Lars Kure Juul
København, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark
18 t følgere
500+ forbindelser
I’m an experienced international Trusted Advisor, HR Executive and HR professional with a…
Artikler af Lars
Sharing the joy 🎈. Thank you Ebony Travis Tichenor, MBA, PHR for your presence, engagement and energy 🔥. It was great to have you as part of this…
Sharing the joy 🎈. Thank you Ebony Travis Tichenor, MBA, PHR for your presence, engagement and energy 🔥. It was great to have you as part of this…
Delt af Lars Kure Juul
En slags jobnyt- DR's nye bestyrelse er udpeget og Kulturministeren har peget på mig til en af stolene. Det er jeg taknemmelig og stolt over, og…
En slags jobnyt- DR's nye bestyrelse er udpeget og Kulturministeren har peget på mig til en af stolene. Det er jeg taknemmelig og stolt over, og…
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Licenser og certificeringer
HR Fitness - from HR Strategy to Action
Børsens forlag
The HR Blind Spot
Facilitating discussion on how we look at ourselves as HR professionals. And what we are not seeing - with a Johari's window angle. (File size: 258534KB)
Leaders @ The Top - Kilimanjaro
In 2015 I will be the Lead for an 8 day programme and a good long walk we call “Leaders @ The Top” ; A programme that in short, will put a group of managers on top of Kilimanjaro while working with business- and personal development. Our aim is to create a mind blowing and transformable experience for each of the managers ; put them on the top, mentally, physically and geographically. This is a picture from August this year. It's cold at the top ;-). There is strong feeling of being blessed and…
In 2015 I will be the Lead for an 8 day programme and a good long walk we call “Leaders @ The Top” ; A programme that in short, will put a group of managers on top of Kilimanjaro while working with business- and personal development. Our aim is to create a mind blowing and transformable experience for each of the managers ; put them on the top, mentally, physically and geographically. This is a picture from August this year. It's cold at the top ;-). There is strong feeling of being blessed and close to your creator at The Roof of Africa. Interested in joining or supporting ? Let me know
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45 personer har anbefalet Lars
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Dear Network, I am thrilled to announce that I have re-joined USTRAT as Partner and co-owner. Having co-founded USTRAT about five years ago, I am…
Dear Network, I am thrilled to announce that I have re-joined USTRAT as Partner and co-owner. Having co-founded USTRAT about five years ago, I am…
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