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Cutting Words for Conciseness

Shorter Words Save Space

Use words with fewer letters to save space if you can do so without sacrificing your meaning. When it comes to available space, the number of "characters" in a sentences is important. A character is a letter, a space, or punctuation. 

Long Word:  I utilized a thesaurus to compose my paraphrase. (48 characters)
Short Word:  I used a thesaurus to write my paraphrase. (42 characters)

Consider the following examples of words and their character counts:
Assistance / aid (10/3)      construct / make (9/4)   currently / now (9/3)   fundamental / basic (11/5)   furthermore / also  (11/4)  inquire / ask (7/3)   instruct / tell  (8/3)    objective / aim  (9/3)   consequently / so (12/2)    utilize / use  (7/3)

Considerations for "Content" Language
Keep in mind are carefully weigh the importance of some words. Important content language or concepts may be lost when a shorter words that is less specific is used.  
Consider “instruct” versus “tell."  The word, “instruct,” could be an important word in certain contexts (e.g., patient education). Our job as writers is to make context specific decisions.  

Another example is “inquire” versus “ask.”  The word, “inquiry,” is a a more specific and appropriate word in some contexts.  The important thing to note here is that “inquiry” is a noun. As such it is content related.  The important thing to remember is that nouns carry our content.  Verbs and connecting words are more easily changed.
The point in case is “furthermore” versus “also.” These are not content or context specific words. They can be easily replaced