This is Duranbong’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. England, UK
  2. Soundtrack
  1. collection 80
  2. wishlist 9
  3. followers 2
  4. following 35
  1. Constant Companions
    by Jamie Paige
  2. High Noon Over Camelot
    by The Mechanisms
  3. The Bifrost Incident
    by The Mechanisms
  4. Ulysses Dies At Dawn
    by The Mechanisms
  5. Once Upon A Time (In Space)
    by The Mechanisms
  6. for the rest of your life
    by twikipedia
  7. Amplitude
    by Softwire
  8. food house
    by Food House
  9. Wallsocket
    by underscores
  10. Resonance
    by Softwire
  11. Unlimited Ammo: Infinity
    by Namasenda
  12. 0M61LY5M (w/ saoirse dream, dossyx, nebita & can of bliss)
    by webcage
  13. boneyard aka fearmonger
    by underscores
    Loansharks aka Spoiled little brat II: Dying in the Northern Hemisphere Somewhere (feat. gabby start) Loansharks aka Spoiled little brat II: Dying in the Northern Hemisphere Somewhere (feat. gabby start)
  14. Keysmash
  15. Four Thieves Vinegar
    by Alisoun
    Criseyde Criseyde
  16. peer2peer
    by webcage
    self-esteem self-esteem
  17. Dance Like It Never Happened
    by Jonny & The Baptists
    Digging A Hole (ii) Digging A Hole (ii)
  18. Love You & Hate Bastards
    by Jonny & The Baptists
    Isaac Isaac
    by GFOTY
  20. Project Destati: DARKNESS
    by Project Destati
    Xion Xion