2024 Google Season of Docs Program Rules

Terms last modified: February 2, 2024

Google Season of Docs 2024 (the "Program") is sponsored by Google LLC ("Google"), a Delaware limited liability company with its principal place of business at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

  1. 1. Definitions.
    1. 1.1 "Acceptance Date" means the date accepted Project Proposals are announced on the Program Website, as set forth on the Program Timeline.
    2. 1.2 "Case Study" means the document explaining the impact of the Project.
    3. 1.3 "Final Report" means the final version of the documentation and any associated code, images, or other materials for the Project.
    4. 1.4 "Final Results" means the list of Organizations that fulfill all grant criteria.
    5. 1.5 Followup Report means the surveys taken and any additional information provided after the program ends.
    6. 1.6 "Members" means the Organization Administrators.
    7. 1.7 "Metrics Evaluation" means the measurement of whether the Project achieved the impact metrics provided in the Organization Application by the Participants.
    8. 1.8 "Organization"means the open source organization that registers for the Program as an organization..
    9. 1.9 "Organization Administrator" means the individual who registers for the Program as an administrator for an Organization.
    10. 1.10 "Organization Application" means an application from an Organization for its acceptance in the Program, including a completed profile.
    11. 1.11 "Open Collective" means a third-party organization that issues monetary grants to organizations that are participating in the Program
    12. 1.12 "Organization Participant Agreement" means the agreement between Google and an Organization that is presented during registration.
    13. 1.13 "Participants" means Organizations and Organization Administrators.
    14. 1.14 "Program Administrator" means Google's administrators for the Program.
    15. 1.15 "Program Period" means the period of time between February 22, 2024 and December 10, 2024 at 18:00 UTC.
    16. 1.16 "Program Timeline" means the timeline for the Program on the Program Website.
    17. 1.17 "Program Website" means the website for the Program located at https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs.
    18. 1.18 "Project" means Organizations, Organization Administrators, Mentors, and Technical Writers.
    19. 1.19 "Project Proposal" means an open source documentation project.
    20. 1.20 Project Proposal Page means the Project proposal publicly published by an Organization on its website.
    21. 1.21 "Project Submissions" means the supporting documentation an Organization submits for a Project, including the Final Report, the Followup Report, the Case Study, and the Metrics Evaluation.
    22. 1.22 "Technical Writer" means the individual engaged by the Organization as a technical writer.
    23. 1.23 The words "include" and "including" as used herein mean "including but not limited to."
  2. 2. Privacy.
    1. 2.1 Google will process the personal information provided during registration and in any subsequent communications to administer the Program (including verifying eligibility to participate in the Program, running the Program, and sending notifications regarding the Program).
    2. 2.2 Google will also use aggregated, non-personally identifiable information for statistical purposes.
    3. 2.3 Google may publicize your participation in the Program and the results of the Program, including announcements of accepted Project Proposals, the text of accepted Project Proposals, and information from Project Submissions. Google may display your information, including your Organization name, Project abstract, Final Project Report, and Case Study, on Google-run websites, including the Google Open Source Blog (https://opensource.googleblog.com/) and the Program Website.
    4. 2.4 The personal information provided during registration and in any subsequent communications will also be processed by Google's trusted service providers for the purpose of delivering grants to successful accepted Organizations, based on Google's instructions and in compliance with Google's Privacy Policy Privacy Policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
    5. 2.5 Participants can access, update, remove and restrict the processing of their personal information by writing to Google (Attention: Open Source Programs Office) at the address listed in the preamble above or by emailing [email protected].

      The Privacy Policy further explains how data is handled in this service.

  3. 3. Program Administration.
    1. 3.1 Changes to the Program.
      1. (a) Google may suspend, cancel, or modify the structure of the Program if technical difficulties or events beyond Google's reasonable control prevent or make it unfair to run the Program in accordance with these Program Rules.
      2. (b) Google may modify these Program Rules to reflect any modifications to the Program. Any changes made will be effective immediately upon notice, which will be given by posting the revised Program Rules on this page. Continued participation in the Program after such notice will be deemed acceptance of such changes.
    2. 3.2 Verifying Eligibility.
      1. (a) Google reserves the right to verify a Participant's eligibility and to adjudicate on any dispute at any time. Participants must provide Google with any proof of eligibility requested by Google. Refusal or failure to provide such proof within two (2) business days of Google's request via email, may result in removal from the Program.
    3. 3.3 Communications. All communications between Google and the Participants, including the Program Website and email communications, will be in English.
    4. 3.4 Conduct. Participants must use professional and courteous conduct when interacting with other Participants and the Program Administrators. If a Participant does not use such conduct, Google may remove the Participant from the Program.
    5. 3.5 Program Removal. In addition to any terms regarding removal from the Program set forth herein, Google may remove a Participant from the Program if Google reasonably believes that such Participant has attempted to undermine the legitimate operation of the Program, including:
      1. (a) Providing false eligibility information during registration;
      2. (b) Breaching or refusing to comply with these Program Rules;
      3. (c) Threatening or harassing Google or other Participants including Organizations' employees and representatives;
      4. (d) Tampering or interfering with administration of the Program or with the ability of other Participants to participate in the Program;
      5. (e) Submitting content that:
        1. (i) is not original;
        2. (ii) violates the rights of a third party;
        3. (iii) is lewd, obscene, pornographic, racist, sexist, or otherwise inappropriate to the Program; or
        4. (iv) violates any applicable law.
      6. (f) If a Participant is removed from the Program for any reason:
        1. (i) the Participant will no longer be eligible to receive grants from Google;
        2. (ii) Google may delete the Participant's profile and other data from the Program Website; and
        3. (iii) the Participant may be prohibited from participating in any future programs run by Google Open Source.
  4. 4. Organizations.
    1. 4.1 Eligibility. To participate in the Program, an Organization must:
      1. (a) run an active and viable open source software project;
      2. (b) have already produced and released software under an Open Source Initiative (OSI)-approved license;
      3. (c) not be a government agency or acting on behalf of a government or quasi-government agency that is funded by the public;
      4. (d) not be based in a United States embargoed country, or otherwise prohibited by applicable export controls and sanctions programs; and
      5. (e) if the Organization is an individual,
        1. (i) not be a resident of a United States embargoed country;
        2. (ii) not be ordinarily resident in a United States embargoed country, or otherwise prohibited by applicable export controls and sanctions programs; and
        3. (iii) be at least eighteen (18) years of age upon registration for the Program.
    2. 4.2 How to Apply. Organizations who wish to apply for acceptance in the Program must:
      1. (a) accept the terms of the Organization Participant Agreement, and
      2. (b) submit an Organization Application.
    3. 4.3 Organization Application.
      1. (a) The Organization Application must be submitted by an Organization Administrator through the Program Website during the application period described in the Program Timeline.
      2. (b) Each Organization may submit one (1) Organization Application.
    4. 4.4 Acceptance.
      1. (a) Google may accept or reject any Organization at its sole discretion.
      2. (b) Google will announce the Organizations accepted to the Program on the Program Website.
    5. 4.5 Responsibilities.
      1. (a) Each accepted Organization will perform all necessary additional steps required for the Organization to participate in the Program, including:
        1. (i) providing a Project Proposal Page;
        2. (ii) determining the Organization Project Criteria, provided that the Organization may not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, marital or veteran status or any other basis that is prohibited by applicable law; and
        3. (iii) assigning one or more persons, as applicable, to:
          1. (A) serve as the Organization Administrator(s);
      2. (b) If Google reasonably believes that an Organization has failed to meet the foregoing responsibilities, Google may remove such Organization from the Program.
      3. (c) Each Organization is responsible for its Organization Administrators. If Google reasonably believes that an Organization Administrator has failed to meet any of the responsibilities set forth in Sections 5.3(a) or 6.3(a) below, as applicable, Google is not required to pay any grants to the Organization.
  5. 5. Organization Administrators.
    1. 5.1 Role.
      1. (a) Each Organization must have at least two (2) Organization Administrators.
      2. (b) All Organization Administrators must accept the terms of the Participant Agreement.
      3. (c) An Organization Administrator who has the full legal authority to bind the Organization must register the Organization for the Program and accept the terms of the Organization Participant Agreement on behalf of the Organization.
    2. 5.2 Eligibility.
      1. (a) Requirements. To participate in the Program, an Organization Administrator must:
        1. (i) be eighteen (18) years of age or older upon registration for the Program;
        2. (ii) be a contributor to an active and viable open source project run by the Organization; and
      2. (b) Ineligible Individuals. An Organization Administrator may not participate in the Program if he or she is:
        1. (i) a resident of a United States embargoed country;
        2. (ii) ordinarily resident in a United States embargoed country;
        3. (iii) otherwise prohibited by applicable export controls and sanctions programs.
    3. 5.3 Responsibilities.
      1. (a) The Organization Administrators for an accepted Organization will:
        1. (i) act as the main points of contact between Google and the Organization and will respond to any inquiries from Google within seventy-two (72) hours;
        2. (ii) oversee the overall progress of the Organization and the Project throughout the Program;
        3. (iii) perform administrative tasks regarding the Program for the Organization, including completing the application process to receive funds through Open Collective; responding to surveys from the Google Program Administrators; producing the Project Proposal Page, the Final Project Report and the Case Study; and completing Followup Reports.
      2. (b) If Google reasonably believes that an Organization Administrator has failed to meet any of the foregoing responsibilities, Google may require the Organization to designate a replacement Organization Administrator.
  6. 6. Program Participation.
    1. 6.1 Evaluations.
      1. (a) Form. Evaluations must be in the form of responses to questions provided by Google.
      2. (b) Deadlines. Organizations must submit Evaluations through the Program Website by the deadlines set forth in the Program Timeline. Evaluations are given on a monthly basis.
      3. (c) Visibility.
        1. (i) Evaluations submitted by an Organization will only be visible to the Program Administrators.
        2. (ii) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in subsection (i) above:
          1. (A) Google may make Evaluations available to other Google employees, third parties, or the Organization, as applicable:
            1. (1) upon the Organization's prior written consent, as applicable; or
            2. (2) if Google deems such action necessary to administer the Program (e.g., where the Program Administrators need assistance from other Google employees in their review of Project Submissions or where the feedback may be vital to arbitration with the Organization regarding payment or non-payment of a grant).
          2. (B) Google may use Evaluations internally to improve Google Season of Docs.
      4. (d) Final Project Materials. Organizations must submit their Final Project Materials through the Program Website by the Final Evaluation deadline. If an Organization fails to do so, the Organization will be deemed to have received a failing grade on the final Evaluation.
    2. 6.2 Payment.
      1. (a) Grants will be disbursed as follows:
        1. (i) 40% of the total grant amount will be disbursed starting on June 11, 2024 to Organizations that have fulfilled the following criteria:
          1. (A) A published Project Page on the organization website, outlining the project and, if applicable, how to be considered to work on the project;
          2. (B) An active Open Collective account.
        2. (ii) 60% of the total grant amount will be disbursed to Organizations upon completion of their Project Submission. The final disbursement date is December 13, 2024.
      2. (b) Grants. Subject to subsection (c) below, Organizations may receive grants from Google as follows:
        1. (i) Organizations. To receive payment, Organizations must fulfill all grant criteria by December 18, 2024. Google is not required to pay amounts requested after this date.
          1. (A) In order to receive payment, Organizations must register with Google's vendor, Open Collective, by May 22, 2024 at 18:00 UTC.
          2. (B) Organizations must complete the relevant tax forms by December 18, 2024 or they forfeit all funds.
        2. (ii) Google is not required to pay any grants to any Organization who violates any applicable law or regulation, including money laundering regulations.
      3. (c) Tax Documentation. Tax-related documentation must be submitted by for Organizations. Organizations submitting tax-related documentation after the above dates will be disqualified from receiving any grants. Google is not required to issue any payments if tax-related documentation is submitted after these dates.
        1. (i) Organizations. Organizations must submit tax-related documentation as part of their registration with Open Collective.
      4. 6.3 Final Results. Google will announce the Final Results on the Program Website.
      6. 8. Promotional Items. Google may provide promotional items to Participants at its sole discretion. Google makes no guarantee of receipt of promotional items to any Participant.
      7. 9. Translations. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version of these Program Rules and a translated version, the English version will govern.