GF180 MPW is now open! Submission deadline December 11th.png

Submissions Now Open for the GFMPW-1
Shuttle Program

Experience cutting-edge fabrication for your open-source projects powered by Google and GlobalFoundries. The Open MPW Shuttle Program provides free fabrication for fully open-source projects using the Open PDK for GF180MCU.

This is a unique opportunity for you to:

  • Try out new ideas and technologies
  • Push the boundaries of what's possible with silicon
  • Contribute to the open source hardware community

The program is open to anyone, and all you need is a fully open-source project that meets the program requirements. Google covers the costs of fabrication, packaging, evaluation boards, and shipping.

GFMPW-1 Submission Deadline is December 11

High level notes:

  • This shuttle will support digital designs using the OpenLane design flow. There is not a supported open source flow for analog design.

  • Designs are selected through a lottery process along with final review by Google. Preference will be made for early submissions and submissions containing multiple projects.

  • The tag for this shuttle is currently gfmpw-1d. The caravel_user_project for the shuttle is on the gf180mcu branch.

  • To get started:

    git clone -b gfmpw-1d

  • Check out these videos

  • See below for further project submission requirements.

Project Submission Requirements

The following project requirements must be met in order to qualify for inclusion on the shuttle program:

  • The project must be targeted on the currently-supported Open PDK.
  • The project must be posted on a git-compatible repo and be publicly accessible.
  • The top-level of the project must include a LICENSE file for an approved open-source license agreement. Third-party source code must be identified and source code must contain proper headers. See details here.
  • The repo must include project documentation and adhere to Google's inclusive language guidelines. See details here.
  • The project must be fully open. The project must contain a GDSII layout, which must be reproducible from source contained in the project.
  • Projects must use a common test harness and padframe based on the Caravel repo. New projects should start by cloning the Caravel User Project repo using the gfmpw-1b tag (on the gf180mcu branch) and implementing their project using the user_project_wrapper. The Caravel repo is installed in the project under the ‘caravel’ directory during make setup. See the project README for further instructions. The projects must be implemented within the user space of the layout and meet all requirements for the Caravel.
  • Projects must successfully pass the Open MPW precheck tool, including LVS and DRC clean using the referenced versions of OpenLane flow. Projects should implement and pass a simulation testbench for their design integrated into Caravel. The Caravel User Project provides an example of how to implement this.

This PDK includes the following standard cells

  • Digital standard cells libraries (7-track and 9-track)
  • Low (3.3V), Medium (5V, 6V) and High (10V) voltage devices
  • SRAM macros (64x8, 128x8, 256x8, 512x8)
  • I/O and primitives (Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, eFuses) cells libraries

Open sourcing more PDKs is a critical step in the development of the open source silicon ecosystem:

  • Open source EDA tools can now add support for multiple process technologies.
  • Researchers can produce fully-reproducible designs against multiple technology baselines.
  • Popular open source IP blocks can be ported to different process technologies.

We're looking for software developers, hardware engineers, researchers, students, hobbyists, startups, and industry experts like you to join us in expanding the open-source silicon ecosystem. Your ideas and experiences are invaluable to our growth.