Hi at all,
I have a Splunk server all-in-one, version 6.5.2 running on Windows 2012/R2.
There is a backup system based on HP Data Protector 9 that perform a weekly full backup and a daily incremental backup.
Backup was OK until three week ago when incremental backup passed from the usually around 3 GB/day to 65 GB/day and duration passed from 1 hour to 7-8 hours.
There wasn't any reason for this growth, but I noted that usually there is an error "device busy" on some files in _internaldb folder.
So someone knows any known issue using HP Data Protector or another backup system?
Someone registered similar problems?
Thank you.
Are you excluding the Hot Buckets from the backup? Those folders can´t be backup with regular backup tools.
You can force the buckets roll to warm:
Are you excluding the Hot Buckets from the backup? Those folders can´t be backup with regular backup tools.
You can force the buckets roll to warm: