Bug 118602 - [NRWT] run-webkit-tests sometimes reports a wrong test crashing
Summary: [NRWT] run-webkit-tests sometimes reports a wrong test crashing
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: WebKit
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Tools / Tests (show other bugs)
Version: 528+ (Nightly build)
Hardware: Unspecified Unspecified
: P2 Normal
Assignee: Nobody
Keywords: NRWT
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-07-12 06:38 PDT by Simon Pena
Modified: 2014-12-19 14:36 PST (History)
5 users (show)

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Description Simon Pena 2013-07-12 06:38:50 PDT
This can be easily reproduced by doing:

run-webkit-tests --gtk -2 --debug --iterations=2 editing/selection/selection-in-iframe-removed-crash.html editing/selection/selection-invalid-offset.html

The first test, selection-in-iframe-removed-crash.html, is crashing, but run-webkit-tests reports that it is the second one, selection-invalid-offset.html. The second test in this example can be any: as long as it is run after the first one, it will be reported as crashing.

(See related issues in bug #111451 and bug #111521)

I took a look at this, and in driver.py run_test, self.has_crashed() reports False for the first test, later reporting True for the second. When something delays the call to has_crashed() (for example, adding a import pdb and pdb.set_trace() to debug manually, or adding a time.sleep(2)), the call is able to correctly report the crash.

I am not aware of any other crashing test that has this effect on the one coming after it.
Comment 2 Dirk Pranke 2013-07-18 16:19:57 PDT
Are you saying that the crash is occurring between the time the first test completes (we get the #EOFs) and the second test starts? That's the only way I can imagine offhand how putting in a sleep or a breakpoint would change the result you're seeing, but I haven't looked at the code lately.

It is true that if DRT/WTR crashes after the first test has "completed" we'll misattribute things. I'm not sure that this is a solvable problem. It's particularly true that if the first test corrupts state or otherwise triggers something that doesn't show up until a subsequent test (e.g., a delayed task runs, or a GC occurs), you'll have problems.
Comment 3 Simon Pena 2013-07-19 02:01:39 PDT
(In reply to comment #2)
> Are you saying that the crash is occurring between the time the first test completes (we get the #EOFs) and the second test starts? That's the only way I can imagine offhand how putting in a sleep or a breakpoint would change the result you're seeing, but I haven't looked at the code lately.

If I run the test directly with WTR (this is the GTK port)

$ Tools/jhbuild/jhbuild-wrapper --gtk run WebKitBuild/Debug/Programs/WebKitTestRunner LayoutTests/editing/selection/selection-in-iframe-removed-crash.html
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "overlay-scrollbar"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Content-Type: text/plain
Test passes if it does not crash. 
../../Source/WebCore/editing/htmlediting.cpp(79) : int WebCore::comparePositions(const WebCore::Position&, const WebCore::Position&)
1   0x7ffcd581dd94 /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0.so.0(WTFCrash+0x1e) [0x7ffcd581dd94]
2   0x7ffcd6f9a29a /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0xc7529a) [0x7ffcd6f9a29a]
3   0x7ffcd6fdfce6 /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0xcbace6) [0x7ffcd6fdfce6]
4   0x7ffcd6abb02d /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0x79602d) [0x7ffcd6abb02d]
5   0x7ffcd6abad17 /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0x795d17) [0x7ffcd6abad17]
6   0x7ffcd6ac8e4e /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0x7a3e4e) [0x7ffcd6ac8e4e]
7   0x7ffcd6f7e368 /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0xc59368) [0x7ffcd6f7e368]
8   0x7ffcd6f8bf39 /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0xc66f39) [0x7ffcd6f8bf39]
9   0x7ffcd6f90e99 /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0xc6be99) [0x7ffcd6f90e99]
10  0x7ffcd6f9764f /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0xc7264f) [0x7ffcd6f9764f]
11  0x7ffcd6f90e5a /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0xc6be5a) [0x7ffcd6f90e5a]
12  0x7ffcd6f90c8d /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0xc6bc8d) [0x7ffcd6f90c8d]
13  0x7ffcd739a919 /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0x1075919) [0x7ffcd739a919]
14  0x7ffcd782dba8 /home/SERILOCAL/simon.pena/Projects/WebKit/WebKitBuild/Debug/.libs/libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.25(+0x1508ba8) [0x7ffcd782dba8]
15  0x7ffc87f000e5 [0x7ffc87f000e5]
#CRASHED - WebProcess
LEAK: 1 WebPageProxy
LEAK: 1 WebContext

You are right: it seems that the crash happens after we get the #EOFs. I checked some other tests crashing, and the crashes seem to happen always before we get the EOFs.
> It is true that if DRT/WTR crashes after the first test has "completed" we'll misattribute things. I'm not sure that this is a solvable problem. It's particularly true that if the first test corrupts state or otherwise triggers something that doesn't show up until a subsequent test (e.g., a delayed task runs, or a GC occurs), you'll have problems.

I see. As I mentioned earlier, I only experienced this behaviour with this test, so maybe there are no other tests crashing after being reported "completed".