2024 Retail Media Pulse Report:

Insights and Outlook



Our latest report explores the strategies and emerging trends that are shaping the future of advertising in the retail industry.
By combining our insights from over 5,300 customers leveraging our platform, alongside a market-wide survey distributed by NewtonX, we’ve compiled this comprehensive view of retail media to help guide your strategy for 2024 and beyond. 

Key Insights


Multi-Channel Success 

We found the most successful retail marketers use ~4 media channels as part of their strategy, with Search, Social, and Amazon continuing as dominant channels. 

Leading Channels 

Respondents confirmed that Amazon Ads and Google Ads are their most effective channels for ROI. While other channels like Meta Ads serve useful for mid and upper funnel conversion. 

Increasing Investment 

Optimism and ROI are fueling increased investment across multiple channels through Q4 and into 2025.  

AI’s Impact 

Respondents highlighted the need for innovative solutions including AI, real-time targeting, and enhanced personalization.  


   Exclusive data to inform your strategy  

        Channel Mix & Spend:

         Learn the average channel mix for SMBs, MMBs, Enterprises, and Agencies and their average ad spend for each channel.  

        Highest ROI Channels:

         Deep dive into which media channels generate the most ROI to inform your spend strategy.  

        Integration Impact:

        Observe the importance of integrating data and why data siloes hinder results.  

       Q4 & 2025 Trends:

       Prepare for the holiday spending surge by learning where each segment plans to increase investment in Q4 and beyond.  




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