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The new #CESGA 4.1 accredited by EFRAG is here¡¡¡¡ EFFAS - The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies We are thrilled to announce the launch of CESGA 4.1, the first certification accredited by EFRAG as compliant with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). For us, this represents a significant step forward in our commitment to promoting excellence in sustainability reporting and responsible investment practices. We look forward to the positive impact CESGA 4.1 will have on the broader financial sector as we work together towards sustainable development. The CESGA certification is designed by practitioners for practitioners, ensuring that our programme meets the highest academic standards while addressing the evolving needs of the financial industry. Participants will benefit from a comprehensive curriculum covering key topics such as ESG integration in investment processes, market drivers for ESG, and responsible investing across asset classes.