As we approach 2040, Lithgow is set to lose over 40% of the value contributed to its economy by power generation and mining. Unlike some other regions, the insulating effects of export will not be felt here.
In the first instance, this impact will be felt through job losses. But as workers move away, as will their families, thereby impacting healthcare, community services, retail trade… The broader regional impact will be profound.
Lithgow’s transition to a net zero emissions economy has commenced, and bold, immediate, affirmative action is required to mitigate these impacts. Amongst a multitude of other discrete projects, Lithgow must find quality employment lands to bring online; not an easy task in an LGA characterised by the beautify and complexity of its landscapes. We also have to critically analyse the needs of today and tomorrow’s workforce, and build their capacity to weather a turbulent employment market.
Most importantly though, we must build intimate and collaborative relationships with our partners in this transition - those industries impacted, their unions, all levels of government and the knowledge sector - if this decade-long project has a chance at success.
While much has been happening behind the scenes, this work was brought into the public domain just last month with the first meeting of the Lithgow Jobs and Investment Committee. A bright and prosperous future will not become a reality without a decade or more of concerted intervention. I’m excited and privileged to be part of Lithgow’s future, working alongside a bold and aspirational Council.