This is raphuginmunin’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. France
  2. Rock
  1. collection 41
  2. wishlist 8
  3. followers 2
  4. following 27
  1. Deep Cuts
    by The Knife
  2. Florrmat
    by Bucketheadland
  3. Oneiric Pool
    by Bucketheadland
  4. Buildor
    by Bucketheadland
  5. Celery
    by Bucketheadland
  6. Innate Passage
    by Elder
  7. 187 Steps to cross the Universe
    by Jardín de la Croix
  8. Letargo
    by Jardín de la Croix
  9. Circadia
    by Jardín de la Croix
  10. Resolute
    by The Age Of Truth
  11. Maha Sohona - Endless Searcher
    by Made of Stone Recordings
  12. ØR
    by Oslo Tapes
  13. Alteration
    by Howling Giant
  14. The Devil's Cattle
    by Ruff Majik
  15. DUEL - Valley Of Shadows
  16. Enoch
    by Messa
  17. Belfry
    by Messa
  18. The Sea Remembers Its Own
    by Bucketheadland
  19. Skeleton Keys
    by Bucketheadland
  20. Through The Looking Garden
    by Bucketheadland