Showing results for July 2009 - The Old New Thing

Jul 31, 2009

How organizations inadvertently confirm facts when they try not to

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

On the Media in its story "Fact? Check!" forwarded the revelation (uncovered by the PBS program Frontline in the first part of their "News War" series) that the fact that the United States Justice Department launches a leak investigation implicitly confirms the leak! That's because one of the prerequisites for a leak investigation is that the ...

Jul 31, 2009

What is the difference between Directory and DirectoryBackground?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

One item I left off the list of special progids is . Recall that is the progid for file system folders (a subset of which represents all shell folders, both file system and virtual). Closely related is , which isn't really a progid, but it is a place where shell extensions can register themselves. Specifically, it's where context menu handlers...

Jul 30, 2009

How do I quickly position two windows side by side using only the keyboard?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

alexx is looking for a keyboard-only equivalent to the ctrl+click trick I mentioned a few days ago. Not as quick, but it still works. And it works even if the windows you want got converted into a group. Of course, on Windows 7, you can use the Win+Left and Win+Right hotkeys. (Users with multiple monitors can couple this with Win+Shift+...

Jul 30, 2009

What is the difference between CSIDL_DESKTOP and CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Among the various values you can pass to functions like are and . What's the difference between them? The is the virtual folder that represents the desktop. The contents of this virtual folder is what gets displayed on top of your wallpaper. The virtual folder is populated from various locations, some of them virtual, and some of them ...

Jul 29, 2009

The advantage of knowing your limits of discrimination

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A story a while back about ridiculously expensive speaker cables and James Randi's challenge to tell the difference between them and modestly-priced cables reminded me of a conversation I had with a wine-loving friend of mine. He went on a wine tasting tour and sampled wines of varying quality and price. His conclusion was that he could detect ...

Jul 28, 2009

Mr. Lee CatCam lets you see what a cat does all day

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Jürgen Perthold modified a lightweight camera and hung it around his cat's neck, snapping a picture every few minutes. Join Mr. Lee on a trip through the neighborhood. If those trips aren't enough, you can also see what Jacquie is up to...

Jul 28, 2009

How do I quickly position two windows side by side?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Commenter n/a posted a laundry list of feature requests. I'm not going to address all of them here (though I inadvertently addressed one of them a while ago). But today I'm going to address request number two, "A simple switch to create two windows, one alongside the other, vertically split." That feature has been around since Windows 95, ...

Jul 27, 2009

Conway-Kochen Free Will Theorem: Lecture series

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Some time ago, there was a bit of excitement when researchers John H. Conway (best known to geeks as the inventor of The Game of Life, a Turing-complete cellular automaton) and Simon Kochen (best known to geeks as, um, okay, he's not known to geeks) concluded that if human beings have free will, then so too do elementary particles. In 2009...

Jul 27, 2009

Polling by sleeping versus polling by waiting with a timeout

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Commenter Francois Boucher asks it's better to write a background worker thread that polls with and a flag, or polls by waiting for an event with a timeout? "Which scenario is better? The first one uses only 1 handle for the thread. The second one will use 2. But is the first scenario wasting more thread time? Is it worth using the event (...

