October 1, 2019, Faculty Meeting Agenda
Department of Atmospheric and Climate Science Faculty Meeting
Autumn Quarter 2019
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
2:30-4:00 PM
ATG 610
- Call to Order (Cecilia Bitz)
- Announcements and Introductions
Approve Faculty Meeting minutes from June 2019
- Updates
Diversity Committee Report: (Dennis H.)
Undergrad Report (Cecilia B. for Becky A.)
Grad program (Cecilia B. for Joel T.)
Postdoc (Robb J. and Kevin H.)
Graduate students (Robin C. and Emily T.)
Facilities (Dennis C.)
Computing (David W.)
Office (Hettie S.)
College Council (Qiang F.)
- New Business
Department senator nominations and ballot
Review policies for the Postdoc Union
Department listserv
New faculty hire update
- Adjourn to Executive Session
- Adjourn Meeting