HSM-Specific Setup for Cloudera Navigator Key HSM

SafeNet KeySecure


Before setting up SafeNet KeySecure, be sure to:

  • Set the protocol to NAE-XML
  • Set Allow Key and Policy Configuration Operations to enabled
  • Set Password Authentication to required
  • Disable Client Certificate Authentication
  • Set KeySecure Crypto Operations to activated
For additional details about SafeNet KeySecure settings, see the SafeNet KeySecure product documentation.
After entering the Key HSM listener IP address and port, the HSM setup for SafeNet KeySecure prompts for login credentials, the IP address of the KeySecure HSM, and the port number:
-- Ingrian HSM Credential Configuration --
Please enter HSM login USERNAME: keyhsm
Please enter HSM login PASSWORD: ******

Please enter HSM IP Address or Hostname:
Please enter HSM Port number: 9020
If the connection is successful, the following message is displayed:
Valid address:                                    :[ Successful ]
The KeySecure setup utility then prompts you whether to use SSL:
Use SSL? [Y/n] Y
If you choose to use SSL, Key HSM attempts to resolve the server certificate, and prompts you to trust the certificate:
  [0]         Version: 3
         SerialNumber: 0
             IssuerDN: C=US,ST=TX,L=Austin,O=ACME,OU=Dev,
CN=,[email protected]
           Start Date: Thu Jan 29 09:55:57 EST 2015
           Final Date: Sat Jan 30 09:55:57 EST 2016
            SubjectDN: C=US,ST=TX,L=Austin,O=ACME,OU=Dev,
CN=,[email protected]
           Public Key: RSA Public Key
            modulus: abe4a8dcef92e145984309bd466b33b35562c7f875
    public exponent: 10001

  Signature Algorithm: SHA256WithRSAEncryption
            Signature: 235168c68567b27a30b14ab443388039ff12357f
                       critical(false) BasicConstraints: isCa(true)
                       critical(false) NetscapeCertType: 0xc0

Trust this server? [y/N] Y

Trusted server:                                   :[ Successful ]


Before completing the CloudHSM setup, verify that the CloudHSM connection is properly configured by running either the cloudhsm_mgmt_util or key_mgmt_util tool and verifying that the tool connects to the HSM successfully. After validating this connection, you can exit the tool:
$ /opt/cloudhsm/bin/cloudhsm_mgmt_util /opt/cloudhsm/etc/cloudhsm_mgmt_util.cfg

Connecting to the server(s), it may take time
depending on the server(s) load, please wait...

Connecting to server '<hsm ip>': hostname '<hsm ip>', port 2225...
Connected to server '<hsm ip>': hostname '<hsm ip>', port 2225.
After entering the Key HSM listener IP address and port identifier, the HSM setup for CloudHSM prompts you for: the crypto user name and crypto user password.
-- Configuring CloudHSM --
Please enter the crypto user name: <username>
Please enter the crypto user password  (input suppressed):

Configuration saved in 'application.properties' file
Configuration stored in: 'application.properties'. (Note: You can also use keyhsm settings to quickly view your current configuration)

Thales HSM

By default, the Thales HSM client process listens on ports 9000 and 9001. The Cloudera Manager agent also listens on port 9000. To prevent a port conflict, you must change the Thales client ports. Cloudera recommends using ports 11500 and 11501.

To change the Thales client ports, run the following commands:
sudo /opt/nfast/bin/config-serverstartup --enable-tcp --enable-privileged-tcp --port=11500 --privport=11501
sudo /opt/nfast/sbin/init.d-ncipher restart
To configure Key HSM to use the modified port, edit the /usr/share/keytrustee-server-keyhsm/start.sh file and add the -DNFAST_SERVER_PORT=11500 Java system property. For example:
java -classpath "*:/usr/safenet/lunaclient/jsp/lib/*:/opt/nfast/java/classes/*" -Djava.library.path=/usr/safenet/lunaclient/jsp/lib/ -DNFAST_SERVER_PORT=11500 com.cloudera.app.run.Program $@
Before completing the Thales HSM setup, run the nfkminfo command to verify that the Thales HSM is properly configured:
$ sudo /opt/nfast/bin/nfkminfo
  World generation  2
  state       0x17270000 Initialised Usable Recovery !PINRecovery !ExistingClient
              RTC  NVRAM FTO !AlwaysUseStrongPrimes SEEDebug

If state reports !Usable instead of Usable, configure the Thales HSM before continuing. See the Thales product documentation for instructions.

After entering the Key HSM listener IP address and port, the HSM setup for Thales prompts for the OCS card password:
Please enter the OCS Card Password (input suppressed):

Configuration saved in 'application.properties' file
Configuration stored in: 'application.properties'. (Note: You can also use service keyHsm settings to quickly view your current configuration)

Luna HSM

Before completing the Luna HSM setup, run the vtl verify command (usually located at /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/vtl) to verify that the Luna HSM is properly configured.

After entering the Key HSM listener IP address and port, the HSM setup for Luna prompts for the slot number and password:
-- Configuring SafeNet Luna HSM --
Please enter SafeNetHSM Slot Number: 1
Please enter SafeNet HSM password (input suppressed):
Configuration stored in: 'application.properties'. (Note: You can also use service keyHsm settings to quickly view your current configuration)
Configuration saved in 'application.properties' file

See the Luna product documentation for instructions on configuring your Luna HSM if you do not know what values to enter here.