Saturday, February 25, 2012

Reestablishing access

After last year's break-in, the new regime for access to resources changed, and everyone had to reestablish access under the new system. I've only recently finished all the required steps so that I can both host the man-pages Git repository on and upload release tarballs to the download directory.

To remind myself, and perhaps help others who may in the future need to do some of these steps, here's what I needed to do (corrections and comments welcome):

  1. As per H. Peter Anvin's instructions, create a (new) PGP key.
  2. Upload the PGP public key to the keyserver system (I used, but any of the interconnected keyserver systems will do).
  3. Get my PGP key signed by others in the ecosystem, so that my key can be considered trustworthy. Luckily, I was at LinuxCon in Prague last year when a lot other people, including many of the kernel developers at the collocated Kernel Summit, were trying to do exactly the same thing, so I managed to get a healthy set of signatures on my key. One way or another, you need to get such signatures on your key. (If you don't come into regular contact with some core kernel developers, or see them at conferences, this map may help.)
  4. Send the key ID and fingerprint to [email protected].
  5. Since my key was well signed, I soon afterward received an email from the admins. That mail was encrypted using my public PGP key, and after decrypting, decompressing, and untarring, it contained three files:
    • mtk: A private ssh key generated for me by the admins. (The file has the same name as my username.) The public key is stored on The private key is needed for gitolite and kup access.
    • welcome.readme: Various information, including
      • The name of the host providing gitolite access (
      • My username on that host (mtk)
      • The password for my SSH key
      • Some basic information on working with gitolite
    • ssh_keygen.output: Information on the generation of my RSA key pair.
  6. Configure SSH to know about my new key:
    • copy (and rename) the file mtk to ~/.ssh/
    • add the new key to my SSH config, by adding the following lines to ~/.ssh/config:
       IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
  7. Use ssh-keygen to change the password on my SSH key to something more memorable.
  8. Create a new empty man-pages Git repo on
    $ git clone [email protected]:/pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages
  9. Set up my local man-pages Git repo to use gitolite. No software installation is required on the client side to use gitolite, but the local Git repo must be configured to use the gitolite protocol. Now, I have the following in my .git/config:
    [remote "origin"]
     url = [email protected]:/pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages.git
     fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    [branch "master"]
     remote = [email protected]:/pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages.git
     merge = refs/heads/master
    [remote ""]
     url = [email protected]:/pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages.git
     push = +refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master
  10. Push my Git repo to
    $ git push
    $ git push --tags
  11. Set a description for the repo:
  12. $ echo "Linux man pages Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7" | \
        ssh [email protected] setdesc /pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages.git
    Enter passphrase for key '/home/mtk/.ssh/':
    $ ssh [email protected] getdesc /pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages.git
    Enter passphrase for key '/home/mtk/.ssh/':
    Linux man pages Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7
    Update, August 2013: The way to do this nowadays is something like:
    $ ssh [email protected] desc pub/scm/docs/man-pages/man-pages "Linux man pages Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7"
  13. Install kup, by cloning the kup Git repo, which provides a perl script that is the kup client.
    $ git clone git://
    Along the way, I installed gnupg-agent and libconfig-simple-perl. This was a recently rebuilt system, so some pieces like this were still missing; the libconfig-simple-perl package was essential to run the kup perl script. (There are kup packages or kup-client packages available for RPM-based systems, and a kup-client package for Debian-based systems.)
  14. Set up a kup config file, ~/.kuprc, containing:
    host = [email protected]
    rsh = /usr/bin/ssh -a -x -k -T
    As noted in a Nov 2011 message to the users mailing list, is the domain used for kup uploads on
  15. Configure SSH to use my SSH key on, by adding the following lines to ~/.ssh/config:
     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
  16. Sign and upload a man-pages tarball to the directory to which the admins had already given me access:
    $ gpg --detach-sig man-pages-3.35.tar
    $ ls man-pages-3.35.tar*
    man-pages-3.35.tar  man-pages-3.35.tar.sig
    $ kup put man-pages-3.35.tar man-pages-3.35.tar.sig \
    Enter passphrase for key '/home/mtk/.ssh/':
    7813120 [==================================================] 100%
    Compressing: .bz2:100% .gz:100% .xz:100%
    And then allow a moment before checking that the upload is visible at
Updated 2012-02-27 to add a piece to step 10, and add a step (11) to set the repo description.

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