“Elena is the Director of Product Management of the Insurance team, and I worked with her for over a year at Facile. She is a dedicated leader who consistently puts the needs of their team members first. I have been consistently impressed by her ability to create a positive and inclusive work environment where everyone feels valued and heard. I greatly enjoyed working with her. She proved to be an excellent leader: inspiring, committed, trusting, always encouraging positive discussion and sharing the decision-making process. She is very attentive to the team's internal dynamics, caring about the humans, and devoting part of her time to listening and gathering feedback. Elena is a volcano of ideas and initiatives. Her vast knowledge and proactive attitude make her constantly sparkle with new ideas, unafraid of new business challenges, and eager to experiment with new approaches. Having Elena as a mentor, I enjoyed months of rapid and constant professional growth, and I am grateful to her. Overall, I am glad I had the chance to work with her, and I recommend to whoever is present the possibility of working with her to catch that opportunity.”
Hi, I'm Elena, an experienced Product Management Executive with over 20 years of…
Spoiler. Domani alle 12 apriremo una posizione per Marketing & Product Analyst per Serenis (range RAL 50k/60k), il nostro servizio di salute e…
Spoiler. Domani alle 12 apriremo una posizione per Marketing & Product Analyst per Serenis (range RAL 50k/60k), il nostro servizio di salute e…
Consigliato da Elena Bianchini
Perché nessuno si accorge di te? La risposta è nella tua immagine. Ti svegli ogni giorno pronta a dare il massimo, ma quando ti guardi online senti…
Perché nessuno si accorge di te? La risposta è nella tua immagine. Ti svegli ogni giorno pronta a dare il massimo, ma quando ti guardi online senti…
Consigliato da Elena Bianchini
Grazie a Innovation & Strategy - POLIMI School of Management per l'invito e' come al solito un piacere parlare di Product Management "in action" La…
Grazie a Innovation & Strategy - POLIMI School of Management per l'invito e' come al solito un piacere parlare di Product Management "in action" La…
Condiviso da Elena Bianchini
Licenze e certificazioni
Agile Foundations
Creating a Product-Centric Organization
Key Product Owner Skills workshop | Gojko Adzic
Personal Branding
Succeeding in a New Role By Managing Up
The Six Morning Habits of High Performers
Conoscenza professionale completa
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Altre persone che si chiamano Elena Bianchini in Italia
Elena Bianchini
Engineer in Computer Science
elena bianchini
direttore amministrativo BLUE WAVE CHARTER SRLS
Elena Bianchini
Elena Bianchini
Diplomata in Relazioni internazionali del marketing, competente nell’ambito dell’economia aziendale e delle lingue straniere.
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