Luca Cafici

Luca Cafici

São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil
4 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


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  • Gráfico

    São Paulo Area, Brazil

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    São Paulo y alrededores, Brasil

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Reconhecimentos e prêmios

  • Forbes Under 30

    Forbes Brazil

  • Consulting Skills Week

    Value Partners

    Traveled to Milan to participate in a 1 week long course where I had the opportunity to meet my colleagues from other international offices and learn about problem structuring and communication techniques.

  • Business Today 2010 & 2011 International Conference Atendee

    Princeton University

    -Selected two consecutive times and received a full scholarship to participate in such conference reuniting top 100 business students.
    -Participated in a Case Study Competition during the 2010 conference and obtained the 1st Place

  • 1st place at Modena Venture Capital Competition

    Modena Technologies Capital Partners

    Awarded coaching by Dreams 2.0 entrepreneurship incubator

  • Finalist at Entrepreneurs International Challenge (EPIC)

    London School of Economics

    -Formed part of a three-member team that classified to the finals of an Apprentice “style” competition in London.
    -Participated in Sales, Strategy and Social Entrepreneurship Challenges.

  • South American Business Forum Atendee


    -Selected and participated in such forum that “receives 100 outstanding university students from around the world, together with 40 leaders of business, political and academic areas”.


  • Spanish

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

  • English

    Nível avançado

  • Portuguese

    Nível avançado

  • French

    Nível básico

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