Welcome to Aeon Connect! The platform that enables organizations to manage nature-based impact investments🌿 The platform allow you to manage, store, display, and report on impact. This enables you and your organization to better understand returns on nature-based investments, communicate impact more effectively, and comply with regulatory frameworks such as the CSRD and the EU taxonomy. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you’d like to learn more or be part of this journey. We believe that achieving true market fit comes through close collaboration with our users. Contact us at [email protected]🌿
Aeon Group
Teknologi, information og internet
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 938 følgere
Closing the Impact Investment Gap 📈
Om os
We recognize that understanding and effectively managing the environmental impact of business activities is crucial for long-term success. 🌍 We empower Project Owners, Developers, and Investors to strategically manage and enhance their climate mitigation projects and investments.♻️ Harnessing the power of ecosystem services, our approach ensures that your nature-based projects drive meaningful environmental progress.🌍 Our focus areas include: ✅Harnessing ecosystem services ✅Implementing and enhancing mitigation projects ✅Monitoring and evaluating project performance ✅Strategically managing climate investments Partner with us to advance initiatives that create real, long-lasting impacts on both the climate and ecosystems. Together, we can shape a sustainable future for your business and the planet. 🌱🌍
- Websted
Eksternt link til Aeon Group
- Branche
- Teknologi, information og internet
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2022
- Specialer
- Climate data and Analysis, Nature Assets, Capital Investment og Emission Mitigation
Hejrevej 34
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 2400, DK
Medarbejdere hos Aeon Group
I sidste uge, udgav Invest for Impact Denmark en særdeles relevant og indsigtsfuld rapport om landskabet for impact investeringer. Udover at præsentere en række værdifulde indsigter i markedet, både nu og i fremtiden, peger rapporten på de otte største barrierer for at opnå succes med impact investeringer. En af disse barrierer er manglen på interne ressourcer og kompetencer til måling og rapportering af impact. Netop denne udfordring ser vi i Aeon Group som særlig interessant. Vores SaaS-platform, Aeon Connect, er designet til at understøtte og afhjælpe denne barriere, især inden for naturbaserede investeringer. Lige nu søger vi samarbejdspartnere og aktører, der står over for denne udfordring i forbindelse med deres eksisterende eller planlagte investeringer, som hører under kategorien 'Impact'. Vi tilbyder fremtidens platform til håndtering af investeringer, der understøtter bæredygtig udvikling inden for miljø-, klima- og social- og sundheds området, samtidig med at der opnås et finansielt afkast. Vores konkrete bidrag er at understøtte behov for dokumentation, overvågning og rapportering gennem hele investeringens løbetid. Som investor får man dermed et solidt overblik over sin impact og afkast, hvilket letter både de frivillige dokumentationsrammer og de obligatoriske rapporteringskrav fra EU. Kontakt Bolette Brix Pedersen på [email protected], hvis du eller din organisation er interesseret i en dialog om et samarbejde. Hvis du vil vide mere om tendenserne i det danske marked for impact investeringer, kan du downloade og læse hele analysen her: http://bit.ly/3Uwxyrt
På dagens forside af Nordjyske Medier fortæller Kristian Skov om en spændende mulighed for at forvandle et 470 hektar stort område i Understed Bakker til et smukt og naturrigt område! I Aeon Group er vi stolte af at indgå partnerskaber med handlekraftige og dygtige mennesker, som ønsker at tage del i løsningen og sammen udvikle nye, innovative forretningsmuligheder🦋 https://lnkd.in/duJqJH2P
Her kan en ny nordjysk naturpark gemme sig
Hvordan kan man skabe en bæredygtig forretning og samtidig investere i et skovrejsningsprojekt? 🌿 Vi har haft fornøjelsen af at tale med GreenMind A/S's ESG-ansvarlige om deres cirkulære tilgang til forbrugerelektronik, deres elektronikløsninger til den private og offentlige sektor samt deres seneste investering i et skovrejsningsprojekt. Vi deler GreenMinds’ passion for at tage ansvar for miljøet og arbejder tæt sammen for at sikre, at resultaterne fra projektet kan følges via vores Aeon Connect Platform, og at det samtidig bidrager til en positiv miljøpåvirkning🌍💚
Aeon Group genopslog dette
Aeon Group er partner i Invest for Impact Denmark! 👏 Aeon Group tilbyder en transparent platform for natur- og klimainvesteringer, hvor virksomheder kan håndtere deres investeringer og dokumentere deres bidrag til biodiversitet og CO2-reduktion.🌱📉 "Vi har valgt at blive en del af Invest for Impact, fordi vi mener, at det er essentielt at gøre impact-investeringer mere tilgængelige og attraktive. Vores ambition er at mobilisere kapital til projekter, der skaber målbare, positive resultater for både investoren, naturen, klimaet og samfundet." Fortæller CEO Mikkel Berg Kjærsgaard. Hos Aeon Group betragtes naturen som en aktivklasse, og det skaber et solidt grundlag for bæredygtige investeringer med en målbar effekt. 🔎 Direktør Birgitte Frost Mathiesen fortæller her, hvorfor netop dette har værdi til fremmelse af impact-investeringer: "At integrere data og dokumentation fra begyndelsen af en investeringscase er afgørende for at investere for impact. Vores nationale analyse viser, at dette ofte er en stor udfordring, da det er en relativt ny disciplin, og fordi valide data kan være svære at tilgå. Derfor har det stor betydning, at Aeon Group arbejder målrettet på at fremme og professionalisere denne essentielle del af en investeringscase. Vi er glade for, at de har valgt at blive en del af vores partnerskab, hvor de kan bidrage til at facilitere udviklingen og styrke skaleringen af impact-investeringer." Aeon Group’s system skaber en digital repræsentation af klima- eller naturprojekter og sikrer et revisionsspor, der dokumenterer de vigtige data og tredjepartsmaterialer. Det er med til at øge troværdigheden af bæredygtige investeringer og ESG-initiativer, samtidig med at virksomheder kan inkludere deres investeringer direkte i rapporteringen i overensstemmelse med EU's taksonomi.📝🌿 Vi glæder os over samarbejdet!
🌍 What Truly Drives Economic Growth? 🌳 When considering investment opportunities, many focus on stocks, start-ups, or real estate. However, ecosystem services represent an emerging market that is mature for exploration and innovation. Natural resources such as clean groundwater, biodiversity restoration, and sustainable biomass are vital components that companies can incorporate into their investment portfolios. At @Aeon, we are observing a growing interest in leveraging green investments for sustainability reporting and the restoration of scarce resources. Investing in the preservation and sustainable management of these ecosystem services not only fosters long-term resilience but also contributes to economic growth. This approach involves: 🔹 Protecting and restoring ecosystems to enhance their resilience. 🔹 Utilizing resources sustainably to balance current demands with future needs. 🔹 Conserving biodiversity to maintain ecological stability and support essential services. Let's together identify and prioritize important ecosystem services that are vital for business strategies and can support both economic growth and environmental responsibility. #Sustainability #NaturalCapital #GreenInvestment #BusinessStrategy #FutureOfBusiness #EnvironmentalStewardship #SustainableGrowth
Welcome to Agernskoven 🌳 Some of our colleagues recently visited an area in Sorø that was planted with trees this spring, initiated by GreenMind A/S. This project is climate-focused, meaning the primary purpose of this future forest is to sequester CO2, while hopefully also bringing other positive benefits to the area. 🌱 It may not look like much yet, but the area covers 79.14 hectares of newly planted forest. The trees were planted by Skovdyrkerne, and they have ensured a diversified area of tree species including spruce, beech, oak, birch, and more. This combination of tree species will enable the future forest to support a wide variety of insect, plant, and mammal species. 🐞 As an added bonus, we will soon gain enhanced knowledge of insect varieties in the area, which will be closely monitored through an upcoming test phase of FaunaPhotonics' in-field biodiversity sensors📡 We are thrilled to see the projects we are so passionate about come to life. 💚
We love when there is room for fun activities with colleagues💚 A few days ago, our awesome colleagues Mads Esbensen, Marie Refsgaard Holm, Bolette Brix Pedersen, Nicolai Bang-Rasmussen and Victor Bruun de Neergaard participated in the annual DHL run in Copenhagen. 🏃🏼♂️🏃🏼♂️ Team spirit was in full swing, sending us off towards a great autumn season. 🍁 Huge thanks to all our amazing colleagues for making this day super fun and showing how strong our team is. 💪🏻 Here’s to many more moments like these! #DHL #Sustainability #AeonGroup
🌱 We’ve got a question for you! 🌱 💡 Why shouldn’t everyone around the world get to enjoy and benefit from our beautiful ecosystems and their amazing resources? Natural capital transforms ecosystem services into investable assets turning forests, lakes, and other natural areas into valuable capital. This diversifies your investment portfolio which according to our Data & Investment Specialist, Mads Esbensen, is an attractive cocktail for companies looking into strengthening their ESG reports and enlarging their sustainability efforts: “Natural capital investments offer a uniquely stable value, as they are often less exposed to market volatility compared to traditional assets. Moreover, these investments help create a more robust and resilient portfolio that combines financial returns with long-term sustainability and social responsibility. This differentiates the company and positions it as a forward-looking player that integrates economic growth with environmental awareness.” Do you believe investing in ecosystems is worthwhile? #ESG #Sustainability #Investment #NaturalCapital
74% of public companies plan to invest in Sustainability Reporting Technology and tools over next year! The latest “2024 Sustainability Action Report” by Deloitte, surveying 300 executives from publicly owned companies, reveals a pivotal shift in corporate sustainability strategies. Here are some key insights: 🔍 Rising Disclosure Requirements: An overwhelming 99% of companies are gearing up for increased disclosure mandates, driven by new regulatory standards such as the EU’s CSRD, IFRS’s and ISSB standards. 💼 Strategic Investments in ESG technologies: Approximately three-quarters of public companies are ready to invest in new technology and tools within the next year to enhance their ESG disclosure capabilities. 📊 Challenges in Data Quality: Despite increased investments, data quality remains the foremost challenge in ESG reporting. 88% of respondents cite it as a top-three issue, followed by 81% pointing to processes and controls. At Aeon, we recognize these challenges and are committed to supporting businesses in their sustainability journey. We have partnered with VENZO to further empower companies in capturing sustainability data and delivering transparent insights through advanced supporting technologies. This collaboration enhances our ability to offer comprehensive solutions that address data quality and compliance challenges, ensuring our clients are well-prepared to meet and exceed the new ESG reporting standards. Together with VENZO, Aeon is at the forefront of leveraging technology to drive meaningful social- and environmental impact. 🌱 Read more about the offering here: https://lnkd.in/dWgPy5kH And psssst… We have just launched a brand new and updated website – so go check out www.aeongroup.io
Data and Sustainability