Dr. Michael Hirt

Dr. Michael Hirt

Wien, Wien, Österreich
6795 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


I help senior executives (CEO, CXO, EVP, MD, BU Lead) & their teams to…



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  • HIRT&FRIENDS GmbH Grafik
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    Vienna, Austria

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    Wien, Österreich

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    Vienna, Austria

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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    Vienna, Austria

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    Vienna, Austria

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    Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

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    Vienna, Austria

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    Vienna, Austria

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    Vienna, Austria

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    Vienna, Austria

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    São Paulo, Brazil


  • Harvard Business School Grafik

    Harvard Business School

    Through global case studies, the program brings to life the best management practices for developing, governing, and growing a profitable service firm. During the last decade, the very essence of the professional service firm has been dramatically transformed. To help firms and organizations of all sizes navigate these new challenges and opportunities, Harvard Business School offers the Leading Professional Service Firms (LPSF) program.

  • Graduation with distinction (Dean's List).

    #1 MBA Programme in the World (Financial Times 2016, 2017).

    INSEAD ("Fontainebleau") is one of the world’s largest and most prestigious graduate business schools, with campuses in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. INSEAD has been consistently ranked by the Financial Times as one of the top 10 graduate business schools worldwide.

  • Graduation with distinction.

    The University of Vienna (German: Universität Wien) was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365 and is the oldest university in the German-speaking world. In the Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings 2011 the University of Vienna ranked among the top 30 in Europe and among the Top 100 of the most prestigious universities worldwide.

  • Activities and Societies: Vice-President of the Class

    GPA 3.57/4.00.

    McGill University is the oldest university in Canada and one of the leading universities in North America. In a ranking conducted in 2007 (THES), it ranked among the 12 best universities in the world.

  • The Lycée Français de Vienne is one of the 410 French schools abroad, part of the international school system of the French State Agency for French Teaching Abroad. It welcomes students from over fifty countries. The Lycée is an internationally oriented school implanted in the heart of Europe and has a strong reputation in Austria, France and throughout Europe for the quality and achievements of its students.

  • Graduation within Top 5% of class.

    Christie's Education is the educational arm of Christie's auction house and has colleges in London and New York accredited by the University of Glasgow in the UK and the New York State Board of Regents in the USA. It provides high quality education in Art History, Connoisseurship, and the Art Market.

  • The one-year Professional Speaker GSA Program is the leading training course for Professional Speakers in German-speaking Europe. Its purpose is to provide a structured best-practice-oriented learning program centred on the essential knowledge, skills and strategies necessary for long-term success in the speaking profession in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and beyond. Faculty Members of the Program are some of the most successful Professional Business Speakers in Germany, Austria and…

    The one-year Professional Speaker GSA Program is the leading training course for Professional Speakers in German-speaking Europe. Its purpose is to provide a structured best-practice-oriented learning program centred on the essential knowledge, skills and strategies necessary for long-term success in the speaking profession in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and beyond. Faculty Members of the Program are some of the most successful Professional Business Speakers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, many of them with strong international presence and recognition.

  • An intense training course specifically geared towards the requirements and needs of members of Supervisory Boards and Management Boards of Trust/Foundations. The course covers both the legal and management/practical aspects of board membership. Faculty Members are experienced and well-recognized practitioners. The course is organized by incite, the professional training academy of the Austrian Association of Management Consultants (UBIT).

  • –Heute

    Award with distinction.

    The CMC designation (Certified Management Consultant) represents evidence of the highest standards of consulting and adherence to the ethical canons of the profession. Less than 1% of all consultants have achieved this level of performance.

  • –Heute

    An intensive training course in all fields of export consulting, including strategic planning of export activities of companies; marketing, sales & distribution in export markets; intercultural management; legal aspects of exports; identification & prevention of fraud and white-collar-crimes in international business; export financing and funding.

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate

  • Certified Management Consultant (CMC)

    Incite - Academy of the Austrian Association of Management Consultants (UBIT)

  • Certified Supervisory Expert (CSE)

    Incite - Academy of the Austrian Association of Management Consultants (UBIT)



  • Hirt on Management

    Austrian Institute for Management Innovation Press

    In „Hirt on Management“ beantwortet der „Rockstar des Consulting“ Dr. Michael Hirt, Fragen von ManagerInnen zu herausfordernden Situationen und kritischen Managemententscheidungen. Seine Antworten decken die gesamte Bandbreite der Managementherausforderungen ab, von der Strategie bis zur Umsetzung, von der Mitarbeiterführung bis zur Selbstführung, von Managementmythen und der Enttarnung von Scharlatanerien, bis zur Transformation und Digitalisierung. „Hirt on Management“ ist damit das perfekte…

    In „Hirt on Management“ beantwortet der „Rockstar des Consulting“ Dr. Michael Hirt, Fragen von ManagerInnen zu herausfordernden Situationen und kritischen Managemententscheidungen. Seine Antworten decken die gesamte Bandbreite der Managementherausforderungen ab, von der Strategie bis zur Umsetzung, von der Mitarbeiterführung bis zur Selbstführung, von Managementmythen und der Enttarnung von Scharlatanerien, bis zur Transformation und Digitalisierung. „Hirt on Management“ ist damit das perfekte Handbuch für ManagerInnen, die schnell auf das Wissen der Besten zugreifen wollen.

    Registrieren Sie sich heute noch für das, für Sie kostenlose, mit wertvollen Praxistipps für Manager vollgepackte, monatliche, digitale Executive Briefing von Dr. Hirt (jederzeit kostenlos stornierbar) und Sie erhalten das 160-seitige eBook „Hirt on Management“ kostenlos. Eine E-Mail an [email protected] mit dem Betreff „Bitte Executive Briefing mit Hirt on Management“ genügt.

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  • Die perfekte Post-Merger-Integration: Teil 1 von 2: Strategie und Due-Diligence-Phase - The Perfect Post-Merger-Integration: Part 1 of 2: Strategy and Due Diligence

    "CFO aktuell" 3/2015 (Linde Verlag). S. 57-59

    Die erfolgreiche Zusammenführung zweier Unternehmen stellt auch erfahrene Manager vor eine
    große Herausforderung. Dieser zweiteilige Beitrag in dieser und der nächsten Ausgabe von CFO aktuell gibt in Form einer kommentierten Checkliste einen Überblick, welche Kernfragen dabei zu beachten sind.

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  • Competitive Advantage Diversity

    Austrian Institute for Management Innovation Press

    A study of best practices of leaders in diversity management with comprehensive recommendations for companies willing to leverage the full potential of diversity management in their organizations.

  • Great Consultants Made in Austria and What Managers Can Learn From Them Today

    Austrian Institute for Management Innovation Press

    The management consulting profession has been fundamentally shaped by a number of thinkers, which originated from the region formerly known as Austria-Hungary. By analyzing the work and contribution of these thinkers, it is possible to gain a fundamental and rounded understanding of key theoretical consulting approaches and their practical application to management. The book covers the following 9 thinkers and their impact on modern management: Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Joseph…

    The management consulting profession has been fundamentally shaped by a number of thinkers, which originated from the region formerly known as Austria-Hungary. By analyzing the work and contribution of these thinkers, it is possible to gain a fundamental and rounded understanding of key theoretical consulting approaches and their practical application to management. The book covers the following 9 thinkers and their impact on modern management: Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Joseph Schumpeter, Peter Drucker, Paul Watzlawick, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, Viktor Frankl, Karl Popper.

  • Die wichtigsten Strategietools für Manager - The Key Strategy Tools for Managers


    Für jede Situation das passende Tool Vorteile - Analyse, Positionierung und Planung - So setzt man die Tools um - Diese Ressourcen benötigen Sie Zum Werk Das Handbuch ist ein praktisches Arbeitsinstrument für alle Führungskräfte, die sich mit dem Thema "Strategie" auseinandersetzen möchten. Es bietet einen schnellen Überblick, welches Strategietool das geeignete ist und welche Ressourcen dafür benötigt werden. Jede Führungskraft weiß, dass sie aktiv Strategieentwicklung und Implementierung…

    Für jede Situation das passende Tool Vorteile - Analyse, Positionierung und Planung - So setzt man die Tools um - Diese Ressourcen benötigen Sie Zum Werk Das Handbuch ist ein praktisches Arbeitsinstrument für alle Führungskräfte, die sich mit dem Thema "Strategie" auseinandersetzen möchten. Es bietet einen schnellen Überblick, welches Strategietool das geeignete ist und welche Ressourcen dafür benötigt werden. Jede Führungskraft weiß, dass sie aktiv Strategieentwicklung und Implementierung voran bringen muss, aber der Weg zum Ergebnis erscheint mühsam, zeitaufwendig und teuer. Dieses Toolbuch schafft hier Abhilfe: Ein schneller und übersichtlicher Zugang auf praxisbewährte und theoretisch fundierte Strategie-Tools, mit denen man die Grundlage für den Erfolg Ihres Unternehmens/Geschäftsfelds legt. Die Kombination aus überschaubaren theoretischen Ausgangspunkten und strukturierten Beschreibungen der konkreten Anwendung der Tools, macht das Buch zu einem praxisnahen Werk, welches effizient bei der Erarbeitung und Umsetzung einer Strategie hilft. Zielgruppe Führungskräfte und Berater.

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  • Die perfekte M&A-Entscheidung - The Perfect M&A-Decision

    "CFO aktuell" 5/2014 (Linde Verlag). S. 170-172

    Der Kauf oder die Beteiligung an Unternehmen gehört zu den chancen- und risikoreichsten Entscheidungen, die in Unternehmen getroffen werden. Dieser Beitrag gibt Ihnen in Form einer kommentierten Checkliste einen Überblick, welche Kernfragen dabei zu beachten sind.

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  • 88 Wege, mit Trainings die Zeit zu verschwenden - The 88 Most Effective Ways To Waste Your Time With Training

    Wirtschaft und Weiterbildung, Haufe Verlag, Freiburg, Deutschland

    Trainings können ein hochwirksamer Weg sein, um Verhaltensänderungen auszulösen und zu unterstützen. Doch leider führt nur ein Bruchteil der Maßnahmen wirklich zum Erfolg. Die meisten Trainings sind kollektive Zeitverschwendung. Dr. Michael Hirt zeigt in diesem Fachartikel mit einem Augenzwinkern, was man tun muss, um Weiterbildungsanstrengungen wirkungslos verpuffen zu lassen.

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  • Der erfolgreiche Strategieprozess des Aufsichtsrats mit dem Vorstand - The Successful Strategy Process of the Supervisory Board with the Management Board

    "Aufsichtsrat aktuell" 1/2014 (Linde Verlag), S. 28-29

    Sicherzustellen, dass das Unternehmen über eine tragfähige Strategie verfügt, ist eine der
    Schlüsselaufgaben des Aufsichtsrats. Der vorliegende Beitrag konzentriert sich darauf, wie der
    Prozess der Zusammenarbeit des Aufsichtsrats mit dem Vorstand dabei gestaltet wird.

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen
  • Die Überprüfung einer Strategie durch den Aufsichtsrat - The Review of the Strategy by the Supervisory Board

    "Der Aufsichtsrat" vom 15.10.2013 (Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt), Heft 10, S. 144 - 146

    In der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand spielt die Überprüfung der durch
    den Vorstand entwickelten Unternehmensstrategie durch das Überwachungsorgan eine entscheidende Rolle. Der Beitrag gibt in Form einer Checkliste Anregungen dazu, welche Kernfragen zu beachten sind.

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  • Wie ein Aufsichtsrat strategische Rahmenvorgaben setzt - How a Supervisory Board is Setting Strategic Guidelines

    "Aufsichtsrat aktuell" 5/2013 (Linde Verlag), S. 11-13

    Ein Teil der Strategiearbeit des Aufsichtsrats mit dem Vorstand ist das Setzen, bzw. Verhandeln
    von strategischen Rahmenvorgaben. Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick, was dabei zu beachten ist.

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen
  • Anleitung zur Management-Revolution - Instructions for the Management Revolution

    Midas Management Verlag

    Die Management-Denkweise und das System der industriellen Revolution sind zu einem Hinder­nis für unseren Aufbruch in das 21. Jahrhundert geworden. Der globale Hyperwettbewerb fordert von Unternehmen und ihren Mitarbeitern innovative und gestalterische Höchstleistungen und dies in einem Umfeld, in dem sich die Rahmen­bedingungen immer schneller ändern. Michael Hirt zeigt in seinem Buch, was die Management- Revolution konkret für Sie bedeutet, wie sie sich auswirkt und worauf es ankommt, damit…

    Die Management-Denkweise und das System der industriellen Revolution sind zu einem Hinder­nis für unseren Aufbruch in das 21. Jahrhundert geworden. Der globale Hyperwettbewerb fordert von Unternehmen und ihren Mitarbeitern innovative und gestalterische Höchstleistungen und dies in einem Umfeld, in dem sich die Rahmen­bedingungen immer schneller ändern. Michael Hirt zeigt in seinem Buch, was die Management- Revolution konkret für Sie bedeutet, wie sie sich auswirkt und worauf es ankommt, damit Sie das Beste daraus machen.

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen
  • Das CEO-Handbuch - The CEO Handbook

    vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich

    Das CEO-Handbuch, Michael Hirt (Hrsg.): Optimal vorbereitet für Ihre Position an der Spitze, 1. Auflage, Zürich, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 2012, ISBN 978-3-7281-3399-1

    Karriereratgeber, Topmanagement, Führungskräfte, Selbstführung, Führungsalltag, Führungstechnik

    Dieses Buch ersetzt Ihnen die Lektüre einer ganzen Bibliothek: Es stellt die Essenz einer grossen Bandbreite an relevanter Top-Management-Literatur dar, konzentriert sich auf die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse…

    Das CEO-Handbuch, Michael Hirt (Hrsg.): Optimal vorbereitet für Ihre Position an der Spitze, 1. Auflage, Zürich, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 2012, ISBN 978-3-7281-3399-1

    Karriereratgeber, Topmanagement, Führungskräfte, Selbstführung, Führungsalltag, Führungstechnik

    Dieses Buch ersetzt Ihnen die Lektüre einer ganzen Bibliothek: Es stellt die Essenz einer grossen Bandbreite an relevanter Top-Management-Literatur dar, konzentriert sich auf die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse und bringt sie auf den Punkt. Somit entspricht das CEO-Handbuch genau seinem Zielpublikum, dessen Zeit ein sehr kostbares Gut ist.

    Das praxisorientierte Handbuch widmet sich 36 wichtigen Themen, die sich auf unterschiedliche Arbeits- und Lebensbereiche aktueller und angehender Top-Manager beziehen. Dabei werden sowohl "harte Themen" wie die Durchführung von Unternehmenskäufen, Manager-Haftung oder Capital Raising behandelt wie auch "weiche Themen" wie Charakterbildung oder der gekonnte Abgang am Ende des Berufslebens.

    Der Inhalt ist bewusst prägnant und ohne lange theoretische Ausführungen aufbereitet. Am Anfang jedes Kapitels fasst eine kurze "Executive Summary" die wichtigsten Informationen zusammen, sodass sich das Buch auch als Nachschlagewerk eignet. Ein ausführliches Literaturverzeichnis bietet dem Leser weiterführende Lektüre zu jedem Thema.


    Die Publikation wurde im Bilanz-Artikel zum Thema CEO-Abgang vom 15.06.12 zitiert und ist der Buchtipp der Online-Ausgabe.

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  • Read Michael Hirt's German Management-Blog

    Dr. Michael Hirt

    Denkanstöße für Manager. Intelligent. Praxisorientiert. Überraschend. Auf den Punkt.

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  • Read Michael Hirt's regular Management-Column "Hirt on Management" in German in the Newspaper "Die Presse"

    Die Presse

    In „Hirt on Management“ beantwortet Michael Hirt, Managementberater, Executive Coach und Keynote Speaker, alle 2 Wochen Fragen von ManagerInnen zu herausfordernden Situationen und kritischen Managemententscheidungen in der Tageszeitung "Die Presse". Schicken Sie Ihre Fragen an Michael Hirt an [email protected].

    Veröffentlichung anzeigen


  • Reference from a delighted Client - BAWAG P.S.K. Group

    Dir. Wolfgang Hanzl | Head of Division Operations | BAWAG P.S.K. Group | a leading and financially very successful retail bank in Austria, majority-owned by the US-american investment fund Cerberus Capital Management

    "I am delighted about our highly productive cooperation over the last eight years and would like to thank you for your pragmatic, fast, results-oriented and highly effective consulting in that period. You have demonstrated extremely high versatility and flexibility, by quickly understanding and helping to tackle new challenges and topics in the fields of strategy development and implementation, team building, conflict management and resolution, executive coaching and executive training…

    "I am delighted about our highly productive cooperation over the last eight years and would like to thank you for your pragmatic, fast, results-oriented and highly effective consulting in that period. You have demonstrated extremely high versatility and flexibility, by quickly understanding and helping to tackle new challenges and topics in the fields of strategy development and implementation, team building, conflict management and resolution, executive coaching and executive training, thereby helping us to resolve them quickly and effectively and creating extremely high value for our organization. Across all projects you have demonstrated high intellectual and ethical integrity, a good sense of humor and a clear business and practice orientation, which made your one of the best consultants I have worked with in my entire career. I Look forward to our continued cooperation!"

  • Reference from a delighted Client - BSH Home Appliances Group

    Dr. Stephanie Leimer | Head of BSH Academy Corporate | BSH Home Appliances Group | BSH is the European market leader in the field of home appliances with brands like Bosch, Siemens, Neff and among the top global players

    „Thank you very much for the excellent cooperation in the last years! You and your team have succeeded to develop and deliver trainings perfectly geared towards the requirements of a global corporation with consistent performance in high quality, internationally and multilingually. I want to specifically note your well-founded and action-oriented approach, your global outlook and your capability to always adjusts the individual training sessions or workshops to the local and cultural…

    „Thank you very much for the excellent cooperation in the last years! You and your team have succeeded to develop and deliver trainings perfectly geared towards the requirements of a global corporation with consistent performance in high quality, internationally and multilingually. I want to specifically note your well-founded and action-oriented approach, your global outlook and your capability to always adjusts the individual training sessions or workshops to the local and cultural requirements. You have made an important contribution to the worldwide talent development of BSH Home Appliances Group!“

  • Reference from a delighted Client - BSH Home Appliances PTE. LTD., Singapore

    Jennifer Tay | Senior Regional HR Manager | BSH Home Appliances PTE. LTD., Singapore

    "Thank you for leading the excellent JEP Working on Development Workshop in Singapore! The Workshop was successfully completed with the participants providing positive feedback after the workshop. The participants have been impressed by your expertise, the insights, and the applicable lessons imparted. Thank you for helping BSH Singapore to be more successful in the very competitive Asian market. We look forward to working again with you!"

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Baxalta

    Barbara Wagner-Buhl | Senior Manager, Talent Management | Baxalta / Baxter Aktiengesellschaft

    "Thank you very much for your energizing Keynote Speech „Instructions for the Management-Revolution“ for more than 200 Baxalta executives and managers! Your views challenged the status-quo and have given the managers an impetus to think about their own contribution in creating and sustaining an innovative, high-performance organization. It was a pleasure to work with you in the preparation and realization of the event and we look forward to other opportunities for working together."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Coca-Cola

    Tony Dicken | Field Force Manager | Coca-Cola Beverages Austria

    "Michael Hirt worked with me on a strategic project which was of critical importance to the company. His fresh energetic style brought new insight and analysis to the project and was a major contributing factor to the outcome."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Erdgas Ostschweiz AG

    Ernst Tschannen | Chief Executive Officer | Erdgas Ostschweiz AG | Member of a leading Swiss Utility Group

    "Thank you very much for the excellent preparation and facilitation of the workshop with of our management board to identify the learnings and action points from our culture survey! Your structured and disciplined approach to facilitating the workshop has helped the board immensely to identify the key action points from the employee survey and to transfer them into a concrete implementation plan. I also want to thank you very much for your excellent design and facilitation of the workshop with…

    "Thank you very much for the excellent preparation and facilitation of the workshop with of our management board to identify the learnings and action points from our culture survey! Your structured and disciplined approach to facilitating the workshop has helped the board immensely to identify the key action points from the employee survey and to transfer them into a concrete implementation plan. I also want to thank you very much for your excellent design and facilitation of the workshop with our extended management team! With your high results orientation, pragmatism, experience and versatility, you have been able to quickly tackle new challenges and situations in the context of the different organizational challenges which occurred over the course of our working relationship and have thereby proven to be an extremely valuable and helpful resource. I look forward to our continued cooperation."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Frey Wille

    Mag. Eva Brummeir | Global Shop Marketing Manager | FREY WILLE | a leading global luxury retailer

    "Your English and German Keynote Speeches were the highlights of our Global Shop Marketing Meetings and an inspiration for our top management, as well as our managers and participating employees. We truly enjoyed the clear and humorous way you presented the topic. With your pragmatism and focus on implementation, you have infected our managers and employees and motivated them to take action."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Harman Automotive Division

    Dr. Alfred Svobodnik | Senior Manager/Chief Engineer | Harman Automotive Harman/International Industries

    "I consulted Michael to help me in developing dissemination strategies for a new technology that was being developed over a couple of years and was then ready to be rolled-out globally at Harman Automotive Division. However, due to the new, revolutionary approach of that technology there were a couple of internal barriers and blocking factors to hop on the train. Michael very successfully helped to quickly identify and understand those barriers and to develop a highly efficient strategy to…

    "I consulted Michael to help me in developing dissemination strategies for a new technology that was being developed over a couple of years and was then ready to be rolled-out globally at Harman Automotive Division. However, due to the new, revolutionary approach of that technology there were a couple of internal barriers and blocking factors to hop on the train. Michael very successfully helped to quickly identify and understand those barriers and to develop a highly efficient strategy to significantly improve acceptance of the new paradigm in product development. I can highly recommend Michael as an efficient consultant if you are faced with challenging situations in technology development processes."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Johnson&Johnson

    Sheila Sylle | Professional Network | Johnson&Johnson

    "Thank you for your inspiring, entertaining and action-oriented keynote speech and workshop. The feedback from the participants was extremely positive and, in particular, they were very impressed by the practicality and immediate applicability of your approaches. You have brought a significant motivational boost and we are already seeing the high impact of your work in the form of tangible results!"

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Matrixware GmbH

    Francisco De Sousa Webber | Founder & CEO | Matrixware GmbH

    "I had the pleasure to work with Michael over a period of more than 2 years, on a number of strategic projects during my tenure as CEO of Matrixware. His advice was clear, practical and to the point. He has helped the board to make better decisions and to execute them effectively. His recommendations were based on state-of-the-art methods and validated by sound business judgement. I can highly recommend him, if you need fast, high-quality results with a strong positive impact on the performance…

    "I had the pleasure to work with Michael over a period of more than 2 years, on a number of strategic projects during my tenure as CEO of Matrixware. His advice was clear, practical and to the point. He has helped the board to make better decisions and to execute them effectively. His recommendations were based on state-of-the-art methods and validated by sound business judgement. I can highly recommend him, if you need fast, high-quality results with a strong positive impact on the performance of your organisation."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Matrixware GmbH

    Georg Aschenfeld | Hared of Software Development | Matrixware GmbH

    "Dr. Michael Hirt is an exceptional consultant with focus on clear communication and processes. His ability to analyse and structure even the most complex situations and focus on business goals is outstanding. He respects individuals, stays human in the most stressful situations and is fun to work with."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Matrixware GmbH

    Dominique Maret | Chief Research Officer | Matrixware GmbH

    "I have worked with Michael at Matrixware GmbH, a hightech startup in the Information Technology industry, where he was (acting as) the COO of the company. Michael (and his team) was mainly in charge of developing and optimizing business processes. He was also responsible for organizing and driving strategy meetings, for orchestrating management meetings, for assessing financial and business status of potential partners, and for implementing a public funding strategy. Michael is a deep and…

    "I have worked with Michael at Matrixware GmbH, a hightech startup in the Information Technology industry, where he was (acting as) the COO of the company. Michael (and his team) was mainly in charge of developing and optimizing business processes. He was also responsible for organizing and driving strategy meetings, for orchestrating management meetings, for assessing financial and business status of potential partners, and for implementing a public funding strategy. Michael is a deep and quick thinker, thoroughly involved in his missions for the company. He brought to us his deep experience of managing organizational changes, in a fast-moving international context, acting with a lot of charisma and leadership but always very attentive to the opinions of his peers and to reinforcing the team spirit. Michael is a great professional, he speaks fluently German, English, and French, and always keep a place for humor, even in stressfull situations. It was really a great experience to work with him and I'm sure that it will be the same for whoever will have the same opportunity."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Max Walzl | Director Operations | écomouv'

    Max Walzl | Director Operations | écomouv' | an italo-french joint venture in France

    "I want to thank you very much for your highly effective coaching. Your practical no-nonsense approach has made a positive impact on me both professionally and personally. Your way of executive coaching and development is honest, straightforward, positive, and purposeful. Your tools and content are excellent and you care deeply about helping your clients to improve. You have helped me to become a more effective leader. I look forward to our next collaboration."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Montana Tech Components AG

    Mag. Herberth Roth | Chief Operating Officer | Montana Tech Components AG | a leading swiss-austrian hitech group with global activities

    "We would like to thank you for sharing your expertise about innovation as key function with the management team of the Montana Group. We very much enjoyed your motivating keynote speech which was thought provoking and a highlight of this year’s international strategy meeting. You impressed both the CEOs as well as the Senior Managers with your ability to challenge and inspire the attendees by your speech and the following workshop and we appreciated that you were able to keep the entire…

    "We would like to thank you for sharing your expertise about innovation as key function with the management team of the Montana Group. We very much enjoyed your motivating keynote speech which was thought provoking and a highlight of this year’s international strategy meeting. You impressed both the CEOs as well as the Senior Managers with your ability to challenge and inspire the attendees by your speech and the following workshop and we appreciated that you were able to keep the entire programme within the time frame given in advance. We thank you very much for your professional approach and excellent cooperation!"

  • Reference from a delighted Client - SKB Group

    Mag. Alexander Tremmel | Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter | Managing Partner | SKB Industrieholding | a leading CEE cable manufacturer and distributor

    "It was a pleasure to work with you in reviewing and redefining our corporate and business unit strategies. The results of the consulting project with your firm have helped us to make significant progress towards the achievement of our business and shareholder goals. You worked together with us to create practical, "real-world" strategic actions that deliver tangible value, based on a pragmatic, but thorough review and assessment of our options. Also, we highly appreciate your skill and…

    "It was a pleasure to work with you in reviewing and redefining our corporate and business unit strategies. The results of the consulting project with your firm have helped us to make significant progress towards the achievement of our business and shareholder goals. You worked together with us to create practical, "real-world" strategic actions that deliver tangible value, based on a pragmatic, but thorough review and assessment of our options. Also, we highly appreciate your skill and helpfulness in appropriately integrating our key managers into the consulting process and making sure that they are really on board and well-aligned for its successful implementation. Our association with HIRT&FRIENDS has provided us with an excellent return on our consulting investment."

  • Reference from a delighted Client - Wolfgang Vranze | Business Consultant

    Wolfgang Vranze | Business Consultant | UWV e.U.

    "Michael Hirt’s Sales and Marketing approach should be compulsory for anybody selling to demanding clients in a tough competitive environment. He understands the keys to success in Marketing & Sales and delivers high-value, immediately actionable advice."

  • Reference from a delighted Cooperation Partner - Rotary Club of Changi in Singapore

    Dave Ng | President 2014/15 | Rotary Club of Changi in Singapore

    "It was a pleasure to have you with us as a Speaker at the Rotary Club of Changi in Singapore last night and I would like to thank you very much for your interesting and insightful speech! The audience was delighted to listen to you and very much appreciated that you customized your speech to the international environment in Singapore. Also, we all very much enjoyed your dry humor, that makes listening to you even more engaging. As I said last night, please do drop in whenever you are in town."

  • Reference from a delighted Employer - Boston Consulting Group

    Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler | Senior Partner & Managing Director | The Boston Consulting Group

    After taking his MBA at INSEAD where he graduated with distinction, Dr. Hirt was a consultant & project leader with The Boston Consulting Group from 1997 to 2001. In this time he has demonstrated excellent analytical and conceptual capabilities combined with exceptional leadership and client relationship skills. He has left The Boston Consulting Group by his own decision to pursue his vision to create his own business and has been successful in establishing HIRT&FRIENDS as a respected boutique…

    After taking his MBA at INSEAD where he graduated with distinction, Dr. Hirt was a consultant & project leader with The Boston Consulting Group from 1997 to 2001. In this time he has demonstrated excellent analytical and conceptual capabilities combined with exceptional leadership and client relationship skills. He has left The Boston Consulting Group by his own decision to pursue his vision to create his own business and has been successful in establishing HIRT&FRIENDS as a respected boutique consultancy that is now well positioned for substantial growth. As a Managing Director and member of BCG's Executive Committee I have a broad overview and deep insights in the skills and attitudes of consultants worldwide. I have rarely met an individual with such a highly developed commitment to serving others on the basis of the highest professional, ethical and personal standards."


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