Marcus Mølleskov

Marcus Mølleskov

København, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark
4 t følgere 500+ forbindelser


I am a Financial Risk professional, with a quantitative edge and experience from large…



Tilmeld dig for at se al aktivitet


  • Januar Grafik


    Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Ballerup, Denmark

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  • CBS Bestyrelsesuddannelserne Grafik
  • Aktiviteter og foreninger:CBS Management consulting club, CBS FinanceLab, CBS Case team

Licenser og certificeringer

Erfaring med frivilligt arbejde

  • Nordic Blockchain Association Grafik

    Board Member

    Nordic Blockchain Association

    1 år 1 måned

    Økonomisk selvstændighed

    Nordic Blockchain Association (NBA) is a non-for profit organisation facilitating the largest professional web3 network in the nordics. NBA unites thought leaders and businesses through memberships, regulatory work and events.

    The mission of Nordic Blockchain Association is to drive the responsible and sustainable growth of blockchain technology. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, we aim to advance the development of supportive legislation, infrastructure and a vibrant…

    Nordic Blockchain Association (NBA) is a non-for profit organisation facilitating the largest professional web3 network in the nordics. NBA unites thought leaders and businesses through memberships, regulatory work and events.

    The mission of Nordic Blockchain Association is to drive the responsible and sustainable growth of blockchain technology. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, we aim to advance the development of supportive legislation, infrastructure and a vibrant ecosystem that empowers and harnesses the full potential of blockchain in the nordics

    As Board member participated in montly board meetings to discuss strategy of how to rebuild and grow the NGO after COVID19.

  • Finansforbundet Grafik

    Board Member - NYA - Network of Young Academics


    2 år 5 måneder

    Board member of the NYA - Network of Young Academics, which purpose is to gather young academics in the financial sector in networking, career-focused social- as professional events.

  • FinanceLab Grafik

    Board member & Head of Quant Events


    1 år 9 måneder


    FinanceLab is a non-profit organization run by students, working to create a bridge between theory and practice, thus helping 1900 members pursue their dream of working in the financial industry.

    As a board member, I help choose and develop the strategy of the organization. Due to a low number of active members, I am also an active part of implementing decided strategies.

    My significant impacts.
    I have developed a new line of Quant events. These events have become a success…

    FinanceLab is a non-profit organization run by students, working to create a bridge between theory and practice, thus helping 1900 members pursue their dream of working in the financial industry.

    As a board member, I help choose and develop the strategy of the organization. Due to a low number of active members, I am also an active part of implementing decided strategies.

    My significant impacts.
    I have developed a new line of Quant events. These events have become a success, significantly expanding the organizational reach at the Copenhagen Universities other than Copenhagen Business School.
    Doing so I have been responsible for initiating contact with possible presenters, arranging event practicalities, delegating and overseeing marketing and execution of events.

    I have also thought up, initiated and handled a new partnership with the union of Danish finance employees.


  • Volatility 101 - what it is and why you should care

    Kairos commodities

    In the last couple of years, markets have become more
    volatile. That has raised questions about what volatility is, if
    it will continue to increase, and why the volatility level is
    important. This article will address these questions as well
    as the use of volatility in Value at Risk measurement.

    Se udgivelse


  • Accounting Theory


  • Bond & interestrate structures


  • Business strategy


  • Computer science


  • Corporate Finance 1


  • Creativity & Entrepreneurship in Practice


  • Credit risk Modelling


  • Derivatives II: Advanced Pricing and Risk Management Applications


  • Differential equations and optimal control theory


  • Economics of Money and Banking 1


  • Economics of Money and Banking 2


  • Finance


  • Financial models in Excel


  • Fixed income derivatives


  • Functions of two variables and matrix algebra


  • Game theory


  • Industrial economics


  • International Financial Reporting & Analysis


  • Introduction to Databases


  • Issues in internation finance


  • Linear transformations and functions of multiple variables


  • Macro economiccs I


  • Macro economics II


  • Managerial economics


  • Marketing economics


  • Mathematical Finance 1


  • Mathematical Finance 2


  • Mathematical Finance 3


  • Mathematical analysis & stationary optimization


  • Micro economics


  • Multivariate Statistics


  • Multivariate timeseries analysis


  • Operations research


  • Organisation & management


  • Probability theory and statistics


  • Stitistical modelling


  • Stochastic Processes


  • The subjects theory of science


  • Timeseries analysis


Udmærkelser og priser

  • Runner-up in the Sofaer International Case Competition 2012

    Tel Aviv University, Israel

    Development of growth strategy for Babylon Ltd. The project included market analysis, industry analysis, strategy development, implementation plan as well as expected financial impact.

    Pre-competition phase was comprised of 5 months of intensive training sections with renown consultancy firms such as McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, PA Consulting, Quartz & Co among…

    Development of growth strategy for Babylon Ltd. The project included market analysis, industry analysis, strategy development, implementation plan as well as expected financial impact.

    Pre-competition phase was comprised of 5 months of intensive training sections with renown consultancy firms such as McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group, PA Consulting, Quartz & Co among others.

  • Winner of Boston Consulting Group Case Competition

    Boston Consulting Group

    The case competition was part of the preparation & training of the Copenhagen Business School Case Competition Teams.

  • Winner of McKinsey & Company Case Competition

    McKinsey & Company

    The case competition was part of the preparation & training of the Copenhagen Business School Case Competition Teams.

  • Top 10 phoner


    Recieved a christmas bonus, for being among the top 10 phoners of 80 part-time workers


  • Danish

    Modersmåls- eller tosprogsfærdighed

  • English

    Komplet professionel færdighed

  • German

    Begrænset praktisk færdighed

  • Swedish

    Begrænset praktisk færdighed

  • Norwegian

    Begrænset praktisk færdighed


  • Nova 100


    – nu

    NovaAgentum is a unique talent network for students and young professionals. The membership criteria include a combination of strong academic qualifications (AQ), social skills and a humble image (EQ) and solid work experience and high drive (BQ).

  • Cph Management Consulting Club

    Record holder of highest logic test score

    – nu

    The aim of CPH Management Consulting Club is to create a foundation that will facilitate learning and development of students' analytical skills and presentation skills while familiarizing themselves with the consulting industry. Members are unified by a shared interest in consulting. CPH MCC organizes different content-rich events with leading companies in the industry.

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  • Bliv introduceret
  • Kontakt Marcus direkte
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