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RIPE NCC Asks Members to Vote on Transfer Fee

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The RIPE NCC will ask its members to choose a new charging model in late May 2023. This selected model will be used for 2024.

They will specifically ask about introducing a fee for transfers. If approved, it would be paid by members when they submit a transfer request. It would be non-refundable, in addition to the annual membership fee, and set at €500 in 2024.

Work on transfers would only begin after payment is received. They project that transfer fees could bring in €1.2 million.

Members will also be asked to vote on a new charge of €50 per ASN. They project that ASN fees could bring in €1.8 million.

The options for the vote are the outcome of a consultation that started in March 2023.

The four charging models members will choose between are a tiered charging model and three different versions of the current model. Members currently pay a fixed fee for each account, called an LIR.

The three fixed fee options are to:

  • Keep the 2023 fee
  • Increase the 2023 fee by 5%
  • Increase the 2023 fee by 10%

The RIPE NCC’s board would like members to choose the tiered charging model.

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