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Understanding Chronic Hives


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Person reaching hand over shoulder to their back, which is covered in hives
The Usual Suspects: Looking Out for the Top Chronic Hives Triggers

Infections, autoimmune conditions, major life changes, extreme temps and even sunlight can cause this itchy condition

Person relaxing, head back, eyes closed, sitting in patch of purple flora
5 Lifestyle Tips for Managing Your Chronic Hives

Lifestyle adjustments like stress reduction, wearing softer clothing and staying out of the sun can help manage flares

Cold water handle in tub with water cascading over it
How To Manage Frustrating Chronic Hives Flare-Ups

Your provider can develop a personalized treatment plan, which may include prescription medications, antihistamines and corticosteroids

People sitting in circle at group therapy
Chronic Hives and Mental Health: Self-Care Tips

Combat stress and anxiety — common chronic hives triggers — by focusing on sleep, staying active and leaning on others for support

Arm covered in hives
Can Certain Foods Trigger or Prevent Chronic Hives?

Rarely are the red, itchy welts from chronic hives connected to what you eat

Female with chronic hives and oversized birth control pack nearby
Your Period and Chronic Hives: What To Know

The fluctuation in your hormones can cause the red, itchy welts
