This is Byrdworker’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Rock
  1. collection 15
  2. wishlist 8
  3. following 5
  1. Skeleton Metal III
    by Vargskelethor
  2. Lost For A While (EP)
    by Red Vox
  3. Realign
    by Red Vox
  4. Later Alligator Original Soundtrack
    by 2 Mello
  5. ENTER THE GUNGEON (Original SoundTrack)
    by doseone
  6. Kerosene
    by Red Vox
  7. Toxic Minds
    by Scythelord
  8. DELTARUNE Chapter 1 OST
    by Toby Fox
  9. Stranded
    by Red Vox
  10. Another Light Demos
    by Red Vox
  11. No Cigar
    by Davy's Grey
  12. Ether Reality
    by Vine
  13. Scoot The Burbs
    by Vine
  14. Sibilants
    by Vine
  15. Lost Constellation
    by Alec Holowka