LocA, DILocation *LocB)
When two instructions are combined into a single instruction we also need to combine the original loc...
static constexpr ElementCount getFixed(ScalarTy MinVal)
Definition: TypeSize.h:311
Represents a G_BUILD_VECTOR.
Represents a G_CONCAT_VECTORS.
Abstract class that contains various methods for clients to notify about changes.
virtual void changingInstr(MachineInstr &MI)=0
This instruction is about to be mutated in some way.
virtual void changedInstr(MachineInstr &MI)=0
This instruction was mutated in some way.
unsigned computeNumSignBits(Register R, const APInt &DemandedElts, unsigned Depth=0)
APInt getKnownZeroes(Register R)
Simple wrapper observer that takes several observers, and calls each one for each event.
void changedInstr(MachineInstr &MI) override
This instruction was mutated in some way.
void changingInstr(MachineInstr &MI) override
This instruction is about to be mutated in some way.
void erasingInstr(MachineInstr &MI) override
An instruction is about to be erased.
Register getSourceReg(unsigned I) const
Returns the I'th source register.
unsigned getNumSources() const
Returns the number of source registers.
Represents a G_UNMERGE_VALUES.
Register getReg(unsigned Idx) const
Access the Idx'th operand as a register and return it.
constexpr unsigned getScalarSizeInBits() const
Definition: LowLevelType.h:267
constexpr bool isScalar() const
Definition: LowLevelType.h:146
constexpr uint16_t getNumElements() const
Returns the number of elements in a vector LLT.
Definition: LowLevelType.h:159
constexpr bool isVector() const
Definition: LowLevelType.h:148
constexpr TypeSize getSizeInBits() const
Returns the total size of the type. Must only be called on sized types.
Definition: LowLevelType.h:193
constexpr LLT getElementType() const
Returns the vector's element type. Only valid for vector types.
Definition: LowLevelType.h:290
constexpr LLT changeElementCount(ElementCount EC) const
Return a vector or scalar with the same element type and the new element count.
Definition: LowLevelType.h:230
constexpr LLT getScalarType() const
Definition: LowLevelType.h:208
constexpr LLT divide(int Factor) const
Return a type that is Factor times smaller.
Definition: LowLevelType.h:237
This class provides utilities for finding source registers of specific bit ranges in an artifact.
bool tryCombineUnmergeDefs(GUnmerge &MI, GISelChangeObserver &Observer, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs)
Try to combine the defs of an unmerge MI by attempting to find values that provides the bits for each...
bool isSequenceFromUnmerge(GMergeLikeInstr &MI, unsigned MergeStartIdx, GUnmerge *Unmerge, unsigned UnmergeIdxStart, unsigned NumElts, unsigned EltSize, bool AllowUndef)
Register findValueFromDef(Register DefReg, unsigned StartBit, unsigned Size)
Try to find a source of the value defined in the def DefReg, starting at position StartBit with size ...
GUnmerge * findUnmergeThatDefinesReg(Register Reg, unsigned Size, unsigned &DefOperandIdx)
bool tryCombineMergeLike(GMergeLikeInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs, GISelChangeObserver &Observer)
ArtifactValueFinder(MachineRegisterInfo &Mri, MachineIRBuilder &Builder, const LegalizerInfo &Info)
LegalizationArtifactCombiner(MachineIRBuilder &B, MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, const LegalizerInfo &LI, GISelKnownBits *KB=nullptr)
bool tryFoldUnmergeCast(MachineInstr &MI, MachineInstr &CastMI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs)
bool tryCombineZExt(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs, GISelObserverWrapper &Observer)
bool tryCombineInstruction(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, GISelObserverWrapper &WrapperObserver)
Try to combine away MI.
bool tryCombineTrunc(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs, GISelObserverWrapper &Observer)
bool tryCombineSExt(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs, GISelObserverWrapper &Observer)
static bool canFoldMergeOpcode(unsigned MergeOp, unsigned ConvertOp, LLT OpTy, LLT DestTy)
static unsigned getDefIndex(const MachineInstr &MI, Register SearchDef)
Return the operand index in MI that defines Def.
static void replaceRegOrBuildCopy(Register DstReg, Register SrcReg, MachineRegisterInfo &MRI, MachineIRBuilder &Builder, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs, GISelChangeObserver &Observer)
Try to replace DstReg with SrcReg or build a COPY instruction depending on the register constraints.
bool tryCombineUnmergeValues(GUnmerge &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs, GISelChangeObserver &Observer)
bool tryCombineExtract(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs)
bool tryFoldImplicitDef(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs)
Try to fold G_[ASZ]EXT (G_IMPLICIT_DEF).
bool tryCombineAnyExt(MachineInstr &MI, SmallVectorImpl< MachineInstr * > &DeadInsts, SmallVectorImpl< Register > &UpdatedDefs, GISelObserverWrapper &Observer)
LegalizeActionStep getAction(const LegalityQuery &Query) const
Determine what action should be taken to legalize the described instruction.
Helper class to build MachineInstr.
MachineInstrBuilder buildUnmerge(ArrayRef< LLT > Res, const SrcOp &Op)
Build and insert Res0, ... = G_UNMERGE_VALUES Op.
MachineInstrBuilder buildAnd(const DstOp &Dst, const SrcOp &Src0, const SrcOp &Src1)
Build and insert Res = G_AND Op0, Op1.
MachineInstrBuilder buildAnyExtOrTrunc(const DstOp &Res, const SrcOp &Op)
Res = COPY Op depending on the differing sizes of Res and Op.
MachineInstrBuilder buildSExtOrTrunc(const DstOp &Res, const SrcOp &Op)
Build and insert Res = G_SEXT Op, Res = G_TRUNC Op, or Res = COPY Op depending on the differing sizes...
void setInstr(MachineInstr &MI)
Set the insertion point to before MI.
MachineInstrBuilder buildBuildVector(const DstOp &Res, ArrayRef< Register > Ops)
Build and insert Res = G_BUILD_VECTOR Op0, ...
MachineInstrBuilder buildMergeLikeInstr(const DstOp &Res, ArrayRef< Register > Ops)
Build and insert Res = G_MERGE_VALUES Op0, ... or Res = G_BUILD_VECTOR Op0, ... or Res = G_CONCAT_VEC...
MachineInstrBuilder buildInstr(unsigned Opcode)
Build and insert <empty> = Opcode <empty>.
void setInstrAndDebugLoc(MachineInstr &MI)
Set the insertion point to before MI, and set the debug loc to MI's loc.
MachineInstrBuilder buildMergeValues(const DstOp &Res, ArrayRef< Register > Ops)
Build and insert Res = G_MERGE_VALUES Op0, ...
MachineInstrBuilder buildTrunc(const DstOp &Res, const SrcOp &Op, std::optional< unsigned > Flags=std::nullopt)
Build and insert Res = G_TRUNC Op.
void setDebugLoc(const DebugLoc &DL)
Set the debug location to DL for all the next build instructions.
MachineInstrBuilder buildCopy(const DstOp &Res, const SrcOp &Op)
Build and insert Res = COPY Op.
virtual MachineInstrBuilder buildConstant(const DstOp &Res, const ConstantInt &Val)
Build and insert Res = G_CONSTANT Val.
MachineInstrBuilder buildSExtInReg(const DstOp &Res, const SrcOp &Op, int64_t ImmOp)
Build and insert Res = G_SEXT_INREG Op, ImmOp.
Register getReg(unsigned Idx) const
Get the register for the operand index.
Representation of each machine instruction.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:69
unsigned getOpcode() const
Returns the opcode of this MachineInstr.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:569
unsigned getNumOperands() const
Retuns the total number of operands.
Definition: MachineInstr.h:572
const MachineOperand & getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: MachineInstr.h:579
MachineOperand class - Representation of each machine instruction operand.
Register getReg() const
getReg - Returns the register number.
MachineRegisterInfo - Keep track of information for virtual and physical registers,...
Wrapper class representing virtual and physical registers.
Definition: Register.h:19
constexpr bool isValid() const
Definition: Register.h:116
constexpr bool isVirtual() const
Return true if the specified register number is in the virtual register namespace.
Definition: Register.h:91
This is a 'bitvector' (really, a variable-sized bit array), optimized for the case when the array is ...
bool all() const
Returns true if all bits are set.
bool empty() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:95
This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication b...
Definition: SmallVector.h:587
void append(ItTy in_start, ItTy in_end)
Add the specified range to the end of the SmallVector.
Definition: SmallVector.h:697
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:427
This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small.
Definition: SmallVector.h:1210
A Use represents the edge between a Value definition and its users.
Definition: Use.h:43
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
@ Unsupported
This operation is completely unsupported on the target.
@ NotFound
Sentinel value for when no action was found in the specified table.
@ FewerElements
The (vector) operation should be implemented by splitting it into sub-vectors where the operation is ...
Definition: LegalizerInfo.h:65
@ Legal
The operation is expected to be selectable directly by the target, and no transformation is necessary...
Definition: LegalizerInfo.h:47
@ Unsupported
This operation is completely unsupported on the target.
Definition: LegalizerInfo.h:91
@ Lower
The operation itself must be expressed in terms of simpler actions on this target.
Definition: LegalizerInfo.h:78
@ NarrowScalar
The operation should be synthesized from multiple instructions acting on a narrower scalar base-type.
Definition: LegalizerInfo.h:52
@ MoreElements
The (vector) operation should be implemented by widening the input vector and ignoring the lanes adde...
Definition: LegalizerInfo.h:71
NodeAddr< DefNode * > Def
Definition: RDFGraph.h:384
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
@ Offset
Definition: DWP.cpp:480
MachineInstr * getOpcodeDef(unsigned Opcode, Register Reg, const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI)
See if Reg is defined by an single def instruction that is Opcode.
Definition: Utils.cpp:646
MachineInstr * getDefIgnoringCopies(Register Reg, const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI)
Find the def instruction for Reg, folding away any trivial copies.
Definition: Utils.cpp:486
bool isPreISelGenericOptimizationHint(unsigned Opcode)
Definition: TargetOpcodes.h:42
bool canReplaceReg(Register DstReg, Register SrcReg, MachineRegisterInfo &MRI)
Check if DstReg can be replaced with SrcReg depending on the register constraints.
Definition: Utils.cpp:201
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:163
LLVM_READNONE LLT getCoverTy(LLT OrigTy, LLT TargetTy)
Return smallest type that covers both OrigTy and TargetTy and is multiple of TargetTy.
Definition: Utils.cpp:1239
std::optional< DefinitionAndSourceRegister > getDefSrcRegIgnoringCopies(Register Reg, const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI)
Find the def instruction for Reg, and underlying value Register folding away any copies.
Definition: Utils.cpp:467
Register getSrcRegIgnoringCopies(Register Reg, const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI)
Find the source register for Reg, folding away any trivial copies.
Definition: Utils.cpp:493
The LegalityQuery object bundles together all the information that's needed to decide whether a given...
The result of a query.
LegalizeAction Action
The action to take or the final answer.
unsigned TypeIdx
If describing an action, the type index to change. Otherwise zero.