Showing posts with label conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conference. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Spring 2024

 Last week I went to Portland for the MediaWiki Users and Developers conference (nee EMWCon). This is primarily a conference for people doing stuff with MediaWiki outside of Wikimedia. I had a blast.

I always enjoy conferences on the smaller side. They feel so much more personal. This year's conference had Ward Cunningham as the guest of honour. Ward was a fascinating person to meet and get to talk to.

I also must say hats off to the organizers - conference ran smoothly, venue was great, food was amazing. Seriously some of the best food I've ever had at any Wikimedia conference.

This was also my first time in Portland. Portland is a beautiful city. I didn't have a huge amount of time to explore the city, but I did manage to go to the Chinese garden, which was absolutely stunning. I also loved how many interesting murals there were in the city. Even the graffiti seemed prettier than normal.

While listening to the talks, I realized that a good talk is very similar to a good design doc. Perhaps this is an obvious comparison, but I never really noticed before how similar the two things are. In both cases, you want to give the reader/viewer context about the problem you want to solve, what solution you chose, why you chose it and how it worked out. At the same time you want to avoid the temptation to go too far into implementation details.

I think my favourite talk was Jeffery's. He demo'd using LLMs to answer questions based on the content of the Wiki. The demo deities weren't fully in his favour, but I think it also demonstrated an important point that LLMs are cutting edge technologies that don't always give the expected answer 100% of the time. In any case, he did a great job presenting.

I did get the sense that I think some participants were disappointed that there was very little representation of WMF management (whether "real" management or product management) at the conference. Birgit did give a remote talk and Selena did come to a happy hour event after the conference, but neither really participated.

I don't think the participants necessarily wanted anything from WMF management, but there is a little bit of a feeling of being unseen. Many of the conference goers use MediaWiki for their own purposes and are interested to know what WMFs plans are for the future and how it will affect them (as do we all).



I think some participants were hoping to maybe make some connections for better mutual understanding and just reduce uncertainty about what is on the roadmap for MediaWiki. In theory Birgit's talk was about the plans for MediaWiki, but I suspect it was too laden with annual planning corporate buzzwords for anyone to figure out what it actually meant concretely.

The flip side of that of course is that open source is a do-orcracy. The corporate MediaWiki users as a general rule do not contribute back to MediaWiki core all that often, which is the price of admission to the various power structures of MediaWiki.

Create Camp

At the create camp, I had a long chat with Mark about what parts of the documentation are unclear to users new to MediaWiki. While I think all of will admit that our documentation is sub-par (bug 1), it was great to get a fresh perspective on it.
I think adding screencasts in addition to the written documentation can help with the problem of assumed knowledge and missing implied steps.

I also heard a bit about SemanticMediaWiki (SMW) bug 5392. This is a bug where sometimes SMW drops properties associated with a page. It seems like there is a lot of frustration among the SMW community over this bug. At the same time, it doesn't seem like anyone has seriously tried to debug it. The bug does look a bit annoying to track down. It appears to be some sort of race condition, appearing somewhat randomly and more often when there are multiple things going on at the same time (e.g. the job queue is being run with more threads seems to make it more common) but nobody really knows so hence there are no steps to reproduce. Additionally there has been no attempts to create a minimal test case (e.g. What extensions are needed for the bug to appear) nor has anyone posted any debug logs from the parses in question. No one has even determined if the properties are missing at parse time or if they are being overridden at a later time. Anyways, I suspect its going no where unless people post a lot more information on the task or they hand over a server experiencing the bug to someone good at debugging.


I had a great time. Hopefully I'll be able to come again next year.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

WikiConference North America 2023 (part 1)


 This weekend I attended WikiConference North America. I decided to go somewhat at the last moment, but am really glad I did. This is the first non-technical Wikimedia community conference I have attended since COVID and it was great to hear what the Wikipedia community has been up to.

I was on a bit of a budget, so i decided to get a cheaper hotel that was about an hour away by public transit from the venue. I don't think I'll do that again. Getting back and forth was really smooth - Toronto has great transit. However it meant an extra hour at the end of the day to get back, and waking up an hour earlier to get there on time, which really added up. By the end I was pretty tired and much rather would have had an extra 2 hours of sleep (or an extra 2 hours chatting with people).

Compared to previous iterations of this conference, there was a much heavier focus on on-wiki governance, power users and "lower-case s" Wikipedia (not Wikimedia) strategy. I found this quite refreshing and interesting since I mostly do MediaWiki dev stuff and do not hear about the internal workings of Wikipedia as much. Previous versions of this conference focused too much (imho) on talks about outreach which while important were often a bit repetitive. The different focus was much more interesting to me.

Key Take-aways

My key take away from this conference was that there is a lot of nervousness about the future. Especially:

  • Wikipedia's power-user demographics curve is shifting in a concerning way. Particularly around admin promotion.
  • AI is changing the way we consume knowledge, potentially cutting Wikipedia out, and this is scary
  • A fear that the world is not as it once was and the conditions that created Wikipedia are no longer present. As they keynote speaker Selena Deckelmann phrased it, "Is Wikipedia a one-generation marvel?"

However I don't want to overstate this. Its unclear to me how pervasive this view is. Lots of presenters presented views of that form, but does the average Wikipedian agree? If so, is it more an intellectual agreement, or are people actually nervous? I am unsure. My read on it is that people were vaguely nervous about these things, but by no means was anyone panicking about them. Honestly though, I don't really know. However, I think some of these concerns are undercut by there being a long history of people worried about similar things and yet Wikipedia has endured. Before admin demographics people were panicking about new user retention. Before AI changing the way we consume content, it was mobile (A threat which I think is actually a much bigger deal).

Admin demographics

That said, I never quite realized the scale of admin demographic crisis. People always talk about there being less admin promotions now than in the past, but i did not realize until it was pointed out that it is not just a little bit less but allegedly 50 times less. There is no doubt that a good portion of the admin base are people who started a decade (or 2) ago, and new user admins are fewer and further between.

A particular thing that struck me as related to this at the conference, is how the definition of "young" Wikipedian seems to be getting older. Occasionally I would hear people talk about someone who is in high school as being a young Wikipedian, with the implication that this is somewhat unusual. However when you talk to people who have been Wikipedians for a long time, often they say they were teenagers when they started. It seems like Wikipedians being teenagers was a really common thing early in the project, but is now becoming more rare.

Ultimately though, I suspect the problem will solve itself with time. As more and more admins retire as time goes on, eventually work load on the remaining will increase until the mop will be handed out more readily out of necessity. I can't help but be reminded of all the panic over new user retention, until eventually people basically decided that it didn't really matter.


As far as AI goes, hating AI seems to be a little bit of a fad right now. I generally think it is overblown. In the Wikipedia context, this seems to come down to three things:

  • Deepfakes and other media manipulation to make it harder to have reliable sources (Mis/Dis-information)
  • Using AI to generate articles that get posted, but perhaps are not properly fact checked or otherwise poor quality in ways that aren't immediately obvious or in ways existing community practice is not as of yet well prepared to handle
  • Voice assistants (alexa), LLMs (ChatGPT) and other knowledge distributions methods that use Wikipedia data but cut Wikipedia out of the loop. (A continuation of the concern that started with google knowledge graph)

I think by and large it is the third point that was the most concerning to people at the conference although all 3 were discussed at various points. The third point is also unique to Wikipedia.

There seemed to be two causes of concern for the third point. First there was worry over lack of attribution and a feeling that large silicon valley companies are exploitatively profiting off the labor of Wikipedians. Second there is concern that by Wikipedia being cut out of the loop we lose the ability to recruit people when there is no edit button and maybe even lose brand awareness. While totally unstated, I imagine the inability to show fundraising banners to users consuming via such systems probably is on the mind of the fundraising department of WMF.

My initial reaction to this is probably one of disagreement with the underlying moral basis. The goal was always to collect the world's knowledge for others to freely use. The free knowledge movement literally has free in the name. The knowledge has been collected and now other people are using it in interesting, useful and unexpected ways. Who are we to tell people what they can and cannot do with it?

This is the sort of statement that is very ideologically based. People come to Wikimedia for a variety of reasons, we are not a monolith. I imagine that people probably either agree with this view or disagree with it, and no amount of argument is going to change anyone's mind about it. Of course a major sticking point here is arguably ChatGPT is not complying with our license and lack of attribution is a reasonable concern.

The more pragmatic concerns are interesting though. The project needs new blood to continue over the long term, and if we are cut out of the distribution loop, how do we recruit. I honestly don't know, but I'd like to see actual data confirming the threat before I get too worried.

The reason I say that, is that I don't think voice assistants and LLMs are going to replace Wikipedia. They may replace Wikipedia for certain use cases but not all use cases, and especially not the use case that our recruitment base is.

Voice assistants generally are good for quick fact questions. "Who is the prime minister of Canada?" type questions. The type of stuff that has a one sentence answer and is probably stored on Wikidata. LLMs are somewhat longer form, but still best for information that can be summarized in a few paragraphs, maybe a page at most and has a relatively objective "right" answer (From what I hear. I haven't actually used ChatGPT). Complex nuanced topics are not well served by these systems. Want to know the historical context that lead to the current flare up in the middle east? I don't think LLMs will give you what you want.

Now think about the average Wikipedia editor. Are they interested in one paragraphs answers? I don't know for sure, but I would posit that they tend to be more interested in the larger nuanced story. Yes other distribution models may threaten our ability to recruit from users using them, but I don't think that is the target audience we would want to focus recruitment on anyways. I suppose time will tell. AI might just be a fad in the end.


I had a great time. It was awesome to see old friends but also meet plenty of new people I did not know. I learned quite a bit, especially about Wikipedia governance. In many ways, it is one of the more surprising wiki conferences I've been too, as it contained quite a bit of content that was new to me. I plan to write a second blog post about my more raw unfiltered thoughts on specific presentations. (Edit: I never did make a second post, and i guess its kind of late enough at this point that i probably won't, so nevermind about that)