LLVM 20.0.0git
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1//===- FunctionComparator.h - Function Comparator -------------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9// This file implements the FunctionComparator and GlobalNumberState classes
10// which are used by the MergeFunctions pass for comparing functions.
15#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
16#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
17#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
18#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
21#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
22#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
23#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
24#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
25#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
27#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
28#include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
29#include "llvm/IR/InlineAsm.h"
30#include "llvm/IR/InstrTypes.h"
31#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
33#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
34#include "llvm/IR/Metadata.h"
35#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
36#include "llvm/IR/Operator.h"
37#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
38#include "llvm/IR/Value.h"
41#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
44#include <cassert>
45#include <cstddef>
46#include <cstdint>
47#include <utility>
49using namespace llvm;
51#define DEBUG_TYPE "functioncomparator"
54 if (L < R)
55 return -1;
56 if (L > R)
57 return 1;
58 return 0;
62 if (L.value() < R.value())
63 return -1;
64 if (L.value() > R.value())
65 return 1;
66 return 0;
69int FunctionComparator::cmpOrderings(AtomicOrdering L, AtomicOrdering R) const {
70 if ((int)L < (int)R)
71 return -1;
72 if ((int)L > (int)R)
73 return 1;
74 return 0;
77int FunctionComparator::cmpAPInts(const APInt &L, const APInt &R) const {
78 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L.getBitWidth(), R.getBitWidth()))
79 return Res;
80 if (L.ugt(R))
81 return 1;
82 if (R.ugt(L))
83 return -1;
84 return 0;
87int FunctionComparator::cmpAPFloats(const APFloat &L, const APFloat &R) const {
88 // Floats are ordered first by semantics (i.e. float, double, half, etc.),
89 // then by value interpreted as a bitstring (aka APInt).
90 const fltSemantics &SL = L.getSemantics(), &SR = R.getSemantics();
93 return Res;
96 return Res;
99 return Res;
102 return Res;
103 return cmpAPInts(L.bitcastToAPInt(), R.bitcastToAPInt());
107 // Prevent heavy comparison, compare sizes first.
108 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L.size(), R.size()))
109 return Res;
111 // Compare strings lexicographically only when it is necessary: only when
112 // strings are equal in size.
113 return std::clamp(L.compare(R), -1, 1);
116int FunctionComparator::cmpAttrs(const AttributeList L,
117 const AttributeList R) const {
118 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L.getNumAttrSets(), R.getNumAttrSets()))
119 return Res;
121 for (unsigned i : L.indexes()) {
122 AttributeSet LAS = L.getAttributes(i);
123 AttributeSet RAS = R.getAttributes(i);
124 AttributeSet::iterator LI = LAS.begin(), LE = LAS.end();
125 AttributeSet::iterator RI = RAS.begin(), RE = RAS.end();
126 for (; LI != LE && RI != RE; ++LI, ++RI) {
127 Attribute LA = *LI;
128 Attribute RA = *RI;
129 if (LA.isTypeAttribute() && RA.isTypeAttribute()) {
130 if (LA.getKindAsEnum() != RA.getKindAsEnum())
131 return cmpNumbers(LA.getKindAsEnum(), RA.getKindAsEnum());
133 Type *TyL = LA.getValueAsType();
134 Type *TyR = RA.getValueAsType();
135 if (TyL && TyR) {
136 if (int Res = cmpTypes(TyL, TyR))
137 return Res;
138 continue;
139 }
141 // Two pointers, at least one null, so the comparison result is
142 // independent of the value of a real pointer.
143 if (int Res = cmpNumbers((uint64_t)TyL, (uint64_t)TyR))
144 return Res;
145 continue;
146 } else if (LA.isConstantRangeAttribute() &&
147 RA.isConstantRangeAttribute()) {
148 if (LA.getKindAsEnum() != RA.getKindAsEnum())
149 return cmpNumbers(LA.getKindAsEnum(), RA.getKindAsEnum());
151 const ConstantRange &LCR = LA.getRange();
152 const ConstantRange &RCR = RA.getRange();
153 if (int Res = cmpAPInts(LCR.getLower(), RCR.getLower()))
154 return Res;
155 if (int Res = cmpAPInts(LCR.getUpper(), RCR.getUpper()))
156 return Res;
157 continue;
158 }
159 if (LA < RA)
160 return -1;
161 if (RA < LA)
162 return 1;
163 }
164 if (LI != LE)
165 return 1;
166 if (RI != RE)
167 return -1;
168 }
169 return 0;
172int FunctionComparator::cmpMetadata(const Metadata *L,
173 const Metadata *R) const {
174 // TODO: the following routine coerce the metadata contents into constants
175 // or MDStrings before comparison.
176 // It ignores any other cases, so that the metadata nodes are considered
177 // equal even though this is not correct.
178 // We should structurally compare the metadata nodes to be perfect here.
180 auto *MDStringL = dyn_cast<MDString>(L);
181 auto *MDStringR = dyn_cast<MDString>(R);
182 if (MDStringL && MDStringR) {
183 if (MDStringL == MDStringR)
184 return 0;
185 return MDStringL->getString().compare(MDStringR->getString());
186 }
187 if (MDStringR)
188 return -1;
189 if (MDStringL)
190 return 1;
192 auto *CL = dyn_cast<ConstantAsMetadata>(L);
193 auto *CR = dyn_cast<ConstantAsMetadata>(R);
194 if (CL == CR)
195 return 0;
196 if (!CL)
197 return -1;
198 if (!CR)
199 return 1;
200 return cmpConstants(CL->getValue(), CR->getValue());
203int FunctionComparator::cmpMDNode(const MDNode *L, const MDNode *R) const {
204 if (L == R)
205 return 0;
206 if (!L)
207 return -1;
208 if (!R)
209 return 1;
210 // TODO: Note that as this is metadata, it is possible to drop and/or merge
211 // this data when considering functions to merge. Thus this comparison would
212 // return 0 (i.e. equivalent), but merging would become more complicated
213 // because the ranges would need to be unioned. It is not likely that
214 // functions differ ONLY in this metadata if they are actually the same
215 // function semantically.
216 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->getNumOperands(), R->getNumOperands()))
217 return Res;
218 for (size_t I = 0; I < L->getNumOperands(); ++I)
219 if (int Res = cmpMetadata(L->getOperand(I), R->getOperand(I)))
220 return Res;
221 return 0;
224int FunctionComparator::cmpInstMetadata(Instruction const *L,
225 Instruction const *R) const {
226 /// These metadata affects the other optimization passes by making assertions
227 /// or constraints.
228 /// Values that carry different expectations should be considered different.
230 L->getAllMetadataOtherThanDebugLoc(MDL);
231 R->getAllMetadataOtherThanDebugLoc(MDR);
232 if (MDL.size() > MDR.size())
233 return 1;
234 else if (MDL.size() < MDR.size())
235 return -1;
236 for (size_t I = 0, N = MDL.size(); I < N; ++I) {
237 auto const [KeyL, ML] = MDL[I];
238 auto const [KeyR, MR] = MDR[I];
239 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(KeyL, KeyR))
240 return Res;
241 if (int Res = cmpMDNode(ML, MR))
242 return Res;
243 }
244 return 0;
247int FunctionComparator::cmpOperandBundlesSchema(const CallBase &LCS,
248 const CallBase &RCS) const {
249 assert(LCS.getOpcode() == RCS.getOpcode() && "Can't compare otherwise!");
251 if (int Res =
253 return Res;
255 for (unsigned I = 0, E = LCS.getNumOperandBundles(); I != E; ++I) {
256 auto OBL = LCS.getOperandBundleAt(I);
257 auto OBR = RCS.getOperandBundleAt(I);
259 if (int Res = OBL.getTagName().compare(OBR.getTagName()))
260 return Res;
262 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(OBL.Inputs.size(), OBR.Inputs.size()))
263 return Res;
264 }
266 return 0;
269/// Constants comparison:
270/// 1. Check whether type of L constant could be losslessly bitcasted to R
271/// type.
272/// 2. Compare constant contents.
273/// For more details see declaration comments.
275 const Constant *R) const {
276 Type *TyL = L->getType();
277 Type *TyR = R->getType();
279 // Check whether types are bitcastable. This part is just re-factored
280 // Type::canLosslesslyBitCastTo method, but instead of returning true/false,
281 // we also pack into result which type is "less" for us.
282 int TypesRes = cmpTypes(TyL, TyR);
283 if (TypesRes != 0) {
284 // Types are different, but check whether we can bitcast them.
285 if (!TyL->isFirstClassType()) {
286 if (TyR->isFirstClassType())
287 return -1;
288 // Neither TyL nor TyR are values of first class type. Return the result
289 // of comparing the types
290 return TypesRes;
291 }
292 if (!TyR->isFirstClassType()) {
293 if (TyL->isFirstClassType())
294 return 1;
295 return TypesRes;
296 }
298 // Vector -> Vector conversions are always lossless if the two vector types
299 // have the same size, otherwise not.
300 unsigned TyLWidth = 0;
301 unsigned TyRWidth = 0;
303 if (auto *VecTyL = dyn_cast<VectorType>(TyL))
304 TyLWidth = VecTyL->getPrimitiveSizeInBits().getFixedValue();
305 if (auto *VecTyR = dyn_cast<VectorType>(TyR))
306 TyRWidth = VecTyR->getPrimitiveSizeInBits().getFixedValue();
308 if (TyLWidth != TyRWidth)
309 return cmpNumbers(TyLWidth, TyRWidth);
311 // Zero bit-width means neither TyL nor TyR are vectors.
312 if (!TyLWidth) {
313 PointerType *PTyL = dyn_cast<PointerType>(TyL);
314 PointerType *PTyR = dyn_cast<PointerType>(TyR);
315 if (PTyL && PTyR) {
316 unsigned AddrSpaceL = PTyL->getAddressSpace();
317 unsigned AddrSpaceR = PTyR->getAddressSpace();
318 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(AddrSpaceL, AddrSpaceR))
319 return Res;
320 }
321 if (PTyL)
322 return 1;
323 if (PTyR)
324 return -1;
326 // TyL and TyR aren't vectors, nor pointers. We don't know how to
327 // bitcast them.
328 return TypesRes;
329 }
330 }
332 // OK, types are bitcastable, now check constant contents.
334 if (L->isNullValue() && R->isNullValue())
335 return TypesRes;
336 if (L->isNullValue() && !R->isNullValue())
337 return 1;
338 if (!L->isNullValue() && R->isNullValue())
339 return -1;
341 auto GlobalValueL = const_cast<GlobalValue *>(dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(L));
342 auto GlobalValueR = const_cast<GlobalValue *>(dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(R));
343 if (GlobalValueL && GlobalValueR) {
344 return cmpGlobalValues(GlobalValueL, GlobalValueR);
345 }
347 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->getValueID(), R->getValueID()))
348 return Res;
350 if (const auto *SeqL = dyn_cast<ConstantDataSequential>(L)) {
351 const auto *SeqR = cast<ConstantDataSequential>(R);
352 // This handles ConstantDataArray and ConstantDataVector. Note that we
353 // compare the two raw data arrays, which might differ depending on the host
354 // endianness. This isn't a problem though, because the endiness of a module
355 // will affect the order of the constants, but this order is the same
356 // for a given input module and host platform.
357 return cmpMem(SeqL->getRawDataValues(), SeqR->getRawDataValues());
358 }
360 switch (L->getValueID()) {
361 case Value::UndefValueVal:
362 case Value::PoisonValueVal:
363 case Value::ConstantTokenNoneVal:
364 return TypesRes;
365 case Value::ConstantIntVal: {
366 const APInt &LInt = cast<ConstantInt>(L)->getValue();
367 const APInt &RInt = cast<ConstantInt>(R)->getValue();
368 return cmpAPInts(LInt, RInt);
369 }
370 case Value::ConstantFPVal: {
371 const APFloat &LAPF = cast<ConstantFP>(L)->getValueAPF();
372 const APFloat &RAPF = cast<ConstantFP>(R)->getValueAPF();
373 return cmpAPFloats(LAPF, RAPF);
374 }
375 case Value::ConstantArrayVal: {
376 const ConstantArray *LA = cast<ConstantArray>(L);
377 const ConstantArray *RA = cast<ConstantArray>(R);
378 uint64_t NumElementsL = cast<ArrayType>(TyL)->getNumElements();
379 uint64_t NumElementsR = cast<ArrayType>(TyR)->getNumElements();
380 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(NumElementsL, NumElementsR))
381 return Res;
382 for (uint64_t i = 0; i < NumElementsL; ++i) {
383 if (int Res = cmpConstants(cast<Constant>(LA->getOperand(i)),
384 cast<Constant>(RA->getOperand(i))))
385 return Res;
386 }
387 return 0;
388 }
389 case Value::ConstantStructVal: {
390 const ConstantStruct *LS = cast<ConstantStruct>(L);
391 const ConstantStruct *RS = cast<ConstantStruct>(R);
392 unsigned NumElementsL = cast<StructType>(TyL)->getNumElements();
393 unsigned NumElementsR = cast<StructType>(TyR)->getNumElements();
394 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(NumElementsL, NumElementsR))
395 return Res;
396 for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumElementsL; ++i) {
397 if (int Res = cmpConstants(cast<Constant>(LS->getOperand(i)),
398 cast<Constant>(RS->getOperand(i))))
399 return Res;
400 }
401 return 0;
402 }
403 case Value::ConstantVectorVal: {
404 const ConstantVector *LV = cast<ConstantVector>(L);
405 const ConstantVector *RV = cast<ConstantVector>(R);
406 unsigned NumElementsL = cast<FixedVectorType>(TyL)->getNumElements();
407 unsigned NumElementsR = cast<FixedVectorType>(TyR)->getNumElements();
408 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(NumElementsL, NumElementsR))
409 return Res;
410 for (uint64_t i = 0; i < NumElementsL; ++i) {
411 if (int Res = cmpConstants(cast<Constant>(LV->getOperand(i)),
412 cast<Constant>(RV->getOperand(i))))
413 return Res;
414 }
415 return 0;
416 }
417 case Value::ConstantExprVal: {
418 const ConstantExpr *LE = cast<ConstantExpr>(L);
419 const ConstantExpr *RE = cast<ConstantExpr>(R);
420 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LE->getOpcode(), RE->getOpcode()))
421 return Res;
422 unsigned NumOperandsL = LE->getNumOperands();
423 unsigned NumOperandsR = RE->getNumOperands();
424 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(NumOperandsL, NumOperandsR))
425 return Res;
426 for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumOperandsL; ++i) {
427 if (int Res = cmpConstants(cast<Constant>(LE->getOperand(i)),
428 cast<Constant>(RE->getOperand(i))))
429 return Res;
430 }
431 if (auto *GEPL = dyn_cast<GEPOperator>(LE)) {
432 auto *GEPR = cast<GEPOperator>(RE);
433 if (int Res = cmpTypes(GEPL->getSourceElementType(),
434 GEPR->getSourceElementType()))
435 return Res;
436 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(GEPL->getNoWrapFlags().getRaw(),
437 GEPR->getNoWrapFlags().getRaw()))
438 return Res;
440 std::optional<ConstantRange> InRangeL = GEPL->getInRange();
441 std::optional<ConstantRange> InRangeR = GEPR->getInRange();
442 if (InRangeL) {
443 if (!InRangeR)
444 return 1;
445 if (int Res = cmpAPInts(InRangeL->getLower(), InRangeR->getLower()))
446 return Res;
447 if (int Res = cmpAPInts(InRangeL->getUpper(), InRangeR->getUpper()))
448 return Res;
449 } else if (InRangeR) {
450 return -1;
451 }
452 }
453 if (auto *OBOL = dyn_cast<OverflowingBinaryOperator>(LE)) {
454 auto *OBOR = cast<OverflowingBinaryOperator>(RE);
455 if (int Res =
456 cmpNumbers(OBOL->hasNoUnsignedWrap(), OBOR->hasNoUnsignedWrap()))
457 return Res;
458 if (int Res =
459 cmpNumbers(OBOL->hasNoSignedWrap(), OBOR->hasNoSignedWrap()))
460 return Res;
461 }
462 return 0;
463 }
464 case Value::BlockAddressVal: {
465 const BlockAddress *LBA = cast<BlockAddress>(L);
466 const BlockAddress *RBA = cast<BlockAddress>(R);
467 if (int Res = cmpValues(LBA->getFunction(), RBA->getFunction()))
468 return Res;
469 if (LBA->getFunction() == RBA->getFunction()) {
470 // They are BBs in the same function. Order by which comes first in the
471 // BB order of the function. This order is deterministic.
472 Function *F = LBA->getFunction();
473 BasicBlock *LBB = LBA->getBasicBlock();
474 BasicBlock *RBB = RBA->getBasicBlock();
475 if (LBB == RBB)
476 return 0;
477 for (BasicBlock &BB : *F) {
478 if (&BB == LBB) {
479 assert(&BB != RBB);
480 return -1;
481 }
482 if (&BB == RBB)
483 return 1;
484 }
485 llvm_unreachable("Basic Block Address does not point to a basic block in "
486 "its function.");
487 return -1;
488 } else {
489 // cmpValues said the functions are the same. So because they aren't
490 // literally the same pointer, they must respectively be the left and
491 // right functions.
492 assert(LBA->getFunction() == FnL && RBA->getFunction() == FnR);
493 // cmpValues will tell us if these are equivalent BasicBlocks, in the
494 // context of their respective functions.
495 return cmpValues(LBA->getBasicBlock(), RBA->getBasicBlock());
496 }
497 }
498 case Value::DSOLocalEquivalentVal: {
499 // dso_local_equivalent is functionally equivalent to whatever it points to.
500 // This means the behavior of the IR should be the exact same as if the
501 // function was referenced directly rather than through a
502 // dso_local_equivalent.
503 const auto *LEquiv = cast<DSOLocalEquivalent>(L);
504 const auto *REquiv = cast<DSOLocalEquivalent>(R);
505 return cmpGlobalValues(LEquiv->getGlobalValue(), REquiv->getGlobalValue());
506 }
507 default: // Unknown constant, abort.
508 LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Looking at valueID " << L->getValueID() << "\n");
509 llvm_unreachable("Constant ValueID not recognized.");
510 return -1;
511 }
515 uint64_t LNumber = GlobalNumbers->getNumber(L);
516 uint64_t RNumber = GlobalNumbers->getNumber(R);
517 return cmpNumbers(LNumber, RNumber);
520/// cmpType - compares two types,
521/// defines total ordering among the types set.
522/// See method declaration comments for more details.
524 PointerType *PTyL = dyn_cast<PointerType>(TyL);
525 PointerType *PTyR = dyn_cast<PointerType>(TyR);
527 const DataLayout &DL = FnL->getDataLayout();
528 if (PTyL && PTyL->getAddressSpace() == 0)
529 TyL = DL.getIntPtrType(TyL);
530 if (PTyR && PTyR->getAddressSpace() == 0)
531 TyR = DL.getIntPtrType(TyR);
533 if (TyL == TyR)
534 return 0;
536 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(TyL->getTypeID(), TyR->getTypeID()))
537 return Res;
539 switch (TyL->getTypeID()) {
540 default:
541 llvm_unreachable("Unknown type!");
543 return cmpNumbers(cast<IntegerType>(TyL)->getBitWidth(),
544 cast<IntegerType>(TyR)->getBitWidth());
545 // TyL == TyR would have returned true earlier, because types are uniqued.
546 case Type::VoidTyID:
547 case Type::FloatTyID:
548 case Type::DoubleTyID:
550 case Type::FP128TyID:
552 case Type::LabelTyID:
554 case Type::TokenTyID:
555 return 0;
558 assert(PTyL && PTyR && "Both types must be pointers here.");
559 return cmpNumbers(PTyL->getAddressSpace(), PTyR->getAddressSpace());
561 case Type::StructTyID: {
562 StructType *STyL = cast<StructType>(TyL);
563 StructType *STyR = cast<StructType>(TyR);
564 if (STyL->getNumElements() != STyR->getNumElements())
565 return cmpNumbers(STyL->getNumElements(), STyR->getNumElements());
567 if (STyL->isPacked() != STyR->isPacked())
568 return cmpNumbers(STyL->isPacked(), STyR->isPacked());
570 for (unsigned i = 0, e = STyL->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
571 if (int Res = cmpTypes(STyL->getElementType(i), STyR->getElementType(i)))
572 return Res;
573 }
574 return 0;
575 }
577 case Type::FunctionTyID: {
578 FunctionType *FTyL = cast<FunctionType>(TyL);
579 FunctionType *FTyR = cast<FunctionType>(TyR);
580 if (FTyL->getNumParams() != FTyR->getNumParams())
581 return cmpNumbers(FTyL->getNumParams(), FTyR->getNumParams());
583 if (FTyL->isVarArg() != FTyR->isVarArg())
584 return cmpNumbers(FTyL->isVarArg(), FTyR->isVarArg());
586 if (int Res = cmpTypes(FTyL->getReturnType(), FTyR->getReturnType()))
587 return Res;
589 for (unsigned i = 0, e = FTyL->getNumParams(); i != e; ++i) {
590 if (int Res = cmpTypes(FTyL->getParamType(i), FTyR->getParamType(i)))
591 return Res;
592 }
593 return 0;
594 }
596 case Type::ArrayTyID: {
597 auto *STyL = cast<ArrayType>(TyL);
598 auto *STyR = cast<ArrayType>(TyR);
599 if (STyL->getNumElements() != STyR->getNumElements())
600 return cmpNumbers(STyL->getNumElements(), STyR->getNumElements());
601 return cmpTypes(STyL->getElementType(), STyR->getElementType());
602 }
605 auto *STyL = cast<VectorType>(TyL);
606 auto *STyR = cast<VectorType>(TyR);
607 if (STyL->getElementCount().isScalable() !=
608 STyR->getElementCount().isScalable())
609 return cmpNumbers(STyL->getElementCount().isScalable(),
610 STyR->getElementCount().isScalable());
611 if (STyL->getElementCount() != STyR->getElementCount())
612 return cmpNumbers(STyL->getElementCount().getKnownMinValue(),
613 STyR->getElementCount().getKnownMinValue());
614 return cmpTypes(STyL->getElementType(), STyR->getElementType());
615 }
616 }
619// Determine whether the two operations are the same except that pointer-to-A
620// and pointer-to-B are equivalent. This should be kept in sync with
621// Instruction::isSameOperationAs.
622// Read method declaration comments for more details.
624 const Instruction *R,
625 bool &needToCmpOperands) const {
626 needToCmpOperands = true;
627 if (int Res = cmpValues(L, R))
628 return Res;
630 // Differences from Instruction::isSameOperationAs:
631 // * replace type comparison with calls to cmpTypes.
632 // * we test for I->getRawSubclassOptionalData (nuw/nsw/tail) at the top.
633 // * because of the above, we don't test for the tail bit on calls later on.
634 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->getOpcode(), R->getOpcode()))
635 return Res;
637 if (const GetElementPtrInst *GEPL = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(L)) {
638 needToCmpOperands = false;
639 const GetElementPtrInst *GEPR = cast<GetElementPtrInst>(R);
640 if (int Res =
641 cmpValues(GEPL->getPointerOperand(), GEPR->getPointerOperand()))
642 return Res;
643 return cmpGEPs(GEPL, GEPR);
644 }
646 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->getNumOperands(), R->getNumOperands()))
647 return Res;
649 if (int Res = cmpTypes(L->getType(), R->getType()))
650 return Res;
652 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->getRawSubclassOptionalData(),
653 R->getRawSubclassOptionalData()))
654 return Res;
656 // We have two instructions of identical opcode and #operands. Check to see
657 // if all operands are the same type
658 for (unsigned i = 0, e = L->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
659 if (int Res =
660 cmpTypes(L->getOperand(i)->getType(), R->getOperand(i)->getType()))
661 return Res;
662 }
664 // Check special state that is a part of some instructions.
665 if (const AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(L)) {
666 if (int Res = cmpTypes(AI->getAllocatedType(),
667 cast<AllocaInst>(R)->getAllocatedType()))
668 return Res;
669 return cmpAligns(AI->getAlign(), cast<AllocaInst>(R)->getAlign());
670 }
671 if (const LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(L)) {
672 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LI->isVolatile(), cast<LoadInst>(R)->isVolatile()))
673 return Res;
674 if (int Res = cmpAligns(LI->getAlign(), cast<LoadInst>(R)->getAlign()))
675 return Res;
676 if (int Res =
677 cmpOrderings(LI->getOrdering(), cast<LoadInst>(R)->getOrdering()))
678 return Res;
679 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LI->getSyncScopeID(),
680 cast<LoadInst>(R)->getSyncScopeID()))
681 return Res;
682 return cmpInstMetadata(L, R);
683 }
684 if (const StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(L)) {
685 if (int Res =
686 cmpNumbers(SI->isVolatile(), cast<StoreInst>(R)->isVolatile()))
687 return Res;
688 if (int Res = cmpAligns(SI->getAlign(), cast<StoreInst>(R)->getAlign()))
689 return Res;
690 if (int Res =
691 cmpOrderings(SI->getOrdering(), cast<StoreInst>(R)->getOrdering()))
692 return Res;
693 return cmpNumbers(SI->getSyncScopeID(),
694 cast<StoreInst>(R)->getSyncScopeID());
695 }
696 if (const CmpInst *CI = dyn_cast<CmpInst>(L))
697 return cmpNumbers(CI->getPredicate(), cast<CmpInst>(R)->getPredicate());
698 if (auto *CBL = dyn_cast<CallBase>(L)) {
699 auto *CBR = cast<CallBase>(R);
700 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(CBL->getCallingConv(), CBR->getCallingConv()))
701 return Res;
702 if (int Res = cmpAttrs(CBL->getAttributes(), CBR->getAttributes()))
703 return Res;
704 if (int Res = cmpOperandBundlesSchema(*CBL, *CBR))
705 return Res;
706 if (const CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(L))
707 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(CI->getTailCallKind(),
708 cast<CallInst>(R)->getTailCallKind()))
709 return Res;
710 return cmpMDNode(L->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_range),
711 R->getMetadata(LLVMContext::MD_range));
712 }
713 if (const InsertValueInst *IVI = dyn_cast<InsertValueInst>(L)) {
714 ArrayRef<unsigned> LIndices = IVI->getIndices();
715 ArrayRef<unsigned> RIndices = cast<InsertValueInst>(R)->getIndices();
716 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LIndices.size(), RIndices.size()))
717 return Res;
718 for (size_t i = 0, e = LIndices.size(); i != e; ++i) {
719 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LIndices[i], RIndices[i]))
720 return Res;
721 }
722 return 0;
723 }
724 if (const ExtractValueInst *EVI = dyn_cast<ExtractValueInst>(L)) {
725 ArrayRef<unsigned> LIndices = EVI->getIndices();
726 ArrayRef<unsigned> RIndices = cast<ExtractValueInst>(R)->getIndices();
727 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LIndices.size(), RIndices.size()))
728 return Res;
729 for (size_t i = 0, e = LIndices.size(); i != e; ++i) {
730 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LIndices[i], RIndices[i]))
731 return Res;
732 }
733 }
734 if (const FenceInst *FI = dyn_cast<FenceInst>(L)) {
735 if (int Res =
736 cmpOrderings(FI->getOrdering(), cast<FenceInst>(R)->getOrdering()))
737 return Res;
738 return cmpNumbers(FI->getSyncScopeID(),
739 cast<FenceInst>(R)->getSyncScopeID());
740 }
741 if (const AtomicCmpXchgInst *CXI = dyn_cast<AtomicCmpXchgInst>(L)) {
742 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(CXI->isVolatile(),
743 cast<AtomicCmpXchgInst>(R)->isVolatile()))
744 return Res;
745 if (int Res =
746 cmpNumbers(CXI->isWeak(), cast<AtomicCmpXchgInst>(R)->isWeak()))
747 return Res;
748 if (int Res =
749 cmpOrderings(CXI->getSuccessOrdering(),
750 cast<AtomicCmpXchgInst>(R)->getSuccessOrdering()))
751 return Res;
752 if (int Res =
753 cmpOrderings(CXI->getFailureOrdering(),
754 cast<AtomicCmpXchgInst>(R)->getFailureOrdering()))
755 return Res;
756 return cmpNumbers(CXI->getSyncScopeID(),
757 cast<AtomicCmpXchgInst>(R)->getSyncScopeID());
758 }
759 if (const AtomicRMWInst *RMWI = dyn_cast<AtomicRMWInst>(L)) {
760 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(RMWI->getOperation(),
761 cast<AtomicRMWInst>(R)->getOperation()))
762 return Res;
763 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(RMWI->isVolatile(),
764 cast<AtomicRMWInst>(R)->isVolatile()))
765 return Res;
766 if (int Res = cmpOrderings(RMWI->getOrdering(),
767 cast<AtomicRMWInst>(R)->getOrdering()))
768 return Res;
769 return cmpNumbers(RMWI->getSyncScopeID(),
770 cast<AtomicRMWInst>(R)->getSyncScopeID());
771 }
772 if (const ShuffleVectorInst *SVI = dyn_cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(L)) {
773 ArrayRef<int> LMask = SVI->getShuffleMask();
774 ArrayRef<int> RMask = cast<ShuffleVectorInst>(R)->getShuffleMask();
775 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LMask.size(), RMask.size()))
776 return Res;
777 for (size_t i = 0, e = LMask.size(); i != e; ++i) {
778 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(LMask[i], RMask[i]))
779 return Res;
780 }
781 }
782 if (const PHINode *PNL = dyn_cast<PHINode>(L)) {
783 const PHINode *PNR = cast<PHINode>(R);
784 // Ensure that in addition to the incoming values being identical
785 // (checked by the caller of this function), the incoming blocks
786 // are also identical.
787 for (unsigned i = 0, e = PNL->getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i) {
788 if (int Res =
789 cmpValues(PNL->getIncomingBlock(i), PNR->getIncomingBlock(i)))
790 return Res;
791 }
792 }
793 return 0;
796// Determine whether two GEP operations perform the same underlying arithmetic.
797// Read method declaration comments for more details.
798int FunctionComparator::cmpGEPs(const GEPOperator *GEPL,
799 const GEPOperator *GEPR) const {
800 unsigned int ASL = GEPL->getPointerAddressSpace();
801 unsigned int ASR = GEPR->getPointerAddressSpace();
803 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(ASL, ASR))
804 return Res;
806 // When we have target data, we can reduce the GEP down to the value in bytes
807 // added to the address.
808 const DataLayout &DL = FnL->getDataLayout();
809 unsigned OffsetBitWidth = DL.getIndexSizeInBits(ASL);
810 APInt OffsetL(OffsetBitWidth, 0), OffsetR(OffsetBitWidth, 0);
811 if (GEPL->accumulateConstantOffset(DL, OffsetL) &&
812 GEPR->accumulateConstantOffset(DL, OffsetR))
813 return cmpAPInts(OffsetL, OffsetR);
814 if (int Res =
816 return Res;
818 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(GEPL->getNumOperands(), GEPR->getNumOperands()))
819 return Res;
821 for (unsigned i = 0, e = GEPL->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
822 if (int Res = cmpValues(GEPL->getOperand(i), GEPR->getOperand(i)))
823 return Res;
824 }
826 return 0;
829int FunctionComparator::cmpInlineAsm(const InlineAsm *L,
830 const InlineAsm *R) const {
831 // InlineAsm's are uniqued. If they are the same pointer, obviously they are
832 // the same, otherwise compare the fields.
833 if (L == R)
834 return 0;
835 if (int Res = cmpTypes(L->getFunctionType(), R->getFunctionType()))
836 return Res;
837 if (int Res = cmpMem(L->getAsmString(), R->getAsmString()))
838 return Res;
839 if (int Res = cmpMem(L->getConstraintString(), R->getConstraintString()))
840 return Res;
841 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->hasSideEffects(), R->hasSideEffects()))
842 return Res;
843 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->isAlignStack(), R->isAlignStack()))
844 return Res;
845 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(L->getDialect(), R->getDialect()))
846 return Res;
847 assert(L->getFunctionType() != R->getFunctionType());
848 return 0;
851/// Compare two values used by the two functions under pair-wise comparison. If
852/// this is the first time the values are seen, they're added to the mapping so
853/// that we will detect mismatches on next use.
854/// See comments in declaration for more details.
855int FunctionComparator::cmpValues(const Value *L, const Value *R) const {
856 // Catch self-reference case.
857 if (L == FnL) {
858 if (R == FnR)
859 return 0;
860 return -1;
861 }
862 if (R == FnR) {
863 if (L == FnL)
864 return 0;
865 return 1;
866 }
868 const Constant *ConstL = dyn_cast<Constant>(L);
869 const Constant *ConstR = dyn_cast<Constant>(R);
870 if (ConstL && ConstR) {
871 if (L == R)
872 return 0;
873 return cmpConstants(ConstL, ConstR);
874 }
876 if (ConstL)
877 return 1;
878 if (ConstR)
879 return -1;
881 const MetadataAsValue *MetadataValueL = dyn_cast<MetadataAsValue>(L);
882 const MetadataAsValue *MetadataValueR = dyn_cast<MetadataAsValue>(R);
883 if (MetadataValueL && MetadataValueR) {
884 if (MetadataValueL == MetadataValueR)
885 return 0;
887 return cmpMetadata(MetadataValueL->getMetadata(),
888 MetadataValueR->getMetadata());
889 }
891 if (MetadataValueL)
892 return 1;
893 if (MetadataValueR)
894 return -1;
896 const InlineAsm *InlineAsmL = dyn_cast<InlineAsm>(L);
897 const InlineAsm *InlineAsmR = dyn_cast<InlineAsm>(R);
899 if (InlineAsmL && InlineAsmR)
900 return cmpInlineAsm(InlineAsmL, InlineAsmR);
901 if (InlineAsmL)
902 return 1;
903 if (InlineAsmR)
904 return -1;
906 auto LeftSN = sn_mapL.insert(std::make_pair(L, sn_mapL.size())),
907 RightSN = sn_mapR.insert(std::make_pair(R, sn_mapR.size()));
909 return cmpNumbers(LeftSN.first->second, RightSN.first->second);
912// Test whether two basic blocks have equivalent behaviour.
914 const BasicBlock *BBR) const {
915 BasicBlock::const_iterator InstL = BBL->begin(), InstLE = BBL->end();
916 BasicBlock::const_iterator InstR = BBR->begin(), InstRE = BBR->end();
918 do {
919 bool needToCmpOperands = true;
920 if (int Res = cmpOperations(&*InstL, &*InstR, needToCmpOperands))
921 return Res;
922 if (needToCmpOperands) {
923 assert(InstL->getNumOperands() == InstR->getNumOperands());
925 for (unsigned i = 0, e = InstL->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
926 Value *OpL = InstL->getOperand(i);
927 Value *OpR = InstR->getOperand(i);
928 if (int Res = cmpValues(OpL, OpR))
929 return Res;
930 // cmpValues should ensure this is true.
931 assert(cmpTypes(OpL->getType(), OpR->getType()) == 0);
932 }
933 }
935 ++InstL;
936 ++InstR;
937 } while (InstL != InstLE && InstR != InstRE);
939 if (InstL != InstLE && InstR == InstRE)
940 return 1;
941 if (InstL == InstLE && InstR != InstRE)
942 return -1;
943 return 0;
947 if (int Res = cmpAttrs(FnL->getAttributes(), FnR->getAttributes()))
948 return Res;
950 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(FnL->hasGC(), FnR->hasGC()))
951 return Res;
953 if (FnL->hasGC()) {
954 if (int Res = cmpMem(FnL->getGC(), FnR->getGC()))
955 return Res;
956 }
958 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(FnL->hasSection(), FnR->hasSection()))
959 return Res;
961 if (FnL->hasSection()) {
962 if (int Res = cmpMem(FnL->getSection(), FnR->getSection()))
963 return Res;
964 }
966 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(FnL->isVarArg(), FnR->isVarArg()))
967 return Res;
969 // TODO: if it's internal and only used in direct calls, we could handle this
970 // case too.
971 if (int Res = cmpNumbers(FnL->getCallingConv(), FnR->getCallingConv()))
972 return Res;
974 if (int Res = cmpTypes(FnL->getFunctionType(), FnR->getFunctionType()))
975 return Res;
977 assert(FnL->arg_size() == FnR->arg_size() &&
978 "Identically typed functions have different numbers of args!");
980 // Visit the arguments so that they get enumerated in the order they're
981 // passed in.
983 ArgRI = FnR->arg_begin(),
984 ArgLE = FnL->arg_end();
985 ArgLI != ArgLE; ++ArgLI, ++ArgRI) {
986 if (cmpValues(&*ArgLI, &*ArgRI) != 0)
987 llvm_unreachable("Arguments repeat!");
988 }
989 return 0;
992// Test whether the two functions have equivalent behaviour.
994 beginCompare();
996 if (int Res = compareSignature())
997 return Res;
999 // We do a CFG-ordered walk since the actual ordering of the blocks in the
1000 // linked list is immaterial. Our walk starts at the entry block for both
1001 // functions, then takes each block from each terminator in order. As an
1002 // artifact, this also means that unreachable blocks are ignored.
1004 SmallPtrSet<const BasicBlock *, 32> VisitedBBs; // in terms of F1.
1006 FnLBBs.push_back(&FnL->getEntryBlock());
1007 FnRBBs.push_back(&FnR->getEntryBlock());
1009 VisitedBBs.insert(FnLBBs[0]);
1010 while (!FnLBBs.empty()) {
1011 const BasicBlock *BBL = FnLBBs.pop_back_val();
1012 const BasicBlock *BBR = FnRBBs.pop_back_val();
1014 if (int Res = cmpValues(BBL, BBR))
1015 return Res;
1017 if (int Res = cmpBasicBlocks(BBL, BBR))
1018 return Res;
1020 const Instruction *TermL = BBL->getTerminator();
1021 const Instruction *TermR = BBR->getTerminator();
1023 assert(TermL->getNumSuccessors() == TermR->getNumSuccessors());
1024 for (unsigned i = 0, e = TermL->getNumSuccessors(); i != e; ++i) {
1025 if (!VisitedBBs.insert(TermL->getSuccessor(i)).second)
1026 continue;
1028 FnLBBs.push_back(TermL->getSuccessor(i));
1029 FnRBBs.push_back(TermR->getSuccessor(i));
1030 }
1031 }
1032 return 0;
This file declares a class to represent arbitrary precision floating point values and provide a varie...
This file implements a class to represent arbitrary precision integral constant values and operations...
MachineBasicBlock MachineBasicBlock::iterator DebugLoc DL
This file contains the simple types necessary to represent the attributes associated with functions a...
This file contains the declarations for the subclasses of Constant, which represent the different fla...
#define LLVM_DEBUG(X)
Definition: Debug.h:101
#define F(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:55
#define I(x, y, z)
Definition: MD5.cpp:58
This file contains the declarations for metadata subclasses.
Module.h This file contains the declarations for the Module class.
assert(ImpDefSCC.getReg()==AMDGPU::SCC &&ImpDefSCC.isDef())
SI optimize exec mask operations pre RA
This file defines the SmallPtrSet class.
This file defines the SmallVector class.
static unsigned getBitWidth(Type *Ty, const DataLayout &DL)
Returns the bitwidth of the given scalar or pointer type.
Class for arbitrary precision integers.
Definition: APInt.h:78
an instruction to allocate memory on the stack
Definition: Instructions.h:61
This class represents an incoming formal argument to a Function.
Definition: Argument.h:31
ArrayRef - Represent a constant reference to an array (0 or more elements consecutively in memory),...
Definition: ArrayRef.h:41
size_t size() const
size - Get the array size.
Definition: ArrayRef.h:165
An instruction that atomically checks whether a specified value is in a memory location,...
Definition: Instructions.h:495
an instruction that atomically reads a memory location, combines it with another value,...
Definition: Instructions.h:696
iterator begin() const
iterator end() const
const ConstantRange & getRange() const
Returns the value of the range attribute.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:496
bool isConstantRangeAttribute() const
Return true if the attribute is a ConstantRange attribute.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:355
Attribute::AttrKind getKindAsEnum() const
Return the attribute's kind as an enum (Attribute::AttrKind).
Definition: Attributes.cpp:363
bool isTypeAttribute() const
Return true if the attribute is a type attribute.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:351
Type * getValueAsType() const
Return the attribute's value as a Type.
Definition: Attributes.cpp:399
LLVM Basic Block Representation.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:61
iterator end()
Definition: BasicBlock.h:461
iterator begin()
Instruction iterator methods.
Definition: BasicBlock.h:448
InstListType::const_iterator const_iterator
Definition: BasicBlock.h:178
const Instruction * getTerminator() const LLVM_READONLY
Returns the terminator instruction if the block is well formed or null if the block is not well forme...
Definition: BasicBlock.h:239
The address of a basic block.
Definition: Constants.h:890
Function * getFunction() const
Definition: Constants.h:918
BasicBlock * getBasicBlock() const
Definition: Constants.h:919
Base class for all callable instructions (InvokeInst and CallInst) Holds everything related to callin...
Definition: InstrTypes.h:1236
OperandBundleUse getOperandBundleAt(unsigned Index) const
Return the operand bundle at a specific index.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:2112
unsigned getNumOperandBundles() const
Return the number of operand bundles associated with this User.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:2056
This class represents a function call, abstracting a target machine's calling convention.
This class is the base class for the comparison instructions.
Definition: InstrTypes.h:747
ConstantArray - Constant Array Declarations.
Definition: Constants.h:424
A constant value that is initialized with an expression using other constant values.
Definition: Constants.h:1097
unsigned getOpcode() const
Return the opcode at the root of this constant expression.
Definition: Constants.h:1305
This class represents a range of values.
Definition: ConstantRange.h:47
const APInt & getLower() const
Return the lower value for this range.
const APInt & getUpper() const
Return the upper value for this range.
Constant Vector Declarations.
Definition: Constants.h:508
This is an important base class in LLVM.
Definition: Constant.h:42
A parsed version of the target data layout string in and methods for querying it.
Definition: DataLayout.h:109
This instruction extracts a struct member or array element value from an aggregate value.
An instruction for ordering other memory operations.
Definition: Instructions.h:420
int cmpBasicBlocks(const BasicBlock *BBL, const BasicBlock *BBR) const
Test whether two basic blocks have equivalent behaviour.
int compareSignature() const
Compares the signature and other general attributes of the two functions.
int cmpMem(StringRef L, StringRef R) const
int compare()
Test whether the two functions have equivalent behaviour.
int cmpAPFloats(const APFloat &L, const APFloat &R) const
int cmpTypes(Type *TyL, Type *TyR) const
cmpType - compares two types, defines total ordering among the types set.
int cmpOperations(const Instruction *L, const Instruction *R, bool &needToCmpOperands) const
Compare two Instructions for equivalence, similar to Instruction::isSameOperationAs.
int cmpNumbers(uint64_t L, uint64_t R) const
int cmpAligns(Align L, Align R) const
void beginCompare()
Start the comparison.
int cmpValues(const Value *L, const Value *R) const
Assign or look up previously assigned numbers for the two values, and return whether the numbers are ...
int cmpGlobalValues(GlobalValue *L, GlobalValue *R) const
Compares two global values by number.
int cmpConstants(const Constant *L, const Constant *R) const
Constants comparison.
int cmpAPInts(const APInt &L, const APInt &R) const
Class to represent function types.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:103
unsigned getNumParams() const
Return the number of fixed parameters this function type requires.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:142
Type * getParamType(unsigned i) const
Parameter type accessors.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:135
bool isVarArg() const
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:123
Type * getReturnType() const
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:124
const BasicBlock & getEntryBlock() const
Definition: Function.h:807
FunctionType * getFunctionType() const
Returns the FunctionType for me.
Definition: Function.h:214
const DataLayout & getDataLayout() const
Get the data layout of the module this function belongs to.
Definition: Function.cpp:384
bool hasGC() const
hasGC/getGC/setGC/clearGC - The name of the garbage collection algorithm to use during code generatio...
Definition: Function.h:349
CallingConv::ID getCallingConv() const
getCallingConv()/setCallingConv(CC) - These method get and set the calling convention of this functio...
Definition: Function.h:281
AttributeList getAttributes() const
Return the attribute list for this Function.
Definition: Function.h:357
arg_iterator arg_end()
Definition: Function.h:875
arg_iterator arg_begin()
Definition: Function.h:866
const std::string & getGC() const
Definition: Function.cpp:838
size_t arg_size() const
Definition: Function.h:899
bool isVarArg() const
isVarArg - Return true if this function takes a variable number of arguments.
Definition: Function.h:232
Type * getSourceElementType() const
Definition: Operator.cpp:68
bool accumulateConstantOffset(const DataLayout &DL, APInt &Offset, function_ref< bool(Value &, APInt &)> ExternalAnalysis=nullptr) const
Accumulate the constant address offset of this GEP if possible.
Definition: Operator.cpp:111
unsigned getPointerAddressSpace() const
Method to return the address space of the pointer operand.
Definition: Operator.h:457
an instruction for type-safe pointer arithmetic to access elements of arrays and structs
Definition: Instructions.h:915
uint64_t getNumber(GlobalValue *Global)
StringRef getSection() const
Get the custom section of this global if it has one.
Definition: GlobalObject.h:118
bool hasSection() const
Check if this global has a custom object file section.
Definition: GlobalObject.h:110
This instruction inserts a struct field of array element value into an aggregate value.
unsigned getNumSuccessors() const LLVM_READONLY
Return the number of successors that this instruction has.
BasicBlock * getSuccessor(unsigned Idx) const LLVM_READONLY
Return the specified successor. This instruction must be a terminator.
unsigned getOpcode() const
Returns a member of one of the enums like Instruction::Add.
Definition: Instruction.h:274
An instruction for reading from memory.
Definition: Instructions.h:174
Metadata node.
Definition: Metadata.h:1069
Metadata wrapper in the Value hierarchy.
Definition: Metadata.h:176
Metadata * getMetadata() const
Definition: Metadata.h:193
Root of the metadata hierarchy.
Definition: Metadata.h:62
BasicBlock * getIncomingBlock(unsigned i) const
Return incoming basic block number i.
Class to represent pointers.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:646
unsigned getAddressSpace() const
Return the address space of the Pointer type.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:679
This instruction constructs a fixed permutation of two input vectors.
std::pair< iterator, bool > insert(PtrType Ptr)
Inserts Ptr if and only if there is no element in the container equal to Ptr.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:368
SmallPtrSet - This class implements a set which is optimized for holding SmallSize or less elements.
Definition: SmallPtrSet.h:503
bool empty() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:95
size_t size() const
Definition: SmallVector.h:92
void push_back(const T &Elt)
Definition: SmallVector.h:427
This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small.
Definition: SmallVector.h:1210
An instruction for storing to memory.
Definition: Instructions.h:290
StringRef - Represent a constant reference to a string, i.e.
Definition: StringRef.h:50
Class to represent struct types.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:216
bool isPacked() const
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:278
unsigned getNumElements() const
Random access to the elements.
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:341
Type * getElementType(unsigned N) const
Definition: DerivedTypes.h:342
The instances of the Type class are immutable: once they are created, they are never changed.
Definition: Type.h:45
@ FunctionTyID
Definition: Type.h:71
@ ArrayTyID
Definition: Type.h:74
@ VoidTyID
type with no size
Definition: Type.h:63
@ ScalableVectorTyID
Scalable SIMD vector type.
Definition: Type.h:76
@ LabelTyID
Definition: Type.h:64
@ FloatTyID
32-bit floating point type
Definition: Type.h:58
@ StructTyID
Definition: Type.h:73
@ IntegerTyID
Arbitrary bit width integers.
Definition: Type.h:70
@ FixedVectorTyID
Fixed width SIMD vector type.
Definition: Type.h:75
@ DoubleTyID
64-bit floating point type
Definition: Type.h:59
@ X86_FP80TyID
80-bit floating point type (X87)
Definition: Type.h:60
128-bit floating point type (two 64-bits, PowerPC)
Definition: Type.h:62
@ MetadataTyID
Definition: Type.h:65
@ TokenTyID
Definition: Type.h:67
@ PointerTyID
Definition: Type.h:72
@ FP128TyID
128-bit floating point type (112-bit significand)
Definition: Type.h:61
bool isFirstClassType() const
Return true if the type is "first class", meaning it is a valid type for a Value.
Definition: Type.h:277
TypeID getTypeID() const
Return the type id for the type.
Definition: Type.h:136
Value * getOperand(unsigned i) const
Definition: User.h:169
unsigned getNumOperands() const
Definition: User.h:191
LLVM Value Representation.
Definition: Value.h:74
Type * getType() const
All values are typed, get the type of this value.
Definition: Value.h:255
#define llvm_unreachable(msg)
Marks that the current location is not supposed to be reachable.
This is an optimization pass for GlobalISel generic memory operations.
Definition: AddressRanges.h:18
raw_ostream & dbgs()
dbgs() - This returns a reference to a raw_ostream for debugging messages.
Definition: Debug.cpp:163
Atomic ordering for LLVM's memory model.
#define N
#define OBOL
Definition: regex2.h:80
static ExponentType semanticsMinExponent(const fltSemantics &)
Definition: APFloat.cpp:337
static unsigned int semanticsSizeInBits(const fltSemantics &)
Definition: APFloat.cpp:340
static ExponentType semanticsMaxExponent(const fltSemantics &)
Definition: APFloat.cpp:333
static unsigned int semanticsPrecision(const fltSemantics &)
Definition: APFloat.cpp:329
This struct is a compact representation of a valid (non-zero power of two) alignment.
Definition: Alignment.h:39