The ICST Poster Track provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present, showcase, and discuss their latest advances, ideas, experiences, and challenges in the field of software testing, verification and validation.
Call for Poster Papers
The ICST Poster Track provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present, showcase, and discuss their latest advances, ideas, experiences, and challenges in the field of software testing, verification, and validation.
Poster submissions are intended to promote discussion on recent advances, experiences, and challenges, as well as cutting-edge or potentially disruptive ideas, in software testing, verification, and validation. The scope of the Poster Track includes novel ideas or visions of the future, industrial experiences, and early results related to research and practice of software testing, verification, and validation. The topic of interest for this track are the same ones as in the main research track.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The main evaluation criteria include the relevance and quality of the proposed posters in terms of originality, relevance for the ICST audience, technical soundness, and presentation quality.
How to Submit
Submissions must contain an extended abstract of no more than four pages, including references. The extended abstract must summarize the problem addressed, the approach taken, and the main results achieved.
The submission of the extended abstract should adhere to the IEEE template for conference proceedings. Submissions must be clearly indicated as posters by preceding the title of the extended abstract with “Poster”, for example, “Poster: Recent Advances in Software Testing, Verification, and Validation”. Extended Abstracts and Posters must be submitted electronically on the submission website (
We employ a double-anonymous reviewing process. No submission may reveal its authors’ identities. Authors must make every effort to honor the double-anonymous review process. In particular, the authors’ names must be omitted from the submission, and references to their prior work should be in the third person. All artifacts, such as replication packages and tools, associated with the submission must also be anonymized. Any submission that does not comply with the above requirements may be rejected by the PC Chairs without further review.
Poster Presentations
Accepted poster papers will be presented in person as part of the poster session(s).
If the extended abstract is accepted, an A1 size poster (841 x 594mm i.e. 33.1 x 23.4 inches) has to be submitted. Extended abstracts of accepted submissions will be published in the ICST 2025 Proceedings.