Mads W.

Mads W.

Underviser på Handelssgymnasium

København, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark
1 t følgere 500+ forbindelser


For tiden er jeg ved at gentænke mit arbejdsliv og hvad det betyder for mig at være en succes.

Hvad enten det bliver som skolelærer med fokus på det naturvidenskabelige eller som gymnasielærer i afsætningsøkonomi er ikke endeligt besluttet endnu.

Det vigtige er at mennesker skal være i centrum og at deres udvikling gennem min undervisning bliver det centrale.


Tilmeld dig for at se al aktivitet


  • Niels Brock Grafik


    Niels Brock

    – nu 4 måneder

    København, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark

    Underviser i fagene: økonomisk grundforløb og afsætningsøkonomi

  • Lærer- og pædagogvikar

    Bagsværd Skole

    6 måneder

    København og omegn

    Som tilkaldevikar har jeg ageret underviser i klasser på tværs af indskolingen, mellemtrinnet og udskolingen. Fagene jeg har undervist i har tilsvarende været et bredt udsnit af naturvidenskabelige og sproglige.

    Mestendels har jeg dog ageret støttepædagog for en elev i 0. klasse. Dette har givet mig viden om arbejdet med proprioceptive øvelser og integrationen af disse i undervisning.

  • Hearts & Science Denmark Grafik

    Senior Client Manager

    Hearts & Science Denmark

    1 år

    København, Hovedstaden, Danmark

  • ALDI Danmark

    ALDI Danmark

    2 år 7 måneder

    • ALDI Danmark Grafik

      Media Strategy & Buying Manager

      ALDI Danmark

      1 år 6 måneder

      Albertslund, Hovedstaden, Danmark

      My responsibilities were:
      - Developing overall media strategy and -plan in collaboration with media agency.
      - Planning and evaluating campaign activities within traditional media (TV, Radio, Print & OOH).
      - Planning, executing and evaluating online campaign activities to support other marketing efforts.
      - Providing input and feedback on how to optimise creatives for online advertising activities.
      - Overseeing the introduction of a new media agency partner and ongoing…

      My responsibilities were:
      - Developing overall media strategy and -plan in collaboration with media agency.
      - Planning and evaluating campaign activities within traditional media (TV, Radio, Print & OOH).
      - Planning, executing and evaluating online campaign activities to support other marketing efforts.
      - Providing input and feedback on how to optimise creatives for online advertising activities.
      - Overseeing the introduction of a new media agency partner and ongoing collaboration with said.
      - Handling invoices and keeping track of digital campaign budgets.

    • ALDI Danmark Grafik

      Digital Advertising Manager

      ALDI Danmark

      1 år 1 måned

      Albertslund, Hovedstaden, Danmark

      My responsibilities were:
      - Planning, executing and evaluating online campaign activities (Social, Display, OLV & SEM) to support other marketing efforts.
      - Providing input and feedback on how to optimise creatives for online advertising activities.
      - Project management of new campaign websites, as well as on the landingpages in order to improve the online customer journeys.
      - Handling invoices, keeping track of digital budgets both for campaigns and in general.

  • YouSee


    1 år 10 måneder

    • YouSee Grafik

      Digital Marketing Manager


      10 måneder

      København, Hovedstaden, Danmark

      My responsibilities were:
      - Planning, executing and evaluating online campaign activities to support offline marketing efforts.
      - Acting as faciliator between the (mainly offline) campaign execution team and digital performance team to ensure alignment in communication online.
      - Providing input and feedback on how to optimise creatives for online advertising activities, as well as on the landingpages in order to improve the online customer journeys.
      - Handling invoices, keeping…

      My responsibilities were:
      - Planning, executing and evaluating online campaign activities to support offline marketing efforts.
      - Acting as faciliator between the (mainly offline) campaign execution team and digital performance team to ensure alignment in communication online.
      - Providing input and feedback on how to optimise creatives for online advertising activities, as well as on the landingpages in order to improve the online customer journeys.
      - Handling invoices, keeping track of digital budgets for campaigns mostly.

    • YouSee Grafik

      Digital Marketing Graduate


      1 år

      København, Hovedstaden, Danmark

      As digital marketing graduate within Brand & Campaign Management, and later the Digital Marketing Lab, I had the privilege to attended workshops to improve my skills within:
      - Basic Project Management
      - Presentations
      - Design Thinking
      - Change and Stakeholder Management
      - Customer Experience in the Digital Age

      In addition to this I gained knowledge of and experience with:
      - Planning and optimizing digital media campaigns and strategies
      - The interdependencies and…

      As digital marketing graduate within Brand & Campaign Management, and later the Digital Marketing Lab, I had the privilege to attended workshops to improve my skills within:
      - Basic Project Management
      - Presentations
      - Design Thinking
      - Change and Stakeholder Management
      - Customer Experience in the Digital Age

      In addition to this I gained knowledge of and experience with:
      - Planning and optimizing digital media campaigns and strategies
      - The interdependencies and synergies between online and offline marketing efforts.
      - The politics of working within a major company.

  • OMD Danmark Grafik

    Digital Account Planner

    OMD Danmark

    1 år 4 måneder

    København, Hovedstaden, Danmark

    I have gained insight and knowledge about:
    - The digital media landscape.
    - Digital marketing.
    - Media strategy and -planning, primarily online.

    My responsibilities were:
    - Advising clients on their presence in digital media.
    - Planning and optimizing digital media strategies, incl.:
    * evaluating audiences,
    * determining required investment levels,
    * determining communication and campaign objectives,
    * selecting between digital disciplines and individual…

    I have gained insight and knowledge about:
    - The digital media landscape.
    - Digital marketing.
    - Media strategy and -planning, primarily online.

    My responsibilities were:
    - Advising clients on their presence in digital media.
    - Planning and optimizing digital media strategies, incl.:
    * evaluating audiences,
    * determining required investment levels,
    * determining communication and campaign objectives,
    * selecting between digital disciplines and individual media,
    * negotiation and purchasing of media space,
    * technical coordination and management of materials, as well as
    * reporting and evaluation of campaign performance.


  • Marketing Week Mini MBA with Mark Ritson Grafik

    Marketing Week Mini MBA with Mark Ritson

    Mini MBA Brand Management

    The 12-week course provided advanced and applied knowledge of brand positioning, planning and measurement to help grow sustainable brands.

  • Aarhus BSS - Aarhus University Grafik

    Aarhus BSS - Aarhus University

    Master of Science (MSc) Marketing GPA: 9,4

    An excerpt of completed courses:
    - Marketing Research, 10 ECTS
    - Economic Psychology, 10 ECTS
    - Marketing Communication, 5 ECTS
    - Marketing Management and Strategy, 5 ECTS

    - Advanced Market Research, 5 ECTS
    - Negotiation, 5 ECTS
    - Neuroeconomics and -marketing, 5 ECTS
    - Internship and -report, 15 ECTS

    "Consumer Brand Engagement on Social Media Platforms" (Grade: 12)

  • Aarhus BSS - Aarhus University Grafik

    Aarhus BSS - Aarhus University

    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Economics and Business Administration GPA: 5,6

    Aktiviteter og foreninger:- Introduction period tutor for new students (2012, 2013, and 2014).

    - Service Marketing (Summer University), 5 ECTS
    - Business Communication, 5 ECTS
    - International Marketing, 5 ECTS
    - Industrial (B2B) Marketing, 5 ECTS

    Bachelor Thesis:
    "Værdiansættelse af LEGO A/S: Med henblik på en eventuel børsnotering" (Grade: 7)
    ("Valuation of LEGO A/S: In preparation for a potential IPO")

  • Københavns Professionshøjskole Grafik

    Københavns Professionshøjskole

    Meritlærer-uddannelsen Matematik og fysik/kemi

    – nu

Licenser og certificeringer

Erfaring med frivilligt arbejde

  • Holdleder

    Gladsaxe Lærerforening Kolonierne

    1 måned


  • Aarhus Case Competition Grafik

    Head of PR & Marketing

    Aarhus Case Competition

    9 måneder


    My responsibilities were:
    - Outlining and executing the promotion strategy.
    - Motivating and managing the work of a team of 5

    For more information about the organisation and the competition please visit:

  • Aarhus Case Competition Grafik

    PR & Marketing Group Member

    Aarhus Case Competition

    8 måneder


    As member of the PR and Marketing group at the ACC I took part in outlining and executing the promotion strategy for ACC 2015, in order to ensure the right positioning of the ACC brand. I was also Editor-in-Chief for the ACC magazine.

Udmærkelser og priser

  • Final nominee for "Fellow Student of the Year"​

    Den Gyldne Fugl - Studenterlauget

    'Den Gyldne Fugl'​ is an annual award show that celebrates students, teachers and initiatives, who all excel and contribute to enhance the academic and social environment at Aarhus BSS.


  • English

    Professionel praktisk færdighed

  • Danish

    Modersmåls- eller tosprogsfærdighed

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