
Showing posts with label checklist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label checklist. Show all posts

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Ideas on on sessions /courses as Prof of Practce for Chandigarh University

 Sometime back I posted an update on LinkedIn about joining Chandigarh University as Professor of Practice.   

I am joining CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY Computer Science dept as "Professor of Practice". This is part time. I plan to spend about 2 weeks every semester on university campus. And also want to do some online lectures/workshops. There are no particular time commitments. It more about Industry + Academia partnerships and sharing the experiences of with Students.

I also asked about ideas on sessions/courses that students will be interested in. I received lots of comments and suggestions. Here I am collecting all the ideas/suggestions at one place. Over time, I will keep on posting updates whenever I implement an idea/suggestion.

Nitin's Ideas

  1. Few sessions in current academic topics related to software architecture and design but with sharing of experiences.
  2. A 2 week hands-on workshop for 2nd/3rd year students on "professional software development" starting from using version control, and how to write a spec doc to coding, testing, etc.
  3. A 1 week workshop for student teams who want to participate in hackathons.
  4. Few sessions on diverse topics like 
    • Algorithms in Daily life, 
    • Costliest bugs in history of software, 
    • Women Pioneers in Computer Science, 
    • Basics of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 
    • Hidden Life of a Google Search Request 
    • (re)Inventing the Assembly Language.
    • Do/Doing/Done is NOT Kanban
    • Using Version Control Effectively

Ideas from Harish Walke

  1. few topics around "Agile" too! Fundamentals and basics of Agile
    • Typical day or sprint in the life of a Developer
    • built-in Quality and what it means in Agile
    • Scaling agile 
    • Some useful concepts of Value streams, Lean Portfolio, Strategic Themes, WSJF for prioritization, Real life examples of Epic, Capabilities, Features
  2. Topics related DevOps
    • DevOps with CI/CD.
    • TDD, BDD. Different compliances and their inclusion in Features as NFR (Non Functional Requirements)
    • SecDevOps with mindset of "Built-in Security"
  3.  Innovation mindset related
    • Lean Startup, 
    • Design thinking, 
    • Think Wrong (Don't find solutions for the problems that do not exist).h
  4. Use of Tools while doing the course projects
    • Task or backlog management tools
    • version control tools

Ideas from Anirudha Raste

  1. OO eyes!
    Look around you, in your real life to find many OO concepts. People think all OO and other software concepts were 'Created' by software engineers and architects. Whereas, they are already present in real life. Need to see them in software way! Then one will find that software is not so 'alien' to real world.
  2. 'Importance of logging while troubleshooting problems at customer end, where you do not have access to customer's environment, customer data, debugging

Ideas from K K George (KKG)

The importance of unit testing and show them how to measure coverage of the unit tests.

Ideas from Manish Ramrakhiani   

  • Agile principles
  • Rise of Data and related roles in the Data Engineering/Analytics space
  • Sharing some of real successful archicture/design of your favorite projects (Nitin's comment ; I was also thinking on these lines. So probably will do this early)

Ideas from Nikhil Karkare

  • Automation: automating testing, RPA
  • Would sound basic, but using powershell or bash for basic scripting (using awk for example) - (Nitin's comment :  In my opinion, absolutely needed)
  • Using any code editor to its full potential (Visual Studio / Replit)

Ideas from Laxmidhar Gaopande

 Some projects split in small teams to work on for 2-3 months after your sessions and review by making them presentation to you along with all.  (Nitin's comment : CU already have a concept of Project Based Course, where students learn by doing a project rather than attending lectures. Will be good ideas to incorporate these in the same framework)

Ideas from Vivek Gupta

  1. code readability/ maintainability, 
  2. logging/eventing/traceability, log analysis (Nitin's comment : Also suggested by Anirudha Raste)
  3. ease of troubleshooting, 
  4. importance of code reviews, 
  5. threat modeling etc. 

Ideas from Surjit Patra

Go with very basic and core topic like Aniruddha Raste said OO things. But also go 1 level below 
  • "How to realize or relate the software way of thinking to a real problem". 
  • Or How to visualize the problem, is it from outside/ inside. 
  • What is the best approach to find the possible solutions.
  •  How to pick the best one out of it. 
If you have any other ideas, please add in comments

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Manual Code Review of every single change is OVERRATED

Many software companies have this policy that every change has to be manually reviewed and approved by some peer (or senior) developer either before it is commited or before it is merged in main development branch. This practice is recommended by many software luminaries. However, when implemented in a project/product, I found many practical issues with 100% manual code reviews and reached a conclusion that "manual code review of every single change is OVERRATED"

Over years, I realized that manual code review of every single change is OVERRATED. It does not appreciably reduce post shipment defects but does introduce many inefficiencies in your development process. Manual Code Review of every single change usually have -ve ROI. I find that nobody writes about bad side effects of forcing developers into 100% manual code reviews. Recently I found one article and that triggered me to write this blog post.

So here is the list of problems that I found in 100% Manual Code Review process

Problems in Manual Code Review of every single change

  1.  ROI on Code Review - 
    Is reviewer finding kind bugs in code review such that if they remain undetected will take more efforts than the time spent in Code Review ? If yes, then ROI of Code Review is +ve else ROI of Code Review is -ve.  Most of the Code Reviews have -ve ROI.  
    Reviewer may be a good developer but he may not be really good or may not have an 'eye' for defect. Some years back I did an informal study of 'code review' comments reported in my company's code review system. Majority of the code comments were about 'coding style' or 'comments' or 'naming conventions'. Very rarely a serious bug is detected. Effectively Such code reviews have a '-ve ROI'.
  2. Reviewers time and attention.
    Typically Reviewer is mostly one of the senior developers. He/She also has their own commitments on new feature development. Usually these commitments take priority over code reviews. Hence Code Reviews remain stuck in queue and total feature development time increases unnecessarily (elapsed time from start to feature is delivered in end user's hand).
  3. Team's Most productive developers are 'reviewing' rather than 'writing new code'.
    On the other hand, if Senior developers spend majority of their time doing reviews, then 'most productive developers' are effectively not writing any code. Either case results in lower productivity for the entire team.
  4. Lower developer productivity while fixing bugs reported during code reviews.
    Code review is helps only if review happens within short time writing the code (preferably within a day). However, in general actual review happens after many days. In this time, developer loses the context of code. When finally the code is reviewed and he/she has to fix something in the code, it takes longer because now developer has to 'get in the context' again. Effectively it lowers the developer's productivity again.
Over year's almost every team that I have worked with has made this mistake and effectively reduced the productivity. How do we fix this ? Whats the alternative ?

How to regain the productivity lost by "manually review every code change policy" ?

  1. Institute "Zero Warnings" policy for your code.
    This is easiest and most effective way to eliminate bugs. Every new version of compiler improves in ability to detect potential problems and report them as 'warnings'.  Set your compiler to 'highest warning' level. If you are using Visual Studio, turn on 'report warnings as errors" setting. Fixing warnings is 'practically no-brainer'. Warnings have to fixed immediately. DO NOT wait till end of sprint or end of release to fix warnings.
  2. Take advantage of Static Analysis Tools for your programming language.
    Every programming language now has static analysis tools (linters, tools like Klocwork, Coverity etc). This Wikipedia article will give you a list of static analysis tools. Make static analysis part of your 'CI/CD' pipeline. Make sure that static analysis bugs are fixed within day. DO NOT wait till end of sprint or end of release for fixing static analysis errors.
  3. Identify your critical files and review only those manually.Stop reviewing very single line of change. Identify your critical files (use complexity analysis, analyze version history to find most frequently changed files etc).  Usually 80-20 rule applies 20% are your critical files. Mark those files in system. Any commits in these files should trigger your manual code review process. Manually review these critical files ONLY after warnings and static analysis bugs are fixed.
Development processes/practices followed in a typically software development team usually have serious inefficiencies. By using 'common sense' (rather than following common practices) it is possible to achieve an 'order of magnitude' (2x to 10x) improvement in the team's productivity and delivery quality. It DOES NOT require a change in methodology (like move to Agile) or any new expensive tools. It requires some disciple and taking advantage of many low hanging fruits. The results are usually visible in about 3 months. 

[Shameless Plug]If you want to know how to improve your team's productivity by 2x to 10x, I am available for 'consulting/coaching'.


  1. Code Reviews Do Not Find Bugs - How the Current Code Review Best Practice Slows Us Down

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My code review checklist

I am not a fan of checklists (especially for code reviews). Code review checklists start small and then slowly become really large and unwieldy. After sometime checklist becomes a bottleneck and instead of improving effectiveness of your process, these lengthy checklists start reducing the effectiveness. 

However, there are situations where I used checklists and they worked very well. For example, a Customer Release checklist. There are many small small things that you need to do before sending the new release to customer. Its easy to miss few critical steps. A release checklist has always worked very well.

I was not sure why in typical organization sometimes checklists did not work well (for example, in cases like code review) while sometimes it really worked. What exactly is the difference ?

Sometime back I read Atul Gawande's book 'Checklist Manifesto'. It triggered my interest in Checklists again. As first step I extracted a Code Review checklist from my code review training content. I have used this 'mental' checklist for a many-many years. It has worked well for me even with different programming languages (C/C++, Java, Python, C#, Javascript) and technologies. 

Here is my code review checklist.

PS :  Based on my experiences, information from Atul Gawande's book and from information internet, I have now prepared a 4 hour hands-on session on creating and improving the checklists. Contact me if you are interested.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Lets create a check list

Lets create a check list

This is Last of the 3 ideas that I posted in 'some ideas that just don't work'. Check lists were favourite of ISO 9000 (at least the ISO 9000 implementations, that I have seen).

If your code is bad, customers are cribbing, create a check list for coding errors, check list for spec documents, check list for testing, check list for code review, check list for release etc etc etc. Generally check lists start small, grow really fast. Soon they have of life of their own and they just refuse to die. Soon you are faced with huge check lists which are impossible to follow. Worst, you have a check list which is irrelevant, but you have to make a tick (else ISO auditor or internal process people catch you). So you have to follow some stupid, rigid outdated rules just to be 'compliant'.

Lot of times check lists are used as replacemen for training. Good developer, development practices cannot be replaced by training. Good coding practices should become a habit of developers and should not remain in some check list that no one believes.

Unfortunately, I have seen 'lets create a check list' syndrome too many times. May be it comes from the fact that there is problem, and you have to show to your management that you are doing something about it. Creating a check list something you can show, its tangible. Better practices and training are intangible and take time to show the results. I think thats root cause of 'lets create a check list' syndrome.