January 7, 2020, Faculty Meeting Agenda
Department of Atmospheric Sciences Faculty Meeting
Winter Quarter 2020
Tuesday, January 7th 2020
2:30-4:00 PM
ATG 610
- Call to Order (Cecilia Bitz)
- Announcements and Introductions
- Updates
Diversity Committee Report: (Dennis Hartmann)
Undergrad Report (Becky Alexander- n/a)
Grad program (Erica Coleman)
Postdoc (Robb Wills and Kevin Haghi)
Graduate students (Emily Tansey and Adam Sokol)
Facilities (Dennis Canuelle)
Computing (David Warren)
Office (Hettie Scofield)
Grants Team (Elin Martin)
College Council ( Qiang Fu)
Faculty Senate (Lyatt Jaegle)
- Old Business
Summary of broad faculty hire
- New Business
Discussion on potential Climate Solutions class and the associated rebalancing of teaching and TA effort
PCC Activity Updates
6. Adjourn to Executive Session
Adjourn Meeting