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Hoopla Sign Up Directions

About Hoopla @ Hinds

Hoopla is a leading provider of entertainment media products and services: DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks.  It provides an enormous selection of digital video (movies and TV shows), music, audiobooks, ebooks and comics. Content is available on computer browsers, phones, tablets, and TV products.  Hinds Libraries currently limits patron borrowing to 7 titles per month.

Important Sign in Information

To use Hoopla, you will need to create a personal account.  Step by step instructions are provided below.  Printable instructions with screen captures are also available below.

  1. Click on the hoopla icon above or below or go to
  2. Click on “GET STARTED TODAY”
  3. Enter the email address and password you want to use. Click “AGREE”.
  4. At the "Choose your library" screen, begin typing Hinds.  A list of libraries will appear. When “Hinds Community College” appears, select it and then click on “NEXT”.
  5. Enter your MyHinds ID. (Last name initial and 7 numbers you use to logon to a lab computer or Canvas.) Click “SIGN ME UP”.
  6. If you are successful in creating your account, you will see a “Thanks for signing up.” page. You can now use hoopla on the web and in any of their applications!  If you have problems signing up, please contact [email protected] or call 601-857-3255.

Information About Compatability

Hoopla does not work on older iPhones. Hoopla will run iOS 10.3.3 and up. For the best results, though, it is recommended to use the latest versions of both the operating system and hoopla app.

For troubleshooting information, see Hoopla's help or contact [email protected]