This is STAVROS ANASTASIADIS’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 516
  2. wishlist 261
  3. followers 8
  4. following 682
  1. Eternal Sleep
    by Odyrmos
  2. For The Brightest Light
    by Odyrmos
  3. Odyrmos
    by Odyrmos
  4. The Neverending Journey
    by Odyrmos
    appears in 1 other collection
  5. Baptism In Psychical Analects
    by Akantha
  6. Apocalyptic Psalms
    by Akantha
  7. Gnothi Seauton
    by Akantha
  8. Skyward
    by Veldes
  9. Flameless
    by Veldes
  10. Storm Borrower
    by Veldes
  11. Ember Breather
    by Veldes
  12. The Bitterness Prophecy
    by Veldes
  13. Descent
    by Veldes
  14. To Drown in Bleeding Hope
    by Veldes
  15. Black Autumn / Veldes Split
    by Veldes
  16. εφτά μέρες ντροπής
    by Ψύλλοι στ' Άχυρα
  17. Apostate
    by Sørgelig
  18. Φθορά
    by Sørgelig
  19. Forever Lost
    by Sørgelig
  20. Slaves of Tomorrow
    by Sørgelig