Avant d’approcher les cadres, faites vos devoirs et recherchez leurs antécédents, leurs rôles, leurs intérêts, leurs défis et leurs préférences. Découvrez ce qui compte pour eux, quels sont leurs points faibles, quelles sont leurs attentes et quels sont leurs styles de communication. Cela vous aidera à adapter votre message et votre approche à leurs besoins et préférences. Par exemple, certains dirigeants peuvent préférer les arguments basés sur les données, tandis que d’autres peuvent mieux répondre aux histoires et aux anecdotes. Certains voudront peut-être avoir une vue d’ensemble, tandis que d’autres voudront peut-être voir les détails. Certains peuvent être ouverts à la rétroaction, tandis que d’autres peuvent être défensifs ou résistants. Connaître votre public vous aidera à éviter les pièges et à établir des relations et de la confiance.
To win over those top execs, you gotta speak their language and make the big sell! It’s all about showing them how your ideas will make things better, bigger, and more profitable. You present those shiny stats and bold visions that they can’t resist. It’s like making the best deal ever—they should feel they’re getting the gold standard. And remember, folks, always connect the dots back to their goals. Make them see the big, beautiful picture of success!
It is important to do the work as described here. It helps communication professionals craft more authentic messages on behalf of leaders they support. I flip the script, too. When communicating with employees or other audiences, it’s not about the leader. It’s about the people with whom they are speaking. Its critical to put oneself in the place of audience members. Leaders can communicate authentically while doing so in a way that resonates with the audience and brings them along for the journey. People are more likely to follow a leader and help achieve business priorities when they feel heard, understood and that the leader knows their strengths and struggles.
Before engaging with executives, thorough audience analysis is crucial. Research their backgrounds, roles, interests, challenges, and preferences to tailor your approach. Identify their pain points, expectations, and communication styles. This enables you to craft a message that resonates with them, addressing their specific needs. Consider whether they prefer data-driven arguments or anecdotes, big picture summaries or detailed analyses. Acknowledge individual preferences for feedback – some may be open, while others could be defensive. This diligent preparation helps you navigate potential pitfalls and establishes a foundation of trust and rapport.
Não há como influenciar alguém quando você não encontra (ou faz encontrar) "pontos de match" nesta comunicação. Ora, um comunicação com executivos não é diferente, logo, é quase que condição sine qua non você se conectar com eles. Para tal, busque informações sobre aquele público, entenda o que valorizam, o que apreciam e de que forma preferem receber dados, comunicados e/ou reports. Após ter isso em mãos, adapte sua comunicação. Se esta vai "a gosto do cliente", ficará muito mais fácil daquele C-Level "digerir".
Some executives are logic-based, while others can be more instinctual. It's good to understand which type of person you have to convince because your arguments will need to be tailored to their logic style.
tart by aligning your ideas with their strategic objectives, showing how your solutions will directly benefit the organization’s bottom line. Present data and insights that demonstrate the potential impact, avoiding jargon and unnecessary details. Executives appreciate brevity, so prioritize the key points and emphasize the “why” behind your proposal. Build trust by anticipating concerns and addressing them proactively. Finally, foster open dialogue, encouraging questions and collaboration, which can make executives feel more involved and invested in your idea's success.
💡Research the executives: Learn about them before your meeting. 💡nderstand their needs: Know what's important to them and their challenges. 💡Tailor your message: Speak in a way they prefer, data, stories, etc. 💡Build rapport: Show them you understand and can help.
Para lograr que los ejecutivos adopten mis ideas, primero comprendo sus necesidades y desafíos. Presento mis propuestas de manera clara, resaltando beneficios tangibles y demostrando resultados pasados. Creo conexiones emocionales, relacionando mis ideas con metas compartidas, y muestro adaptabilidad a través de la colaboración. Establezco mi credibilidad destacando mi experiencia y construyo alianzas estratégicas para respaldo. Utilizo presentaciones visuales impactantes y abordo posibles preocupaciones de manera proactiva. Mi enfoque es humano, buscando no solo convencer, sino también construir relaciones sólidas basadas en la confianza y comprensión mutua.
Be a problem solver from the start. Know your audience and their potential pain points. Bring value through your solution, while conveying positivity and proactiveness. Keep your recommendation short and visual (if possible). You want to leave a lasting positive impression.
Les dirigeants sont plus susceptibles d’écouter et de respecter quelqu’un qui a de la crédibilité et de l’autorité. Par conséquent, vous devez établir votre crédibilité en démontrant votre expertise, votre expérience et vos réalisations. Vous pouvez le faire en mettant en évidence vos qualifications, vos titres de compétences, vos récompenses ou vos endossements. Vous pouvez également utiliser des témoignages, des études de cas ou des références d’autres dirigeants ou clients qui ont bénéficié de vos idées ou solutions. Vous pouvez également montrer votre crédibilité en reconnaissant les limites, les risques ou les défis de vos idées ou solutions, et comment vous prévoyez les surmonter. Cela montrera que vous êtes réaliste, honnête et confiant.
To establish credibility with executives, showcase your extensive expertise through qualifications, credentials, and notable achievements. 🏆 Highlight industry awards or endorsements, reinforcing your standing as a respected authority. 🌐 Leverage testimonials and case studies from influential executives or clients who have successfully implemented your strategies. 🤝 Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of challenges, acknowledging potential limitations, risks, and presenting well-thought-out solutions. This showcases realism and confidence in your approach. 💼 Additionally, emphasize your commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of industry trends, solidifying your status as a reliable and informed professional. 🚀
Do your research on the executives beforehand. Learn what matters to them and tailor your message to their interests. Show them you're credible by highlighting your achievements and being honest about any challenges.
Credibilidade vem atrelada com outra palavra-chave: Confiança! À medida que você conquista confiança, credibilidade será naturalmente uma consequência. Credibilidade vem com o tempo, com entregas realizadas, projetos concluídos, implantações feitas e resultados consolidados. Com isso feito, sua credibilidade ecoa(rá) por si só e aquele board member saberá de você e confiará em você.
La façon dont vous communiquez vos idées ou vos solutions peut faire une grande différence dans la façon dont elles sont perçues et reçues par les dirigeants. Vous devez utiliser le bon langage qui est clair, concis et confiant. Évitez le jargon, les acronymes ou les termes techniques qui peuvent semer la confusion ou aliéner les dirigeants. Utilisez plutôt des mots simples, familiers et pertinents qui transmettent efficacement votre message. Vous devez également utiliser un langage positif, assertif et respectueux qui montre votre enthousiasme, votre confiance et votre professionnalisme. Évitez tout langage négatif, passif ou agressif qui pourrait miner votre crédibilité, offenser les dirigeants ou créer des conflits. Par exemple, au lieu de dire « Vous avez tort », dites « J’ai une perspective différente ».
Effective communication with executives is crucial, demanding a language that is clear, concise, and confident. Avoiding jargon and technical terms, opt for simple, familiar words that resonate with the audience. Embrace positivity, assertiveness, and respect to convey enthusiasm and professionalism. Steer clear of negativity, passivity, or aggression that could erode credibility or cause conflict. Opt for phrases like "I have a different perspective" instead of directly stating disagreement. Employing such language fosters a conducive environment for collaboration and understanding.
The key skill lies not in the choice of words but the 'Conviction' that we have.. I often see professionals nervously focussing on linguistic proficiency and losing out audience attention.. At grassroots level, effective communication may be in the 'basic most' even rudimentary level and still carry a High Impact and Resonance with audience... I focus on the following while interacting with Executives - 1) Byte size actionable information is key as compared to a whole lot of context setting! 2) Establish nature of information clearly! example - speculative, suggestive, time bound, etc. 3) Get to the bottom of the matter at hand before speaking anything on it :) - just be thorough! good luck!
Comunicar bem envolver conhecer bem o receptor da mensagem. Independente do nível hierárquico, pessoas são diferentes e recebem informações de forma diferente. Boa parte dos executivos prefere receber informações de forma concisa, sem muitos detalhes; porém, há outros que podem preferir imergir mais naquele assunto (sobretudo quando haverá uma tomada de decisão posteriormente). Alguns podem preferir linguagem simples, outros - pela área ou experiência - podem preferir linguagem mais técnica e/ou anglicana. Em resumo: reconhecer quem irá recepcionar sua voz direciona, sem sombra de dúvidas, a sua comunicação.
Let me share in points for better understanding 💡Speak clearly: Use plain language, no confusing words or jargon. 💡Be confident: Speak with conviction, avoid wishy-washy phrases. 💡Be positive: Focus on solutions, not problems. 💡Be respectful: Show the executives you value their time and expertise.
Les cadres sont bombardés d’informations et de données tous les jours, de sorte qu’ils peuvent ne pas se souvenir ou ne pas se soucier de vos idées ou solutions à moins que vous ne les rendiez mémorables et significatives. L’une des meilleures façons de le faire est de raconter une histoire qui capte leur attention, leurs émotions et leur imagination. Une histoire peut vous aider à illustrer le problème, la solution et les avantages de vos idées ou solutions d’une manière vivante et engageante. Cela peut également vous aider à vous connecter avec les dirigeants sur le plan personnel et émotionnel, et les inspirer à agir. Vous pouvez utiliser des histoires tirées de votre propre expérience, d’autres organisations, de clients ou de scénarios hypothétiques. Assurez-vous que votre histoire est pertinente, réaliste et brève.
When presenting ideas or solutions to executives, incorporating evidence is crucial for credibility and persuasion. Utilize compelling facts, statistics, and research findings to substantiate the feasibility and impact of your proposals. 📊 Graphs, charts, and tables can visually enhance your evidence, aiding in clear communication. 📈 Ensure concise organization, highlighting key benefits and addressing potential objections preemptively. Cite sources meticulously, emphasizing the reliability of your data. This evidence-based approach demonstrates thorough research and analytical rigor, strengthening the logic behind your recommendations.
Usar de storytelling pode ajudar você a influenciar executivos. Mais do que contar um fato que demande a atenção deles, o como você faz isso pode lograr mais ou menos êxito. Trazer uma perspectiva histórica e analítica, os principais gargalos enfrentados, as conexões que precisaram ser feitas e os esforços colocados trarão mais embasamento neural para pedir o aval / suporte que precisa para seguir adiante naquela ação ou projeto. Executivos são tomadores de decisão por natureza. Se eles não possuem as informações necessárias, não agirão. Traga-as!
Bien que les histoires puissent faire appel aux émotions des dirigeants, vous devez également fournir des preuves qui soutiennent la logique et la validité de vos idées ou solutions. Les preuves peuvent inclure des faits, des chiffres, des statistiques, des recherches ou des exemples qui montrent la faisabilité, l’efficacité et l’impact de vos idées ou solutions. Les preuves peuvent également vous aider à anticiper et à répondre aux objections, aux questions ou aux préoccupations que les dirigeants peuvent avoir. Vous devez présenter vos preuves de manière claire, concise et organisée, à l’aide de graphiques, de tableaux, de tableaux ou de visuels qui mettent en évidence les points clés et les avantages. Vous devez également citer vos sources et expliquer comment vous avez obtenu et analysé vos données.
💡Facts & Figures: Back your ideas with data! Use numbers, statistics, and research to show your solution is logical and effective. 💡Visuals: Charts, graphs, and tables make complex data easier to understand. Highlight key points with visuals. 💡Address Concerns: Anticipate objections and use evidence to overcome them. 💡Cite Sources: Show where your data comes from and how you analyzed it for credibility. 📌Keep it Clear & Concise: Focus on the most important evidence that supports your ideas.
Executivos gostam de dados, mas não soltos e desorganizados e sim coesos e concatenados. Ou seja: informação para tomada de decisão! "O preço do insumo "A" aumentou de R$7 para R$8 esta semana", poderia afirmar o relatório. Agora, informações úteis para um executivo seriam: - Este aumento é normal ou apenas sazonal? - Será um negócio duradouro? - Como se comportou este insumo no mesmo período do ano passado? - Este aumento está dentro dos limites "aceitáveis"; - Conseguimos reduzir este custo comprando em escala? - Há insumos substitutos? - Este aumento pode ser absorvido (total ou parcialmente) pelo cliente final? Ao tratar com níveis executivos, busque sempre levar o máximo de informação (lembre-se: informação; não dados)!
Alignment with organizational goals; Grounding in data and evidence; Clear and persuasive communication; Building positive relationships; Demonstration of knowledge and expertise; Empathetic and collaborative approach; Flexibility and adaptation to needs; Follow-up and regular monitoring.
La dernière étape pour influencer et persuader les dirigeants d’adopter vos idées ou vos solutions est de leur demander d’agir. Vous devez faire une demande claire, spécifique et convaincante qui décrit ce que vous voulez qu’ils fassent, pourquoi ils devraient le faire et comment ils peuvent le faire. Vous devez également leur montrer l’urgence, la valeur et les avantages d’agir, ainsi que les conséquences de ne pas agir. Vous pouvez également offrir des incitatifs, du soutien ou des ressources qui peuvent faciliter leur décision et leur mise en œuvre. Vous devez être confiant, poli et respectueux lorsque vous faites votre appel à l’action, et éviter d’être insistant, exigeant ou manipulateur.
Para finalizar o seu processo de influência junto a um executivo, você precisa usar de uma técnica chamada CTA ("Call to Action"). Você precisa estabelecer uma "chamada para ação", uma convite, um estímulo para um/o próximo passo. Imagine que você elaborou todo um contexto, usou de storytelling, apresentou dados e mostrou cenários. Porém, não foi conclusivo, não citou o que quer e/ou o que precisa de decisão. Ora, toda a sua comunicação foi inócua, não atingiu o seu objetivo pois não houve um "next step". Se quer algo de um/a executivo/a, com todo respeito e ponderação, "Call (him/her) to Action".
Present a very clear, simple CTA in your request. "... which I why I encourage you to approve an increased expenditure of X on project A..." Executives are busy people. They do not have the time to weed through your memo to find your CTA. Give it to them directly, and they're more likely to decide in your favour!
📌According To My Experience of 3 years in this Few things which are integral to keep in mind always !! ✅Clear call to action: Tell the executives exactly what you want them to do. ✅Explain the benefits: Why should they do it? What are the upsides? ✅Show urgency: Why is this important to do now? ✅Offer help: Can you provide resources or support to make it easier? ✅Be polite & confident: Ask clearly, but avoid being pushy.
After building your idea and getting it approved by the Executive-team, it is important to breakdown how the idea will be applied in the real world. How can you show the team the step by step process to finalize the project? Who will be involved each step of the way? What paperwork or licenses or contacts are needed to get everyone on board? From the brainstorm meeting to the launch of the product, there are so many steps along the way and numerous people needed to get there.
Here're a few of my top methods for effectively influencing and persuading executives: ✅Master ACTIVE LISTENING to show respect and understanding of the executive's perspective, this will build trust and help them open up to your ideas. ✅ By reflecting on and clarifying their statements, you ensure accurate understanding and show that you value their input. ✅ Thoughtful questions not only provide deeper insight into their concerns but also demonstrate your engagement and interest in their viewpoint. ✅ Recognising and addressing their concerns validates their feelings and positions your ideas as solutions to their specific challenges. I teach other methods, too, but these four are a good start for building up your influencing skills.
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