Nominate an exceptional science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) teacher for the Prime Minister’s Prize’s for Science by following these 5 simple steps! 1️⃣ Provide your name and contact details – if your nominee is shortlisted we invite you to provide more information. 2️⃣ Add your nominee’s name and contact details – ensure your nominee is willing to be nominated. 3️⃣ Write a short description of your nominee’s achievements – highlight their impact in STEM education and showcase their unique contributions. 4️⃣ List 2 supporters, including their names and contact details – they will validate the nominee’s achievements and strengthen your nomination. 5️⃣ Attach the nominee’s up-to-date CV (2 pages max) – a brief CV helps illustrate their career journey and accomplishments. Review the Science Teaching Prizes grant guidelines to ensure you’re ready before submitting. Now you’re all ready to nominate 👉 #PMPrizes #STEMEducation #NominateATeacher