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Your Learner Verification

This is to verify that Rahul Maruti Revne has completed the course Introduction to Lean Management on Alison.

Rahul Maruti Revne

Alison ID: 16565756

Course Completed: Introduction to Lean Management

Date Of Completion: 25th February 2024

Email: [email protected]

Total Study Time: 6h 14m

Final Assessment Score:

Alison courses requires at least
80% to pass the final assessment

CPD Hours Completed:

CPD approved learning hours
completed through this course


Course Information

Learn how to improve performance, reduce waste and increase the productivity of a process in this free online course.

The pursuit of quality can significantly improve the products and services offered by an organisation. We'll introduce you to the seven quality tools that help identify, analyse and fix issues to make a process economical and more efficient. Lean management allows you to perform better, more streamlined and efficient procedures while minimising disruption to day-to-day operations. On the other hand, Six Sigma is a structured problem-solving methodology used to improve the performance of a process. You'll learn how to use Six Sigma principles to identify variations and reduce them to achieve Lean management in a process. You'll explore the different cost and time-saving opportunities involving workers, materials and procedures. In addition, we'll show you how to separate value-adding from non-value-adding steps and find ways to add maximum value.

Process maps are visual representations that you want to analyse and improve. You'll discover the benefits of mapping waste, removing it and maximising opportunities. You'll explore different process mapping tools that you can use to characterise the operation, indicate the balance of time and represent the overall cycle time. Physical waste needs to be handled as part of the Lean management approach to maximise the output of a process and reduce cost. You will learn about commonly occurring waste in a workspace and diagrams to identify and remove it. The instructor, Robert Chapman, will present a case study from his work experience to help you reduce waste and inefficiencies and improve the process's overall performance.

We designed this course for people who want to improve the performance of a process and save time and resources. This course will benefit managers who want to deliver maximum value and optimise organisational workflows. There are no prerequisites and anyone interested in or working in Lean management can benefit from the course. It contains visual demonstrations of the critical ideas of Lean management to help you effortlessly understand and remember the content. Every professional organisation aims to reduce waste and create a safe and productive work environment. There are therefore numerous career opportunities in the job market for people with skills and expertise in Lean management. Join this course today and learn for free.

Modules Completed

Module 1: Quality and Identification of Waste
Module 2: Process Maps and Physical Waste
Module 3: Course assessment

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