Android Developers Blog
The latest Android and Google Play news for app and game developers.
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App Indexing
Drive app installs through App Indexing
Drive app installs through App Indexing

16 April 2015

Posted by Lawrence Chang, Product Manager You’ve invested time and effort into making your app an awesome experience, and we want to help ...

Google Play services 7.0 - Places Everyone!
Google Play services 7.0 - Places Everyone!

02 March 2015

Posted by Ian Lake , Developer Advocate Today, we’re bringing you new tools to build better apps with the completion of the rollout of Googl...

Google Play Services 5.0
Google Play Services 5.0

02 July 2014

Google Play services 5.0 is now rolled out to devices worldwide , and it includes a number of features you can use to improve your apps. Thi...