LLVM 20.0.0git
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1//===- InstCombineSelect.cpp ----------------------------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file implements the visitSelect function.
13#include "InstCombineInternal.h"
14#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
15#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
23#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
24#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
26#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
28#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
29#include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h"
30#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
33#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
34#include "llvm/IR/Operator.h"
36#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
37#include "llvm/IR/User.h"
38#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
43#include <cassert>
44#include <utility>
46#define DEBUG_TYPE "instcombine"
49using namespace llvm;
50using namespace PatternMatch;
53/// Replace a select operand based on an equality comparison with the identity
54/// constant of a binop.
56 const TargetLibraryInfo &TLI,
57 InstCombinerImpl &IC) {
58 // The select condition must be an equality compare with a constant operand.
59 Value *X;
60 Constant *C;
62 if (!match(Sel.getCondition(), m_Cmp(Pred, m_Value(X), m_Constant(C))))
63 return nullptr;
65 bool IsEq;
66 if (ICmpInst::isEquality(Pred))
67 IsEq = Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ;
68 else if (Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_OEQ)
69 IsEq = true;
70 else if (Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_UNE)
71 IsEq = false;
72 else
73 return nullptr;
75 // A select operand must be a binop.
77 if (!match(Sel.getOperand(IsEq ? 1 : 2), m_BinOp(BO)))
78 return nullptr;
80 // The compare constant must be the identity constant for that binop.
81 // If this a floating-point compare with 0.0, any zero constant will do.
82 Type *Ty = BO->getType();
84 if (IdC != C) {
85 if (!IdC || !CmpInst::isFPPredicate(Pred))
86 return nullptr;
87 if (!match(IdC, m_AnyZeroFP()) || !match(C, m_AnyZeroFP()))
88 return nullptr;
89 }
91 // Last, match the compare variable operand with a binop operand.
92 Value *Y;
93 if (!BO->isCommutative() && !match(BO, m_BinOp(m_Value(Y), m_Specific(X))))
94 return nullptr;
95 if (!match(BO, m_c_BinOp(m_Value(Y), m_Specific(X))))
96 return nullptr;
98 // +0.0 compares equal to -0.0, and so it does not behave as required for this
99 // transform. Bail out if we can not exclude that possibility.
100 if (isa<FPMathOperator>(BO))
101 if (!BO->hasNoSignedZeros() &&
104 return nullptr;
106 // BO = binop Y, X
107 // S = { select (cmp eq X, C), BO, ? } or { select (cmp ne X, C), ?, BO }
108 // =>
109 // S = { select (cmp eq X, C), Y, ? } or { select (cmp ne X, C), ?, Y }
110 return IC.replaceOperand(Sel, IsEq ? 1 : 2, Y);
113/// This folds:
114/// select (icmp eq (and X, C1)), TC, FC
115/// iff C1 is a power 2 and the difference between TC and FC is a power-of-2.
116/// To something like:
117/// (shr (and (X, C1)), (log2(C1) - log2(TC-FC))) + FC
118/// Or:
119/// (shl (and (X, C1)), (log2(TC-FC) - log2(C1))) + FC
120/// With some variations depending if FC is larger than TC, or the shift
121/// isn't needed, or the bit widths don't match.
123 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
124 const APInt *SelTC, *SelFC;
125 if (!match(Sel.getTrueValue(), m_APInt(SelTC)) ||
126 !match(Sel.getFalseValue(), m_APInt(SelFC)))
127 return nullptr;
129 // If this is a vector select, we need a vector compare.
130 Type *SelType = Sel.getType();
131 if (SelType->isVectorTy() != Cmp->getType()->isVectorTy())
132 return nullptr;
134 Value *V;
135 APInt AndMask;
136 bool CreateAnd = false;
137 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred = Cmp->getPredicate();
138 if (ICmpInst::isEquality(Pred)) {
139 if (!match(Cmp->getOperand(1), m_Zero()))
140 return nullptr;
142 V = Cmp->getOperand(0);
143 const APInt *AndRHS;
144 if (!match(V, m_And(m_Value(), m_Power2(AndRHS))))
145 return nullptr;
147 AndMask = *AndRHS;
148 } else if (decomposeBitTestICmp(Cmp->getOperand(0), Cmp->getOperand(1),
149 Pred, V, AndMask)) {
150 assert(ICmpInst::isEquality(Pred) && "Not equality test?");
151 if (!AndMask.isPowerOf2())
152 return nullptr;
154 CreateAnd = true;
155 } else {
156 return nullptr;
157 }
158 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE)
159 std::swap(SelTC, SelFC);
161 // In general, when both constants are non-zero, we would need an offset to
162 // replace the select. This would require more instructions than we started
163 // with. But there's one special-case that we handle here because it can
164 // simplify/reduce the instructions.
165 const APInt &TC = *SelTC;
166 const APInt &FC = *SelFC;
167 if (!TC.isZero() && !FC.isZero()) {
168 if (TC.getBitWidth() != AndMask.getBitWidth())
169 return nullptr;
170 // If we have to create an 'and', then we must kill the cmp to not
171 // increase the instruction count.
172 if (CreateAnd && !Cmp->hasOneUse())
173 return nullptr;
175 // (V & AndMaskC) == 0 ? TC : FC --> TC | (V & AndMaskC)
176 // (V & AndMaskC) == 0 ? TC : FC --> TC ^ (V & AndMaskC)
177 // (V & AndMaskC) == 0 ? TC : FC --> TC + (V & AndMaskC)
178 // (V & AndMaskC) == 0 ? TC : FC --> TC - (V & AndMaskC)
179 Constant *TCC = ConstantInt::get(SelType, TC);
180 Constant *FCC = ConstantInt::get(SelType, FC);
181 Constant *MaskC = ConstantInt::get(SelType, AndMask);
182 for (auto Opc : {Instruction::Or, Instruction::Xor, Instruction::Add,
183 Instruction::Sub}) {
184 if (ConstantFoldBinaryOpOperands(Opc, TCC, MaskC, Sel.getDataLayout()) ==
185 FCC) {
186 if (CreateAnd)
187 V = Builder.CreateAnd(V, MaskC);
188 return Builder.CreateBinOp(Opc, TCC, V);
189 }
190 }
192 return nullptr;
193 }
195 // Make sure one of the select arms is a power-of-2.
196 if (!TC.isPowerOf2() && !FC.isPowerOf2())
197 return nullptr;
199 // Determine which shift is needed to transform result of the 'and' into the
200 // desired result.
201 const APInt &ValC = !TC.isZero() ? TC : FC;
202 unsigned ValZeros = ValC.logBase2();
203 unsigned AndZeros = AndMask.logBase2();
204 bool ShouldNotVal = !TC.isZero();
206 // If we would need to create an 'and' + 'shift' + 'xor' to replace a 'select'
207 // + 'icmp', then this transformation would result in more instructions and
208 // potentially interfere with other folding.
209 if (CreateAnd && ShouldNotVal && ValZeros != AndZeros)
210 return nullptr;
212 // Insert the 'and' instruction on the input to the truncate.
213 if (CreateAnd)
214 V = Builder.CreateAnd(V, ConstantInt::get(V->getType(), AndMask));
216 // If types don't match, we can still convert the select by introducing a zext
217 // or a trunc of the 'and'.
218 if (ValZeros > AndZeros) {
219 V = Builder.CreateZExtOrTrunc(V, SelType);
220 V = Builder.CreateShl(V, ValZeros - AndZeros);
221 } else if (ValZeros < AndZeros) {
222 V = Builder.CreateLShr(V, AndZeros - ValZeros);
223 V = Builder.CreateZExtOrTrunc(V, SelType);
224 } else {
225 V = Builder.CreateZExtOrTrunc(V, SelType);
226 }
228 // Okay, now we know that everything is set up, we just don't know whether we
229 // have a icmp_ne or icmp_eq and whether the true or false val is the zero.
230 if (ShouldNotVal)
231 V = Builder.CreateXor(V, ValC);
233 return V;
236/// We want to turn code that looks like this:
237/// %C = or %A, %B
238/// %D = select %cond, %C, %A
239/// into:
240/// %C = select %cond, %B, 0
241/// %D = or %A, %C
243/// Assuming that the specified instruction is an operand to the select, return
244/// a bitmask indicating which operands of this instruction are foldable if they
245/// equal the other incoming value of the select.
247 switch (I->getOpcode()) {
248 case Instruction::Add:
249 case Instruction::FAdd:
250 case Instruction::Mul:
251 case Instruction::FMul:
252 case Instruction::And:
253 case Instruction::Or:
254 case Instruction::Xor:
255 return 3; // Can fold through either operand.
256 case Instruction::Sub: // Can only fold on the amount subtracted.
257 case Instruction::FSub:
258 case Instruction::FDiv: // Can only fold on the divisor amount.
259 case Instruction::Shl: // Can only fold on the shift amount.
260 case Instruction::LShr:
261 case Instruction::AShr:
262 return 1;
263 default:
264 return 0; // Cannot fold
265 }
268/// We have (select c, TI, FI), and we know that TI and FI have the same opcode.
270 Instruction *FI) {
271 // Don't break up min/max patterns. The hasOneUse checks below prevent that
272 // for most cases, but vector min/max with bitcasts can be transformed. If the
273 // one-use restrictions are eased for other patterns, we still don't want to
274 // obfuscate min/max.
275 if ((match(&SI, m_SMin(m_Value(), m_Value())) ||
276 match(&SI, m_SMax(m_Value(), m_Value())) ||
277 match(&SI, m_UMin(m_Value(), m_Value())) ||
278 match(&SI, m_UMax(m_Value(), m_Value()))))
279 return nullptr;
281 // If this is a cast from the same type, merge.
282 Value *Cond = SI.getCondition();
283 Type *CondTy = Cond->getType();
284 if (TI->getNumOperands() == 1 && TI->isCast()) {
285 Type *FIOpndTy = FI->getOperand(0)->getType();
286 if (TI->getOperand(0)->getType() != FIOpndTy)
287 return nullptr;
289 // The select condition may be a vector. We may only change the operand
290 // type if the vector width remains the same (and matches the condition).
291 if (auto *CondVTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(CondTy)) {
292 if (!FIOpndTy->isVectorTy() ||
293 CondVTy->getElementCount() !=
294 cast<VectorType>(FIOpndTy)->getElementCount())
295 return nullptr;
297 // TODO: If the backend knew how to deal with casts better, we could
298 // remove this limitation. For now, there's too much potential to create
299 // worse codegen by promoting the select ahead of size-altering casts
300 // (PR28160).
301 //
302 // Note that ValueTracking's matchSelectPattern() looks through casts
303 // without checking 'hasOneUse' when it matches min/max patterns, so this
304 // transform may end up happening anyway.
305 if (TI->getOpcode() != Instruction::BitCast &&
306 (!TI->hasOneUse() || !FI->hasOneUse()))
307 return nullptr;
308 } else if (!TI->hasOneUse() || !FI->hasOneUse()) {
309 // TODO: The one-use restrictions for a scalar select could be eased if
310 // the fold of a select in visitLoadInst() was enhanced to match a pattern
311 // that includes a cast.
312 return nullptr;
313 }
315 // Fold this by inserting a select from the input values.
316 Value *NewSI =
318 SI.getName() + ".v", &SI);
320 TI->getType());
321 }
323 Value *OtherOpT, *OtherOpF;
324 bool MatchIsOpZero;
325 auto getCommonOp = [&](Instruction *TI, Instruction *FI, bool Commute,
326 bool Swapped = false) -> Value * {
327 assert(!(Commute && Swapped) &&
328 "Commute and Swapped can't set at the same time");
329 if (!Swapped) {
330 if (TI->getOperand(0) == FI->getOperand(0)) {
331 OtherOpT = TI->getOperand(1);
332 OtherOpF = FI->getOperand(1);
333 MatchIsOpZero = true;
334 return TI->getOperand(0);
335 } else if (TI->getOperand(1) == FI->getOperand(1)) {
336 OtherOpT = TI->getOperand(0);
337 OtherOpF = FI->getOperand(0);
338 MatchIsOpZero = false;
339 return TI->getOperand(1);
340 }
341 }
343 if (!Commute && !Swapped)
344 return nullptr;
346 // If we are allowing commute or swap of operands, then
347 // allow a cross-operand match. In that case, MatchIsOpZero
348 // means that TI's operand 0 (FI's operand 1) is the common op.
349 if (TI->getOperand(0) == FI->getOperand(1)) {
350 OtherOpT = TI->getOperand(1);
351 OtherOpF = FI->getOperand(0);
352 MatchIsOpZero = true;
353 return TI->getOperand(0);
354 } else if (TI->getOperand(1) == FI->getOperand(0)) {
355 OtherOpT = TI->getOperand(0);
356 OtherOpF = FI->getOperand(1);
357 MatchIsOpZero = false;
358 return TI->getOperand(1);
359 }
360 return nullptr;
361 };
363 if (TI->hasOneUse() || FI->hasOneUse()) {
364 // Cond ? -X : -Y --> -(Cond ? X : Y)
365 Value *X, *Y;
366 if (match(TI, m_FNeg(m_Value(X))) && match(FI, m_FNeg(m_Value(Y)))) {
367 // Intersect FMF from the fneg instructions and union those with the
368 // select.
370 FMF &= FI->getFastMathFlags();
371 FMF |= SI.getFastMathFlags();
372 Value *NewSel =
373 Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, X, Y, SI.getName() + ".v", &SI);
374 if (auto *NewSelI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(NewSel))
375 NewSelI->setFastMathFlags(FMF);
376 Instruction *NewFNeg = UnaryOperator::CreateFNeg(NewSel);
377 NewFNeg->setFastMathFlags(FMF);
378 return NewFNeg;
379 }
381 // Min/max intrinsic with a common operand can have the common operand
382 // pulled after the select. This is the same transform as below for binops,
383 // but specialized for intrinsic matching and without the restrictive uses
384 // clause.
385 auto *TII = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(TI);
386 auto *FII = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(FI);
387 if (TII && FII && TII->getIntrinsicID() == FII->getIntrinsicID()) {
388 if (match(TII, m_MaxOrMin(m_Value(), m_Value()))) {
389 if (Value *MatchOp = getCommonOp(TI, FI, true)) {
390 Value *NewSel =
391 Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, OtherOpT, OtherOpF, "minmaxop", &SI);
392 return CallInst::Create(TII->getCalledFunction(), {NewSel, MatchOp});
393 }
394 }
396 // select c, (ldexp v, e0), (ldexp v, e1) -> ldexp v, (select c, e0, e1)
397 // select c, (ldexp v0, e), (ldexp v1, e) -> ldexp (select c, v0, v1), e
398 //
399 // select c, (ldexp v0, e0), (ldexp v1, e1) ->
400 // ldexp (select c, v0, v1), (select c, e0, e1)
401 if (TII->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::ldexp) {
402 Value *LdexpVal0 = TII->getArgOperand(0);
403 Value *LdexpExp0 = TII->getArgOperand(1);
404 Value *LdexpVal1 = FII->getArgOperand(0);
405 Value *LdexpExp1 = FII->getArgOperand(1);
406 if (LdexpExp0->getType() == LdexpExp1->getType()) {
407 FPMathOperator *SelectFPOp = cast<FPMathOperator>(&SI);
408 FastMathFlags FMF = cast<FPMathOperator>(TII)->getFastMathFlags();
409 FMF &= cast<FPMathOperator>(FII)->getFastMathFlags();
410 FMF |= SelectFPOp->getFastMathFlags();
412 Value *SelectVal = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, LdexpVal0, LdexpVal1);
413 Value *SelectExp = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, LdexpExp0, LdexpExp1);
415 CallInst *NewLdexp = Builder.CreateIntrinsic(
416 TII->getType(), Intrinsic::ldexp, {SelectVal, SelectExp});
417 NewLdexp->setFastMathFlags(FMF);
418 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, NewLdexp);
419 }
420 }
421 }
423 // icmp with a common operand also can have the common operand
424 // pulled after the select.
425 ICmpInst::Predicate TPred, FPred;
426 if (match(TI, m_ICmp(TPred, m_Value(), m_Value())) &&
427 match(FI, m_ICmp(FPred, m_Value(), m_Value()))) {
428 if (TPred == FPred || TPred == CmpInst::getSwappedPredicate(FPred)) {
429 bool Swapped = TPred != FPred;
430 if (Value *MatchOp =
431 getCommonOp(TI, FI, ICmpInst::isEquality(TPred), Swapped)) {
432 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, OtherOpT, OtherOpF,
433 SI.getName() + ".v", &SI);
434 return new ICmpInst(
435 MatchIsOpZero ? TPred : CmpInst::getSwappedPredicate(TPred),
436 MatchOp, NewSel);
437 }
438 }
439 }
440 }
442 // Only handle binary operators (including two-operand getelementptr) with
443 // one-use here. As with the cast case above, it may be possible to relax the
444 // one-use constraint, but that needs be examined carefully since it may not
445 // reduce the total number of instructions.
446 if (TI->getNumOperands() != 2 || FI->getNumOperands() != 2 ||
447 !TI->isSameOperationAs(FI) ||
448 (!isa<BinaryOperator>(TI) && !isa<GetElementPtrInst>(TI)) ||
449 !TI->hasOneUse() || !FI->hasOneUse())
450 return nullptr;
452 // Figure out if the operations have any operands in common.
453 Value *MatchOp = getCommonOp(TI, FI, TI->isCommutative());
454 if (!MatchOp)
455 return nullptr;
457 // If the select condition is a vector, the operands of the original select's
458 // operands also must be vectors. This may not be the case for getelementptr
459 // for example.
460 if (CondTy->isVectorTy() && (!OtherOpT->getType()->isVectorTy() ||
461 !OtherOpF->getType()->isVectorTy()))
462 return nullptr;
464 // If we are sinking div/rem after a select, we may need to freeze the
465 // condition because div/rem may induce immediate UB with a poison operand.
466 // For example, the following transform is not safe if Cond can ever be poison
467 // because we can replace poison with zero and then we have div-by-zero that
468 // didn't exist in the original code:
469 // Cond ? x/y : x/z --> x / (Cond ? y : z)
470 auto *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(TI);
471 if (BO && BO->isIntDivRem() && !isGuaranteedNotToBePoison(Cond)) {
472 // A udiv/urem with a common divisor is safe because UB can only occur with
473 // div-by-zero, and that would be present in the original code.
474 if (BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::SDiv ||
475 BO->getOpcode() == Instruction::SRem || MatchIsOpZero)
477 }
479 // If we reach here, they do have operations in common.
480 Value *NewSI = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, OtherOpT, OtherOpF,
481 SI.getName() + ".v", &SI);
482 Value *Op0 = MatchIsOpZero ? MatchOp : NewSI;
483 Value *Op1 = MatchIsOpZero ? NewSI : MatchOp;
484 if (auto *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(TI)) {
485 BinaryOperator *NewBO = BinaryOperator::Create(BO->getOpcode(), Op0, Op1);
486 NewBO->copyIRFlags(TI);
487 NewBO->andIRFlags(FI);
488 return NewBO;
489 }
490 if (auto *TGEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(TI)) {
491 auto *FGEP = cast<GetElementPtrInst>(FI);
492 Type *ElementType = TGEP->getSourceElementType();
494 ElementType, Op0, Op1, TGEP->getNoWrapFlags() & FGEP->getNoWrapFlags());
495 }
496 llvm_unreachable("Expected BinaryOperator or GEP");
497 return nullptr;
500static bool isSelect01(const APInt &C1I, const APInt &C2I) {
501 if (!C1I.isZero() && !C2I.isZero()) // One side must be zero.
502 return false;
503 return C1I.isOne() || C1I.isAllOnes() || C2I.isOne() || C2I.isAllOnes();
506/// Try to fold the select into one of the operands to allow further
507/// optimization.
509 Value *FalseVal) {
510 // See the comment above getSelectFoldableOperands for a description of the
511 // transformation we are doing here.
512 auto TryFoldSelectIntoOp = [&](SelectInst &SI, Value *TrueVal,
513 Value *FalseVal,
514 bool Swapped) -> Instruction * {
515 auto *TVI = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(TrueVal);
516 if (!TVI || !TVI->hasOneUse() || isa<Constant>(FalseVal))
517 return nullptr;
519 unsigned SFO = getSelectFoldableOperands(TVI);
520 unsigned OpToFold = 0;
521 if ((SFO & 1) && FalseVal == TVI->getOperand(0))
522 OpToFold = 1;
523 else if ((SFO & 2) && FalseVal == TVI->getOperand(1))
524 OpToFold = 2;
526 if (!OpToFold)
527 return nullptr;
529 // TODO: We probably ought to revisit cases where the select and FP
530 // instructions have different flags and add tests to ensure the
531 // behaviour is correct.
532 FastMathFlags FMF;
533 if (isa<FPMathOperator>(&SI))
534 FMF = SI.getFastMathFlags();
536 TVI->getOpcode(), TVI->getType(), true, FMF.noSignedZeros());
537 Value *OOp = TVI->getOperand(2 - OpToFold);
538 // Avoid creating select between 2 constants unless it's selecting
539 // between 0, 1 and -1.
540 const APInt *OOpC;
541 bool OOpIsAPInt = match(OOp, m_APInt(OOpC));
542 if (isa<Constant>(OOp) &&
543 (!OOpIsAPInt || !isSelect01(C->getUniqueInteger(), *OOpC)))
544 return nullptr;
546 // If the false value is a NaN then we have that the floating point math
547 // operation in the transformed code may not preserve the exact NaN
548 // bit-pattern -- e.g. `fadd sNaN, 0.0 -> qNaN`.
549 // This makes the transformation incorrect since the original program would
550 // have preserved the exact NaN bit-pattern.
551 // Avoid the folding if the false value might be a NaN.
552 if (isa<FPMathOperator>(&SI) &&
553 !computeKnownFPClass(FalseVal, FMF, fcNan, &SI).isKnownNeverNaN())
554 return nullptr;
556 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(SI.getCondition(), Swapped ? C : OOp,
557 Swapped ? OOp : C, "", &SI);
558 if (isa<FPMathOperator>(&SI))
559 cast<Instruction>(NewSel)->setFastMathFlags(FMF);
560 NewSel->takeName(TVI);
561 BinaryOperator *BO =
562 BinaryOperator::Create(TVI->getOpcode(), FalseVal, NewSel);
563 BO->copyIRFlags(TVI);
564 return BO;
565 };
567 if (Instruction *R = TryFoldSelectIntoOp(SI, TrueVal, FalseVal, false))
568 return R;
570 if (Instruction *R = TryFoldSelectIntoOp(SI, FalseVal, TrueVal, true))
571 return R;
573 return nullptr;
576/// We want to turn:
577/// (select (icmp eq (and X, Y), 0), (and (lshr X, Z), 1), 1)
578/// into:
579/// zext (icmp ne i32 (and X, (or Y, (shl 1, Z))), 0)
580/// Note:
581/// Z may be 0 if lshr is missing.
582/// Worst-case scenario is that we will replace 5 instructions with 5 different
583/// instructions, but we got rid of select.
584static Instruction *foldSelectICmpAndAnd(Type *SelType, const ICmpInst *Cmp,
585 Value *TVal, Value *FVal,
586 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
587 if (!(Cmp->hasOneUse() && Cmp->getOperand(0)->hasOneUse() &&
588 Cmp->getPredicate() == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ &&
589 match(Cmp->getOperand(1), m_Zero()) && match(FVal, m_One())))
590 return nullptr;
592 // The TrueVal has general form of: and %B, 1
593 Value *B;
594 if (!match(TVal, m_OneUse(m_And(m_Value(B), m_One()))))
595 return nullptr;
597 // Where %B may be optionally shifted: lshr %X, %Z.
598 Value *X, *Z;
599 const bool HasShift = match(B, m_OneUse(m_LShr(m_Value(X), m_Value(Z))));
601 // The shift must be valid.
602 // TODO: This restricts the fold to constant shift amounts. Is there a way to
603 // handle variable shifts safely? PR47012
604 if (HasShift &&
606 APInt(SelType->getScalarSizeInBits(),
607 SelType->getScalarSizeInBits()))))
608 return nullptr;
610 if (!HasShift)
611 X = B;
613 Value *Y;
614 if (!match(Cmp->getOperand(0), m_c_And(m_Specific(X), m_Value(Y))))
615 return nullptr;
617 // ((X & Y) == 0) ? ((X >> Z) & 1) : 1 --> (X & (Y | (1 << Z))) != 0
618 // ((X & Y) == 0) ? (X & 1) : 1 --> (X & (Y | 1)) != 0
619 Constant *One = ConstantInt::get(SelType, 1);
620 Value *MaskB = HasShift ? Builder.CreateShl(One, Z) : One;
621 Value *FullMask = Builder.CreateOr(Y, MaskB);
622 Value *MaskedX = Builder.CreateAnd(X, FullMask);
623 Value *ICmpNeZero = Builder.CreateIsNotNull(MaskedX);
624 return new ZExtInst(ICmpNeZero, SelType);
627/// We want to turn:
628/// (select (icmp eq (and X, C1), 0), 0, (shl [nsw/nuw] X, C2));
629/// iff C1 is a mask and the number of its leading zeros is equal to C2
630/// into:
631/// shl X, C2
633 Value *FVal,
634 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
636 Value *AndVal;
637 if (!match(Cmp, m_ICmp(Pred, m_Value(AndVal), m_Zero())))
638 return nullptr;
640 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE) {
641 Pred = ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ;
642 std::swap(TVal, FVal);
643 }
645 Value *X;
646 const APInt *C2, *C1;
647 if (Pred != ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ ||
648 !match(AndVal, m_And(m_Value(X), m_APInt(C1))) ||
649 !match(TVal, m_Zero()) || !match(FVal, m_Shl(m_Specific(X), m_APInt(C2))))
650 return nullptr;
652 if (!C1->isMask() ||
653 C1->countLeadingZeros() != static_cast<unsigned>(C2->getZExtValue()))
654 return nullptr;
656 auto *FI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(FVal);
657 if (!FI)
658 return nullptr;
660 FI->setHasNoSignedWrap(false);
661 FI->setHasNoUnsignedWrap(false);
662 return FVal;
665/// We want to turn:
666/// (select (icmp sgt x, C), lshr (X, Y), ashr (X, Y)); iff C s>= -1
667/// (select (icmp slt x, C), ashr (X, Y), lshr (X, Y)); iff C s>= 0
668/// into:
669/// ashr (X, Y)
670static Value *foldSelectICmpLshrAshr(const ICmpInst *IC, Value *TrueVal,
671 Value *FalseVal,
672 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
674 Value *CmpLHS = IC->getOperand(0);
675 Value *CmpRHS = IC->getOperand(1);
676 if (!CmpRHS->getType()->isIntOrIntVectorTy())
677 return nullptr;
679 Value *X, *Y;
680 unsigned Bitwidth = CmpRHS->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
681 if ((Pred != ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT ||
682 !match(CmpRHS,
683 m_SpecificInt_ICMP(ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE, APInt(Bitwidth, -1)))) &&
684 (Pred != ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT ||
685 !match(CmpRHS,
687 return nullptr;
689 // Canonicalize so that ashr is in FalseVal.
690 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT)
691 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
693 if (match(TrueVal, m_LShr(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y))) &&
694 match(FalseVal, m_AShr(m_Specific(X), m_Specific(Y))) &&
695 match(CmpLHS, m_Specific(X))) {
696 const auto *Ashr = cast<Instruction>(FalseVal);
697 // if lshr is not exact and ashr is, this new ashr must not be exact.
698 bool IsExact = Ashr->isExact() && cast<Instruction>(TrueVal)->isExact();
699 return Builder.CreateAShr(X, Y, IC->getName(), IsExact);
700 }
702 return nullptr;
705/// We want to turn:
706/// (select (icmp eq (and X, C1), 0), Y, (BinOp Y, C2))
707/// into:
708/// IF C2 u>= C1
709/// (BinOp Y, (shl (and X, C1), C3))
710/// ELSE
711/// (BinOp Y, (lshr (and X, C1), C3))
712/// iff:
713/// 0 on the RHS is the identity value (i.e add, xor, shl, etc...)
714/// C1 and C2 are both powers of 2
715/// where:
716/// IF C2 u>= C1
717/// C3 = Log(C2) - Log(C1)
718/// ELSE
719/// C3 = Log(C1) - Log(C2)
721/// This transform handles cases where:
722/// 1. The icmp predicate is inverted
723/// 2. The select operands are reversed
724/// 3. The magnitude of C2 and C1 are flipped
725static Value *foldSelectICmpAndBinOp(const ICmpInst *IC, Value *TrueVal,
726 Value *FalseVal,
727 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
728 // Only handle integer compares. Also, if this is a vector select, we need a
729 // vector compare.
730 if (!TrueVal->getType()->isIntOrIntVectorTy() ||
731 TrueVal->getType()->isVectorTy() != IC->getType()->isVectorTy())
732 return nullptr;
734 Value *CmpLHS = IC->getOperand(0);
735 Value *CmpRHS = IC->getOperand(1);
737 unsigned C1Log;
738 bool NeedAnd = false;
739 CmpInst::Predicate Pred = IC->getPredicate();
740 if (IC->isEquality()) {
741 if (!match(CmpRHS, m_Zero()))
742 return nullptr;
744 const APInt *C1;
745 if (!match(CmpLHS, m_And(m_Value(), m_Power2(C1))))
746 return nullptr;
748 C1Log = C1->logBase2();
749 } else {
750 APInt C1;
751 if (!decomposeBitTestICmp(CmpLHS, CmpRHS, Pred, CmpLHS, C1) ||
752 !C1.isPowerOf2())
753 return nullptr;
755 C1Log = C1.logBase2();
756 NeedAnd = true;
757 }
759 Value *Y, *V = CmpLHS;
760 BinaryOperator *BinOp;
761 const APInt *C2;
762 bool NeedXor;
763 if (match(FalseVal, m_BinOp(m_Specific(TrueVal), m_Power2(C2)))) {
764 Y = TrueVal;
765 BinOp = cast<BinaryOperator>(FalseVal);
766 NeedXor = Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE;
767 } else if (match(TrueVal, m_BinOp(m_Specific(FalseVal), m_Power2(C2)))) {
768 Y = FalseVal;
769 BinOp = cast<BinaryOperator>(TrueVal);
770 NeedXor = Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ;
771 } else {
772 return nullptr;
773 }
775 // Check that 0 on RHS is identity value for this binop.
776 auto *IdentityC =
778 /*AllowRHSConstant*/ true);
779 if (IdentityC == nullptr || !IdentityC->isNullValue())
780 return nullptr;
782 unsigned C2Log = C2->logBase2();
784 bool NeedShift = C1Log != C2Log;
785 bool NeedZExtTrunc = Y->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits() !=
786 V->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
788 // Make sure we don't create more instructions than we save.
789 if ((NeedShift + NeedXor + NeedZExtTrunc + NeedAnd) >
790 (IC->hasOneUse() + BinOp->hasOneUse()))
791 return nullptr;
793 if (NeedAnd) {
794 // Insert the AND instruction on the input to the truncate.
795 APInt C1 = APInt::getOneBitSet(V->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits(), C1Log);
796 V = Builder.CreateAnd(V, ConstantInt::get(V->getType(), C1));
797 }
799 if (C2Log > C1Log) {
800 V = Builder.CreateZExtOrTrunc(V, Y->getType());
801 V = Builder.CreateShl(V, C2Log - C1Log);
802 } else if (C1Log > C2Log) {
803 V = Builder.CreateLShr(V, C1Log - C2Log);
804 V = Builder.CreateZExtOrTrunc(V, Y->getType());
805 } else
806 V = Builder.CreateZExtOrTrunc(V, Y->getType());
808 if (NeedXor)
809 V = Builder.CreateXor(V, *C2);
811 return Builder.CreateBinOp(BinOp->getOpcode(), Y, V);
814/// Canonicalize a set or clear of a masked set of constant bits to
815/// select-of-constants form.
817 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
818 Value *Cond = Sel.getCondition();
819 Value *T = Sel.getTrueValue();
820 Value *F = Sel.getFalseValue();
821 Type *Ty = Sel.getType();
822 Value *X;
823 const APInt *NotC, *C;
825 // Cond ? (X & ~C) : (X | C) --> (X & ~C) | (Cond ? 0 : C)
826 if (match(T, m_And(m_Value(X), m_APInt(NotC))) &&
827 match(F, m_OneUse(m_Or(m_Specific(X), m_APInt(C)))) && *NotC == ~(*C)) {
829 Constant *OrC = ConstantInt::get(Ty, *C);
830 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, Zero, OrC, "masksel", &Sel);
831 return BinaryOperator::CreateOr(T, NewSel);
832 }
834 // Cond ? (X | C) : (X & ~C) --> (X & ~C) | (Cond ? C : 0)
835 if (match(F, m_And(m_Value(X), m_APInt(NotC))) &&
836 match(T, m_OneUse(m_Or(m_Specific(X), m_APInt(C)))) && *NotC == ~(*C)) {
838 Constant *OrC = ConstantInt::get(Ty, *C);
839 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, OrC, Zero, "masksel", &Sel);
840 return BinaryOperator::CreateOr(F, NewSel);
841 }
843 return nullptr;
846// select (x == 0), 0, x * y --> freeze(y) * x
847// select (y == 0), 0, x * y --> freeze(x) * y
848// select (x == 0), undef, x * y --> freeze(y) * x
849// select (x == undef), 0, x * y --> freeze(y) * x
850// Usage of mul instead of 0 will make the result more poisonous,
851// so the operand that was not checked in the condition should be frozen.
852// The latter folding is applied only when a constant compared with x is
853// is a vector consisting of 0 and undefs. If a constant compared with x
854// is a scalar undefined value or undefined vector then an expression
855// should be already folded into a constant.
857 auto *CondVal = SI.getCondition();
858 auto *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
859 auto *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
860 Value *X, *Y;
861 ICmpInst::Predicate Predicate;
863 // Assuming that constant compared with zero is not undef (but it may be
864 // a vector with some undef elements). Otherwise (when a constant is undef)
865 // the select expression should be already simplified.
866 if (!match(CondVal, m_ICmp(Predicate, m_Value(X), m_Zero())) ||
867 !ICmpInst::isEquality(Predicate))
868 return nullptr;
870 if (Predicate == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE)
871 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
873 // Check that TrueVal is a constant instead of matching it with m_Zero()
874 // to handle the case when it is a scalar undef value or a vector containing
875 // non-zero elements that are masked by undef elements in the compare
876 // constant.
877 auto *TrueValC = dyn_cast<Constant>(TrueVal);
878 if (TrueValC == nullptr ||
879 !match(FalseVal, m_c_Mul(m_Specific(X), m_Value(Y))) ||
880 !isa<Instruction>(FalseVal))
881 return nullptr;
883 auto *ZeroC = cast<Constant>(cast<Instruction>(CondVal)->getOperand(1));
884 auto *MergedC = Constant::mergeUndefsWith(TrueValC, ZeroC);
885 // If X is compared with 0 then TrueVal could be either zero or undef.
886 // m_Zero match vectors containing some undef elements, but for scalars
887 // m_Undef should be used explicitly.
888 if (!match(MergedC, m_Zero()) && !match(MergedC, m_Undef()))
889 return nullptr;
891 auto *FalseValI = cast<Instruction>(FalseVal);
892 auto *FrY = IC.InsertNewInstBefore(new FreezeInst(Y, Y->getName() + ".fr"),
893 FalseValI->getIterator());
894 IC.replaceOperand(*FalseValI, FalseValI->getOperand(0) == Y ? 0 : 1, FrY);
895 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, FalseValI);
898/// Transform patterns such as (a > b) ? a - b : 0 into usub.sat(a, b).
899/// There are 8 commuted/swapped variants of this pattern.
901 const Value *TrueVal,
902 const Value *FalseVal,
903 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
904 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred = ICI->getPredicate();
905 Value *A = ICI->getOperand(0);
906 Value *B = ICI->getOperand(1);
908 // (b > a) ? 0 : a - b -> (b <= a) ? a - b : 0
909 // (a == 0) ? 0 : a - 1 -> (a != 0) ? a - 1 : 0
910 if (match(TrueVal, m_Zero())) {
912 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
913 }
915 if (!match(FalseVal, m_Zero()))
916 return nullptr;
918 // ugt 0 is canonicalized to ne 0 and requires special handling
919 // (a != 0) ? a + -1 : 0 -> usub.sat(a, 1)
920 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE) {
921 if (match(B, m_Zero()) && match(TrueVal, m_Add(m_Specific(A), m_AllOnes())))
922 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::usub_sat, A,
923 ConstantInt::get(A->getType(), 1));
924 return nullptr;
925 }
927 if (!ICmpInst::isUnsigned(Pred))
928 return nullptr;
930 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE || Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT) {
931 // (b < a) ? a - b : 0 -> (a > b) ? a - b : 0
932 std::swap(A, B);
934 }
936 assert((Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE || Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT) &&
937 "Unexpected isUnsigned predicate!");
939 // Ensure the sub is of the form:
940 // (a > b) ? a - b : 0 -> usub.sat(a, b)
941 // (a > b) ? b - a : 0 -> -usub.sat(a, b)
942 // Checking for both a-b and a+(-b) as a constant.
943 bool IsNegative = false;
944 const APInt *C;
945 if (match(TrueVal, m_Sub(m_Specific(B), m_Specific(A))) ||
946 (match(A, m_APInt(C)) &&
947 match(TrueVal, m_Add(m_Specific(B), m_SpecificInt(-*C)))))
948 IsNegative = true;
949 else if (!match(TrueVal, m_Sub(m_Specific(A), m_Specific(B))) &&
950 !(match(B, m_APInt(C)) &&
951 match(TrueVal, m_Add(m_Specific(A), m_SpecificInt(-*C)))))
952 return nullptr;
954 // If we are adding a negate and the sub and icmp are used anywhere else, we
955 // would end up with more instructions.
956 if (IsNegative && !TrueVal->hasOneUse() && !ICI->hasOneUse())
957 return nullptr;
959 // (a > b) ? a - b : 0 -> usub.sat(a, b)
960 // (a > b) ? b - a : 0 -> -usub.sat(a, b)
961 Value *Result = Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::usub_sat, A, B);
962 if (IsNegative)
963 Result = Builder.CreateNeg(Result);
964 return Result;
968 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
969 if (!Cmp->hasOneUse())
970 return nullptr;
972 // Match unsigned saturated add with constant.
973 Value *Cmp0 = Cmp->getOperand(0);
974 Value *Cmp1 = Cmp->getOperand(1);
975 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred = Cmp->getPredicate();
976 Value *X;
977 const APInt *C;
979 // Match unsigned saturated add of 2 variables with an unnecessary 'not'.
980 // There are 8 commuted variants.
981 // Canonicalize -1 (saturated result) to true value of the select.
982 if (match(FVal, m_AllOnes())) {
983 std::swap(TVal, FVal);
984 Pred = CmpInst::getInversePredicate(Pred);
985 }
986 if (!match(TVal, m_AllOnes()))
987 return nullptr;
989 // uge -1 is canonicalized to eq -1 and requires special handling
990 // (a == -1) ? -1 : a + 1 -> uadd.sat(a, 1)
991 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ) {
992 if (match(FVal, m_Add(m_Specific(Cmp0), m_One())) &&
993 match(Cmp1, m_AllOnes())) {
994 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(
995 Intrinsic::uadd_sat, Cmp0, ConstantInt::get(Cmp0->getType(), 1));
996 }
997 return nullptr;
998 }
1000 if ((Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE || Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT) &&
1001 match(FVal, m_Add(m_Specific(Cmp0), m_APIntAllowPoison(C))) &&
1002 match(Cmp1, m_SpecificIntAllowPoison(~*C))) {
1003 // (X u> ~C) ? -1 : (X + C) --> uadd.sat(X, C)
1004 // (X u>= ~C)? -1 : (X + C) --> uadd.sat(X, C)
1005 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::uadd_sat, Cmp0,
1006 ConstantInt::get(Cmp0->getType(), *C));
1007 }
1009 // Negative one does not work here because X u> -1 ? -1, X + -1 is not a
1010 // saturated add.
1011 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT &&
1012 match(FVal, m_Add(m_Specific(Cmp0), m_APIntAllowPoison(C))) &&
1013 match(Cmp1, m_SpecificIntAllowPoison(~*C - 1)) && !C->isAllOnes()) {
1014 // (X u> ~C - 1) ? -1 : (X + C) --> uadd.sat(X, C)
1015 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::uadd_sat, Cmp0,
1016 ConstantInt::get(Cmp0->getType(), *C));
1017 }
1019 // Zero does not work here because X u>= 0 ? -1 : X -> is always -1, which is
1020 // not a saturated add.
1021 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE &&
1022 match(FVal, m_Add(m_Specific(Cmp0), m_APIntAllowPoison(C))) &&
1023 match(Cmp1, m_SpecificIntAllowPoison(-*C)) && !C->isZero()) {
1024 // (X u >= -C) ? -1 : (X + C) --> uadd.sat(X, C)
1025 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::uadd_sat, Cmp0,
1026 ConstantInt::get(Cmp0->getType(), *C));
1027 }
1029 // Canonicalize predicate to less-than or less-or-equal-than.
1030 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT || Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE) {
1031 std::swap(Cmp0, Cmp1);
1032 Pred = CmpInst::getSwappedPredicate(Pred);
1033 }
1034 if (Pred != ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT && Pred != ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE)
1035 return nullptr;
1037 // Match unsigned saturated add of 2 variables with an unnecessary 'not'.
1038 // Strictness of the comparison is irrelevant.
1039 Value *Y;
1040 if (match(Cmp0, m_Not(m_Value(X))) &&
1041 match(FVal, m_c_Add(m_Specific(X), m_Value(Y))) && Y == Cmp1) {
1042 // (~X u< Y) ? -1 : (X + Y) --> uadd.sat(X, Y)
1043 // (~X u< Y) ? -1 : (Y + X) --> uadd.sat(X, Y)
1044 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::uadd_sat, X, Y);
1045 }
1046 // The 'not' op may be included in the sum but not the compare.
1047 // Strictness of the comparison is irrelevant.
1048 X = Cmp0;
1049 Y = Cmp1;
1050 if (match(FVal, m_c_Add(m_Not(m_Specific(X)), m_Specific(Y)))) {
1051 // (X u< Y) ? -1 : (~X + Y) --> uadd.sat(~X, Y)
1052 // (X u< Y) ? -1 : (Y + ~X) --> uadd.sat(Y, ~X)
1053 BinaryOperator *BO = cast<BinaryOperator>(FVal);
1054 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(
1055 Intrinsic::uadd_sat, BO->getOperand(0), BO->getOperand(1));
1056 }
1057 // The overflow may be detected via the add wrapping round.
1058 // This is only valid for strict comparison!
1059 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT &&
1060 match(Cmp0, m_c_Add(m_Specific(Cmp1), m_Value(Y))) &&
1061 match(FVal, m_c_Add(m_Specific(Cmp1), m_Specific(Y)))) {
1062 // ((X + Y) u< X) ? -1 : (X + Y) --> uadd.sat(X, Y)
1063 // ((X + Y) u< Y) ? -1 : (X + Y) --> uadd.sat(X, Y)
1064 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::uadd_sat, Cmp1, Y);
1065 }
1067 return nullptr;
1070/// Try to match patterns with select and subtract as absolute difference.
1071static Value *foldAbsDiff(ICmpInst *Cmp, Value *TVal, Value *FVal,
1072 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
1073 auto *TI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(TVal);
1074 auto *FI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(FVal);
1075 if (!TI || !FI)
1076 return nullptr;
1078 // Normalize predicate to gt/lt rather than ge/le.
1079 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred = Cmp->getStrictPredicate();
1080 Value *A = Cmp->getOperand(0);
1081 Value *B = Cmp->getOperand(1);
1083 // Normalize "A - B" as the true value of the select.
1084 if (match(FI, m_Sub(m_Specific(A), m_Specific(B)))) {
1085 std::swap(FI, TI);
1086 Pred = ICmpInst::getSwappedPredicate(Pred);
1087 }
1089 // With any pair of no-wrap subtracts:
1090 // (A > B) ? (A - B) : (B - A) --> abs(A - B)
1091 if (Pred == CmpInst::ICMP_SGT &&
1092 match(TI, m_Sub(m_Specific(A), m_Specific(B))) &&
1093 match(FI, m_Sub(m_Specific(B), m_Specific(A))) &&
1094 (TI->hasNoSignedWrap() || TI->hasNoUnsignedWrap()) &&
1095 (FI->hasNoSignedWrap() || FI->hasNoUnsignedWrap())) {
1096 // The remaining subtract is not "nuw" any more.
1097 // If there's one use of the subtract (no other use than the use we are
1098 // about to replace), then we know that the sub is "nsw" in this context
1099 // even if it was only "nuw" before. If there's another use, then we can't
1100 // add "nsw" to the existing instruction because it may not be safe in the
1101 // other user's context.
1102 TI->setHasNoUnsignedWrap(false);
1103 if (!TI->hasNoSignedWrap())
1104 TI->setHasNoSignedWrap(TI->hasOneUse());
1105 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::abs, TI, Builder.getTrue());
1106 }
1108 return nullptr;
1111/// Fold the following code sequence:
1112/// \code
1113/// int a = ctlz(x & -x);
1114// x ? 31 - a : a;
1115// // or
1116// x ? 31 - a : 32;
1117/// \code
1119/// into:
1120/// cttz(x)
1121static Instruction *foldSelectCtlzToCttz(ICmpInst *ICI, Value *TrueVal,
1122 Value *FalseVal,
1123 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
1124 unsigned BitWidth = TrueVal->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
1125 if (!ICI->isEquality() || !match(ICI->getOperand(1), m_Zero()))
1126 return nullptr;
1128 if (ICI->getPredicate() == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE)
1129 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
1131 Value *Ctlz;
1132 if (!match(FalseVal,
1133 m_Xor(m_Value(Ctlz), m_SpecificInt(BitWidth - 1))))
1134 return nullptr;
1136 if (!match(Ctlz, m_Intrinsic<Intrinsic::ctlz>()))
1137 return nullptr;
1139 if (TrueVal != Ctlz && !match(TrueVal, m_SpecificInt(BitWidth)))
1140 return nullptr;
1142 Value *X = ICI->getOperand(0);
1143 auto *II = cast<IntrinsicInst>(Ctlz);
1144 if (!match(II->getOperand(0), m_c_And(m_Specific(X), m_Neg(m_Specific(X)))))
1145 return nullptr;
1147 Function *F = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(II->getModule(), Intrinsic::cttz,
1148 II->getType());
1149 return CallInst::Create(F, {X, II->getArgOperand(1)});
1152/// Attempt to fold a cttz/ctlz followed by a icmp plus select into a single
1153/// call to cttz/ctlz with flag 'is_zero_poison' cleared.
1155/// For example, we can fold the following code sequence:
1156/// \code
1157/// %0 = tail call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x, i1 true)
1158/// %1 = icmp ne i32 %x, 0
1159/// %2 = select i1 %1, i32 %0, i32 32
1160/// \code
1162/// into:
1163/// %0 = tail call i32 @llvm.cttz.i32(i32 %x, i1 false)
1164static Value *foldSelectCttzCtlz(ICmpInst *ICI, Value *TrueVal, Value *FalseVal,
1165 InstCombinerImpl &IC) {
1166 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred = ICI->getPredicate();
1167 Value *CmpLHS = ICI->getOperand(0);
1168 Value *CmpRHS = ICI->getOperand(1);
1170 // Check if the select condition compares a value for equality.
1171 if (!ICI->isEquality())
1172 return nullptr;
1174 Value *SelectArg = FalseVal;
1175 Value *ValueOnZero = TrueVal;
1176 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE)
1177 std::swap(SelectArg, ValueOnZero);
1179 // Skip zero extend/truncate.
1180 Value *Count = nullptr;
1181 if (!match(SelectArg, m_ZExt(m_Value(Count))) &&
1182 !match(SelectArg, m_Trunc(m_Value(Count))))
1183 Count = SelectArg;
1185 // Check that 'Count' is a call to intrinsic cttz/ctlz. Also check that the
1186 // input to the cttz/ctlz is used as LHS for the compare instruction.
1187 Value *X;
1188 if (!match(Count, m_Intrinsic<Intrinsic::cttz>(m_Value(X))) &&
1189 !match(Count, m_Intrinsic<Intrinsic::ctlz>(m_Value(X))))
1190 return nullptr;
1192 // (X == 0) ? BitWidth : ctz(X)
1193 // (X == -1) ? BitWidth : ctz(~X)
1194 if ((X != CmpLHS || !match(CmpRHS, m_Zero())) &&
1195 (!match(X, m_Not(m_Specific(CmpLHS))) || !match(CmpRHS, m_AllOnes())))
1196 return nullptr;
1198 IntrinsicInst *II = cast<IntrinsicInst>(Count);
1200 // Check if the value propagated on zero is a constant number equal to the
1201 // sizeof in bits of 'Count'.
1202 unsigned SizeOfInBits = Count->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
1203 if (match(ValueOnZero, m_SpecificInt(SizeOfInBits))) {
1204 // Explicitly clear the 'is_zero_poison' flag. It's always valid to go from
1205 // true to false on this flag, so we can replace it for all users.
1206 II->setArgOperand(1, ConstantInt::getFalse(II->getContext()));
1207 // A range annotation on the intrinsic may no longer be valid.
1208 II->dropPoisonGeneratingAnnotations();
1209 IC.addToWorklist(II);
1210 return SelectArg;
1211 }
1213 // The ValueOnZero is not the bitwidth. But if the cttz/ctlz (and optional
1214 // zext/trunc) have one use (ending at the select), the cttz/ctlz result will
1215 // not be used if the input is zero. Relax to 'zero is poison' for that case.
1216 if (II->hasOneUse() && SelectArg->hasOneUse() &&
1217 !match(II->getArgOperand(1), m_One()))
1218 II->setArgOperand(1, ConstantInt::getTrue(II->getContext()));
1220 return nullptr;
1223static Value *canonicalizeSPF(ICmpInst &Cmp, Value *TrueVal, Value *FalseVal,
1224 InstCombinerImpl &IC) {
1225 Value *LHS, *RHS;
1226 // TODO: What to do with pointer min/max patterns?
1227 if (!TrueVal->getType()->isIntOrIntVectorTy())
1228 return nullptr;
1231 matchDecomposedSelectPattern(&Cmp, TrueVal, FalseVal, LHS, RHS).Flavor;
1232 if (SPF == SelectPatternFlavor::SPF_ABS ||
1234 if (!Cmp.hasOneUse() && !RHS->hasOneUse())
1235 return nullptr; // TODO: Relax this restriction.
1237 // Note that NSW flag can only be propagated for normal, non-negated abs!
1238 bool IntMinIsPoison = SPF == SelectPatternFlavor::SPF_ABS &&
1239 match(RHS, m_NSWNeg(m_Specific(LHS)));
1240 Constant *IntMinIsPoisonC =
1241 ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt1Ty(Cmp.getContext()), IntMinIsPoison);
1242 Value *Abs =
1243 IC.Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::abs, LHS, IntMinIsPoisonC);
1246 return IC.Builder.CreateNeg(Abs); // Always without NSW flag!
1247 return Abs;
1248 }
1251 Intrinsic::ID IntrinsicID;
1252 switch (SPF) {
1254 IntrinsicID = Intrinsic::umin;
1255 break;
1257 IntrinsicID = Intrinsic::umax;
1258 break;
1260 IntrinsicID = Intrinsic::smin;
1261 break;
1263 IntrinsicID = Intrinsic::smax;
1264 break;
1265 default:
1266 llvm_unreachable("Unexpected SPF");
1267 }
1268 return IC.Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(IntrinsicID, LHS, RHS);
1269 }
1271 return nullptr;
1275 unsigned Depth) {
1276 // Conservatively limit replacement to two instructions upwards.
1277 if (Depth == 2)
1278 return false;
1280 assert(!isa<Constant>(Old) && "Only replace non-constant values");
1282 auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V);
1283 if (!I || !I->hasOneUse() ||
1285 return false;
1287 bool Changed = false;
1288 for (Use &U : I->operands()) {
1289 if (U == Old) {
1290 replaceUse(U, New);
1291 Worklist.add(I);
1292 Changed = true;
1293 } else {
1294 Changed |= replaceInInstruction(U, Old, New, Depth + 1);
1295 }
1296 }
1297 return Changed;
1300/// If we have a select with an equality comparison, then we know the value in
1301/// one of the arms of the select. See if substituting this value into an arm
1302/// and simplifying the result yields the same value as the other arm.
1304/// To make this transform safe, we must drop poison-generating flags
1305/// (nsw, etc) if we simplified to a binop because the select may be guarding
1306/// that poison from propagating. If the existing binop already had no
1307/// poison-generating flags, then this transform can be done by instsimplify.
1309/// Consider:
1310/// %cmp = icmp eq i32 %x, 2147483647
1311/// %add = add nsw i32 %x, 1
1312/// %sel = select i1 %cmp, i32 -2147483648, i32 %add
1314/// We can't replace %sel with %add unless we strip away the flags.
1315/// TODO: Wrapping flags could be preserved in some cases with better analysis.
1317 ICmpInst &Cmp) {
1318 if (!Cmp.isEquality())
1319 return nullptr;
1321 // Canonicalize the pattern to ICMP_EQ by swapping the select operands.
1322 Value *TrueVal = Sel.getTrueValue(), *FalseVal = Sel.getFalseValue();
1323 bool Swapped = false;
1324 if (Cmp.getPredicate() == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE) {
1325 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
1326 Swapped = true;
1327 }
1329 Value *CmpLHS = Cmp.getOperand(0), *CmpRHS = Cmp.getOperand(1);
1330 auto ReplaceOldOpWithNewOp = [&](Value *OldOp,
1331 Value *NewOp) -> Instruction * {
1332 // In X == Y ? f(X) : Z, try to evaluate f(Y) and replace the operand.
1333 // Take care to avoid replacing X == Y ? X : Z with X == Y ? Y : Z, as that
1334 // would lead to an infinite replacement cycle.
1335 // If we will be able to evaluate f(Y) to a constant, we can allow undef,
1336 // otherwise Y cannot be undef as we might pick different values for undef
1337 // in the icmp and in f(Y).
1338 if (TrueVal == OldOp)
1339 return nullptr;
1341 if (Value *V = simplifyWithOpReplaced(TrueVal, OldOp, NewOp, SQ,
1342 /* AllowRefinement=*/true)) {
1343 // Need some guarantees about the new simplified op to ensure we don't inf
1344 // loop.
1345 // If we simplify to a constant, replace if we aren't creating new undef.
1346 if (match(V, m_ImmConstant()) &&
1347 isGuaranteedNotToBeUndef(V, SQ.AC, &Sel, &DT))
1348 return replaceOperand(Sel, Swapped ? 2 : 1, V);
1350 // If NewOp is a constant and OldOp is not replace iff NewOp doesn't
1351 // contain and undef elements.
1352 if (match(NewOp, m_ImmConstant()) || NewOp == V) {
1353 if (isGuaranteedNotToBeUndef(NewOp, SQ.AC, &Sel, &DT))
1354 return replaceOperand(Sel, Swapped ? 2 : 1, V);
1355 return nullptr;
1356 }
1357 }
1359 // Even if TrueVal does not simplify, we can directly replace a use of
1360 // CmpLHS with CmpRHS, as long as the instruction is not used anywhere
1361 // else and is safe to speculatively execute (we may end up executing it
1362 // with different operands, which should not cause side-effects or trigger
1363 // undefined behavior). Only do this if CmpRHS is a constant, as
1364 // profitability is not clear for other cases.
1365 // FIXME: Support vectors.
1366 if (OldOp == CmpLHS && match(NewOp, m_ImmConstant()) &&
1367 !match(OldOp, m_Constant()) && !Cmp.getType()->isVectorTy() &&
1368 isGuaranteedNotToBeUndef(NewOp, SQ.AC, &Sel, &DT))
1369 if (replaceInInstruction(TrueVal, OldOp, NewOp))
1370 return &Sel;
1371 return nullptr;
1372 };
1374 if (Instruction *R = ReplaceOldOpWithNewOp(CmpLHS, CmpRHS))
1375 return R;
1376 if (Instruction *R = ReplaceOldOpWithNewOp(CmpRHS, CmpLHS))
1377 return R;
1379 auto *FalseInst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(FalseVal);
1380 if (!FalseInst)
1381 return nullptr;
1383 // InstSimplify already performed this fold if it was possible subject to
1384 // current poison-generating flags. Check whether dropping poison-generating
1385 // flags enables the transform.
1387 // Try each equivalence substitution possibility.
1388 // We have an 'EQ' comparison, so the select's false value will propagate.
1389 // Example:
1390 // (X == 42) ? 43 : (X + 1) --> (X == 42) ? (X + 1) : (X + 1) --> X + 1
1392 if (simplifyWithOpReplaced(FalseVal, CmpLHS, CmpRHS, SQ,
1393 /* AllowRefinement */ false,
1394 &DropFlags) == TrueVal ||
1395 simplifyWithOpReplaced(FalseVal, CmpRHS, CmpLHS, SQ,
1396 /* AllowRefinement */ false,
1397 &DropFlags) == TrueVal) {
1398 for (Instruction *I : DropFlags) {
1399 I->dropPoisonGeneratingAnnotations();
1400 Worklist.add(I);
1401 }
1403 return replaceInstUsesWith(Sel, FalseVal);
1404 }
1406 return nullptr;
1409// See if this is a pattern like:
1410// %old_cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %x, C2
1411// %old_replacement = select i1 %old_cmp1, i32 %target_low, i32 %target_high
1412// %old_x_offseted = add i32 %x, C1
1413// %old_cmp0 = icmp ult i32 %old_x_offseted, C0
1414// %r = select i1 %old_cmp0, i32 %x, i32 %old_replacement
1415// This can be rewritten as more canonical pattern:
1416// %new_cmp1 = icmp slt i32 %x, -C1
1417// %new_cmp2 = icmp sge i32 %x, C0-C1
1418// %new_clamped_low = select i1 %new_cmp1, i32 %target_low, i32 %x
1419// %r = select i1 %new_cmp2, i32 %target_high, i32 %new_clamped_low
1420// Iff -C1 s<= C2 s<= C0-C1
1421// Also ULT predicate can also be UGT iff C0 != -1 (+invert result)
1422// SLT predicate can also be SGT iff C2 != INT_MAX (+invert res.)
1423static Value *canonicalizeClampLike(SelectInst &Sel0, ICmpInst &Cmp0,
1424 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder,
1425 InstCombiner &IC) {
1426 Value *X = Sel0.getTrueValue();
1427 Value *Sel1 = Sel0.getFalseValue();
1429 // First match the condition of the outermost select.
1430 // Said condition must be one-use.
1431 if (!Cmp0.hasOneUse())
1432 return nullptr;
1433 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred0 = Cmp0.getPredicate();
1434 Value *Cmp00 = Cmp0.getOperand(0);
1435 Constant *C0;
1436 if (!match(Cmp0.getOperand(1),
1438 return nullptr;
1440 if (!isa<SelectInst>(Sel1)) {
1441 Pred0 = ICmpInst::getInversePredicate(Pred0);
1442 std::swap(X, Sel1);
1443 }
1445 // Canonicalize Cmp0 into ult or uge.
1446 // FIXME: we shouldn't care about lanes that are 'undef' in the end?
1447 switch (Pred0) {
1450 // Although icmp ult %x, 0 is an unusual thing to try and should generally
1451 // have been simplified, it does not verify with undef inputs so ensure we
1452 // are not in a strange state.
1453 if (!match(C0, m_SpecificInt_ICMP(
1456 return nullptr;
1457 break; // Great!
1460 // We want to canonicalize it to 'ult' or 'uge', so we'll need to increment
1461 // C0, which again means it must not have any all-ones elements.
1462 if (!match(C0,
1466 return nullptr; // Can't do, have all-ones element[s].
1468 C0 = InstCombiner::AddOne(C0);
1469 break;
1470 default:
1471 return nullptr; // Unknown predicate.
1472 }
1474 // Now that we've canonicalized the ICmp, we know the X we expect;
1475 // the select in other hand should be one-use.
1476 if (!Sel1->hasOneUse())
1477 return nullptr;
1479 // If the types do not match, look through any truncs to the underlying
1480 // instruction.
1481 if (Cmp00->getType() != X->getType() && X->hasOneUse())
1484 // We now can finish matching the condition of the outermost select:
1485 // it should either be the X itself, or an addition of some constant to X.
1486 Constant *C1;
1487 if (Cmp00 == X)
1488 C1 = ConstantInt::getNullValue(X->getType());
1489 else if (!match(Cmp00,
1492 return nullptr;
1494 Value *Cmp1;
1495 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred1;
1496 Constant *C2;
1497 Value *ReplacementLow, *ReplacementHigh;
1498 if (!match(Sel1, m_Select(m_Value(Cmp1), m_Value(ReplacementLow),
1499 m_Value(ReplacementHigh))) ||
1500 !match(Cmp1,
1501 m_ICmp(Pred1, m_Specific(X),
1503 return nullptr;
1505 if (!Cmp1->hasOneUse() && (Cmp00 == X || !Cmp00->hasOneUse()))
1506 return nullptr; // Not enough one-use instructions for the fold.
1507 // FIXME: this restriction could be relaxed if Cmp1 can be reused as one of
1508 // two comparisons we'll need to build.
1510 // Canonicalize Cmp1 into the form we expect.
1511 // FIXME: we shouldn't care about lanes that are 'undef' in the end?
1512 switch (Pred1) {
1514 break;
1516 // We'd have to increment C2 by one, and for that it must not have signed
1517 // max element, but then it would have been canonicalized to 'slt' before
1518 // we get here. So we can't do anything useful with 'sle'.
1519 return nullptr;
1521 // We want to canonicalize it to 'slt', so we'll need to increment C2,
1522 // which again means it must not have any signed max elements.
1523 if (!match(C2,
1526 C2->getType()->getScalarSizeInBits()))))
1527 return nullptr; // Can't do, have signed max element[s].
1528 C2 = InstCombiner::AddOne(C2);
1529 [[fallthrough]];
1531 // Also non-canonical, but here we don't need to change C2,
1532 // so we don't have any restrictions on C2, so we can just handle it.
1534 std::swap(ReplacementLow, ReplacementHigh);
1535 break;
1536 default:
1537 return nullptr; // Unknown predicate.
1538 }
1540 "Unexpected predicate type.");
1542 // The thresholds of this clamp-like pattern.
1543 auto *ThresholdLowIncl = ConstantExpr::getNeg(C1);
1544 auto *ThresholdHighExcl = ConstantExpr::getSub(C0, C1);
1548 "Unexpected predicate type.");
1549 if (Pred0 == ICmpInst::Predicate::ICMP_UGE)
1550 std::swap(ThresholdLowIncl, ThresholdHighExcl);
1552 // The fold has a precondition 1: C2 s>= ThresholdLow
1553 auto *Precond1 = ConstantFoldCompareInstOperands(
1554 ICmpInst::Predicate::ICMP_SGE, C2, ThresholdLowIncl, IC.getDataLayout());
1555 if (!Precond1 || !match(Precond1, m_One()))
1556 return nullptr;
1557 // The fold has a precondition 2: C2 s<= ThresholdHigh
1558 auto *Precond2 = ConstantFoldCompareInstOperands(
1559 ICmpInst::Predicate::ICMP_SLE, C2, ThresholdHighExcl, IC.getDataLayout());
1560 if (!Precond2 || !match(Precond2, m_One()))
1561 return nullptr;
1563 // If we are matching from a truncated input, we need to sext the
1564 // ReplacementLow and ReplacementHigh values. Only do the transform if they
1565 // are free to extend due to being constants.
1566 if (X->getType() != Sel0.getType()) {
1567 Constant *LowC, *HighC;
1568 if (!match(ReplacementLow, m_ImmConstant(LowC)) ||
1569 !match(ReplacementHigh, m_ImmConstant(HighC)))
1570 return nullptr;
1571 const DataLayout &DL = Sel0.getDataLayout();
1572 ReplacementLow =
1573 ConstantFoldCastOperand(Instruction::SExt, LowC, X->getType(), DL);
1574 ReplacementHigh =
1575 ConstantFoldCastOperand(Instruction::SExt, HighC, X->getType(), DL);
1576 assert(ReplacementLow && ReplacementHigh &&
1577 "Constant folding of ImmConstant cannot fail");
1578 }
1580 // All good, finally emit the new pattern.
1581 Value *ShouldReplaceLow = Builder.CreateICmpSLT(X, ThresholdLowIncl);
1582 Value *ShouldReplaceHigh = Builder.CreateICmpSGE(X, ThresholdHighExcl);
1583 Value *MaybeReplacedLow =
1584 Builder.CreateSelect(ShouldReplaceLow, ReplacementLow, X);
1586 // Create the final select. If we looked through a truncate above, we will
1587 // need to retruncate the result.
1588 Value *MaybeReplacedHigh = Builder.CreateSelect(
1589 ShouldReplaceHigh, ReplacementHigh, MaybeReplacedLow);
1590 return Builder.CreateTrunc(MaybeReplacedHigh, Sel0.getType());
1593// If we have
1594// %cmp = icmp [canonical predicate] i32 %x, C0
1595// %r = select i1 %cmp, i32 %y, i32 C1
1596// Where C0 != C1 and %x may be different from %y, see if the constant that we
1597// will have if we flip the strictness of the predicate (i.e. without changing
1598// the result) is identical to the C1 in select. If it matches we can change
1599// original comparison to one with swapped predicate, reuse the constant,
1600// and swap the hands of select.
1601static Instruction *
1602tryToReuseConstantFromSelectInComparison(SelectInst &Sel, ICmpInst &Cmp,
1603 InstCombinerImpl &IC) {
1605 Value *X;
1606 Constant *C0;
1607 if (!match(&Cmp, m_OneUse(m_ICmp(
1608 Pred, m_Value(X),
1610 return nullptr;
1612 // If comparison predicate is non-relational, we won't be able to do anything.
1613 if (ICmpInst::isEquality(Pred))
1614 return nullptr;
1616 // If comparison predicate is non-canonical, then we certainly won't be able
1617 // to make it canonical; canonicalizeCmpWithConstant() already tried.
1619 return nullptr;
1621 // If the [input] type of comparison and select type are different, lets abort
1622 // for now. We could try to compare constants with trunc/[zs]ext though.
1623 if (C0->getType() != Sel.getType())
1624 return nullptr;
1626 // ULT with 'add' of a constant is canonical. See foldICmpAddConstant().
1627 // FIXME: Are there more magic icmp predicate+constant pairs we must avoid?
1628 // Or should we just abandon this transform entirely?
1629 if (Pred == CmpInst::ICMP_ULT && match(X, m_Add(m_Value(), m_Constant())))
1630 return nullptr;
1633 Value *SelVal0, *SelVal1; // We do not care which one is from where.
1634 match(&Sel, m_Select(m_Value(), m_Value(SelVal0), m_Value(SelVal1)));
1635 // At least one of these values we are selecting between must be a constant
1636 // else we'll never succeed.
1637 if (!match(SelVal0, m_AnyIntegralConstant()) &&
1638 !match(SelVal1, m_AnyIntegralConstant()))
1639 return nullptr;
1641 // Does this constant C match any of the `select` values?
1642 auto MatchesSelectValue = [SelVal0, SelVal1](Constant *C) {
1643 return C->isElementWiseEqual(SelVal0) || C->isElementWiseEqual(SelVal1);
1644 };
1646 // If C0 *already* matches true/false value of select, we are done.
1647 if (MatchesSelectValue(C0))
1648 return nullptr;
1650 // Check the constant we'd have with flipped-strictness predicate.
1651 auto FlippedStrictness =
1653 if (!FlippedStrictness)
1654 return nullptr;
1656 // If said constant doesn't match either, then there is no hope,
1657 if (!MatchesSelectValue(FlippedStrictness->second))
1658 return nullptr;
1660 // It matched! Lets insert the new comparison just before select.
1662 IC.Builder.SetInsertPoint(&Sel);
1664 Pred = ICmpInst::getSwappedPredicate(Pred); // Yes, swapped.
1665 Value *NewCmp = IC.Builder.CreateICmp(Pred, X, FlippedStrictness->second,
1666 Cmp.getName() + ".inv");
1667 IC.replaceOperand(Sel, 0, NewCmp);
1668 Sel.swapValues();
1669 Sel.swapProfMetadata();
1671 return &Sel;
1674static Instruction *foldSelectZeroOrOnes(ICmpInst *Cmp, Value *TVal,
1675 Value *FVal,
1676 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
1677 if (!Cmp->hasOneUse())
1678 return nullptr;
1680 const APInt *CmpC;
1681 if (!match(Cmp->getOperand(1), m_APIntAllowPoison(CmpC)))
1682 return nullptr;
1684 // (X u< 2) ? -X : -1 --> sext (X != 0)
1685 Value *X = Cmp->getOperand(0);
1686 if (Cmp->getPredicate() == ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT && *CmpC == 2 &&
1687 match(TVal, m_Neg(m_Specific(X))) && match(FVal, m_AllOnes()))
1688 return new SExtInst(Builder.CreateIsNotNull(X), TVal->getType());
1690 // (X u> 1) ? -1 : -X --> sext (X != 0)
1691 if (Cmp->getPredicate() == ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT && *CmpC == 1 &&
1692 match(FVal, m_Neg(m_Specific(X))) && match(TVal, m_AllOnes()))
1693 return new SExtInst(Builder.CreateIsNotNull(X), TVal->getType());
1695 return nullptr;
1698static Value *foldSelectInstWithICmpConst(SelectInst &SI, ICmpInst *ICI,
1699 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
1700 const APInt *CmpC;
1701 Value *V;
1702 CmpInst::Predicate Pred;
1703 if (!match(ICI, m_ICmp(Pred, m_Value(V), m_APInt(CmpC))))
1704 return nullptr;
1706 // Match clamp away from min/max value as a max/min operation.
1707 Value *TVal = SI.getTrueValue();
1708 Value *FVal = SI.getFalseValue();
1709 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ && V == FVal) {
1710 // (V == UMIN) ? UMIN+1 : V --> umax(V, UMIN+1)
1711 if (CmpC->isMinValue() && match(TVal, m_SpecificInt(*CmpC + 1)))
1712 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::umax, V, TVal);
1713 // (V == UMAX) ? UMAX-1 : V --> umin(V, UMAX-1)
1714 if (CmpC->isMaxValue() && match(TVal, m_SpecificInt(*CmpC - 1)))
1715 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::umin, V, TVal);
1716 // (V == SMIN) ? SMIN+1 : V --> smax(V, SMIN+1)
1717 if (CmpC->isMinSignedValue() && match(TVal, m_SpecificInt(*CmpC + 1)))
1718 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::smax, V, TVal);
1719 // (V == SMAX) ? SMAX-1 : V --> smin(V, SMAX-1)
1720 if (CmpC->isMaxSignedValue() && match(TVal, m_SpecificInt(*CmpC - 1)))
1721 return Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::smin, V, TVal);
1722 }
1724 BinaryOperator *BO;
1725 const APInt *C;
1726 CmpInst::Predicate CPred;
1727 if (match(&SI, m_Select(m_Specific(ICI), m_APInt(C), m_BinOp(BO))))
1728 CPred = ICI->getPredicate();
1729 else if (match(&SI, m_Select(m_Specific(ICI), m_BinOp(BO), m_APInt(C))))
1730 CPred = ICI->getInversePredicate();
1731 else
1732 return nullptr;
1734 const APInt *BinOpC;
1735 if (!match(BO, m_BinOp(m_Specific(V), m_APInt(BinOpC))))
1736 return nullptr;
1739 .binaryOp(BO->getOpcode(), *BinOpC);
1740 if (R == *C) {
1742 return BO;
1743 }
1744 return nullptr;
1747static Instruction *foldSelectICmpEq(SelectInst &SI, ICmpInst *ICI,
1748 InstCombinerImpl &IC) {
1749 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred = ICI->getPredicate();
1750 if (!ICmpInst::isEquality(Pred))
1751 return nullptr;
1753 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
1754 Value *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
1755 Value *CmpLHS = ICI->getOperand(0);
1756 Value *CmpRHS = ICI->getOperand(1);
1758 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE)
1759 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
1761 // Transform (X == C) ? X : Y -> (X == C) ? C : Y
1762 // specific handling for Bitwise operation.
1763 // x&y -> (x|y) ^ (x^y) or (x|y) & ~(x^y)
1764 // x|y -> (x&y) | (x^y) or (x&y) ^ (x^y)
1765 // x^y -> (x|y) ^ (x&y) or (x|y) & ~(x&y)
1766 Value *X, *Y;
1767 if (!match(CmpLHS, m_BitwiseLogic(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y))) ||
1769 return nullptr;
1771 const unsigned AndOps = Instruction::And, OrOps = Instruction::Or,
1772 XorOps = Instruction::Xor, NoOps = 0;
1773 enum NotMask { None = 0, NotInner, NotRHS };
1775 auto matchFalseVal = [&](unsigned OuterOpc, unsigned InnerOpc,
1776 unsigned NotMask) {
1777 auto matchInner = m_c_BinOp(InnerOpc, m_Specific(X), m_Specific(Y));
1778 if (OuterOpc == NoOps)
1779 return match(CmpRHS, m_Zero()) && match(FalseVal, matchInner);
1781 if (NotMask == NotInner) {
1782 return match(FalseVal, m_c_BinOp(OuterOpc, m_NotForbidPoison(matchInner),
1783 m_Specific(CmpRHS)));
1784 } else if (NotMask == NotRHS) {
1785 return match(FalseVal, m_c_BinOp(OuterOpc, matchInner,
1786 m_NotForbidPoison(m_Specific(CmpRHS))));
1787 } else {
1788 return match(FalseVal,
1789 m_c_BinOp(OuterOpc, matchInner, m_Specific(CmpRHS)));
1790 }
1791 };
1793 // (X&Y)==C ? X|Y : X^Y -> (X^Y)|C : X^Y or (X^Y)^ C : X^Y
1794 // (X&Y)==C ? X^Y : X|Y -> (X|Y)^C : X|Y or (X|Y)&~C : X|Y
1795 if (match(CmpLHS, m_And(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y)))) {
1796 if (match(TrueVal, m_c_Or(m_Specific(X), m_Specific(Y)))) {
1797 // (X&Y)==C ? X|Y : (X^Y)|C -> (X^Y)|C : (X^Y)|C -> (X^Y)|C
1798 // (X&Y)==C ? X|Y : (X^Y)^C -> (X^Y)^C : (X^Y)^C -> (X^Y)^C
1799 if (matchFalseVal(OrOps, XorOps, None) ||
1800 matchFalseVal(XorOps, XorOps, None))
1801 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, FalseVal);
1802 } else if (match(TrueVal, m_c_Xor(m_Specific(X), m_Specific(Y)))) {
1803 // (X&Y)==C ? X^Y : (X|Y)^ C -> (X|Y)^ C : (X|Y)^ C -> (X|Y)^ C
1804 // (X&Y)==C ? X^Y : (X|Y)&~C -> (X|Y)&~C : (X|Y)&~C -> (X|Y)&~C
1805 if (matchFalseVal(XorOps, OrOps, None) ||
1806 matchFalseVal(AndOps, OrOps, NotRHS))
1807 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, FalseVal);
1808 }
1809 }
1811 // (X|Y)==C ? X&Y : X^Y -> (X^Y)^C : X^Y or ~(X^Y)&C : X^Y
1812 // (X|Y)==C ? X^Y : X&Y -> (X&Y)^C : X&Y or ~(X&Y)&C : X&Y
1813 if (match(CmpLHS, m_Or(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y)))) {
1814 if (match(TrueVal, m_c_And(m_Specific(X), m_Specific(Y)))) {
1815 // (X|Y)==C ? X&Y: (X^Y)^C -> (X^Y)^C: (X^Y)^C -> (X^Y)^C
1816 // (X|Y)==C ? X&Y:~(X^Y)&C ->~(X^Y)&C:~(X^Y)&C -> ~(X^Y)&C
1817 if (matchFalseVal(XorOps, XorOps, None) ||
1818 matchFalseVal(AndOps, XorOps, NotInner))
1819 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, FalseVal);
1820 } else if (match(TrueVal, m_c_Xor(m_Specific(X), m_Specific(Y)))) {
1821 // (X|Y)==C ? X^Y : (X&Y)^C -> (X&Y)^C : (X&Y)^C -> (X&Y)^C
1822 // (X|Y)==C ? X^Y :~(X&Y)&C -> ~(X&Y)&C :~(X&Y)&C -> ~(X&Y)&C
1823 if (matchFalseVal(XorOps, AndOps, None) ||
1824 matchFalseVal(AndOps, AndOps, NotInner))
1825 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, FalseVal);
1826 }
1827 }
1829 // (X^Y)==C ? X&Y : X|Y -> (X|Y)^C : X|Y or (X|Y)&~C : X|Y
1830 // (X^Y)==C ? X|Y : X&Y -> (X&Y)|C : X&Y or (X&Y)^ C : X&Y
1831 if (match(CmpLHS, m_Xor(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y)))) {
1832 if ((match(TrueVal, m_c_And(m_Specific(X), m_Specific(Y))))) {
1833 // (X^Y)==C ? X&Y : (X|Y)^C -> (X|Y)^C
1834 // (X^Y)==C ? X&Y : (X|Y)&~C -> (X|Y)&~C
1835 if (matchFalseVal(XorOps, OrOps, None) ||
1836 matchFalseVal(AndOps, OrOps, NotRHS))
1837 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, FalseVal);
1838 } else if (match(TrueVal, m_c_Or(m_Specific(X), m_Specific(Y)))) {
1839 // (X^Y)==C ? (X|Y) : (X&Y)|C -> (X&Y)|C
1840 // (X^Y)==C ? (X|Y) : (X&Y)^C -> (X&Y)^C
1841 if (matchFalseVal(OrOps, AndOps, None) ||
1842 matchFalseVal(XorOps, AndOps, None))
1843 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, FalseVal);
1844 }
1845 }
1847 return nullptr;
1850/// Visit a SelectInst that has an ICmpInst as its first operand.
1852 ICmpInst *ICI) {
1853 if (Instruction *NewSel = foldSelectValueEquivalence(SI, *ICI))
1854 return NewSel;
1856 if (Value *V =
1857 canonicalizeSPF(*ICI, SI.getTrueValue(), SI.getFalseValue(), *this))
1858 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1860 if (Value *V = foldSelectInstWithICmpConst(SI, ICI, Builder))
1861 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1863 if (Value *V = canonicalizeClampLike(SI, *ICI, Builder, *this))
1864 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1866 if (Instruction *NewSel =
1867 tryToReuseConstantFromSelectInComparison(SI, *ICI, *this))
1868 return NewSel;
1870 if (Value *V = foldSelectICmpAnd(SI, ICI, Builder))
1871 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1873 // NOTE: if we wanted to, this is where to detect integer MIN/MAX
1874 bool Changed = false;
1875 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
1876 Value *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
1877 ICmpInst::Predicate Pred = ICI->getPredicate();
1878 Value *CmpLHS = ICI->getOperand(0);
1879 Value *CmpRHS = ICI->getOperand(1);
1880 if (CmpRHS != CmpLHS && isa<Constant>(CmpRHS) && !isa<Constant>(CmpLHS)) {
1881 if (CmpLHS == TrueVal && Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ) {
1882 // Transform (X == C) ? X : Y -> (X == C) ? C : Y
1883 replaceOperand(SI, 1, CmpRHS);
1884 Changed = true;
1885 } else if (CmpLHS == FalseVal && Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE) {
1886 // Transform (X != C) ? Y : X -> (X != C) ? Y : C
1887 replaceOperand(SI, 2, CmpRHS);
1888 Changed = true;
1889 }
1890 }
1892 if (Instruction *NewSel = foldSelectICmpEq(SI, ICI, *this))
1893 return NewSel;
1895 // Canonicalize a signbit condition to use zero constant by swapping:
1896 // (CmpLHS > -1) ? TV : FV --> (CmpLHS < 0) ? FV : TV
1897 // To avoid conflicts (infinite loops) with other canonicalizations, this is
1898 // not applied with any constant select arm.
1899 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT && match(CmpRHS, m_AllOnes()) &&
1900 !match(TrueVal, m_Constant()) && !match(FalseVal, m_Constant()) &&
1901 ICI->hasOneUse()) {
1904 Value *IsNeg = Builder.CreateIsNeg(CmpLHS, ICI->getName());
1905 replaceOperand(SI, 0, IsNeg);
1906 SI.swapValues();
1907 SI.swapProfMetadata();
1908 return &SI;
1909 }
1911 // FIXME: This code is nearly duplicated in InstSimplify. Using/refactoring
1912 // decomposeBitTestICmp() might help.
1913 if (TrueVal->getType()->isIntOrIntVectorTy()) {
1914 unsigned BitWidth =
1915 DL.getTypeSizeInBits(TrueVal->getType()->getScalarType());
1916 APInt MinSignedValue = APInt::getSignedMinValue(BitWidth);
1917 Value *X;
1918 const APInt *Y, *C;
1919 bool TrueWhenUnset;
1920 bool IsBitTest = false;
1921 if (ICmpInst::isEquality(Pred) &&
1922 match(CmpLHS, m_And(m_Value(X), m_Power2(Y))) &&
1923 match(CmpRHS, m_Zero())) {
1924 IsBitTest = true;
1925 TrueWhenUnset = Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ;
1926 } else if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT && match(CmpRHS, m_Zero())) {
1927 X = CmpLHS;
1928 Y = &MinSignedValue;
1929 IsBitTest = true;
1930 TrueWhenUnset = false;
1931 } else if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT && match(CmpRHS, m_AllOnes())) {
1932 X = CmpLHS;
1933 Y = &MinSignedValue;
1934 IsBitTest = true;
1935 TrueWhenUnset = true;
1936 }
1937 if (IsBitTest) {
1938 Value *V = nullptr;
1939 // (X & Y) == 0 ? X : X ^ Y --> X & ~Y
1940 if (TrueWhenUnset && TrueVal == X &&
1941 match(FalseVal, m_Xor(m_Specific(X), m_APInt(C))) && *Y == *C)
1942 V = Builder.CreateAnd(X, ~(*Y));
1943 // (X & Y) != 0 ? X ^ Y : X --> X & ~Y
1944 else if (!TrueWhenUnset && FalseVal == X &&
1945 match(TrueVal, m_Xor(m_Specific(X), m_APInt(C))) && *Y == *C)
1946 V = Builder.CreateAnd(X, ~(*Y));
1947 // (X & Y) == 0 ? X ^ Y : X --> X | Y
1948 else if (TrueWhenUnset && FalseVal == X &&
1949 match(TrueVal, m_Xor(m_Specific(X), m_APInt(C))) && *Y == *C)
1950 V = Builder.CreateOr(X, *Y);
1951 // (X & Y) != 0 ? X : X ^ Y --> X | Y
1952 else if (!TrueWhenUnset && TrueVal == X &&
1953 match(FalseVal, m_Xor(m_Specific(X), m_APInt(C))) && *Y == *C)
1954 V = Builder.CreateOr(X, *Y);
1956 if (V)
1957 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1958 }
1959 }
1961 if (Instruction *V =
1962 foldSelectICmpAndAnd(SI.getType(), ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1963 return V;
1965 if (Value *V = foldSelectICmpAndZeroShl(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1966 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1968 if (Instruction *V = foldSelectCtlzToCttz(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1969 return V;
1971 if (Instruction *V = foldSelectZeroOrOnes(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1972 return V;
1974 if (Value *V = foldSelectICmpAndBinOp(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1975 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1977 if (Value *V = foldSelectICmpLshrAshr(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1978 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1980 if (Value *V = foldSelectCttzCtlz(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, *this))
1981 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1983 if (Value *V = canonicalizeSaturatedSubtract(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1984 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1986 if (Value *V = canonicalizeSaturatedAdd(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1987 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1989 if (Value *V = foldAbsDiff(ICI, TrueVal, FalseVal, Builder))
1990 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
1992 return Changed ? &SI : nullptr;
1995/// SI is a select whose condition is a PHI node (but the two may be in
1996/// different blocks). See if the true/false values (V) are live in all of the
1997/// predecessor blocks of the PHI. For example, cases like this can't be mapped:
1999/// X = phi [ C1, BB1], [C2, BB2]
2000/// Y = add
2001/// Z = select X, Y, 0
2003/// because Y is not live in BB1/BB2.
2004static bool canSelectOperandBeMappingIntoPredBlock(const Value *V,
2005 const SelectInst &SI) {
2006 // If the value is a non-instruction value like a constant or argument, it
2007 // can always be mapped.
2008 const Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V);
2009 if (!I) return true;
2011 // If V is a PHI node defined in the same block as the condition PHI, we can
2012 // map the arguments.
2013 const PHINode *CondPHI = cast<PHINode>(SI.getCondition());
2015 if (const PHINode *VP = dyn_cast<PHINode>(I))
2016 if (VP->getParent() == CondPHI->getParent())
2017 return true;
2019 // Otherwise, if the PHI and select are defined in the same block and if V is
2020 // defined in a different block, then we can transform it.
2021 if (SI.getParent() == CondPHI->getParent() &&
2022 I->getParent() != CondPHI->getParent())
2023 return true;
2025 // Otherwise we have a 'hard' case and we can't tell without doing more
2026 // detailed dominator based analysis, punt.
2027 return false;
2030/// We have an SPF (e.g. a min or max) of an SPF of the form:
2031/// SPF2(SPF1(A, B), C)
2034 Value *B, Instruction &Outer,
2036 Value *C) {
2037 if (Outer.getType() != Inner->getType())
2038 return nullptr;
2040 if (C == A || C == B) {
2041 // MAX(MAX(A, B), B) -> MAX(A, B)
2042 // MIN(MIN(a, b), a) -> MIN(a, b)
2043 // TODO: This could be done in instsimplify.
2044 if (SPF1 == SPF2 && SelectPatternResult::isMinOrMax(SPF1))
2045 return replaceInstUsesWith(Outer, Inner);
2046 }
2048 return nullptr;
2051/// Turn select C, (X + Y), (X - Y) --> (X + (select C, Y, (-Y))).
2052/// This is even legal for FP.
2053static Instruction *foldAddSubSelect(SelectInst &SI,
2054 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2055 Value *CondVal = SI.getCondition();
2056 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
2057 Value *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
2058 auto *TI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(TrueVal);
2059 auto *FI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(FalseVal);
2060 if (!TI || !FI || !TI->hasOneUse() || !FI->hasOneUse())
2061 return nullptr;
2063 Instruction *AddOp = nullptr, *SubOp = nullptr;
2064 if ((TI->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub &&
2065 FI->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add) ||
2066 (TI->getOpcode() == Instruction::FSub &&
2067 FI->getOpcode() == Instruction::FAdd)) {
2068 AddOp = FI;
2069 SubOp = TI;
2070 } else if ((FI->getOpcode() == Instruction::Sub &&
2071 TI->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add) ||
2072 (FI->getOpcode() == Instruction::FSub &&
2073 TI->getOpcode() == Instruction::FAdd)) {
2074 AddOp = TI;
2075 SubOp = FI;
2076 }
2078 if (AddOp) {
2079 Value *OtherAddOp = nullptr;
2080 if (SubOp->getOperand(0) == AddOp->getOperand(0)) {
2081 OtherAddOp = AddOp->getOperand(1);
2082 } else if (SubOp->getOperand(0) == AddOp->getOperand(1)) {
2083 OtherAddOp = AddOp->getOperand(0);
2084 }
2086 if (OtherAddOp) {
2087 // So at this point we know we have (Y -> OtherAddOp):
2088 // select C, (add X, Y), (sub X, Z)
2089 Value *NegVal; // Compute -Z
2090 if (SI.getType()->isFPOrFPVectorTy()) {
2091 NegVal = Builder.CreateFNeg(SubOp->getOperand(1));
2092 if (Instruction *NegInst = dyn_cast<Instruction>(NegVal)) {
2094 Flags &= SubOp->getFastMathFlags();
2095 NegInst->setFastMathFlags(Flags);
2096 }
2097 } else {
2098 NegVal = Builder.CreateNeg(SubOp->getOperand(1));
2099 }
2101 Value *NewTrueOp = OtherAddOp;
2102 Value *NewFalseOp = NegVal;
2103 if (AddOp != TI)
2104 std::swap(NewTrueOp, NewFalseOp);
2105 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(CondVal, NewTrueOp, NewFalseOp,
2106 SI.getName() + ".p", &SI);
2108 if (SI.getType()->isFPOrFPVectorTy()) {
2109 Instruction *RI =
2110 BinaryOperator::CreateFAdd(SubOp->getOperand(0), NewSel);
2113 Flags &= SubOp->getFastMathFlags();
2114 RI->setFastMathFlags(Flags);
2115 return RI;
2116 } else
2117 return BinaryOperator::CreateAdd(SubOp->getOperand(0), NewSel);
2118 }
2119 }
2120 return nullptr;
2123/// Turn X + Y overflows ? -1 : X + Y -> uadd_sat X, Y
2124/// And X - Y overflows ? 0 : X - Y -> usub_sat X, Y
2125/// Along with a number of patterns similar to:
2126/// X + Y overflows ? (X < 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2127/// X - Y overflows ? (X > 0 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2128static Instruction *
2129foldOverflowingAddSubSelect(SelectInst &SI, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2130 Value *CondVal = SI.getCondition();
2131 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
2132 Value *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
2135 if (!match(CondVal, m_ExtractValue<1>(m_WithOverflowInst(II))) ||
2136 !match(FalseVal, m_ExtractValue<0>(m_Specific(II))))
2137 return nullptr;
2139 Value *X = II->getLHS();
2140 Value *Y = II->getRHS();
2142 auto IsSignedSaturateLimit = [&](Value *Limit, bool IsAdd) {
2143 Type *Ty = Limit->getType();
2146 Value *TrueVal, *FalseVal, *Op;
2147 const APInt *C;
2148 if (!match(Limit, m_Select(m_ICmp(Pred, m_Value(Op), m_APInt(C)),
2149 m_Value(TrueVal), m_Value(FalseVal))))
2150 return false;
2152 auto IsZeroOrOne = [](const APInt &C) { return C.isZero() || C.isOne(); };
2153 auto IsMinMax = [&](Value *Min, Value *Max) {
2156 return match(Min, m_SpecificInt(MinVal)) &&
2157 match(Max, m_SpecificInt(MaxVal));
2158 };
2160 if (Op != X && Op != Y)
2161 return false;
2163 if (IsAdd) {
2164 // X + Y overflows ? (X <s 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2165 // X + Y overflows ? (X <s 1 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2166 // X + Y overflows ? (Y <s 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2167 // X + Y overflows ? (Y <s 1 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2168 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT && IsZeroOrOne(*C) &&
2169 IsMinMax(TrueVal, FalseVal))
2170 return true;
2171 // X + Y overflows ? (X >s 0 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2172 // X + Y overflows ? (X >s -1 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2173 // X + Y overflows ? (Y >s 0 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2174 // X + Y overflows ? (Y >s -1 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2175 if (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT && IsZeroOrOne(*C + 1) &&
2176 IsMinMax(FalseVal, TrueVal))
2177 return true;
2178 } else {
2179 // X - Y overflows ? (X <s 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2180 // X - Y overflows ? (X <s -1 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2181 if (Op == X && Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT && IsZeroOrOne(*C + 1) &&
2182 IsMinMax(TrueVal, FalseVal))
2183 return true;
2184 // X - Y overflows ? (X >s -1 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2185 // X - Y overflows ? (X >s -2 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2186 if (Op == X && Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT && IsZeroOrOne(*C + 2) &&
2187 IsMinMax(FalseVal, TrueVal))
2188 return true;
2189 // X - Y overflows ? (Y <s 0 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2190 // X - Y overflows ? (Y <s 1 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2191 if (Op == Y && Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT && IsZeroOrOne(*C) &&
2192 IsMinMax(FalseVal, TrueVal))
2193 return true;
2194 // X - Y overflows ? (Y >s 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2195 // X - Y overflows ? (Y >s -1 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2196 if (Op == Y && Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT && IsZeroOrOne(*C + 1) &&
2197 IsMinMax(TrueVal, FalseVal))
2198 return true;
2199 }
2201 return false;
2202 };
2204 Intrinsic::ID NewIntrinsicID;
2205 if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::uadd_with_overflow &&
2206 match(TrueVal, m_AllOnes()))
2207 // X + Y overflows ? -1 : X + Y -> uadd_sat X, Y
2208 NewIntrinsicID = Intrinsic::uadd_sat;
2209 else if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::usub_with_overflow &&
2210 match(TrueVal, m_Zero()))
2211 // X - Y overflows ? 0 : X - Y -> usub_sat X, Y
2212 NewIntrinsicID = Intrinsic::usub_sat;
2213 else if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::sadd_with_overflow &&
2214 IsSignedSaturateLimit(TrueVal, /*IsAdd=*/true))
2215 // X + Y overflows ? (X <s 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2216 // X + Y overflows ? (X <s 1 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2217 // X + Y overflows ? (X >s 0 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2218 // X + Y overflows ? (X >s -1 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2219 // X + Y overflows ? (Y <s 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2220 // X + Y overflows ? (Y <s 1 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2221 // X + Y overflows ? (Y >s 0 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2222 // X + Y overflows ? (Y >s -1 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X + Y --> sadd_sat X, Y
2223 NewIntrinsicID = Intrinsic::sadd_sat;
2224 else if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::ssub_with_overflow &&
2225 IsSignedSaturateLimit(TrueVal, /*IsAdd=*/false))
2226 // X - Y overflows ? (X <s 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2227 // X - Y overflows ? (X <s -1 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2228 // X - Y overflows ? (X >s -1 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2229 // X - Y overflows ? (X >s -2 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2230 // X - Y overflows ? (Y <s 0 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2231 // X - Y overflows ? (Y <s 1 ? INTMAX : INTMIN) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2232 // X - Y overflows ? (Y >s 0 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2233 // X - Y overflows ? (Y >s -1 ? INTMIN : INTMAX) : X - Y --> ssub_sat X, Y
2234 NewIntrinsicID = Intrinsic::ssub_sat;
2235 else
2236 return nullptr;
2238 Function *F =
2239 Intrinsic::getDeclaration(SI.getModule(), NewIntrinsicID, SI.getType());
2240 return CallInst::Create(F, {X, Y});
2244 Constant *C;
2245 if (!match(Sel.getTrueValue(), m_Constant(C)) &&
2246 !match(Sel.getFalseValue(), m_Constant(C)))
2247 return nullptr;
2249 Instruction *ExtInst;
2250 if (!match(Sel.getTrueValue(), m_Instruction(ExtInst)) &&
2251 !match(Sel.getFalseValue(), m_Instruction(ExtInst)))
2252 return nullptr;
2254 auto ExtOpcode = ExtInst->getOpcode();
2255 if (ExtOpcode != Instruction::ZExt && ExtOpcode != Instruction::SExt)
2256 return nullptr;
2258 // If we are extending from a boolean type or if we can create a select that
2259 // has the same size operands as its condition, try to narrow the select.
2260 Value *X = ExtInst->getOperand(0);
2261 Type *SmallType = X->getType();
2262 Value *Cond = Sel.getCondition();
2263 auto *Cmp = dyn_cast<CmpInst>(Cond);
2264 if (!SmallType->isIntOrIntVectorTy(1) &&
2265 (!Cmp || Cmp->getOperand(0)->getType() != SmallType))
2266 return nullptr;
2268 // If the constant is the same after truncation to the smaller type and
2269 // extension to the original type, we can narrow the select.
2270 Type *SelType = Sel.getType();
2271 Constant *TruncC = getLosslessTrunc(C, SmallType, ExtOpcode);
2272 if (TruncC && ExtInst->hasOneUse()) {
2273 Value *TruncCVal = cast<Value>(TruncC);
2274 if (ExtInst == Sel.getFalseValue())
2275 std::swap(X, TruncCVal);
2277 // select Cond, (ext X), C --> ext(select Cond, X, C')
2278 // select Cond, C, (ext X) --> ext(select Cond, C', X)
2279 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, X, TruncCVal, "narrow", &Sel);
2280 return CastInst::Create(Instruction::CastOps(ExtOpcode), NewSel, SelType);
2281 }
2283 return nullptr;
2286/// Try to transform a vector select with a constant condition vector into a
2287/// shuffle for easier combining with other shuffles and insert/extract.
2288static Instruction *canonicalizeSelectToShuffle(SelectInst &SI) {
2289 Value *CondVal = SI.getCondition();
2290 Constant *CondC;
2291 auto *CondValTy = dyn_cast<FixedVectorType>(CondVal->getType());
2292 if (!CondValTy || !match(CondVal, m_Constant(CondC)))
2293 return nullptr;
2295 unsigned NumElts = CondValTy->getNumElements();
2297 Mask.reserve(NumElts);
2298 for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumElts; ++i) {
2299 Constant *Elt = CondC->getAggregateElement(i);
2300 if (!Elt)
2301 return nullptr;
2303 if (Elt->isOneValue()) {
2304 // If the select condition element is true, choose from the 1st vector.
2305 Mask.push_back(i);
2306 } else if (Elt->isNullValue()) {
2307 // If the select condition element is false, choose from the 2nd vector.
2308 Mask.push_back(i + NumElts);
2309 } else if (isa<UndefValue>(Elt)) {
2310 // Undef in a select condition (choose one of the operands) does not mean
2311 // the same thing as undef in a shuffle mask (any value is acceptable), so
2312 // give up.
2313 return nullptr;
2314 } else {
2315 // Bail out on a constant expression.
2316 return nullptr;
2317 }
2318 }
2320 return new ShuffleVectorInst(SI.getTrueValue(), SI.getFalseValue(), Mask);
2323/// If we have a select of vectors with a scalar condition, try to convert that
2324/// to a vector select by splatting the condition. A splat may get folded with
2325/// other operations in IR and having all operands of a select be vector types
2326/// is likely better for vector codegen.
2327static Instruction *canonicalizeScalarSelectOfVecs(SelectInst &Sel,
2328 InstCombinerImpl &IC) {
2329 auto *Ty = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Sel.getType());
2330 if (!Ty)
2331 return nullptr;
2333 // We can replace a single-use extract with constant index.
2334 Value *Cond = Sel.getCondition();
2336 return nullptr;
2338 // select (extelt V, Index), T, F --> select (splat V, Index), T, F
2339 // Splatting the extracted condition reduces code (we could directly create a
2340 // splat shuffle of the source vector to eliminate the intermediate step).
2341 return IC.replaceOperand(
2342 Sel, 0, IC.Builder.CreateVectorSplat(Ty->getElementCount(), Cond));
2345/// Reuse bitcasted operands between a compare and select:
2346/// select (cmp (bitcast C), (bitcast D)), (bitcast' C), (bitcast' D) -->
2347/// bitcast (select (cmp (bitcast C), (bitcast D)), (bitcast C), (bitcast D))
2348static Instruction *foldSelectCmpBitcasts(SelectInst &Sel,
2349 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2350 Value *Cond = Sel.getCondition();
2351 Value *TVal = Sel.getTrueValue();
2352 Value *FVal = Sel.getFalseValue();
2354 CmpInst::Predicate Pred;
2355 Value *A, *B;
2356 if (!match(Cond, m_Cmp(Pred, m_Value(A), m_Value(B))))
2357 return nullptr;
2359 // The select condition is a compare instruction. If the select's true/false
2360 // values are already the same as the compare operands, there's nothing to do.
2361 if (TVal == A || TVal == B || FVal == A || FVal == B)
2362 return nullptr;
2364 Value *C, *D;
2365 if (!match(A, m_BitCast(m_Value(C))) || !match(B, m_BitCast(m_Value(D))))
2366 return nullptr;
2368 // select (cmp (bitcast C), (bitcast D)), (bitcast TSrc), (bitcast FSrc)
2369 Value *TSrc, *FSrc;
2370 if (!match(TVal, m_BitCast(m_Value(TSrc))) ||
2371 !match(FVal, m_BitCast(m_Value(FSrc))))
2372 return nullptr;
2374 // If the select true/false values are *different bitcasts* of the same source
2375 // operands, make the select operands the same as the compare operands and
2376 // cast the result. This is the canonical select form for min/max.
2377 Value *NewSel;
2378 if (TSrc == C && FSrc == D) {
2379 // select (cmp (bitcast C), (bitcast D)), (bitcast' C), (bitcast' D) -->
2380 // bitcast (select (cmp A, B), A, B)
2381 NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, A, B, "", &Sel);
2382 } else if (TSrc == D && FSrc == C) {
2383 // select (cmp (bitcast C), (bitcast D)), (bitcast' D), (bitcast' C) -->
2384 // bitcast (select (cmp A, B), B, A)
2385 NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, B, A, "", &Sel);
2386 } else {
2387 return nullptr;
2388 }
2389 return new BitCastInst(NewSel, Sel.getType());
2392/// Try to eliminate select instructions that test the returned flag of cmpxchg
2393/// instructions.
2395/// If a select instruction tests the returned flag of a cmpxchg instruction and
2396/// selects between the returned value of the cmpxchg instruction its compare
2397/// operand, the result of the select will always be equal to its false value.
2398/// For example:
2400/// %cmpxchg = cmpxchg ptr %ptr, i64 %compare, i64 %new_value seq_cst seq_cst
2401/// %val = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %cmpxchg, 0
2402/// %success = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %cmpxchg, 1
2403/// %sel = select i1 %success, i64 %compare, i64 %val
2404/// ret i64 %sel
2406/// The returned value of the cmpxchg instruction (%val) is the original value
2407/// located at %ptr prior to any update. If the cmpxchg operation succeeds, %val
2408/// must have been equal to %compare. Thus, the result of the select is always
2409/// equal to %val, and the code can be simplified to:
2411/// %cmpxchg = cmpxchg ptr %ptr, i64 %compare, i64 %new_value seq_cst seq_cst
2412/// %val = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %cmpxchg, 0
2413/// ret i64 %val
2415static Value *foldSelectCmpXchg(SelectInst &SI) {
2416 // A helper that determines if V is an extractvalue instruction whose
2417 // aggregate operand is a cmpxchg instruction and whose single index is equal
2418 // to I. If such conditions are true, the helper returns the cmpxchg
2419 // instruction; otherwise, a nullptr is returned.
2420 auto isExtractFromCmpXchg = [](Value *V, unsigned I) -> AtomicCmpXchgInst * {
2421 auto *Extract = dyn_cast<ExtractValueInst>(V);
2422 if (!Extract)
2423 return nullptr;
2424 if (Extract->getIndices()[0] != I)
2425 return nullptr;
2426 return dyn_cast<AtomicCmpXchgInst>(Extract->getAggregateOperand());
2427 };
2429 // If the select has a single user, and this user is a select instruction that
2430 // we can simplify, skip the cmpxchg simplification for now.
2431 if (SI.hasOneUse())
2432 if (auto *Select = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(SI.user_back()))
2433 if (Select->getCondition() == SI.getCondition())
2434 if (Select->getFalseValue() == SI.getTrueValue() ||
2435 Select->getTrueValue() == SI.getFalseValue())
2436 return nullptr;
2438 // Ensure the select condition is the returned flag of a cmpxchg instruction.
2439 auto *CmpXchg = isExtractFromCmpXchg(SI.getCondition(), 1);
2440 if (!CmpXchg)
2441 return nullptr;
2443 // Check the true value case: The true value of the select is the returned
2444 // value of the same cmpxchg used by the condition, and the false value is the
2445 // cmpxchg instruction's compare operand.
2446 if (auto *X = isExtractFromCmpXchg(SI.getTrueValue(), 0))
2447 if (X == CmpXchg && X->getCompareOperand() == SI.getFalseValue())
2448 return SI.getFalseValue();
2450 // Check the false value case: The false value of the select is the returned
2451 // value of the same cmpxchg used by the condition, and the true value is the
2452 // cmpxchg instruction's compare operand.
2453 if (auto *X = isExtractFromCmpXchg(SI.getFalseValue(), 0))
2454 if (X == CmpXchg && X->getCompareOperand() == SI.getTrueValue())
2455 return SI.getFalseValue();
2457 return nullptr;
2460/// Try to reduce a funnel/rotate pattern that includes a compare and select
2461/// into a funnel shift intrinsic. Example:
2462/// rotl32(a, b) --> (b == 0 ? a : ((a >> (32 - b)) | (a << b)))
2463/// --> call llvm.fshl.i32(a, a, b)
2464/// fshl32(a, b, c) --> (c == 0 ? a : ((b >> (32 - c)) | (a << c)))
2465/// --> call llvm.fshl.i32(a, b, c)
2466/// fshr32(a, b, c) --> (c == 0 ? b : ((a >> (32 - c)) | (b << c)))
2467/// --> call llvm.fshr.i32(a, b, c)
2468static Instruction *foldSelectFunnelShift(SelectInst &Sel,
2469 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2470 // This must be a power-of-2 type for a bitmasking transform to be valid.
2471 unsigned Width = Sel.getType()->getScalarSizeInBits();
2472 if (!isPowerOf2_32(Width))
2473 return nullptr;
2475 BinaryOperator *Or0, *Or1;
2476 if (!match(Sel.getFalseValue(), m_OneUse(m_Or(m_BinOp(Or0), m_BinOp(Or1)))))
2477 return nullptr;
2479 Value *SV0, *SV1, *SA0, *SA1;
2480 if (!match(Or0, m_OneUse(m_LogicalShift(m_Value(SV0),
2481 m_ZExtOrSelf(m_Value(SA0))))) ||
2483 m_ZExtOrSelf(m_Value(SA1))))) ||
2484 Or0->getOpcode() == Or1->getOpcode())
2485 return nullptr;
2487 // Canonicalize to or(shl(SV0, SA0), lshr(SV1, SA1)).
2488 if (Or0->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::LShr) {
2489 std::swap(Or0, Or1);
2490 std::swap(SV0, SV1);
2491 std::swap(SA0, SA1);
2492 }
2493 assert(Or0->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::Shl &&
2494 Or1->getOpcode() == BinaryOperator::LShr &&
2495 "Illegal or(shift,shift) pair");
2497 // Check the shift amounts to see if they are an opposite pair.
2498 Value *ShAmt;
2499 if (match(SA1, m_OneUse(m_Sub(m_SpecificInt(Width), m_Specific(SA0)))))
2500 ShAmt = SA0;
2501 else if (match(SA0, m_OneUse(m_Sub(m_SpecificInt(Width), m_Specific(SA1)))))
2502 ShAmt = SA1;
2503 else
2504 return nullptr;
2506 // We should now have this pattern:
2507 // select ?, TVal, (or (shl SV0, SA0), (lshr SV1, SA1))
2508 // The false value of the select must be a funnel-shift of the true value:
2509 // IsFShl -> TVal must be SV0 else TVal must be SV1.
2510 bool IsFshl = (ShAmt == SA0);
2511 Value *TVal = Sel.getTrueValue();
2512 if ((IsFshl && TVal != SV0) || (!IsFshl && TVal != SV1))
2513 return nullptr;
2515 // Finally, see if the select is filtering out a shift-by-zero.
2516 Value *Cond = Sel.getCondition();
2518 m_ZeroInt()))))
2519 return nullptr;
2521 // If this is not a rotate then the select was blocking poison from the
2522 // 'shift-by-zero' non-TVal, but a funnel shift won't - so freeze it.
2523 if (SV0 != SV1) {
2524 if (IsFshl && !llvm::isGuaranteedNotToBePoison(SV1))
2525 SV1 = Builder.CreateFreeze(SV1);
2526 else if (!IsFshl && !llvm::isGuaranteedNotToBePoison(SV0))
2527 SV0 = Builder.CreateFreeze(SV0);
2528 }
2530 // This is a funnel/rotate that avoids shift-by-bitwidth UB in a suboptimal way.
2531 // Convert to funnel shift intrinsic.
2532 Intrinsic::ID IID = IsFshl ? Intrinsic::fshl : Intrinsic::fshr;
2534 ShAmt = Builder.CreateZExt(ShAmt, Sel.getType());
2535 return CallInst::Create(F, { SV0, SV1, ShAmt });
2538static Instruction *foldSelectToCopysign(SelectInst &Sel,
2539 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2540 Value *Cond = Sel.getCondition();
2541 Value *TVal = Sel.getTrueValue();
2542 Value *FVal = Sel.getFalseValue();
2543 Type *SelType = Sel.getType();
2545 // Match select ?, TC, FC where the constants are equal but negated.
2546 // TODO: Generalize to handle a negated variable operand?
2547 const APFloat *TC, *FC;
2548 if (!match(TVal, m_APFloatAllowPoison(TC)) ||
2549 !match(FVal, m_APFloatAllowPoison(FC)) ||
2550 !abs(*TC).bitwiseIsEqual(abs(*FC)))
2551 return nullptr;
2553 assert(TC != FC && "Expected equal select arms to simplify");
2555 Value *X;
2556 const APInt *C;
2557 bool IsTrueIfSignSet;
2560 m_APInt(C)))) ||
2561 !isSignBitCheck(Pred, *C, IsTrueIfSignSet) || X->getType() != SelType)
2562 return nullptr;
2564 // If needed, negate the value that will be the sign argument of the copysign:
2565 // (bitcast X) < 0 ? -TC : TC --> copysign(TC, X)
2566 // (bitcast X) < 0 ? TC : -TC --> copysign(TC, -X)
2567 // (bitcast X) >= 0 ? -TC : TC --> copysign(TC, -X)
2568 // (bitcast X) >= 0 ? TC : -TC --> copysign(TC, X)
2569 // Note: FMF from the select can not be propagated to the new instructions.
2570 if (IsTrueIfSignSet ^ TC->isNegative())
2571 X = Builder.CreateFNeg(X);
2573 // Canonicalize the magnitude argument as the positive constant since we do
2574 // not care about its sign.
2575 Value *MagArg = ConstantFP::get(SelType, abs(*TC));
2576 Function *F = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(Sel.getModule(), Intrinsic::copysign,
2577 Sel.getType());
2578 return CallInst::Create(F, { MagArg, X });
2582 if (!isa<VectorType>(Sel.getType()))
2583 return nullptr;
2585 Value *Cond = Sel.getCondition();
2586 Value *TVal = Sel.getTrueValue();
2587 Value *FVal = Sel.getFalseValue();
2588 Value *C, *X, *Y;
2590 if (match(Cond, m_VecReverse(m_Value(C)))) {
2591 auto createSelReverse = [&](Value *C, Value *X, Value *Y) {
2592 Value *V = Builder.CreateSelect(C, X, Y, Sel.getName(), &Sel);
2593 if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V))
2594 I->copyIRFlags(&Sel);
2595 Module *M = Sel.getModule();
2596 Function *F =
2597 Intrinsic::getDeclaration(M, Intrinsic::vector_reverse, V->getType());
2598 return CallInst::Create(F, V);
2599 };
2601 if (match(TVal, m_VecReverse(m_Value(X)))) {
2602 // select rev(C), rev(X), rev(Y) --> rev(select C, X, Y)
2603 if (match(FVal, m_VecReverse(m_Value(Y))) &&
2604 (Cond->hasOneUse() || TVal->hasOneUse() || FVal->hasOneUse()))
2605 return createSelReverse(C, X, Y);
2607 // select rev(C), rev(X), FValSplat --> rev(select C, X, FValSplat)
2608 if ((Cond->hasOneUse() || TVal->hasOneUse()) && isSplatValue(FVal))
2609 return createSelReverse(C, X, FVal);
2610 }
2611 // select rev(C), TValSplat, rev(Y) --> rev(select C, TValSplat, Y)
2612 else if (isSplatValue(TVal) && match(FVal, m_VecReverse(m_Value(Y))) &&
2613 (Cond->hasOneUse() || FVal->hasOneUse()))
2614 return createSelReverse(C, TVal, Y);
2615 }
2617 auto *VecTy = dyn_cast<FixedVectorType>(Sel.getType());
2618 if (!VecTy)
2619 return nullptr;
2621 unsigned NumElts = VecTy->getNumElements();
2622 APInt PoisonElts(NumElts, 0);
2623 APInt AllOnesEltMask(APInt::getAllOnes(NumElts));
2624 if (Value *V = SimplifyDemandedVectorElts(&Sel, AllOnesEltMask, PoisonElts)) {
2625 if (V != &Sel)
2626 return replaceInstUsesWith(Sel, V);
2627 return &Sel;
2628 }
2630 // A select of a "select shuffle" with a common operand can be rearranged
2631 // to select followed by "select shuffle". Because of poison, this only works
2632 // in the case of a shuffle with no undefined mask elements.
2634 if (match(TVal, m_OneUse(m_Shuffle(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y), m_Mask(Mask)))) &&
2635 !is_contained(Mask, PoisonMaskElem) &&
2636 cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(TVal)->isSelect()) {
2637 if (X == FVal) {
2638 // select Cond, (shuf_sel X, Y), X --> shuf_sel X, (select Cond, Y, X)
2639 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, Y, X, "sel", &Sel);
2640 return new ShuffleVectorInst(X, NewSel, Mask);
2641 }
2642 if (Y == FVal) {
2643 // select Cond, (shuf_sel X, Y), Y --> shuf_sel (select Cond, X, Y), Y
2644 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, X, Y, "sel", &Sel);
2645 return new ShuffleVectorInst(NewSel, Y, Mask);
2646 }
2647 }
2648 if (match(FVal, m_OneUse(m_Shuffle(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y), m_Mask(Mask)))) &&
2649 !is_contained(Mask, PoisonMaskElem) &&
2650 cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(FVal)->isSelect()) {
2651 if (X == TVal) {
2652 // select Cond, X, (shuf_sel X, Y) --> shuf_sel X, (select Cond, X, Y)
2653 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, X, Y, "sel", &Sel);
2654 return new ShuffleVectorInst(X, NewSel, Mask);
2655 }
2656 if (Y == TVal) {
2657 // select Cond, Y, (shuf_sel X, Y) --> shuf_sel (select Cond, Y, X), Y
2658 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(Cond, Y, X, "sel", &Sel);
2659 return new ShuffleVectorInst(NewSel, Y, Mask);
2660 }
2661 }
2663 return nullptr;
2666static Instruction *foldSelectToPhiImpl(SelectInst &Sel, BasicBlock *BB,
2667 const DominatorTree &DT,
2668 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2669 // Find the block's immediate dominator that ends with a conditional branch
2670 // that matches select's condition (maybe inverted).
2671 auto *IDomNode = DT[BB]->getIDom();
2672 if (!IDomNode)
2673 return nullptr;
2674 BasicBlock *IDom = IDomNode->getBlock();
2676 Value *Cond = Sel.getCondition();
2677 Value *IfTrue, *IfFalse;
2678 BasicBlock *TrueSucc, *FalseSucc;
2679 if (match(IDom->getTerminator(),
2680 m_Br(m_Specific(Cond), m_BasicBlock(TrueSucc),
2681 m_BasicBlock(FalseSucc)))) {
2682 IfTrue = Sel.getTrueValue();
2683 IfFalse = Sel.getFalseValue();
2684 } else if (match(IDom->getTerminator(),
2685 m_Br(m_Not(m_Specific(Cond)), m_BasicBlock(TrueSucc),
2686 m_BasicBlock(FalseSucc)))) {
2687 IfTrue = Sel.getFalseValue();
2688 IfFalse = Sel.getTrueValue();
2689 } else
2690 return nullptr;
2692 // Make sure the branches are actually different.
2693 if (TrueSucc == FalseSucc)
2694 return nullptr;
2696 // We want to replace select %cond, %a, %b with a phi that takes value %a
2697 // for all incoming edges that are dominated by condition `%cond == true`,
2698 // and value %b for edges dominated by condition `%cond == false`. If %a
2699 // or %b are also phis from the same basic block, we can go further and take
2700 // their incoming values from the corresponding blocks.
2701 BasicBlockEdge TrueEdge(IDom, TrueSucc);
2702 BasicBlockEdge FalseEdge(IDom, FalseSucc);
2704 for (auto *Pred : predecessors(BB)) {
2705 // Check implication.
2706 BasicBlockEdge Incoming(Pred, BB);
2707 if (DT.dominates(TrueEdge, Incoming))
2708 Inputs[Pred] = IfTrue->DoPHITranslation(BB, Pred);
2709 else if (DT.dominates(FalseEdge, Incoming))
2710 Inputs[Pred] = IfFalse->DoPHITranslation(BB, Pred);
2711 else
2712 return nullptr;
2713 // Check availability.
2714 if (auto *Insn = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Inputs[Pred]))
2715 if (!DT.dominates(Insn, Pred->getTerminator()))
2716 return nullptr;
2717 }
2719 Builder.SetInsertPoint(BB, BB->begin());
2720 auto *PN = Builder.CreatePHI(Sel.getType(), Inputs.size());
2721 for (auto *Pred : predecessors(BB))
2722 PN->addIncoming(Inputs[Pred], Pred);
2723 PN->takeName(&Sel);
2724 return PN;
2727static Instruction *foldSelectToPhi(SelectInst &Sel, const DominatorTree &DT,
2728 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2729 // Try to replace this select with Phi in one of these blocks.
2730 SmallSetVector<BasicBlock *, 4> CandidateBlocks;
2731 CandidateBlocks.insert(Sel.getParent());
2732 for (Value *V : Sel.operands())
2733 if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V))
2734 CandidateBlocks.insert(I->getParent());
2736 for (BasicBlock *BB : CandidateBlocks)
2737 if (auto *PN = foldSelectToPhiImpl(Sel, BB, DT, Builder))
2738 return PN;
2739 return nullptr;
2742/// Tries to reduce a pattern that arises when calculating the remainder of the
2743/// Euclidean division. When the divisor is a power of two and is guaranteed not
2744/// to be negative, a signed remainder can be folded with a bitwise and.
2746/// (x % n) < 0 ? (x % n) + n : (x % n)
2747/// -> x & (n - 1)
2748static Instruction *foldSelectWithSRem(SelectInst &SI, InstCombinerImpl &IC,
2749 IRBuilderBase &Builder) {
2750 Value *CondVal = SI.getCondition();
2751 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
2752 Value *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
2755 Value *Op, *RemRes, *Remainder;
2756 const APInt *C;
2757 bool TrueIfSigned = false;
2759 if (!(match(CondVal, m_ICmp(Pred, m_Value(RemRes), m_APInt(C))) &&
2760 isSignBitCheck(Pred, *C, TrueIfSigned)))
2761 return nullptr;
2763 // If the sign bit is not set, we have a SGE/SGT comparison, and the operands
2764 // of the select are inverted.
2765 if (!TrueIfSigned)
2766 std::swap(TrueVal, FalseVal);
2768 auto FoldToBitwiseAnd = [&](Value *Remainder) -> Instruction * {
2769 Value *Add = Builder.CreateAdd(
2770 Remainder, Constant::getAllOnesValue(RemRes->getType()));
2771 return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(Op, Add);
2772 };
2774 // Match the general case:
2775 // %rem = srem i32 %x, %n
2776 // %cnd = icmp slt i32 %rem, 0
2777 // %add = add i32 %rem, %n
2778 // %sel = select i1 %cnd, i32 %add, i32 %rem
2779 if (match(TrueVal, m_Add(m_Specific(RemRes), m_Value(Remainder))) &&
2780 match(RemRes, m_SRem(m_Value(Op), m_Specific(Remainder))) &&
2781 IC.isKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo(Remainder, /*OrZero*/ true) &&
2782 FalseVal == RemRes)
2783 return FoldToBitwiseAnd(Remainder);
2785 // Match the case where the one arm has been replaced by constant 1:
2786 // %rem = srem i32 %n, 2
2787 // %cnd = icmp slt i32 %rem, 0
2788 // %sel = select i1 %cnd, i32 1, i32 %rem
2789 if (match(TrueVal, m_One()) &&
2790 match(RemRes, m_SRem(m_Value(Op), m_SpecificInt(2))) &&
2791 FalseVal == RemRes)
2792 return FoldToBitwiseAnd(ConstantInt::get(RemRes->getType(), 2));
2794 return nullptr;
2797static Value *foldSelectWithFrozenICmp(SelectInst &Sel, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2798 FreezeInst *FI = dyn_cast<FreezeInst>(Sel.getCondition());
2799 if (!FI)
2800 return nullptr;
2802 Value *Cond = FI->getOperand(0);
2803 Value *TrueVal = Sel.getTrueValue(), *FalseVal = Sel.getFalseValue();
2805 // select (freeze(x == y)), x, y --> y
2806 // select (freeze(x != y)), x, y --> x
2807 // The freeze should be only used by this select. Otherwise, remaining uses of
2808 // the freeze can observe a contradictory value.
2809 // c = freeze(x == y) ; Let's assume that y = poison & x = 42; c is 0 or 1
2810 // a = select c, x, y ;
2811 // f(a, c) ; f(poison, 1) cannot happen, but if a is folded
2812 // ; to y, this can happen.
2813 CmpInst::Predicate Pred;
2814 if (FI->hasOneUse() &&
2815 match(Cond, m_c_ICmp(Pred, m_Specific(TrueVal), m_Specific(FalseVal))) &&
2816 (Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ || Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_NE)) {
2817 return Pred == ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ ? FalseVal : TrueVal;
2818 }
2820 return nullptr;
2823/// Given that \p CondVal is known to be \p CondIsTrue, try to simplify \p SI.
2824static Value *simplifyNestedSelectsUsingImpliedCond(SelectInst &SI,
2825 Value *CondVal,
2826 bool CondIsTrue,
2827 const DataLayout &DL) {
2828 Value *InnerCondVal = SI.getCondition();
2829 Value *InnerTrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
2830 Value *InnerFalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
2831 assert(CondVal->getType() == InnerCondVal->getType() &&
2832 "The type of inner condition must match with the outer.");
2833 if (auto Implied = isImpliedCondition(CondVal, InnerCondVal, DL, CondIsTrue))
2834 return *Implied ? InnerTrueVal : InnerFalseVal;
2835 return nullptr;
2838Instruction *InstCombinerImpl::foldAndOrOfSelectUsingImpliedCond(Value *Op,
2839 SelectInst &SI,
2840 bool IsAnd) {
2841 assert(Op->getType()->isIntOrIntVectorTy(1) &&
2842 "Op must be either i1 or vector of i1.");
2843 if (SI.getCondition()->getType() != Op->getType())
2844 return nullptr;
2845 if (Value *V = simplifyNestedSelectsUsingImpliedCond(SI, Op, IsAnd, DL))
2846 return SelectInst::Create(Op,
2847 IsAnd ? V : ConstantInt::getTrue(Op->getType()),
2848 IsAnd ? ConstantInt::getFalse(Op->getType()) : V);
2849 return nullptr;
2852// Canonicalize select with fcmp to fabs(). -0.0 makes this tricky. We need
2853// fast-math-flags (nsz) or fsub with +0.0 (not fneg) for this to work.
2854static Instruction *foldSelectWithFCmpToFabs(SelectInst &SI,
2855 InstCombinerImpl &IC) {
2856 Value *CondVal = SI.getCondition();
2858 bool ChangedFMF = false;
2859 for (bool Swap : {false, true}) {
2860 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
2861 Value *X = SI.getFalseValue();
2862 CmpInst::Predicate Pred;
2864 if (Swap)
2865 std::swap(TrueVal, X);
2867 if (!match(CondVal, m_FCmp(Pred, m_Specific(X), m_AnyZeroFP())))
2868 continue;
2870 // fold (X <= +/-0.0) ? (0.0 - X) : X to fabs(X), when 'Swap' is false
2871 // fold (X > +/-0.0) ? X : (0.0 - X) to fabs(X), when 'Swap' is true
2872 if (match(TrueVal, m_FSub(m_PosZeroFP(), m_Specific(X)))) {
2873 if (!Swap && (Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE || Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_ULE)) {
2874 Value *Fabs = IC.Builder.CreateUnaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::fabs, X, &SI);
2875 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, Fabs);
2876 }
2877 if (Swap && (Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT || Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT)) {
2878 Value *Fabs = IC.Builder.CreateUnaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::fabs, X, &SI);
2879 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, Fabs);
2880 }
2881 }
2883 if (!match(TrueVal, m_FNeg(m_Specific(X))))
2884 return nullptr;
2886 // Forward-propagate nnan and ninf from the fneg to the select.
2887 // If all inputs are not those values, then the select is not either.
2888 // Note: nsz is defined differently, so it may not be correct to propagate.
2889 FastMathFlags FMF = cast<FPMathOperator>(TrueVal)->getFastMathFlags();
2890 if (FMF.noNaNs() && !SI.hasNoNaNs()) {
2891 SI.setHasNoNaNs(true);
2892 ChangedFMF = true;
2893 }
2894 if (FMF.noInfs() && !SI.hasNoInfs()) {
2895 SI.setHasNoInfs(true);
2896 ChangedFMF = true;
2897 }
2899 // With nsz, when 'Swap' is false:
2900 // fold (X < +/-0.0) ? -X : X or (X <= +/-0.0) ? -X : X to fabs(X)
2901 // fold (X > +/-0.0) ? -X : X or (X >= +/-0.0) ? -X : X to -fabs(x)
2902 // when 'Swap' is true:
2903 // fold (X > +/-0.0) ? X : -X or (X >= +/-0.0) ? X : -X to fabs(X)
2904 // fold (X < +/-0.0) ? X : -X or (X <= +/-0.0) ? X : -X to -fabs(X)
2905 //
2906 // Note: We require "nnan" for this fold because fcmp ignores the signbit
2907 // of NAN, but IEEE-754 specifies the signbit of NAN values with
2908 // fneg/fabs operations.
2909 if (!SI.hasNoSignedZeros() || !SI.hasNoNaNs())
2910 return nullptr;
2912 if (Swap)
2913 Pred = FCmpInst::getSwappedPredicate(Pred);
2915 bool IsLTOrLE = Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT || Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE ||
2916 Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_ULT || Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_ULE;
2917 bool IsGTOrGE = Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT || Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE ||
2918 Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT || Pred == FCmpInst::FCMP_UGE;
2920 if (IsLTOrLE) {
2921 Value *Fabs = IC.Builder.CreateUnaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::fabs, X, &SI);
2922 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, Fabs);
2923 }
2924 if (IsGTOrGE) {
2925 Value *Fabs = IC.Builder.CreateUnaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::fabs, X, &SI);
2926 Instruction *NewFNeg = UnaryOperator::CreateFNeg(Fabs);
2927 NewFNeg->setFastMathFlags(SI.getFastMathFlags());
2928 return NewFNeg;
2929 }
2930 }
2932 // Match select with (icmp slt (bitcast X to int), 0)
2933 // or (icmp sgt (bitcast X to int), -1)
2935 for (bool Swap : {false, true}) {
2936 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
2937 Value *X = SI.getFalseValue();
2939 if (Swap)
2940 std::swap(TrueVal, X);
2942 CmpInst::Predicate Pred;
2943 const APInt *C;
2944 bool TrueIfSigned;
2945 if (!match(CondVal,
2947 !isSignBitCheck(Pred, *C, TrueIfSigned))
2948 continue;
2949 if (!match(TrueVal, m_FNeg(m_Specific(X))))
2950 return nullptr;
2951 if (Swap == TrueIfSigned && !CondVal->hasOneUse() && !TrueVal->hasOneUse())
2952 return nullptr;
2954 // Fold (IsNeg ? -X : X) or (!IsNeg ? X : -X) to fabs(X)
2955 // Fold (IsNeg ? X : -X) or (!IsNeg ? -X : X) to -fabs(X)
2956 Value *Fabs = IC.Builder.CreateUnaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::fabs, X, &SI);
2957 if (Swap != TrueIfSigned)
2958 return IC.replaceInstUsesWith(SI, Fabs);
2959 return UnaryOperator::CreateFNegFMF(Fabs, &SI);
2960 }
2962 return ChangedFMF ? &SI : nullptr;
2965// Match the following IR pattern:
2966// %x.lowbits = and i8 %x, %lowbitmask
2967// %x.lowbits.are.zero = icmp eq i8 %x.lowbits, 0
2968// %x.biased = add i8 %x, %bias
2969// %x.biased.highbits = and i8 %x.biased, %highbitmask
2970// %x.roundedup = select i1 %x.lowbits.are.zero, i8 %x, i8 %x.biased.highbits
2971// Define:
2972// %alignment = add i8 %lowbitmask, 1
2973// Iff 1. an %alignment is a power-of-two (aka, %lowbitmask is a low bit mask)
2974// and 2. %bias is equal to either %lowbitmask or %alignment,
2975// and 3. %highbitmask is equal to ~%lowbitmask (aka, to -%alignment)
2976// then this pattern can be transformed into:
2977// %x.offset = add i8 %x, %lowbitmask
2978// %x.roundedup = and i8 %x.offset, %highbitmask
2979static Value *
2980foldRoundUpIntegerWithPow2Alignment(SelectInst &SI,
2981 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
2982 Value *Cond = SI.getCondition();
2983 Value *X = SI.getTrueValue();
2984 Value *XBiasedHighBits = SI.getFalseValue();
2987 Value *XLowBits;
2988 if (!match(Cond, m_ICmp(Pred, m_Value(XLowBits), m_ZeroInt())) ||
2989 !ICmpInst::isEquality(Pred))
2990 return nullptr;
2992 if (Pred == ICmpInst::Predicate::ICMP_NE)
2993 std::swap(X, XBiasedHighBits);
2995 // FIXME: we could support non non-splats here.
2997 const APInt *LowBitMaskCst;
2998 if (!match(XLowBits, m_And(m_Specific(X), m_APIntAllowPoison(LowBitMaskCst))))
2999 return nullptr;
3001 // Match even if the AND and ADD are swapped.
3002 const APInt *BiasCst, *HighBitMaskCst;
3003 if (!match(XBiasedHighBits,
3005 m_APIntAllowPoison(HighBitMaskCst))) &&
3006 !match(XBiasedHighBits,
3007 m_Add(m_And(m_Specific(X), m_APIntAllowPoison(HighBitMaskCst)),
3008 m_APIntAllowPoison(BiasCst))))
3009 return nullptr;
3011 if (!LowBitMaskCst->isMask())
3012 return nullptr;
3014 APInt InvertedLowBitMaskCst = ~*LowBitMaskCst;
3015 if (InvertedLowBitMaskCst != *HighBitMaskCst)
3016 return nullptr;
3018 APInt AlignmentCst = *LowBitMaskCst + 1;
3020 if (*BiasCst != AlignmentCst && *BiasCst != *LowBitMaskCst)
3021 return nullptr;
3023 if (!XBiasedHighBits->hasOneUse()) {
3024 // We can't directly return XBiasedHighBits if it is more poisonous.
3025 if (*BiasCst == *LowBitMaskCst && impliesPoison(XBiasedHighBits, X))
3026 return XBiasedHighBits;
3027 return nullptr;
3028 }
3030 // FIXME: could we preserve undef's here?
3031 Type *Ty = X->getType();
3032 Value *XOffset = Builder.CreateAdd(X, ConstantInt::get(Ty, *LowBitMaskCst),
3033 X->getName() + ".biased");
3034 Value *R = Builder.CreateAnd(XOffset, ConstantInt::get(Ty, *HighBitMaskCst));
3035 R->takeName(&SI);
3036 return R;
3039namespace {
3040struct DecomposedSelect {
3041 Value *Cond = nullptr;
3042 Value *TrueVal = nullptr;
3043 Value *FalseVal = nullptr;
3045} // namespace
3047/// Folds patterns like:
3048/// select c2 (select c1 a b) (select c1 b a)
3049/// into:
3050/// select (xor c1 c2) b a
3051static Instruction *
3052foldSelectOfSymmetricSelect(SelectInst &OuterSelVal,
3053 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
3055 Value *OuterCond, *InnerCond, *InnerTrueVal, *InnerFalseVal;
3056 if (!match(
3057 &OuterSelVal,
3058 m_Select(m_Value(OuterCond),
3059 m_OneUse(m_Select(m_Value(InnerCond), m_Value(InnerTrueVal),
3060 m_Value(InnerFalseVal))),
3061 m_OneUse(m_Select(m_Deferred(InnerCond),
3062 m_Deferred(InnerFalseVal),
3063 m_Deferred(InnerTrueVal))))))
3064 return nullptr;
3066 if (OuterCond->getType() != InnerCond->getType())
3067 return nullptr;
3069 Value *Xor = Builder.CreateXor(InnerCond, OuterCond);
3070 return SelectInst::Create(Xor, InnerFalseVal, InnerTrueVal);
3073/// Look for patterns like
3074/// %outer.cond = select i1 %inner.cond, i1 %alt.cond, i1 false
3075/// %inner.sel = select i1 %inner.cond, i8 %inner.sel.t, i8 %inner.sel.f
3076/// %outer.sel = select i1 %outer.cond, i8 %outer.sel.t, i8 %inner.sel
3077/// and rewrite it as
3078/// %inner.sel = select i1 %cond.alternative, i8 %sel.outer.t, i8 %sel.inner.t
3079/// %sel.outer = select i1 %cond.inner, i8 %inner.sel, i8 %sel.inner.f
3080static Instruction *foldNestedSelects(SelectInst &OuterSelVal,
3081 InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder) {
3082 // We must start with a `select`.
3083 DecomposedSelect OuterSel;
3084 match(&OuterSelVal,
3085 m_Select(m_Value(OuterSel.Cond), m_Value(OuterSel.TrueVal),
3086 m_Value(OuterSel.FalseVal)));
3088 // Canonicalize inversion of the outermost `select`'s condition.
3089 if (match(OuterSel.Cond, m_Not(m_Value(OuterSel.Cond))))
3090 std::swap(OuterSel.TrueVal, OuterSel.FalseVal);
3092 // The condition of the outermost select must be an `and`/`or`.
3093 if (!match(OuterSel.Cond, m_c_LogicalOp(m_Value(), m_Value())))
3094 return nullptr;
3096 // Depending on the logical op, inner select might be in different hand.
3097 bool IsAndVariant = match(OuterSel.Cond, m_LogicalAnd());
3098 Value *InnerSelVal = IsAndVariant ? OuterSel.FalseVal : OuterSel.TrueVal;
3100 // Profitability check - avoid increasing instruction count.
3101 if (none_of(ArrayRef<Value *>({OuterSelVal.getCondition(), InnerSelVal}),
3102 [](Value *V) { return V->hasOneUse(); }))
3103 return nullptr;
3105 // The appropriate hand of the outermost `select` must be a select itself.
3106 DecomposedSelect InnerSel;
3107 if (!match(InnerSelVal,
3108 m_Select(m_Value(InnerSel.Cond), m_Value(InnerSel.TrueVal),
3109 m_Value(InnerSel.FalseVal))))
3110 return nullptr;
3112 // Canonicalize inversion of the innermost `select`'s condition.
3113 if (match(InnerSel.Cond, m_Not(m_Value(InnerSel.Cond))))
3114 std::swap(InnerSel.TrueVal, InnerSel.FalseVal);
3116 Value *AltCond = nullptr;
3117 auto matchOuterCond = [OuterSel, IsAndVariant, &AltCond](auto m_InnerCond) {
3118 // An unsimplified select condition can match both LogicalAnd and LogicalOr
3119 // (select true, true, false). Since below we assume that LogicalAnd implies
3120 // InnerSel match the FVal and vice versa for LogicalOr, we can't match the
3121 // alternative pattern here.
3122 return IsAndVariant ? match(OuterSel.Cond,
3123 m_c_LogicalAnd(m_InnerCond, m_Value(AltCond)))
3124 : match(OuterSel.Cond,
3125 m_c_LogicalOr(m_InnerCond, m_Value(AltCond)));
3126 };
3128 // Finally, match the condition that was driving the outermost `select`,
3129 // it should be a logical operation between the condition that was driving
3130 // the innermost `select` (after accounting for the possible inversions
3131 // of the condition), and some other condition.
3132 if (matchOuterCond(m_Specific(InnerSel.Cond))) {
3133 // Done!
3134 } else if (Value * NotInnerCond; matchOuterCond(m_CombineAnd(
3135 m_Not(m_Specific(InnerSel.Cond)), m_Value(NotInnerCond)))) {
3136 // Done!
3137 std::swap(InnerSel.TrueVal, InnerSel.FalseVal);
3138 InnerSel.Cond = NotInnerCond;
3139 } else // Not the pattern we were looking for.
3140 return nullptr;
3142 Value *SelInner = Builder.CreateSelect(
3143 AltCond, IsAndVariant ? OuterSel.TrueVal : InnerSel.FalseVal,
3144 IsAndVariant ? InnerSel.TrueVal : OuterSel.FalseVal);
3145 SelInner->takeName(InnerSelVal);
3146 return SelectInst::Create(InnerSel.Cond,
3147 IsAndVariant ? SelInner : InnerSel.TrueVal,
3148 !IsAndVariant ? SelInner : InnerSel.FalseVal);
3152 Value *CondVal = SI.getCondition();
3153 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
3154 Value *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
3155 Type *SelType = SI.getType();
3157 // Avoid potential infinite loops by checking for non-constant condition.
3158 // TODO: Can we assert instead by improving canonicalizeSelectToShuffle()?
3159 // Scalar select must have simplified?
3160 if (!SelType->isIntOrIntVectorTy(1) || isa<Constant>(CondVal) ||
3161 TrueVal->getType() != CondVal->getType())
3162 return nullptr;
3164 auto *One = ConstantInt::getTrue(SelType);
3165 auto *Zero = ConstantInt::getFalse(SelType);
3166 Value *A, *B, *C, *D;
3168 // Folding select to and/or i1 isn't poison safe in general. impliesPoison
3169 // checks whether folding it does not convert a well-defined value into
3170 // poison.
3171 if (match(TrueVal, m_One())) {
3172 if (impliesPoison(FalseVal, CondVal)) {
3173 // Change: A = select B, true, C --> A = or B, C
3174 return BinaryOperator::CreateOr(CondVal, FalseVal);
3175 }
3177 if (match(CondVal, m_OneUse(m_Select(m_Value(A), m_One(), m_Value(B)))) &&
3178 impliesPoison(FalseVal, B)) {
3179 // (A || B) || C --> A || (B | C)
3180 return replaceInstUsesWith(
3181 SI, Builder.CreateLogicalOr(A, Builder.CreateOr(B, FalseVal)));
3182 }
3184 if (auto *LHS = dyn_cast<FCmpInst>(CondVal))
3185 if (auto *RHS = dyn_cast<FCmpInst>(FalseVal))
3186 if (Value *V = foldLogicOfFCmps(LHS, RHS, /*IsAnd*/ false,
3187 /*IsSelectLogical*/ true))
3188 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
3190 // (A && B) || (C && B) --> (A || C) && B
3191 if (match(CondVal, m_LogicalAnd(m_Value(A), m_Value(B))) &&
3192 match(FalseVal, m_LogicalAnd(m_Value(C), m_Value(D))) &&
3193 (CondVal->hasOneUse() || FalseVal->hasOneUse())) {
3194 bool CondLogicAnd = isa<SelectInst>(CondVal);
3195 bool FalseLogicAnd = isa<SelectInst>(FalseVal);
3196 auto AndFactorization = [&](Value *Common, Value *InnerCond,
3197 Value *InnerVal,
3198 bool SelFirst = false) -> Instruction * {
3199 Value *InnerSel = Builder.CreateSelect(InnerCond, One, InnerVal);
3200 if (SelFirst)
3201 std::swap(Common, InnerSel);
3202 if (FalseLogicAnd || (CondLogicAnd && Common == A))
3203 return SelectInst::Create(Common, InnerSel, Zero);
3204 else
3205 return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(Common, InnerSel);
3206 };
3208 if (A == C)
3209 return AndFactorization(A, B, D);
3210 if (A == D)
3211 return AndFactorization(A, B, C);
3212 if (B == C)
3213 return AndFactorization(B, A, D);
3214 if (B == D)
3215 return AndFactorization(B, A, C, CondLogicAnd && FalseLogicAnd);
3216 }
3217 }
3219 if (match(FalseVal, m_Zero())) {
3220 if (impliesPoison(TrueVal, CondVal)) {
3221 // Change: A = select B, C, false --> A = and B, C
3222 return BinaryOperator::CreateAnd(CondVal, TrueVal);
3223 }
3225 if (match(CondVal, m_OneUse(m_Select(m_Value(A), m_Value(B), m_Zero()))) &&
3226 impliesPoison(TrueVal, B)) {
3227 // (A && B) && C --> A && (B & C)
3228 return replaceInstUsesWith(
3229 SI, Builder.CreateLogicalAnd(A, Builder.CreateAnd(B, TrueVal)));
3230 }
3232 if (auto *LHS = dyn_cast<FCmpInst>(CondVal))
3233 if (auto *RHS = dyn_cast<FCmpInst>(TrueVal))
3234 if (Value *V = foldLogicOfFCmps(LHS, RHS, /*IsAnd*/ true,
3235 /*IsSelectLogical*/ true))
3236 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
3238 // (A || B) && (C || B) --> (A && C) || B
3239 if (match(CondVal, m_LogicalOr(m_Value(A), m_Value(B))) &&
3240 match(TrueVal, m_LogicalOr(m_Value(C), m_Value(D))) &&
3241 (CondVal->hasOneUse() || TrueVal->hasOneUse())) {
3242 bool CondLogicOr = isa<SelectInst>(CondVal);
3243 bool TrueLogicOr = isa<SelectInst>(TrueVal);
3244 auto OrFactorization = [&](Value *Common, Value *InnerCond,
3245 Value *InnerVal,
3246 bool SelFirst = false) -> Instruction * {
3247 Value *InnerSel = Builder.CreateSelect(InnerCond, InnerVal, Zero);
3248 if (SelFirst)
3249 std::swap(Common, InnerSel);
3250 if (TrueLogicOr || (CondLogicOr && Common == A))
3251 return SelectInst::Create(Common, One, InnerSel);
3252 else
3253 return BinaryOperator::CreateOr(Common, InnerSel);
3254 };
3256 if (A == C)
3257 return OrFactorization(A, B, D);
3258 if (A == D)
3259 return OrFactorization(A, B, C);
3260 if (B == C)
3261 return OrFactorization(B, A, D);
3262 if (B == D)
3263 return OrFactorization(B, A, C, CondLogicOr && TrueLogicOr);
3264 }
3265 }
3267 // We match the "full" 0 or 1 constant here to avoid a potential infinite
3268 // loop with vectors that may have undefined/poison elements.
3269 // select a, false, b -> select !a, b, false
3270 if (match(TrueVal, m_Specific(Zero))) {
3271 Value *NotCond = Builder.CreateNot(CondVal, "not." + CondVal->getName());
3272 return SelectInst::Create(NotCond, FalseVal, Zero);
3273 }
3274 // select a, b, true -> select !a, true, b
3275 if (match(FalseVal, m_Specific(One))) {
3276 Value *NotCond = Builder.CreateNot(CondVal, "not." + CondVal->getName());
3277 return SelectInst::Create(NotCond, One, TrueVal);
3278 }
3280 // DeMorgan in select form: !a && !b --> !(a || b)
3281 // select !a, !b, false --> not (select a, true, b)
3282 if (match(&SI, m_LogicalAnd(m_Not(m_Value(A)), m_Not(m_Value(B)))) &&
3283 (CondVal->hasOneUse() || TrueVal->hasOneUse()) &&
3287 // DeMorgan in select form: !a || !b --> !(a && b)
3288 // select !a, true, !b --> not (select a, b, false)
3289 if (match(&SI, m_LogicalOr(m_Not(m_Value(A)), m_Not(m_Value(B)))) &&
3290 (CondVal->hasOneUse() || FalseVal->hasOneUse()) &&
3294 // select (select a, true, b), true, b -> select a, true, b
3295 if (match(CondVal, m_Select(m_Value(A), m_One(), m_Value(B))) &&
3296 match(TrueVal, m_One()) && match(FalseVal, m_Specific(B)))
3297 return replaceOperand(SI, 0, A);
3298 // select (select a, b, false), b, false -> select a, b, false
3299 if (match(CondVal, m_Select(m_Value(A), m_Value(B), m_Zero())) &&
3300 match(TrueVal, m_Specific(B)) && match(FalseVal, m_Zero()))
3301 return replaceOperand(SI, 0, A);
3303 // ~(A & B) & (A | B) --> A ^ B
3306 return BinaryOperator::CreateXor(A, B);
3308 // select (~a | c), a, b -> select a, (select c, true, b), false
3309 if (match(CondVal,
3310 m_OneUse(m_c_Or(m_Not(m_Specific(TrueVal)), m_Value(C))))) {
3311 Value *OrV = Builder.CreateSelect(C, One, FalseVal);
3312 return SelectInst::Create(TrueVal, OrV, Zero);
3313 }
3314 // select (c & b), a, b -> select b, (select ~c, true, a), false
3315 if (match(CondVal, m_OneUse(m_c_And(m_Value(C), m_Specific(FalseVal))))) {
3316 if (Value *NotC = getFreelyInverted(C, C->hasOneUse(), &Builder)) {
3317 Value *OrV = Builder.CreateSelect(NotC, One, TrueVal);
3318 return SelectInst::Create(FalseVal, OrV, Zero);
3319 }
3320 }
3321 // select (a | c), a, b -> select a, true, (select ~c, b, false)
3322 if (match(CondVal, m_OneUse(m_c_Or(m_Specific(TrueVal), m_Value(C))))) {
3323 if (Value *NotC = getFreelyInverted(C, C->hasOneUse(), &Builder)) {
3324 Value *AndV = Builder.CreateSelect(NotC, FalseVal, Zero);
3325 return SelectInst::Create(TrueVal, One, AndV);
3326 }
3327 }
3328 // select (c & ~b), a, b -> select b, true, (select c, a, false)
3329 if (match(CondVal,
3330 m_OneUse(m_c_And(m_Value(C), m_Not(m_Specific(FalseVal)))))) {
3331 Value *AndV = Builder.CreateSelect(C, TrueVal, Zero);
3332 return SelectInst::Create(FalseVal, One, AndV);
3333 }
3335 if (match(FalseVal, m_Zero()) || match(TrueVal, m_One())) {
3336 Use *Y = nullptr;
3337 bool IsAnd = match(FalseVal, m_Zero()) ? true : false;
3338 Value *Op1 = IsAnd ? TrueVal : FalseVal;
3339 if (isCheckForZeroAndMulWithOverflow(CondVal, Op1, IsAnd, Y)) {
3340 auto *FI = new FreezeInst(*Y, (*Y)->getName() + ".fr");
3341 InsertNewInstBefore(FI, cast<Instruction>(Y->getUser())->getIterator());
3342 replaceUse(*Y, FI);
3343 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, Op1);
3344 }
3346 if (auto *ICmp0 = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(CondVal))
3347 if (auto *ICmp1 = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(Op1))
3348 if (auto *V = foldAndOrOfICmps(ICmp0, ICmp1, SI, IsAnd,
3349 /* IsLogical */ true))
3350 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
3351 }
3353 // select (a || b), c, false -> select a, c, false
3354 // select c, (a || b), false -> select c, a, false
3355 // if c implies that b is false.
3356 if (match(CondVal, m_LogicalOr(m_Value(A), m_Value(B))) &&
3357 match(FalseVal, m_Zero())) {
3358 std::optional<bool> Res = isImpliedCondition(TrueVal, B, DL);
3359 if (Res && *Res == false)
3360 return replaceOperand(SI, 0, A);
3361 }
3362 if (match(TrueVal, m_LogicalOr(m_Value(A), m_Value(B))) &&
3363 match(FalseVal, m_Zero())) {
3364 std::optional<bool> Res = isImpliedCondition(CondVal, B, DL);
3365 if (Res && *Res == false)
3366 return replaceOperand(SI, 1, A);
3367 }
3368 // select c, true, (a && b) -> select c, true, a
3369 // select (a && b), true, c -> select a, true, c
3370 // if c = false implies that b = true
3371 if (match(TrueVal, m_One()) &&
3372 match(FalseVal, m_LogicalAnd(m_Value(A), m_Value(B)))) {
3373 std::optional<bool> Res = isImpliedCondition(CondVal, B, DL, false);
3374 if (Res && *Res == true)
3375 return replaceOperand(SI, 2, A);
3376 }
3377 if (match(CondVal, m_LogicalAnd(m_Value(A), m_Value(B))) &&
3378 match(TrueVal, m_One())) {
3379 std::optional<bool> Res = isImpliedCondition(FalseVal, B, DL, false);
3380 if (Res && *Res == true)
3381 return replaceOperand(SI, 0, A);
3382 }
3384 if (match(TrueVal, m_One())) {
3385 Value *C;
3387 // (C && A) || (!C && B) --> sel C, A, B
3388 // (A && C) || (!C && B) --> sel C, A, B
3389 // (C && A) || (B && !C) --> sel C, A, B
3390 // (A && C) || (B && !C) --> sel C, A, B (may require freeze)
3391 if (match(FalseVal, m_c_LogicalAnd(m_Not(m_Value(C)), m_Value(B))) &&
3392 match(CondVal, m_c_LogicalAnd(m_Specific(C), m_Value(A)))) {
3393 auto *SelCond = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(CondVal);
3394 auto *SelFVal = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(FalseVal);
3395 bool MayNeedFreeze = SelCond && SelFVal &&
3396 match(SelFVal->getTrueValue(),
3397 m_Not(m_Specific(SelCond->getTrueValue())));
3398 if (MayNeedFreeze)
3400 return SelectInst::Create(C, A, B);
3401 }
3403 // (!C && A) || (C && B) --> sel C, B, A
3404 // (A && !C) || (C && B) --> sel C, B, A
3405 // (!C && A) || (B && C) --> sel C, B, A
3406 // (A && !C) || (B && C) --> sel C, B, A (may require freeze)
3407 if (match(CondVal, m_c_LogicalAnd(m_Not(m_Value(C)), m_Value(A))) &&
3408 match(FalseVal, m_c_LogicalAnd(m_Specific(C), m_Value(B)))) {
3409 auto *SelCond = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(CondVal);
3410 auto *SelFVal = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(FalseVal);
3411 bool MayNeedFreeze = SelCond && SelFVal &&
3412 match(SelCond->getTrueValue(),
3413 m_Not(m_Specific(SelFVal->getTrueValue())));
3414 if (MayNeedFreeze)
3416 return SelectInst::Create(C, B, A);
3417 }
3418 }
3420 return nullptr;
3423// Return true if we can safely remove the select instruction for std::bit_ceil
3424// pattern.
3425static bool isSafeToRemoveBitCeilSelect(ICmpInst::Predicate Pred, Value *Cond0,
3426 const APInt *Cond1, Value *CtlzOp,
3427 unsigned BitWidth,
3428 bool &ShouldDropNUW) {
3429 // The challenge in recognizing std::bit_ceil(X) is that the operand is used
3430 // for the CTLZ proper and select condition, each possibly with some
3431 // operation like add and sub.
3432 //
3433 // Our aim is to make sure that -ctlz & (BitWidth - 1) == 0 even when the
3434 // select instruction would select 1, which allows us to get rid of the select
3435 // instruction.
3436 //
3437 // To see if we can do so, we do some symbolic execution with ConstantRange.
3438 // Specifically, we compute the range of values that Cond0 could take when
3439 // Cond == false. Then we successively transform the range until we obtain
3440 // the range of values that CtlzOp could take.
3441 //
3442 // Conceptually, we follow the def-use chain backward from Cond0 while
3443 // transforming the range for Cond0 until we meet the common ancestor of Cond0
3444 // and CtlzOp. Then we follow the def-use chain forward until we obtain the
3445 // range for CtlzOp. That said, we only follow at most one ancestor from
3446 // Cond0. Likewise, we only follow at most one ancestor from CtrlOp.
3449 CmpInst::getInversePredicate(Pred), *Cond1);
3451 ShouldDropNUW = false;
3453 // Match the operation that's used to compute CtlzOp from CommonAncestor. If
3454 // CtlzOp == CommonAncestor, return true as no operation is needed. If a
3455 // match is found, execute the operation on CR, update CR, and return true.
3456 // Otherwise, return false.
3457 auto MatchForward = [&](Value *CommonAncestor) {
3458 const APInt *C = nullptr;
3459 if (CtlzOp == CommonAncestor)
3460 return true;
3461 if (match(CtlzOp, m_Add(m_Specific(CommonAncestor), m_APInt(C)))) {
3462 CR = CR.add(*C);
3463 return true;
3464 }
3465 if (match(CtlzOp, m_Sub(m_APInt(C), m_Specific(CommonAncestor)))) {
3466 ShouldDropNUW = true;
3467 CR = ConstantRange(*C).sub(CR);
3468 return true;
3469 }
3470 if (match(CtlzOp, m_Not(m_Specific(CommonAncestor)))) {
3471 CR = CR.binaryNot();
3472 return true;
3473 }
3474 return false;
3475 };
3477 const APInt *C = nullptr;
3478 Value *CommonAncestor;
3479 if (MatchForward(Cond0)) {
3480 // Cond0 is either CtlzOp or CtlzOp's parent. CR has been updated.
3481 } else if (match(Cond0, m_Add(m_Value(CommonAncestor), m_APInt(C)))) {
3482 CR = CR.sub(*C);
3483 if (!MatchForward(CommonAncestor))
3484 return false;
3485 // Cond0's parent is either CtlzOp or CtlzOp's parent. CR has been updated.
3486 } else {
3487 return false;
3488 }
3490 // Return true if all the values in the range are either 0 or negative (if
3491 // treated as signed). We do so by evaluating:
3492 //
3493 // CR - 1 u>= (1 << BitWidth) - 1.
3494 APInt IntMax = APInt::getSignMask(BitWidth) - 1;
3495 CR = CR.sub(APInt(BitWidth, 1));
3496 return CR.icmp(ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE, IntMax);
3499// Transform the std::bit_ceil(X) pattern like:
3501// %dec = add i32 %x, -1
3502// %ctlz = tail call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %dec, i1 false)
3503// %sub = sub i32 32, %ctlz
3504// %shl = shl i32 1, %sub
3505// %ugt = icmp ugt i32 %x, 1
3506// %sel = select i1 %ugt, i32 %shl, i32 1
3508// into:
3510// %dec = add i32 %x, -1
3511// %ctlz = tail call i32 @llvm.ctlz.i32(i32 %dec, i1 false)
3512// %neg = sub i32 0, %ctlz
3513// %masked = and i32 %ctlz, 31
3514// %shl = shl i32 1, %sub
3516// Note that the select is optimized away while the shift count is masked with
3517// 31. We handle some variations of the input operand like std::bit_ceil(X +
3518// 1).
3519static Instruction *foldBitCeil(SelectInst &SI, IRBuilderBase &Builder) {
3520 Type *SelType = SI.getType();
3521 unsigned BitWidth = SelType->getScalarSizeInBits();
3523 Value *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
3524 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
3526 const APInt *Cond1;
3527 Value *Cond0, *Ctlz, *CtlzOp;
3528 if (!match(SI.getCondition(), m_ICmp(Pred, m_Value(Cond0), m_APInt(Cond1))))
3529 return nullptr;
3531 if (match(TrueVal, m_One())) {
3532 std::swap(FalseVal, TrueVal);
3533 Pred = CmpInst::getInversePredicate(Pred);
3534 }
3536 bool ShouldDropNUW;
3538 if (!match(FalseVal, m_One()) ||
3539 !match(TrueVal,
3541 m_Value(Ctlz)))))) ||
3542 !match(Ctlz, m_Intrinsic<Intrinsic::ctlz>(m_Value(CtlzOp), m_Zero())) ||
3543 !isSafeToRemoveBitCeilSelect(Pred, Cond0, Cond1, CtlzOp, BitWidth,
3544 ShouldDropNUW))
3545 return nullptr;
3547 if (ShouldDropNUW)
3548 cast<Instruction>(CtlzOp)->setHasNoUnsignedWrap(false);
3550 // Build 1 << (-CTLZ & (BitWidth-1)). The negation likely corresponds to a
3551 // single hardware instruction as opposed to BitWidth - CTLZ, where BitWidth
3552 // is an integer constant. Masking with BitWidth-1 comes free on some
3553 // hardware as part of the shift instruction.
3554 Value *Neg = Builder.CreateNeg(Ctlz);
3555 Value *Masked =
3556 Builder.CreateAnd(Neg, ConstantInt::get(SelType, BitWidth - 1));
3557 return BinaryOperator::Create(Instruction::Shl, ConstantInt::get(SelType, 1),
3558 Masked);
3562 const Instruction *CtxI) const {
3563 KnownFPClass Known = computeKnownFPClass(MulVal, FMF, fcNegative, CtxI);
3565 return Known.isKnownNeverNaN() && Known.isKnownNeverInfinity() &&
3566 (FMF.noSignedZeros() || Known.signBitIsZeroOrNaN());
3569static bool matchFMulByZeroIfResultEqZero(InstCombinerImpl &IC, Value *Cmp0,
3570 Value *Cmp1, Value *TrueVal,
3571 Value *FalseVal, Instruction &CtxI,
3572 bool SelectIsNSZ) {
3573 Value *MulRHS;
3574 if (match(Cmp1, m_PosZeroFP()) &&
3575 match(TrueVal, m_c_FMul(m_Specific(Cmp0), m_Value(MulRHS)))) {
3576 FastMathFlags FMF = cast<FPMathOperator>(TrueVal)->getFastMathFlags();
3577 // nsz must be on the select, it must be ignored on the multiply. We
3578 // need nnan and ninf on the multiply for the other value.
3579 FMF.setNoSignedZeros(SelectIsNSZ);
3580 return IC.fmulByZeroIsZero(MulRHS, FMF, &CtxI);
3581 }
3583 return false;
3586/// Check whether the KnownBits of a select arm may be affected by the
3587/// select condition.
3588static bool hasAffectedValue(Value *V, SmallPtrSetImpl<Value *> &Affected,
3589 unsigned Depth) {
3591 return false;
3593 // Ignore the case where the select arm itself is affected. These cases
3594 // are handled more efficiently by other optimizations.
3595 if (Depth != 0 && Affected.contains(V))
3596 return true;
3598 if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
3599 if (isa<PHINode>(I)) {
3601 return false;
3603 }
3604 return any_of(I->operands(), [&](Value *Op) {
3605 return Op->getType()->isIntOrIntVectorTy() &&
3606 hasAffectedValue(Op, Affected, Depth + 1);
3607 });
3608 }
3610 return false;
3614 Value *CondVal = SI.getCondition();
3615 Value *TrueVal = SI.getTrueValue();
3616 Value *FalseVal = SI.getFalseValue();
3617 Type *SelType = SI.getType();
3619 if (Value *V = simplifySelectInst(CondVal, TrueVal, FalseVal,
3620 SQ.getWithInstruction(&SI)))
3621 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
3623 if (Instruction *I = canonicalizeSelectToShuffle(SI))
3624 return I;
3626 if (Instruction *I = canonicalizeScalarSelectOfVecs(SI, *this))
3627 return I;
3629 // If the type of select is not an integer type or if the condition and
3630 // the selection type are not both scalar nor both vector types, there is no
3631 // point in attempting to match these patterns.
3632 Type *CondType = CondVal->getType();
3633 if (!isa<Constant>(CondVal) && SelType->isIntOrIntVectorTy() &&
3634 CondType->isVectorTy() == SelType->isVectorTy()) {
3635 if (Value *S = simplifyWithOpReplaced(TrueVal, CondVal,
3636 ConstantInt::getTrue(CondType), SQ,
3637 /* AllowRefinement */ true))
3638 return replaceOperand(SI, 1, S);
3640 if (Value *S = simplifyWithOpReplaced(FalseVal, CondVal,
3641 ConstantInt::getFalse(CondType), SQ,
3642 /* AllowRefinement */ true))
3643 return replaceOperand(SI, 2, S);
3644 }
3646 if (Instruction *R = foldSelectOfBools(SI))
3647 return R;
3649 // Selecting between two integer or vector splat integer constants?
3650 //
3651 // Note that we don't handle a scalar select of vectors:
3652 // select i1 %c, <2 x i8> <1, 1>, <2 x i8> <0, 0>
3653 // because that may need 3 instructions to splat the condition value:
3654 // extend, insertelement, shufflevector.
3655 //
3656 // Do not handle i1 TrueVal and FalseVal otherwise would result in
3657 // zext/sext i1 to i1.
3658 if (SelType->isIntOrIntVectorTy() && !SelType->isIntOrIntVectorTy(1) &&
3659 CondVal->getType()->isVectorTy() == SelType->isVectorTy()) {
3660 // select C, 1, 0 -> zext C to int
3661 if (match(TrueVal, m_One()) && match(FalseVal, m_Zero()))
3662 return new ZExtInst(CondVal, SelType);
3664 // select C, -1, 0 -> sext C to int
3665 if (match(TrueVal, m_AllOnes()) && match(FalseVal, m_Zero()))
3666 return new SExtInst(CondVal, SelType);
3668 // select C, 0, 1 -> zext !C to int
3669 if (match(TrueVal, m_Zero()) && match(FalseVal, m_One())) {
3670 Value *NotCond = Builder.CreateNot(CondVal, "not." + CondVal->getName());
3671 return new ZExtInst(NotCond, SelType);
3672 }
3674 // select C, 0, -1 -> sext !C to int
3675 if (match(TrueVal, m_Zero()) && match(FalseVal, m_AllOnes())) {
3676 Value *NotCond = Builder.CreateNot(CondVal, "not." + CondVal->getName());
3677 return new SExtInst(NotCond, SelType);
3678 }
3679 }
3681 auto *SIFPOp = dyn_cast<FPMathOperator>(&SI);
3683 if (auto *FCmp = dyn_cast<FCmpInst>(CondVal)) {
3684 FCmpInst::Predicate Pred = FCmp->getPredicate();
3685 Value *Cmp0 = FCmp->getOperand(0), *Cmp1 = FCmp->getOperand(1);
3686 // Are we selecting a value based on a comparison of the two values?
3687 if ((Cmp0 == TrueVal && Cmp1 == FalseVal) ||
3688 (Cmp0 == FalseVal && Cmp1 == TrueVal)) {
3689 // Canonicalize to use ordered comparisons by swapping the select
3690 // operands.
3691 //
3692 // e.g.
3693 // (X ugt Y) ? X : Y -> (X ole Y) ? Y : X
3694 if (FCmp->hasOneUse() && FCmpInst::isUnordered(Pred)) {
3695 FCmpInst::Predicate InvPred = FCmp->getInversePredicate();
3697 // FIXME: The FMF should propagate from the select, not the fcmp.
3698 Builder.setFastMathFlags(FCmp->getFastMathFlags());
3699 Value *NewCond = Builder.CreateFCmp(InvPred, Cmp0, Cmp1,
3700 FCmp->getName() + ".inv");
3701 Value *NewSel = Builder.CreateSelect(NewCond, FalseVal, TrueVal);
3702 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, NewSel);
3703 }
3704 }
3706 if (SIFPOp) {
3707 // Fold out scale-if-equals-zero pattern.
3708 //
3709 // This pattern appears in code with denormal range checks after it's
3710 // assumed denormals are treated as zero. This drops a canonicalization.
3712 // TODO: Could relax the signed zero logic. We just need to know the sign
3713 // of the result matches (fmul x, y has the same sign as x).
3714 //
3715 // TODO: Handle always-canonicalizing variant that selects some value or 1
3716 // scaling factor in the fmul visitor.
3718 // TODO: Handle ldexp too
3720 Value *MatchCmp0 = nullptr;
3721 Value *MatchCmp1 = nullptr;
3723 // (select (fcmp [ou]eq x, 0.0), (fmul x, K), x => x
3724 // (select (fcmp [ou]ne x, 0.0), x, (fmul x, K) => x
3725 if (Pred == CmpInst::FCMP_OEQ || Pred == CmpInst::FCMP_UEQ) {
3726 MatchCmp0 = FalseVal;
3727 MatchCmp1 = TrueVal;
3728 } else if (Pred == CmpInst::FCMP_ONE || Pred == CmpInst::FCMP_UNE) {
3729 MatchCmp0 = TrueVal;
3730 MatchCmp1 = FalseVal;
3731 }
3733 if (Cmp0 == MatchCmp0 &&
3734 matchFMulByZeroIfResultEqZero(*this, Cmp0, Cmp1, MatchCmp1, MatchCmp0,
3735 SI, SIFPOp->hasNoSignedZeros()))
3736 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, Cmp0);
3737 }
3738 }
3740 if (SIFPOp) {
3741 // TODO: Try to forward-propagate FMF from select arms to the select.
3743 // Canonicalize select of FP values where NaN and -0.0 are not valid as
3744 // minnum/maxnum intrinsics.
3745 if (SIFPOp->hasNoNaNs() && SIFPOp->hasNoSignedZeros()) {
3746 Value *X, *Y;
3747 if (match(&SI, m_OrdFMax(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y))))
3748 return replaceInstUsesWith(
3749 SI, Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::maxnum, X, Y, &SI));
3751 if (match(&SI, m_OrdFMin(m_Value(X), m_Value(Y))))
3752 return replaceInstUsesWith(
3753 SI, Builder.CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::minnum, X, Y, &SI));
3754 }
3755 }
3757 // Fold selecting to fabs.
3758 if (Instruction *Fabs = foldSelectWithFCmpToFabs(SI, *this))
3759 return Fabs;
3761 // See if we are selecting two values based on a comparison of the two values.
3762 if (ICmpInst *ICI = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(CondVal))
3763 if (Instruction *Result = foldSelectInstWithICmp(SI, ICI))
3764 return Result;
3766 if (Instruction *Add = foldAddSubSelect(SI, Builder))
3767 return Add;
3768 if (Instruction *Add = foldOverflowingAddSubSelect(SI, Builder))
3769 return Add;
3771 return Or;
3772 if (Instruction *Mul = foldSelectZeroOrMul(SI, *this))
3773 return Mul;
3775 // Turn (select C, (op X, Y), (op X, Z)) -> (op X, (select C, Y, Z))
3776 auto *TI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(TrueVal);
3777 auto *FI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(FalseVal);
3778 if (TI && FI && TI->getOpcode() == FI->getOpcode())
3779 if (Instruction *IV = foldSelectOpOp(SI, TI, FI))
3780 return IV;
3782 if (Instruction *I = foldSelectExtConst(SI))
3783 return I;
3785 if (Instruction *I = foldSelectWithSRem(SI, *this, Builder))
3786 return I;
3788 // Fold (select C, (gep Ptr, Idx), Ptr) -> (gep Ptr, (select C, Idx, 0))
3789 // Fold (select C, Ptr, (gep Ptr, Idx)) -> (gep Ptr, (select C, 0, Idx))
3790 auto SelectGepWithBase = [&](GetElementPtrInst *Gep, Value *Base,
3791 bool Swap) -> GetElementPtrInst * {
3792 Value *Ptr = Gep->getPointerOperand();
3793 if (Gep->getNumOperands() != 2 || Gep->getPointerOperand() != Base ||
3794 !Gep->hasOneUse())
3795 return nullptr;
3796 Value *Idx = Gep->getOperand(1);
3797 if (isa<VectorType>(CondVal->getType()) && !isa<VectorType>(Idx->getType()))
3798 return nullptr;
3800 Value *NewT = Idx;
3801 Value *NewF = Constant::getNullValue(Idx->getType());
3802 if (Swap)
3803 std::swap(NewT, NewF);
3804 Value *NewSI =
3805 Builder.CreateSelect(CondVal, NewT, NewF, SI.getName() + ".idx", &SI);
3806 return GetElementPtrInst::Create(ElementType, Ptr, NewSI,
3807 Gep->getNoWrapFlags());
3808 };
3809 if (auto *TrueGep = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(TrueVal))
3810 if (auto *NewGep = SelectGepWithBase(TrueGep, FalseVal, false))
3811 return NewGep;
3812 if (auto *FalseGep = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(FalseVal))
3813 if (auto *NewGep = SelectGepWithBase(FalseGep, TrueVal, true))
3814 return NewGep;
3816 // See if we can fold the select into one of our operands.
3817 if (SelType->isIntOrIntVectorTy() || SelType->isFPOrFPVectorTy()) {
3818 if (Instruction *FoldI = foldSelectIntoOp(SI, TrueVal, FalseVal))
3819 return FoldI;
3821 Value *LHS, *RHS;
3822 Instruction::CastOps CastOp;
3823 SelectPatternResult SPR = matchSelectPattern(&SI, LHS, RHS, &CastOp);
3824 auto SPF = SPR.Flavor;
3825 if (SPF) {
3826 Value *LHS2, *RHS2;
3827 if (SelectPatternFlavor SPF2 = matchSelectPattern(LHS, LHS2, RHS2).Flavor)
3828 if (Instruction *R = foldSPFofSPF(cast<Instruction>(LHS), SPF2, LHS2,
3829 RHS2, SI, SPF, RHS))
3830 return R;
3831 if (SelectPatternFlavor SPF2 = matchSelectPattern(RHS, LHS2, RHS2).Flavor)
3832 if (Instruction *R = foldSPFofSPF(cast<Instruction>(RHS), SPF2, LHS2,
3833 RHS2, SI, SPF, LHS))
3834 return R;
3835 }
3838 // Canonicalize so that
3839 // - type casts are outside select patterns.
3840 // - float clamp is transformed to min/max pattern
3842 bool IsCastNeeded = LHS->getType() != SelType;
3843 Value *CmpLHS = cast<CmpInst>(CondVal)->getOperand(0);
3844 Value *CmpRHS = cast<CmpInst>(CondVal)->getOperand(1);
3845 if (IsCastNeeded ||
3846 (LHS->getType()->isFPOrFPVectorTy() &&
3847 ((CmpLHS != LHS && CmpLHS != RHS) ||
3848 (CmpRHS != LHS && CmpRHS != RHS)))) {
3849 CmpInst::Predicate MinMaxPred = getMinMaxPred(SPF, SPR.Ordered);
3851 Value *Cmp;
3852 if (CmpInst::isIntPredicate(MinMaxPred)) {
3853 Cmp = Builder.CreateICmp(MinMaxPred, LHS, RHS);
3854 } else {
3856 auto FMF =
3857 cast<FPMathOperator>(SI.getCondition())->getFastMathFlags();
3859 Cmp = Builder.CreateFCmp(MinMaxPred, LHS, RHS);
3860 }
3862 Value *NewSI = Builder.CreateSelect(Cmp, LHS, RHS, SI.getName(), &SI);
3863 if (!IsCastNeeded)
3864 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, NewSI);
3866 Value *NewCast = Builder.CreateCast(CastOp, NewSI, SelType);
3867 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, NewCast);
3868 }
3869 }
3870 }
3872 // See if we can fold the select into a phi node if the condition is a select.
3873 if (auto *PN = dyn_cast<PHINode>(SI.getCondition()))
3874 // The true/false values have to be live in the PHI predecessor's blocks.
3875 if (canSelectOperandBeMappingIntoPredBlock(TrueVal, SI) &&
3876 canSelectOperandBeMappingIntoPredBlock(FalseVal, SI))
3877 if (Instruction *NV = foldOpIntoPhi(SI, PN))
3878 return NV;
3880 if (SelectInst *TrueSI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(TrueVal)) {
3881 if (TrueSI->getCondition()->getType() == CondVal->getType()) {
3882 // Fold nested selects if the inner condition can be implied by the outer
3883 // condition.
3884 if (Value *V = simplifyNestedSelectsUsingImpliedCond(
3885 *TrueSI, CondVal, /*CondIsTrue=*/true, DL))
3886 return replaceOperand(SI, 1, V);
3888 // select(C0, select(C1, a, b), b) -> select(C0&C1, a, b)
3889 // We choose this as normal form to enable folding on the And and
3890 // shortening paths for the values (this helps getUnderlyingObjects() for
3891 // example).
3892 if (TrueSI->getFalseValue() == FalseVal && TrueSI->hasOneUse()) {
3893 Value *And = Builder.CreateLogicalAnd(CondVal, TrueSI->getCondition());
3894 replaceOperand(SI, 0, And);
3895 replaceOperand(SI, 1, TrueSI->getTrueValue());
3896 return &SI;
3897 }
3898 }
3899 }
3900 if (SelectInst *FalseSI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(FalseVal)) {
3901 if (FalseSI->getCondition()->getType() == CondVal->getType()) {
3902 // Fold nested selects if the inner condition can be implied by the outer
3903 // condition.
3904 if (Value *V = simplifyNestedSelectsUsingImpliedCond(
3905 *FalseSI, CondVal, /*CondIsTrue=*/false, DL))
3906 return replaceOperand(SI, 2, V);
3908 // select(C0, a, select(C1, a, b)) -> select(C0|C1, a, b)
3909 if (FalseSI->getTrueValue() == TrueVal && FalseSI->hasOneUse()) {
3910 Value *Or = Builder.CreateLogicalOr(CondVal, FalseSI->getCondition());
3911 replaceOperand(SI, 0, Or);
3912 replaceOperand(SI, 2, FalseSI->getFalseValue());
3913 return &SI;
3914 }
3915 }
3916 }
3918 // Try to simplify a binop sandwiched between 2 selects with the same
3919 // condition. This is not valid for div/rem because the select might be
3920 // preventing a division-by-zero.
3921 // TODO: A div/rem restriction is conservative; use something like
3922 // isSafeToSpeculativelyExecute().
3923 // select(C, binop(select(C, X, Y), W), Z) -> select(C, binop(X, W), Z)
3924 BinaryOperator *TrueBO;
3925 if (match(TrueVal, m_OneUse(m_BinOp(TrueBO))) && !TrueBO->isIntDivRem()) {
3926 if (auto *TrueBOSI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(TrueBO->getOperand(0))) {
3927 if (TrueBOSI->getCondition() == CondVal) {
3928 replaceOperand(*TrueBO, 0, TrueBOSI->getTrueValue());
3929 Worklist.push(TrueBO);
3930 return &SI;
3931 }
3932 }
3933 if (auto *TrueBOSI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(TrueBO->getOperand(1))) {
3934 if (TrueBOSI->getCondition() == CondVal) {
3935 replaceOperand(*TrueBO, 1, TrueBOSI->getTrueValue());
3936 Worklist.push(TrueBO);
3937 return &SI;
3938 }
3939 }
3940 }
3942 // select(C, Z, binop(select(C, X, Y), W)) -> select(C, Z, binop(Y, W))
3943 BinaryOperator *FalseBO;
3944 if (match(FalseVal, m_OneUse(m_BinOp(FalseBO))) && !FalseBO->isIntDivRem()) {
3945 if (auto *FalseBOSI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(FalseBO->getOperand(0))) {
3946 if (FalseBOSI->getCondition() == CondVal) {
3947 replaceOperand(*FalseBO, 0, FalseBOSI->getFalseValue());
3948 Worklist.push(FalseBO);
3949 return &SI;
3950 }
3951 }
3952 if (auto *FalseBOSI = dyn_cast<SelectInst>(FalseBO->getOperand(1))) {
3953 if (FalseBOSI->getCondition() == CondVal) {
3954 replaceOperand(*FalseBO, 1, FalseBOSI->getFalseValue());
3955 Worklist.push(FalseBO);
3956 return &SI;
3957 }
3958 }
3959 }
3961 Value *NotCond;
3962 if (match(CondVal, m_Not(m_Value(NotCond))) &&
3964 replaceOperand(SI, 0, NotCond);
3965 SI.swapValues();
3966 SI.swapProfMetadata();
3967 return &SI;
3968 }
3970 if (Instruction *I = foldVectorSelect(SI))
3971 return I;
3973 // If we can compute the condition, there's no need for a select.
3974 // Like the above fold, we are attempting to reduce compile-time cost by
3975 // putting this fold here with limitations rather than in InstSimplify.
3976 // The motivation for this call into value tracking is to take advantage of
3977 // the assumption cache, so make sure that is populated.
3978 if (!CondVal->getType()->isVectorTy() && !AC.assumptions().empty()) {
3979 KnownBits Known(1);
3980 computeKnownBits(CondVal, Known, 0, &SI);
3981 if (Known.One.isOne())
3982 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, TrueVal);
3983 if (Known.Zero.isOne())
3984 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, FalseVal);
3985 }
3987 if (Instruction *BitCastSel = foldSelectCmpBitcasts(SI, Builder))
3988 return BitCastSel;
3990 // Simplify selects that test the returned flag of cmpxchg instructions.
3991 if (Value *V = foldSelectCmpXchg(SI))
3992 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
3994 if (Instruction *Select = foldSelectBinOpIdentity(SI, TLI, *this))
3995 return Select;
3997 if (Instruction *Funnel = foldSelectFunnelShift(SI, Builder))
3998 return Funnel;
4000 if (Instruction *Copysign = foldSelectToCopysign(SI, Builder))
4001 return Copysign;
4003 if (Instruction *PN = foldSelectToPhi(SI, DT, Builder))
4004 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, PN);
4006 if (Value *Fr = foldSelectWithFrozenICmp(SI, Builder))
4007 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, Fr);
4009 if (Value *V = foldRoundUpIntegerWithPow2Alignment(SI, Builder))
4010 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, V);
4012 // select(mask, mload(,,mask,0), 0) -> mload(,,mask,0)
4013 // Load inst is intentionally not checked for hasOneUse()
4014 if (match(FalseVal, m_Zero()) &&
4015 (match(TrueVal, m_MaskedLoad(m_Value(), m_Value(), m_Specific(CondVal),
4016 m_CombineOr(m_Undef(), m_Zero()))) ||
4017 match(TrueVal, m_MaskedGather(m_Value(), m_Value(), m_Specific(CondVal),
4018 m_CombineOr(m_Undef(), m_Zero()))))) {
4019 auto *MaskedInst = cast<IntrinsicInst>(TrueVal);
4020 if (isa<UndefValue>(MaskedInst->getArgOperand(3)))
4021 MaskedInst->setArgOperand(3, FalseVal /* Zero */);
4022 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, MaskedInst);
4023 }
4025 Value *Mask;
4026 if (match(TrueVal, m_Zero()) &&
4027 (match(FalseVal, m_MaskedLoad(m_Value(), m_Value(), m_Value(Mask),
4028 m_CombineOr(m_Undef(), m_Zero()))) ||
4029 match(FalseVal, m_MaskedGather(m_Value(), m_Value(), m_Value(Mask),
4030 m_CombineOr(m_Undef(), m_Zero())))) &&
4031 (CondVal->getType() == Mask->getType())) {
4032 // We can remove the select by ensuring the load zeros all lanes the
4033 // select would have. We determine this by proving there is no overlap
4034 // between the load and select masks.
4035 // (i.e (load_mask & select_mask) == 0 == no overlap)
4036 bool CanMergeSelectIntoLoad = false;
4037 if (Value *V = simplifyAndInst(CondVal, Mask, SQ.getWithInstruction(&SI)))
4038 CanMergeSelectIntoLoad = match(V, m_Zero());
4040 if (CanMergeSelectIntoLoad) {
4041 auto *MaskedInst = cast<IntrinsicInst>(FalseVal);
4042 if (isa<UndefValue>(MaskedInst->getArgOperand(3)))
4043 MaskedInst->setArgOperand(3, TrueVal /* Zero */);
4044 return replaceInstUsesWith(SI, MaskedInst);
4045 }
4046 }
4048 if (Instruction *I = foldSelectOfSymmetricSelect(SI, Builder))
4049 return I;
4051 if (Instruction *I = foldNestedSelects(SI, Builder))
4052 return I;
4054 // Match logical variants of the pattern,
4055 // and transform them iff that gets rid of inversions.
4056 // (~x) | y --> ~(x & (~y))
4057 // (~x) & y --> ~(x | (~y))
4059 return &SI;
4061 if (Instruction *I = foldBitCeil(SI, Builder))
4062 return I;
4064 // Fold:
4065 // (select A && B, T, F) -> (select A, (select B, T, F), F)
4066 // (select A || B, T, F) -> (select A, T, (select B, T, F))
4067 // if (select B, T, F) is foldable.
4068 // TODO: preserve FMF flags
4069 auto FoldSelectWithAndOrCond = [&](bool IsAnd, Value *A,
4070 Value *B) -> Instruction * {
4071 if (Value *V = simplifySelectInst(B, TrueVal, FalseVal,
4072 SQ.getWithInstruction(&SI)))
4073 return SelectInst::Create(A, IsAnd ? V : TrueVal, IsAnd ? FalseVal : V);
4075 // Is (select B, T, F) a SPF?
4076 if (CondVal->hasOneUse() && SelType->isIntOrIntVectorTy()) {
4077 if (ICmpInst *Cmp = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(B))
4078 if (Value *V = canonicalizeSPF(*Cmp, TrueVal, FalseVal, *this))
4079 return SelectInst::Create(A, IsAnd ? V : TrueVal,
4080 IsAnd ? FalseVal : V);
4081 }
4083 return nullptr;
4084 };
4086 Value *LHS, *RHS;
4087 if (match(CondVal, m_And(m_Value(LHS), m_Value(RHS)))) {
4088 if (Instruction *I = FoldSelectWithAndOrCond(/*IsAnd*/ true, LHS, RHS))
4089 return I;
4090 if (Instruction *I = FoldSelectWithAndOrCond(/*IsAnd*/ true, RHS, LHS))
4091 return I;
4092 } else if (match(CondVal, m_Or(m_Value(LHS), m_Value(RHS)))) {
4093 if (Instruction *I = FoldSelectWithAndOrCond(/*IsAnd*/ false, LHS, RHS))
4094 return I;
4095 if (Instruction *I = FoldSelectWithAndOrCond(/*IsAnd*/ false, RHS, LHS))
4096 return I;
4097 } else {
4098 // We cannot swap the operands of logical and/or.
4099 // TODO: Can we swap the operands by inserting a freeze?
4100 if (match(CondVal, m_LogicalAnd(m_Value(LHS), m_Value(RHS)))) {
4101 if (Instruction *I = FoldSelectWithAndOrCond(/*IsAnd*/ true, LHS, RHS))
4102 return I;
4103 } else if (match(CondVal, m_LogicalOr(m_Value(LHS), m_Value(RHS)))) {
4104 if (Instruction *I = FoldSelectWithAndOrCond(/*IsAnd*/ false, LHS, RHS))
4105 return I;
4106 }
4107 }
4109 // select Cond, !X, X -> xor Cond, X
4110 if (CondVal->getType() == SI.getType() && isKnownInversion(FalseVal, TrueVal))
4111 return BinaryOperator::CreateXor(CondVal, FalseVal);
4113 // For vectors, this transform is only safe if the simplification does not
4114 // look through any lane-crossing operations. For now, limit to scalars only.
4115 if (SelType->isIntegerTy() &&
4116 (!isa<Constant>(TrueVal) || !isa<Constant>(FalseVal))) {
4117 // Try to simplify select arms based on KnownBits implied by the condition.
4118 CondContext CC(CondVal);
4119 findValuesAffectedByCondition(CondVal, /*IsAssume=*/false, [&](Value *V) {
4120 CC.AffectedValues.insert(V);
4121 });
4123 if (!CC.AffectedValues.empty()) {
4124 if (!isa<Constant>(TrueVal) &&
4125 hasAffectedValue(TrueVal, CC.AffectedValues, /*Depth=*/0)) {
4126 KnownBits Known = llvm::computeKnownBits(TrueVal, /*Depth=*/0, Q);
4127 if (Known.isConstant())
4128 return replaceOperand(SI, 1,
4129 ConstantInt::get(SelType, Known.getConstant()));
4130 }
4132 CC.Invert = true;
4133 if (!isa<Constant>(FalseVal) &&
4134 hasAffectedValue(FalseVal, CC.AffectedValues, /*Depth=*/0)) {
4135 KnownBits Known = llvm::computeKnownBits(FalseVal, /*Depth=*/0, Q);
4136 if (Known.isConstant())
4137 return replaceOperand(SI, 2,
4138 ConstantInt::get(SelType, Known.getConstant()));
4139 }
4140 }
4141 }
4143 return nullptr;
SmallVector< AArch64_IMM::ImmInsnModel, 4 > Insn
amdgpu AMDGPU Register Bank Select
This file implements a class to represent arbitrary precision integral constant values and operations...
MachineBasicBlock MachineBasicBlock::iterator DebugLoc DL
basic Basic Alias true
static GCRegistry::Add< OcamlGC > B("ocaml", "ocaml 3.10-compatible GC")
static GCRegistry::Add< ErlangGC > A("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
static GCRegistry::Add< StatepointGC > D("statepoint-example", "an example strategy for statepoint")
This file contains the declarations for the subclasses of Constant, which represent the different fla...
Returns the sub type a function will return at a given Idx Should correspond to the result type of an ExtractValue instruction executed with just that one unsigned Idx
static GCMetadataPrinterRegistry::Add< ErlangGCPrinter > X("erlang", "erlang-compatible garbage collector")
const HexagonInstrInfo * TII
static cl::opt< bool > NeedAnd("extract-needand", cl::init(true), cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Require & in extract patterns"))
This file provides internal interfaces used to implement the InstCombine.
static Value * canonicalizeSaturatedAdd(ICmpInst *Cmp, Value *TVal, Value *FVal, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
static Instruction * foldSetClearBits(SelectInst &Sel, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
Canonicalize a set or clear of a masked set of constant bits to select-of-constants form.
static Instruction * foldSelectICmpAndAnd(Type *SelType, const ICmpInst *Cmp, Value *TVal, Value *FVal, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
We want to turn: (select (icmp eq (and X, Y), 0), (and (lshr X, Z), 1), 1) into: zext (icmp ne i32 (a...
static unsigned getSelectFoldableOperands(BinaryOperator *I)
We want to turn code that looks like this: C = or A, B D = select cond, C, A into: C = select cond,...
static Instruction * foldSelectZeroOrMul(SelectInst &SI, InstCombinerImpl &IC)
static Value * canonicalizeSaturatedSubtract(const ICmpInst *ICI, const Value *TrueVal, const Value *FalseVal, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
Transform patterns such as (a > b) ? a - b : 0 into usub.sat(a, b).
static Value * foldAbsDiff(ICmpInst *Cmp, Value *TVal, Value *FVal, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
Try to match patterns with select and subtract as absolute difference.
static Instruction * foldSelectBinOpIdentity(SelectInst &Sel, const TargetLibraryInfo &TLI, InstCombinerImpl &IC)
Replace a select operand based on an equality comparison with the identity constant of a binop.
static Value * foldSelectICmpAndZeroShl(const ICmpInst *Cmp, Value *TVal, Value *FVal, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
We want to turn: (select (icmp eq (and X, C1), 0), 0, (shl [nsw/nuw] X, C2)); iff C1 is a mask and th...
static Value * foldSelectICmpAndBinOp(const ICmpInst *IC, Value *TrueVal, Value *FalseVal, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
We want to turn: (select (icmp eq (and X, C1), 0), Y, (BinOp Y, C2)) into: IF C2 u>= C1 (BinOp Y,...
static Value * foldSelectICmpLshrAshr(const ICmpInst *IC, Value *TrueVal, Value *FalseVal, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
We want to turn: (select (icmp sgt x, C), lshr (X, Y), ashr (X, Y)); iff C s>= -1 (select (icmp slt x...
static bool isSelect01(const APInt &C1I, const APInt &C2I)
static Value * foldSelectICmpAnd(SelectInst &Sel, ICmpInst *Cmp, InstCombiner::BuilderTy &Builder)
This folds: select (icmp eq (and X, C1)), TC, FC iff C1 is a power 2 and the difference between TC an...
This file provides the interface for the instcombine pass implementation.
#define F(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:55
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
uint64_t IntrinsicInst * II
static GCMetadataPrinterRegistry::Add< OcamlGCMetadataPrinter > Y("ocaml", "ocaml 3.10-compatible collector")
const SmallVectorImpl< MachineOperand > & Cond
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
This file contains some templates that are useful if you are working with the STL at all.
This file defines the SmallVector class.
Value * RHS
Value * LHS
static const uint32_t IV[8]
Definition: blake3_impl.h:78
bool bitwiseIsEqual(const APFloat &RHS) const
Definition: APFloat.h:1325
bool isNegative() const
Definition: APFloat.h:1360
Class for arbitrary precision integers.
Definition: APInt.h:78
static APInt getAllOnes(unsigned numBits)
Return an APInt of a specified width with all bits set.
Definition: APInt.h:214
static APInt getSignMask(unsigned BitWidth)
Get the SignMask for a specific bit width.
Definition: APInt.h:209
bool isMinSignedValue() const
Determine if this is the smallest signed value.
Definition: APInt.h:403
uint64_t getZExtValue() const
Get zero extended value.
Definition: APInt.h:1500
bool isAllOnes() const
Determine if all bits are set. This is true for zero-width values.
Definition: APInt.h:351
bool isZero() const
Determine if this value is zero, i.e. all bits are clear.
Definition: APInt.h:360
unsigned getBitWidth() const
Return the number of bits in the APInt.
Definition: APInt.h:1448
static APInt getSignedMaxValue(unsigned numBits)
Gets maximum signed value of APInt for a specific bit width.
Definition: APInt.h:189
bool isMinValue() const
Determine if this is the smallest unsigned value.
Definition: APInt.h:397
static APInt getSignedMinValue(unsigned numBits)
Gets minimum signed value of APInt for a specific bit width.
Definition: APInt.h:199
unsigned countLeadingZeros() const
Definition: APInt.h:1565
unsigned logBase2() const
Definition: APInt.h:1719
bool isMask(unsigned numBits) const
Definition: APInt.h:468
bool isMaxSignedValue() const
Determine if this is the largest signed value.
Definition: APInt.h:385
bool isPowerOf2() const
Check if this APInt's value is a power of two greater than zero.
Definition: APInt.h:420
static APInt getZero(unsigned numBits)
Get the '0' value for the specified bit-width.
Definition: APInt.h:180
bool isOne() const
Determine if this is a value of 1.
Definition: APInt.h:369
static APInt getOneBitSet(unsigned numBits, unsigned BitNo)
Return an APInt with exactly one bit set in the result.
Definition: APInt.h:219
bool isMaxValue() const
Determine if this is the largest unsigned value.
Definition: APInt.h:379
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory),...
Definition: ArrayRef.h:41
MutableArrayRef< ResultElem > assumptions()
Access the list of assumption handles currently tracked for this function.
An instruction that atomically checks whether a specified value is in a memory location,...
Definition: Instructions.h:495
LLVM Basic Block Representation.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:61
iterator begin()
Instruction iterator methods.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:448
const Instruction * getTerminator() const LLVM_READONLY
Returns the terminator instruction if the block is well formed or null if the block is not well forme...
Definition: BasicBlock.h:239
BinaryOps getOpcode() const
Definition: InstrTypes.h:442
static BinaryOperator * CreateNot(Value *Op, const Twine &Name="", InsertPosition InsertBefore=nullptr)
static BinaryOperator * Create(BinaryOps Op, Value *S1, Value *S2, const Twine &Name=Twine(), InsertPosition InsertBefore=nullptr)
Construct a binary instruction, given the opcode and the two operands.
This class represents a no-op cast from one type to another.
This class represents a function call, abstracting a target machine's calling convention.
static CallInst * Create(FunctionType *Ty, Value *F, const Twine &NameStr="", InsertPosition InsertBefore=nullptr)
static CastInst * Create(Instruction::CastOps, Value *S, Type *Ty, const Twine &Name="", InsertPosition InsertBefore=nullptr)
Provides a way to construct any of the CastInst subclasses using an opcode instead of the subclass's ...
This enumeration lists the possible predicates for CmpInst subclasses.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:757
0 0 0 1 True if ordered and equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:760
signed less than
Definition: InstrTypes.h:786
signed less or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:787
0 1 0 0 True if ordered and less than
Definition: InstrTypes.h:763
1 1 0 1 True if unordered, less than, or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:772
0 0 1 0 True if ordered and greater than
Definition: InstrTypes.h:761
0 0 1 1 True if ordered and greater than or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:762
unsigned greater or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:781
unsigned greater than
Definition: InstrTypes.h:780
signed greater than
Definition: InstrTypes.h:784
1 1 0 0 True if unordered or less than
Definition: InstrTypes.h:771
0 1 1 0 True if ordered and operands are unequal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:765
1 0 0 1 True if unordered or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:768
unsigned less than
Definition: InstrTypes.h:782
1 0 1 0 True if unordered or greater than
Definition: InstrTypes.h:769
0 1 0 1 True if ordered and less than or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:764
Definition: InstrTypes.h:778
not equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:779
signed greater or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:785
1 1 1 0 True if unordered or not equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:773
unsigned less or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:783
1 0 1 1 True if unordered, greater than, or equal
Definition: InstrTypes.h:770
Predicate getSwappedPredicate() const
For example, EQ->EQ, SLE->SGE, ULT->UGT, OEQ->OEQ, ULE->UGE, OLT->OGT, etc.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:909
bool isFPPredicate() const
Definition: InstrTypes.h:864
Predicate getInversePredicate() const
For example, EQ -> NE, UGT -> ULE, SLT -> SGE, OEQ -> UNE, UGT -> OLE, OLT -> UGE,...
Definition: InstrTypes.h:871
Predicate getPredicate() const
Return the predicate for this instruction.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:847
static bool isUnordered(Predicate predicate)
Determine if the predicate is an unordered operation.
Predicate getFlippedStrictnessPredicate() const
For predicate of kind "is X or equal to 0" returns the predicate "is X".
Definition: InstrTypes.h:975
bool isIntPredicate() const
Definition: InstrTypes.h:865
bool isUnsigned() const
Definition: InstrTypes.h:1013
static Constant * getSub(Constant *C1, Constant *C2, bool HasNUW=false, bool HasNSW=false)
Definition: Constants.cpp:2618
static Constant * getBinOpIdentity(unsigned Opcode, Type *Ty, bool AllowRHSConstant=false, bool NSZ=false)
Return the identity constant for a binary opcode.
Definition: Constants.cpp:2665
static Constant * getNeg(Constant *C, bool HasNSW=false)
Definition: Constants.cpp:2599
static ConstantInt * getTrue(LLVMContext &Context)
Definition: Constants.cpp:850
static ConstantInt * getFalse(LLVMContext &Context)
Definition: Constants.cpp:857
This class represents a range of values.
Definition: ConstantRange.h:47
ConstantRange add(const ConstantRange &Other) const
Return a new range representing the possible values resulting from an addition of a value in this ran...
bool icmp(CmpInst::Predicate Pred, const ConstantRange &Other) const
Does the predicate Pred hold between ranges this and Other? NOTE: false does not mean that inverse pr...
static ConstantRange makeExactICmpRegion(CmpInst::Predicate Pred, const APInt &Other)
Produce the exact range such that all values in the returned range satisfy the given predicate with a...
ConstantRange binaryNot() const
Return a new range representing the possible values resulting from a binary-xor of a value in this ra...
ConstantRange binaryOp(Instruction::BinaryOps BinOp, const ConstantRange &Other) const
Return a new range representing the possible values resulting from an application of the specified bi...
ConstantRange sub(const ConstantRange &Other) const
Return a new range representing the possible values resulting from a subtraction of a value in this r...
This is an important base class in LLVM.
Definition: Constant.h:42
static Constant * mergeUndefsWith(Constant *C, Constant *Other)
Merges undefs of a Constant with another Constant, along with the undefs already present.
Definition: Constants.cpp:792
static Constant * getAllOnesValue(Type *Ty)
Definition: Constants.cpp:417
bool isOneValue() const
Returns true if the value is one.
Definition: Constants.cpp:124
static Constant * getNullValue(Type *Ty)
Constructor to create a '0' constant of arbitrary type.
Definition: Constants.cpp:370
Constant * getAggregateElement(unsigned Elt) const
For aggregates (struct/array/vector) return the constant that corresponds to the specified element if...
Definition: Constants.cpp:432
bool isNullValue() const
Return true if this is the value that would be returned by getNullValue.
Definition: Constants.cpp:90
This class represents an Operation in the Expression.
A parsed version of the target data layout string in and methods for querying it.
Definition: DataLayout.h:109
TypeSize getTypeSizeInBits(Type *Ty) const
Size examples:
Definition: DataLayout.h:633
unsigned size() const
Definition: DenseMap.h:99
Concrete subclass of DominatorTreeBase that is used to compute a normal dominator tree.
Definition: Dominators.h:162
bool dominates(const BasicBlock *BB, const Use &U) const
Return true if the (end of the) basic block BB dominates the use U.
Definition: Dominators.cpp:122
Utility class for floating point operations which can have information about relaxed accuracy require...
Definition: Operator.h:202
FastMathFlags getFastMathFlags() const
Convenience function for getting all the fast-math flags.
Definition: Operator.h:320
Convenience struct for specifying and reasoning about fast-math flags.
Definition: FMF.h:20
bool noSignedZeros() const
Definition: FMF.h:68
bool noInfs() const
Definition: FMF.h:67
void setNoSignedZeros(bool B=true)
Definition: FMF.h:85
bool noNaNs() const
Definition: FMF.h:66
This class represents a freeze function that returns random concrete value if an operand is either a ...
an instruction for type-safe pointer arithmetic to access elements of arrays and structs
Definition: Instructions.h:915
static GetElementPtrInst * Create(Type *PointeeType, Value *Ptr, ArrayRef< Value * > IdxList, const Twine &NameStr="", InsertPosition InsertBefore=nullptr)
Definition: Instructions.h:938
Type * getSourceElementType() const
Definition: Instructions.h:971
GEPNoWrapFlags getNoWrapFlags() const
Get the nowrap flags for the GEP instruction.
uint64_t getType(const MachineInstr &MI) const
This instruction compares its operands according to the predicate given to the constructor.
bool isEquality() const
Return true if this predicate is either EQ or NE.
static bool isEquality(Predicate P)
Return true if this predicate is either EQ or NE.
Common base class shared among various IRBuilders.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:91
CallInst * CreateUnaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::ID ID, Value *V, Instruction *FMFSource=nullptr, const Twine &Name="")
Create a call to intrinsic ID with 1 operand which is mangled on its type.
Definition: IRBuilder.cpp:914
Value * CreateBinaryIntrinsic(Intrinsic::ID ID, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, Instruction *FMFSource=nullptr, const Twine &Name="")
Create a call to intrinsic ID with 2 operands which is mangled on the first type.
Definition: IRBuilder.cpp:922
Value * CreateFCmp(CmpInst::Predicate P, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="", MDNode *FPMathTag=nullptr)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2369
Value * CreateZExtOrTrunc(Value *V, Type *DestTy, const Twine &Name="")
Create a ZExt or Trunc from the integer value V to DestTy.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2047
Value * CreateVectorSplat(unsigned NumElts, Value *V, const Twine &Name="")
Return a vector value that contains.
Definition: IRBuilder.cpp:1193
ConstantInt * getTrue()
Get the constant value for i1 true.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:463
CallInst * CreateIntrinsic(Intrinsic::ID ID, ArrayRef< Type * > Types, ArrayRef< Value * > Args, Instruction *FMFSource=nullptr, const Twine &Name="")
Create a call to intrinsic ID with Args, mangled using Types.
Definition: IRBuilder.cpp:933
Value * CreateICmpSGE(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2277
Value * CreateSelect(Value *C, Value *True, Value *False, const Twine &Name="", Instruction *MDFrom=nullptr)
Definition: IRBuilder.cpp:1091
Value * CreateFreeze(Value *V, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2543
Value * CreateLShr(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="", bool isExact=false)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1442
void setFastMathFlags(FastMathFlags NewFMF)
Set the fast-math flags to be used with generated fp-math operators.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:308
Value * CreateNeg(Value *V, const Twine &Name="", bool HasNSW=false)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1726
PHINode * CreatePHI(Type *Ty, unsigned NumReservedValues, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2405
Value * CreateNot(Value *V, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1754
Value * CreateIsNeg(Value *Arg, const Twine &Name="")
Return a boolean value testing if Arg < 0.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2562
Value * CreateShl(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="", bool HasNUW=false, bool HasNSW=false)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1421
Value * CreateZExt(Value *V, Type *DestTy, const Twine &Name="", bool IsNonNeg=false)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2029
Value * CreateAnd(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1480
Value * CreateAdd(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="", bool HasNUW=false, bool HasNSW=false)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1332
Value * CreateIsNotNull(Value *Arg, const Twine &Name="")
Return a boolean value testing if Arg != 0.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2557
Value * CreateTrunc(Value *V, Type *DestTy, const Twine &Name="", bool IsNUW=false, bool IsNSW=false)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2015
Value * CreateOr(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1502
Value * CreateBinOp(Instruction::BinaryOps Opc, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="", MDNode *FPMathTag=nullptr)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1671
Value * CreateLogicalAnd(Value *Cond1, Value *Cond2, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1681
Value * CreateICmpSLT(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2281
Value * CreateCast(Instruction::CastOps Op, Value *V, Type *DestTy, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2169
void SetInsertPoint(BasicBlock *TheBB)
This specifies that created instructions should be appended to the end of the specified block.
Definition: IRBuilder.h:177
Value * CreateAShr(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="", bool isExact=false)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1461
Value * CreateXor(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1524
Value * CreateICmp(CmpInst::Predicate P, Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:2359
Value * CreateLogicalOr(Value *Cond1, Value *Cond2, const Twine &Name="")
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1687
Value * CreateFNeg(Value *V, const Twine &Name="", MDNode *FPMathTag=nullptr)
Definition: IRBuilder.h:1735
bool fmulByZeroIsZero(Value *MulVal, FastMathFlags FMF, const Instruction *CtxI) const
Check if fmul MulVal, +0.0 will yield +0.0 (or signed zero is ignorable).
KnownFPClass computeKnownFPClass(Value *Val, FastMathFlags FMF, FPClassTest Interested=fcAllFlags, const Instruction *CtxI=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0) const
Instruction * foldOpIntoPhi(Instruction &I, PHINode *PN)
Given a binary operator, cast instruction, or select which has a PHI node as operand #0,...
Instruction * foldVectorSelect(SelectInst &Sel)
Value * SimplifyDemandedVectorElts(Value *V, APInt DemandedElts, APInt &PoisonElts, unsigned Depth=0, bool AllowMultipleUsers=false) override
The specified value produces a vector with any number of elements.
Instruction * foldSelectValueEquivalence(SelectInst &SI, ICmpInst &ICI)
Instruction * foldSPFofSPF(Instruction *Inner, SelectPatternFlavor SPF1, Value *A, Value *B, Instruction &Outer, SelectPatternFlavor SPF2, Value *C)
Instruction * foldSelectOpOp(SelectInst &SI, Instruction *TI, Instruction *FI)
We have (select c, TI, FI), and we know that TI and FI have the same opcode.
bool replaceInInstruction(Value *V, Value *Old, Value *New, unsigned Depth=0)
Instruction * foldSelectInstWithICmp(SelectInst &SI, ICmpInst *ICI)
bool sinkNotIntoOtherHandOfLogicalOp(Instruction &I)
Constant * getLosslessTrunc(Constant *C, Type *TruncTy, unsigned ExtOp)
Instruction * foldSelectIntoOp(SelectInst &SI, Value *, Value *)
Try to fold the select into one of the operands to allow further optimization.
Instruction * visitSelectInst(SelectInst &SI)
Instruction * foldSelectOfBools(SelectInst &SI)
Instruction * foldSelectExtConst(SelectInst &Sel)
The core instruction combiner logic.
Definition: InstCombiner.h:47
SimplifyQuery SQ
Definition: InstCombiner.h:76
const DataLayout & getDataLayout() const
Definition: InstCombiner.h:341
static bool isCanonicalPredicate(CmpInst::Predicate Pred)
Predicate canonicalization reduces the number of patterns that need to be matched by other transforms...
Definition: InstCombiner.h:157
TargetLibraryInfo & TLI
Definition: InstCombiner.h:73
bool isKnownToBeAPowerOfTwo(const Value *V, bool OrZero=false, unsigned Depth=0, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr)
Definition: InstCombiner.h:441
Instruction * InsertNewInstBefore(Instruction *New, BasicBlock::iterator Old)
Inserts an instruction New before instruction Old.
Definition: InstCombiner.h:366
Instruction * replaceInstUsesWith(Instruction &I, Value *V)
A combiner-aware RAUW-like routine.
Definition: InstCombiner.h:386
static bool shouldAvoidAbsorbingNotIntoSelect(const SelectInst &SI)
Definition: InstCombiner.h:191
static std::optional< std::pair< CmpInst::Predicate, Constant * > > getFlippedStrictnessPredicateAndConstant(CmpInst::Predicate Pred, Constant *C)
void replaceUse(Use &U, Value *NewValue)
Replace use and add the previously used value to the worklist.
Definition: InstCombiner.h:418
InstructionWorklist & Worklist
A worklist of the instructions that need to be simplified.
Definition: InstCombiner.h:64
const DataLayout & DL
Definition: InstCombiner.h:75
AssumptionCache & AC
Definition: InstCombiner.h:72
void addToWorklist(Instruction *I)
Definition: InstCombiner.h:336
Instruction * replaceOperand(Instruction &I, unsigned OpNum, Value *V)
Replace operand of instruction and add old operand to the worklist.
Definition: InstCombiner.h:410
DominatorTree & DT
Definition: InstCombiner.h:74
void computeKnownBits(const Value *V, KnownBits &Known, unsigned Depth, const Instruction *CxtI) const
Definition: InstCombiner.h:431
BuilderTy & Builder
Definition: InstCombiner.h:60
Value * getFreelyInverted(Value *V, bool WillInvertAllUses, BuilderTy *Builder, bool &DoesConsume)
Definition: InstCombiner.h:213
const SimplifyQuery & getSimplifyQuery() const
Definition: InstCombiner.h:342
static Constant * AddOne(Constant *C)
Add one to a Constant.
Definition: InstCombiner.h:175
void add(Instruction *I)
Add instruction to the worklist.
void push(Instruction *I)
Push the instruction onto the worklist stack.
bool isSameOperationAs(const Instruction *I, unsigned flags=0) const LLVM_READONLY
This function determines if the specified instruction executes the same operation as the current one.
bool isCast() const
Definition: Instruction.h:282
bool hasNoSignedZeros() const LLVM_READONLY
Determine whether the no-signed-zeros flag is set.
void copyIRFlags(const Value *V, bool IncludeWrapFlags=true)
Convenience method to copy supported exact, fast-math, and (optionally) wrapping flags from V to this...
const Module * getModule() const
Return the module owning the function this instruction belongs to or nullptr it the function does not...
Definition: Instruction.cpp:66
void andIRFlags(const Value *V)
Logical 'and' of any supported wrapping, exact, and fast-math flags of V and this instruction.
bool isCommutative() const LLVM_READONLY
Return true if the instruction is commutative:
void setFastMathFlags(FastMathFlags FMF)
Convenience function for setting multiple fast-math flags on this instruction, which must be an opera...
void swapProfMetadata()
If the instruction has "branch_weights" MD_prof metadata and the MDNode has three operands (including...
FastMathFlags getFastMathFlags() const LLVM_READONLY
Convenience function for getting all the fast-math flags, which must be an operator which supports th...
unsigned getOpcode() const
Returns a member of one of the enums like Instruction::Add.
Definition: Instruction.h:274
void dropPoisonGeneratingFlags()
Drops flags that may cause this instruction to evaluate to poison despite having non-poison inputs.
const DataLayout & getDataLayout() const
Get the data layout of the module this instruction belongs to.
Definition: Instruction.cpp:74
bool isIntDivRem() const
Definition: Instruction.h:280
A wrapper class for inspecting calls to intrinsic functions.
Definition: IntrinsicInst.h:48
A Module instance is used to store all the information related to an LLVM module.
Definition: Module.h:65
void addIncoming(Value *V, BasicBlock *BB)
Add an incoming value to the end of the PHI list.
This class represents a sign extension of integer types.
This class represents the LLVM 'select' instruction.
static SelectInst * Create(Value *C, Value *S1, Value *S2, const Twine &NameStr="", InsertPosition InsertBefore=nullptr, Instruction *MDFrom=nullptr)
const Value * getFalseValue() const
void swapValues()
Swap the true and false values of the select instruction.
const Value * getCondition() const
const Value * getTrueValue() const
bool insert(const value_type &X)
Insert a new element into the SetVector.
Definition: SetVector.h:162
This instruction constructs a fixed permutation of two input vectors.
A templated base class for SmallPtrSet which provides the typesafe interface that is common across al...
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:347
bool contains(ConstPtrType Ptr) const
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:442
A SetVector that performs no allocations if smaller than a certain size.
Definition: SetVector.h:370
This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small.
Definition: SmallVector.h:1210
Provides information about what library functions are available for the current target.
The instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created, they are never changed.
Definition: Type.h:45
bool isVectorTy() const
True if this is an instance of VectorType.
Definition: Type.h:261
bool isIntOrIntVectorTy() const
Return true if this is an integer type or a vector of integer types.
Definition: Type.h:230
static IntegerType * getInt1Ty(LLVMContext &C)
unsigned getScalarSizeInBits() const LLVM_READONLY
If this is a vector type, return the getPrimitiveSizeInBits value for the element type.
bool isIntegerTy() const
True if this is an instance of IntegerType.
Definition: Type.h:224
bool isFPOrFPVectorTy() const
Return true if this is a FP type or a vector of FP.
Definition: Type.h:212
static UnaryOperator * CreateFNegFMF(Value *Op, Instruction *FMFSource, const Twine &Name="", InsertPosition InsertBefore=nullptr)
Definition: InstrTypes.h:164
A Use represents the edge between a Value definition and its users.
Definition: Use.h:43
op_range operands()
Definition: User.h:242
Value * getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: User.h:169
unsigned getNumOperands() const
Definition: User.h:191
LLVM Value Representation.
Definition: Value.h:74
Type * getType() const
All values are typed, get the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:255
const Value * DoPHITranslation(const BasicBlock *CurBB, const BasicBlock *PredBB) const
Translate PHI node to its predecessor from the given basic block.
Definition: Value.cpp:1067
bool hasOneUse() const
Return true if there is exactly one use of this value.
Definition: Value.h:434
StringRef getName() const
Return a constant reference to the value's name.
Definition: Value.cpp:309
void takeName(Value *V)
Transfer the name from V to this value.
Definition: Value.cpp:383
Represents an op.with.overflow intrinsic.
This class represents zero extension of integer types.
const ParentTy * getParent() const
Definition: ilist_node.h:32
self_iterator getIterator()
Definition: ilist_node.h:132
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
constexpr std::underlying_type_t< E > Mask()
Get a bitmask with 1s in all places up to the high-order bit of E's largest value.
Definition: BitmaskEnum.h:121
@ C
The default llvm calling convention, compatible with C.
Definition: CallingConv.h:34
Function * getDeclaration(Module *M, ID id, ArrayRef< Type * > Tys=std::nullopt)
Create or insert an LLVM Function declaration for an intrinsic, and return it.
Definition: Function.cpp:1539
cst_pred_ty< is_all_ones > m_AllOnes()
Match an integer or vector with all bits set.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:524
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::And > m_And(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
BinaryOp_match< cst_pred_ty< is_all_ones, false >, ValTy, Instruction::Xor, true > m_NotForbidPoison(const ValTy &V)
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Add > m_Add(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
class_match< BinaryOperator > m_BinOp()
Match an arbitrary binary operation and ignore it.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:100
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::FMul, true > m_c_FMul(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches FMul with LHS and RHS in either order.
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::AShr > m_AShr(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::FSub > m_FSub(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
cst_pred_ty< is_power2 > m_Power2()
Match an integer or vector power-of-2.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:619
match_combine_or< CastInst_match< OpTy, TruncInst >, OpTy > m_TruncOrSelf(const OpTy &Op)
class_match< Constant > m_Constant()
Match an arbitrary Constant and ignore it.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:165
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::And, true > m_c_And(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches an And with LHS and RHS in either order.
CastInst_match< OpTy, TruncInst > m_Trunc(const OpTy &Op)
Matches Trunc.
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Xor > m_Xor(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
specific_intval< false > m_SpecificInt(const APInt &V)
Match a specific integer value or vector with all elements equal to the value.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:972
match_combine_or< CastInst_match< OpTy, ZExtInst >, OpTy > m_ZExtOrSelf(const OpTy &Op)
bool match(Val *V, const Pattern &P)
Definition: PatternMatch.h:49
bind_ty< Instruction > m_Instruction(Instruction *&I)
Match an instruction, capturing it if we match.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:816
cstfp_pred_ty< is_any_zero_fp > m_AnyZeroFP()
Match a floating-point negative zero or positive zero.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:764
specificval_ty m_Specific(const Value *V)
Match if we have a specific specified value.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:875
constantexpr_match m_ConstantExpr()
Match a constant expression or a constant that contains a constant expression.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:186
specific_intval< true > m_SpecificIntAllowPoison(const APInt &V)
Definition: PatternMatch.h:980
OverflowingBinaryOp_match< cst_pred_ty< is_zero_int >, ValTy, Instruction::Sub, OverflowingBinaryOperator::NoSignedWrap > m_NSWNeg(const ValTy &V)
Matches a 'Neg' as 'sub nsw 0, V'.
TwoOps_match< Val_t, Idx_t, Instruction::ExtractElement > m_ExtractElt(const Val_t &Val, const Idx_t &Idx)
Matches ExtractElementInst.
class_match< ConstantInt > m_ConstantInt()
Match an arbitrary ConstantInt and ignore it.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:168
cst_pred_ty< is_one > m_One()
Match an integer 1 or a vector with all elements equal to 1.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:592
ThreeOps_match< Cond, LHS, RHS, Instruction::Select > m_Select(const Cond &C, const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches SelectInst.
BinOpPred_match< LHS, RHS, is_logical_shift_op > m_LogicalShift(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches logical shift operations.
match_combine_and< LTy, RTy > m_CombineAnd(const LTy &L, const RTy &R)
Combine two pattern matchers matching L && R.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:245
MaxMin_match< ICmpInst, LHS, RHS, smin_pred_ty > m_SMin(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
cst_pred_ty< is_any_apint > m_AnyIntegralConstant()
Match an integer or vector with any integral constant.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:507
CmpClass_match< LHS, RHS, FCmpInst, FCmpInst::Predicate > m_FCmp(FCmpInst::Predicate &Pred, const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
bind_ty< WithOverflowInst > m_WithOverflowInst(WithOverflowInst *&I)
Match a with overflow intrinsic, capturing it if we match.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:822
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Xor, true > m_c_Xor(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches an Xor with LHS and RHS in either order.
deferredval_ty< Value > m_Deferred(Value *const &V)
Like m_Specific(), but works if the specific value to match is determined as part of the same match()...
Definition: PatternMatch.h:893
cst_pred_ty< is_zero_int > m_ZeroInt()
Match an integer 0 or a vector with all elements equal to 0.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:599
apint_match m_APIntAllowPoison(const APInt *&Res)
Match APInt while allowing poison in splat vector constants.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:305
CmpClass_match< LHS, RHS, ICmpInst, ICmpInst::Predicate > m_ICmp(ICmpInst::Predicate &Pred, const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
OneUse_match< T > m_OneUse(const T &SubPattern)
Definition: PatternMatch.h:67
auto m_LogicalOr()
Matches L || R where L and R are arbitrary values.
BinaryOp_match< cst_pred_ty< is_zero_int >, ValTy, Instruction::Sub > m_Neg(const ValTy &V)
Matches a 'Neg' as 'sub 0, V'.
TwoOps_match< V1_t, V2_t, Instruction::ShuffleVector > m_Shuffle(const V1_t &v1, const V2_t &v2)
Matches ShuffleVectorInst independently of mask value.
match_combine_and< class_match< Constant >, match_unless< constantexpr_match > > m_ImmConstant()
Match an arbitrary immediate Constant and ignore it.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:854
m_Intrinsic_Ty< Opnd0, Opnd1, Opnd2, Opnd3 >::Ty m_MaskedLoad(const Opnd0 &Op0, const Opnd1 &Op1, const Opnd2 &Op2, const Opnd3 &Op3)
Matches MaskedLoad Intrinsic.
CastInst_match< OpTy, ZExtInst > m_ZExt(const OpTy &Op)
Matches ZExt.
BinOpPred_match< LHS, RHS, is_bitwiselogic_op, true > m_c_BitwiseLogic(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches bitwise logic operations in either order.
MaxMin_match< ICmpInst, LHS, RHS, umax_pred_ty > m_UMax(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
class_match< CmpInst > m_Cmp()
Matches any compare instruction and ignore it.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:105
brc_match< Cond_t, bind_ty< BasicBlock >, bind_ty< BasicBlock > > m_Br(const Cond_t &C, BasicBlock *&T, BasicBlock *&F)
auto m_c_LogicalOp(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches either L && R or L || R with LHS and RHS in either order.
CmpClass_match< LHS, RHS, ICmpInst, ICmpInst::Predicate, true > m_c_ICmp(ICmpInst::Predicate &Pred, const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches an ICmp with a predicate over LHS and RHS in either order.
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Add, true > m_c_Add(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches a Add with LHS and RHS in either order.
apfloat_match m_APFloatAllowPoison(const APFloat *&Res)
Match APFloat while allowing poison in splat vector constants.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:322
SpecificCmpClass_match< LHS, RHS, ICmpInst, ICmpInst::Predicate > m_SpecificICmp(ICmpInst::Predicate MatchPred, const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
CastOperator_match< OpTy, Instruction::BitCast > m_BitCast(const OpTy &Op)
Matches BitCast.
MaxMin_match< ICmpInst, LHS, RHS, smax_pred_ty > m_SMax(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
apint_match m_APInt(const APInt *&Res)
Match a ConstantInt or splatted ConstantVector, binding the specified pointer to the contained APInt.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:299
MaxMin_match< FCmpInst, LHS, RHS, ofmax_pred_ty > m_OrdFMax(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Match an 'ordered' floating point maximum function.
class_match< Value > m_Value()
Match an arbitrary value and ignore it.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:92
AnyBinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, true > m_c_BinOp(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches a BinaryOperator with LHS and RHS in either order.
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::LShr > m_LShr(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
FNeg_match< OpTy > m_FNeg(const OpTy &X)
Match 'fneg X' as 'fsub -0.0, X'.
cstfp_pred_ty< is_pos_zero_fp > m_PosZeroFP()
Match a floating-point positive zero.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:773
LogicalOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::And, true > m_c_LogicalAnd(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches L && R with LHS and RHS in either order.
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Shl > m_Shl(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
m_Intrinsic_Ty< Opnd0 >::Ty m_VecReverse(const Opnd0 &Op0)
auto m_LogicalAnd()
Matches L && R where L and R are arbitrary values.
MaxMin_match< FCmpInst, LHS, RHS, ofmin_pred_ty > m_OrdFMin(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Match an 'ordered' floating point minimum function.
match_combine_or< match_combine_or< MaxMin_match< ICmpInst, LHS, RHS, smax_pred_ty >, MaxMin_match< ICmpInst, LHS, RHS, smin_pred_ty > >, match_combine_or< MaxMin_match< ICmpInst, LHS, RHS, umax_pred_ty >, MaxMin_match< ICmpInst, LHS, RHS, umin_pred_ty > > > m_MaxOrMin(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
class_match< BasicBlock > m_BasicBlock()
Match an arbitrary basic block value and ignore it.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:189
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::SRem > m_SRem(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
auto m_Undef()
Match an arbitrary undef constant.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:152
BinaryOp_match< cst_pred_ty< is_all_ones >, ValTy, Instruction::Xor, true > m_Not(const ValTy &V)
Matches a 'Not' as 'xor V, -1' or 'xor -1, V'.
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Or > m_Or(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
is_zero m_Zero()
Match any null constant or a vector with all elements equal to 0.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:612
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Or, true > m_c_Or(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches an Or with LHS and RHS in either order.
BinOpPred_match< LHS, RHS, is_bitwiselogic_op > m_BitwiseLogic(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches bitwise logic operations.
LogicalOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Or, true > m_c_LogicalOr(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches L || R with LHS and RHS in either order.
ElementWiseBitCast_match< OpTy > m_ElementWiseBitCast(const OpTy &Op)
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Mul, true > m_c_Mul(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
Matches a Mul with LHS and RHS in either order.
BinaryOp_match< LHS, RHS, Instruction::Sub > m_Sub(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
MaxMin_match< ICmpInst, LHS, RHS, umin_pred_ty > m_UMin(const LHS &L, const RHS &R)
m_Intrinsic_Ty< Opnd0, Opnd1, Opnd2, Opnd3 >::Ty m_MaskedGather(const Opnd0 &Op0, const Opnd1 &Op1, const Opnd2 &Op2, const Opnd3 &Op3)
Matches MaskedGather Intrinsic.
match_combine_or< LTy, RTy > m_CombineOr(const LTy &L, const RTy &R)
Combine two pattern matchers matching L || R.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:239
cst_pred_ty< icmp_pred_with_threshold > m_SpecificInt_ICMP(ICmpInst::Predicate Predicate, const APInt &Threshold)
Match an integer or vector with every element comparing 'pred' (eg/ne/...) to Threshold.
Definition: PatternMatch.h:698
The element type of an SRV or UAV resource.
Definition: DXILABI.h:75
DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::Argument NV
@ FalseVal
Definition: TGLexer.h:59
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
bool isSafeToSpeculativelyExecuteWithVariableReplaced(const Instruction *I)
Don't use information from its non-constant operands.
bool isSignBitCheck(ICmpInst::Predicate Pred, const APInt &RHS, bool &TrueIfSigned)
Given an exploded icmp instruction, return true if the comparison only checks the sign bit.
APFloat abs(APFloat X)
Returns the absolute value of the argument.
Definition: APFloat.h:1446
Constant * ConstantFoldCompareInstOperands(unsigned Predicate, Constant *LHS, Constant *RHS, const DataLayout &DL, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI=nullptr, const Instruction *I=nullptr)
Attempt to constant fold a compare instruction (icmp/fcmp) with the specified operands.
CmpInst::Predicate getMinMaxPred(SelectPatternFlavor SPF, bool Ordered=false)
Return the canonical comparison predicate for the specified minimum/maximum flavor.
bool isGuaranteedNotToBeUndef(const Value *V, AssumptionCache *AC=nullptr, const Instruction *CtxI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0)
Returns true if V cannot be undef, but may be poison.
bool any_of(R &&range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::any_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1729
bool isSplatValue(const Value *V, int Index=-1, unsigned Depth=0)
Return true if each element of the vector value V is poisoned or equal to every other non-poisoned el...
constexpr unsigned MaxAnalysisRecursionDepth
Definition: ValueTracking.h:48
Specific patterns of select instructions we can match.
Floating point maxnum.
Absolute value.
Signed minimum.
Signed maximum.
Unsigned minimum.
constexpr bool isPowerOf2_32(uint32_t Value)
Return true if the argument is a power of two > 0.
Definition: MathExtras.h:291
bool impliesPoison(const Value *ValAssumedPoison, const Value *V)
Return true if V is poison given that ValAssumedPoison is already poison.
SelectPatternResult matchSelectPattern(Value *V, Value *&LHS, Value *&RHS, Instruction::CastOps *CastOp=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0)
Pattern match integer [SU]MIN, [SU]MAX and ABS idioms, returning the kind and providing the out param...
bool none_of(R &&Range, UnaryPredicate P)
Provide wrappers to std::none_of which take ranges instead of having to pass begin/end explicitly.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1736
Constant * ConstantFoldCastOperand(unsigned Opcode, Constant *C, Type *DestTy, const DataLayout &DL)
Attempt to constant fold a cast with the specified operand.
Value * simplifyAndInst(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, const SimplifyQuery &Q)
Given operands for an And, fold the result or return null.
bool isKnownInversion(const Value *X, const Value *Y)
Return true iff:
Constant * ConstantFoldBinaryOpOperands(unsigned Opcode, Constant *LHS, Constant *RHS, const DataLayout &DL)
Attempt to constant fold a binary operation with the specified operands.
constexpr int PoisonMaskElem
@ Or
Bitwise or logical OR of integers.
@ Mul
Product of integers.
@ Xor
Bitwise or logical XOR of integers.
@ And
Bitwise or logical AND of integers.
@ Add
Sum of integers.
void computeKnownBits(const Value *V, KnownBits &Known, const DataLayout &DL, unsigned Depth=0, AssumptionCache *AC=nullptr, const Instruction *CxtI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, bool UseInstrInfo=true)
Determine which bits of V are known to be either zero or one and return them in the KnownZero/KnownOn...
DWARFExpression::Operation Op
constexpr unsigned BitWidth
Definition: BitmaskEnum.h:191
SelectPatternResult matchDecomposedSelectPattern(CmpInst *CmpI, Value *TrueVal, Value *FalseVal, Value *&LHS, Value *&RHS, Instruction::CastOps *CastOp=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0)
Determine the pattern that a select with the given compare as its predicate and given values as its t...
Value * simplifyWithOpReplaced(Value *V, Value *Op, Value *RepOp, const SimplifyQuery &Q, bool AllowRefinement, SmallVectorImpl< Instruction * > *DropFlags=nullptr)
See if V simplifies when its operand Op is replaced with RepOp.
auto predecessors(const MachineBasicBlock *BB)
bool is_contained(R &&Range, const E &Element)
Returns true if Element is found in Range.
Definition: STLExtras.h:1879
bool decomposeBitTestICmp(Value *LHS, Value *RHS, CmpInst::Predicate &Pred, Value *&X, APInt &Mask, bool LookThroughTrunc=true)
Decompose an icmp into the form ((X & Mask) pred 0) if possible.
bool cannotBeNegativeZero(const Value *V, unsigned Depth, const SimplifyQuery &SQ)
Return true if we can prove that the specified FP value is never equal to -0.0.
bool isKnownNeverNaN(const Value *V, unsigned Depth, const SimplifyQuery &SQ)
Return true if the floating-point scalar value is not a NaN or if the floating-point vector value has...
bool isGuaranteedNotToBePoison(const Value *V, AssumptionCache *AC=nullptr, const Instruction *CtxI=nullptr, const DominatorTree *DT=nullptr, unsigned Depth=0)
Returns true if V cannot be poison, but may be undef.
bool isCheckForZeroAndMulWithOverflow(Value *Op0, Value *Op1, bool IsAnd, Use *&Y)
Match one of the patterns up to the select/logic op: Op0 = icmp ne i4 X, 0 Agg = call { i4,...
Value * simplifySelectInst(Value *Cond, Value *TrueVal, Value *FalseVal, const SimplifyQuery &Q)
Given operands for a SelectInst, fold the result or return null.
std::optional< bool > isImpliedCondition(const Value *LHS, const Value *RHS, const DataLayout &DL, bool LHSIsTrue=true, unsigned Depth=0)
Return true if RHS is known to be implied true by LHS.
void findValuesAffectedByCondition(Value *Cond, bool IsAssume, function_ref< void(Value *)> InsertAffected)
Call InsertAffected on all Values whose known bits / value may be affected by the condition Cond.
void swap(llvm::BitVector &LHS, llvm::BitVector &RHS)
Implement std::swap in terms of BitVector swap.
Definition: BitVector.h:860
Evaluate query assuming this condition holds.
Definition: SimplifyQuery.h:62
Incoming for lane maks phi as machine instruction, incoming register Reg and incoming block Block are...
bool isConstant() const
Returns true if we know the value of all bits.
Definition: KnownBits.h:50
const APInt & getConstant() const
Returns the value when all bits have a known value.
Definition: KnownBits.h:56
bool isKnownNeverInfinity() const
Return true if it's known this can never be an infinity.
bool isKnownNeverNaN() const
Return true if it's known this can never be a nan.
bool signBitIsZeroOrNaN() const
Return true if the sign bit must be 0, ignoring the sign of nans.
SelectPatternFlavor Flavor
bool Ordered
Only applicable if Flavor is SPF_FMINNUM or SPF_FMAXNUM.
static bool isMinOrMax(SelectPatternFlavor SPF)
When implementing this min/max pattern as fcmp; select, does the fcmp have to be ordered?
SimplifyQuery getWithCondContext(const CondContext &CC) const
SimplifyQuery getWithInstruction(const Instruction *I) const
AssumptionCache * AC
Definition: SimplifyQuery.h:74