June 9th, 2020, Faculty Meeting Agenda

Department of Atmospheric Sciences Faculty Meeting
Spring Quarter 2020
Tuesday, June 9, 2020
2:30-4:00 PM
ZOOM CALL: Join Zoom Meeting


  1. Call to Order (Cecilia Bitz)
  2. Announcements and Introductions
  3. Updates
    1. Undergraduate Report (Becky Alexander)
    2. Graduate program (Jennifer Siembor)
    3. Postdoc (Robb Wills and Lettie Roach)
    4. Graduate students (Emily Tansey and Adam Sokol)
    5. Facilities (Dennis Canuelle)
    6. Computing (David Warren)
    7. Office Updates (Hettie Scofield)
    8. Grants Team (Elin Martin)
    9. Diversity Committee Report (Dennis Hartmann)
    10. College Council (Qiang Fu)
    11. Faculty Senate – N/A
  4. Old Business
    1. Return to work plan updates
    2. Policy change for academic faculty buy-out; shifting from 2⁄3 faculty grant and 1⁄3 departmental funds, to 1⁄2 each.
  5. New Business
    1. Elimination of GRE requirement for 2021 graduate student recruitment
    2. New satisfactory progress document and updates to program checklists
    3. Summer reappointment for Kat Huybers
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