
Anderson, L. & Dressler, R. (2024). Music for second language learning in a German Bilingual Program. Notos.

Kupisch, T. & Dressler, R. (2024). Gender assignment in German as heritage language in an English-speaking context: A case study of acquisition and maintenance. Perspectives on Input, Evidence, and Exposure in Language Acquisition: Studies in Honour of Susanne Carroll. John Benjamins.

Dressler, R. & Hult, F. (2024). Linguistic landscapes at the nexus of ethnography, sociolinguistics, and discourse. In D. Gorter & J. Ceñoz (Eds.), The handbook of linguistic landscapes and multilingualism. Wiley.

Liu, N. & Dressler, R. (2024). The role of exterior schoolscapes in neighbourhoods: A linguistic landscape analysis during COVID-19 school closures. International Journal of Multilingualism.

Dressler, R. (2023). Benjamin Bryce, The boundaries of ethnicity: German Immigration and the Language of Belonging in Ontario. Historical Studies in Education, (Fall), 108-10.

Dressler, R., Crossman, K., Kawalilak, C. (2023). Pre-service teachers’ learning about language learning and teaching: A nexus analysis. Journal of Language, Identity and Education, 22(6) 606-618.

Dressler, R., Guida, R., Chu, M-W. (2023). Canadian second language teachers’ technology use following the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Modern Language Review, 79(3), 228-246.

Friesen, S., Brown, B., Dressler, R., Francis, K., Hernández-Zavaleta, E., Jacobsen, M., Markides, J., Mosher, R., Roy. S. (2023). Staying on track: Writing our way through a global pandemic. Journal of Educational Thought, 56(2), 125-144.

Mueller, K., Dressler, R., Dressler, A., Moeller, F., Ronnellenfitsch, T. (2023). Improving second language education through intensive German weeks: An action research collaboration between teachers and researchers. In G. Erickson, C. Bardel, & D. Little (Eds.), Collaborative research in language education: Reciprocal benefits and challenges. (pp. 29-40). DeGruyter Moulton.

Dressler, R. (2022). Book review: Study abroad for pre-service and in-service teachers: Transformative learning on a global scale. Canadian Journal of Education. 45(2), xvii – xix.

Dressler, R., Crossman, K., Kawalilak, C. (2022). Blogging for intercultural communicative competence in study abroad programs: All breadth, no depth? Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 7(2), 181-203. 

Dressler, R. & Guida, R. (2022). Innovations from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Online learning strategies. Réflexions, 41(1), 29-31.

Dressler, R. & Kawalilak, C. (2022). The experience of pre-service language teachers learning an additional language through study abroad. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.). Language teachers studying abroad: Identities, emotions and disruptions (pp.100-110). Multilingual Matters.

Dressler, R., Kawalilak, C., Crossman, K., Becker, S. (2022) Implementing longitudinal, reflective follow-up study abroad research: Following former pre-service teachers into professional practice. In J. McGregor & J. Plews (Eds.). Designing second language study abroad research: Critical reflections on methods and data (pp. 273-286). Palgrave McMillan.

Dressler, R. & Mueller, K. (2022). Pedagogical strategies to foster target language use: A nexus analysis. Canadian Modern Language Review, 77(4), 75-90.

Kaya, J., Dressler, R., Lenters, K., (2022). Critical literacy in Canada: A systematic review of curricula and literature. Language and Literacy, 28(2), 25-61.

Mueller, K. & Dressler, R. (2022). Explorer les possibilités de la boucle de la littératie pour l’immersion française. Journal de l’immersion, 44(1), 33-37.

Ma, Y., Chen, Y., Guo, J., Lei, T., Li, Q., & Dressler, R. (2021). Factors of learning more than one language across the lifespan: Literature review and student course experience. Notos, 15(1), 27-42.

Smith, C., Dressler, R., Holden, M., Berzins, J., Fiddler, J. (2021). « Au-delà de Duolingo » : La formation d’une communauté de pratique d’adultes qui apprennent le français. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 33(1), 85-91.

Arthur, N., Becker, S., Dressler, R., Crossman, K., Kawalilak, C. (2020). Pre-service teachers and study abroad experiences: Don’t forget about them when they come home. Teaching and Teacher Education, 89. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2019.102979

De Silva, N., Roy, S., Dressler, R., & Mueller, K. (2020). Pre-service teachers reflect on their journey to becoming French Immersion teachers: Looking back and thinking forward. Réflexions, 39(1), 17-19, Retrieved from

Dressler, R., Raedler, B., Dimitrov, K., Dressler, A., & Krause, G. (2020). Project-based learning in the advanced German class. In G. Beckett & T. Slater Global Perspectives on Project-Based Language Learning, Teaching, and Assessment: Key Approaches, Technology Tools, and Frameworks (pp. 69-84). London: Routledge.

Gereluk, D., Dressler, R., Eaton, S. E., & Becker, S. (2020). “Growing our own teachers”: Rural individuals becoming certified teachers. In M. Corbett, & D. Gereluk (Eds.), Rural teacher education: Connecting land and people. Toronto: Springer.

Scott, D., Kawalilak, C., Dressler, R., Paiva, W. (2019). Examining educational responses to diversity in Brazil. Comparative Education Review. 63(3),

Eaton, S. E., & Dressler, R. (2019). Multilingual essay mills: Implications for second language teaching and learning. Notos, 14(2), 4-14.

Dressler, R., & Dressler, A. (2019). The methodological affordances and challenges of using Facebook to research study abroad. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education, 4(1), 126-144, doi:10.1075/sar.17017.dre

Dressler, R., Chu, M-W., Crossman, K., & Hilman, B. (2019). Quantity and quality of uptake: Examining surface and meaning-level feedback provided by peers and an instructor in a graduate research course. Assessing Writing, 39(1), 14-24, doi:10.1016/j.asw.2018.11.001

Dressler, R., Becker, S. Kawalilak, C., Arthur, N. (2018). The cross-cultural reflective model for post-sojourn debriefing. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 19(4), 490-504. doi:10.1080/14623943.2018.1530207.

Tweedie, M.G., & Dressler, R. (2018). Visual aids as response facilitators in dialogue journals. Language and Literacy. 20(2), 125-143. doi:10.20360/langandlit29182

Dressler, R. (2018). Canadian Bilingual Program teachers’ understanding of immersion pedagogy. Canadian Modern Language Review, 74(1), 176-195, doi: 10.3138/cmlr.3407.

Eaton, S. E., Gereluk, D., Dressler, R., & Becker, S. (2017). A Canadian online rural education teacher preparation program: Course design, student support and engagement. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA. Retrieved from

Dressler, R., & Dressler, A. (2016). Linguistic identity positioning in Facebook posts during second-language study abroad: One teen’s language use, experience, and awareness. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Special Issue 19(2), 22-43. Retrieved from

Dressler, R. (2016). Book review: Social networks in study abroad. Comparative and International Education Journal, 45(2), article 8. Available at:

Dressler, R., & Tweedie, G. (2016). Dialogue journals in short-term study abroad: ‘Today I wrote my mind’. TESOL Journal. Advance online publication, doi:10.1002/tesj.254

Brown, B., Dressler, R., Eaton, S.E., & Jacobsen, M. (2015). Practicing what we teach: Using action research to learn about teaching action research. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 16 (3) 60-77. Retrieved from

Dressler, R. (2015, November). Spoken grammar. Cooperative ESL Ministries. Retrieved from

Dressler, R. (July 2015) Child of an Immigrant, Mother of an Immigrant. Cooperative ESL Ministries. Retrieved from

Brown, B., Eaton, S., Dressler, R. & Jacobsen, M. “Professional Collaboration as Responsive Pedagogy” (2015). In Preciado Babb, P., Takeuchi, M., & Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the IDEAS: Designing Responsive Pedagogy Conference, pp. 101-108. Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Retrieved from:

Eaton, S. E., Dressler, R., Gereluk, D. & Becker, S. (2015). A review of the literature on rural and remote pre-service teacher preparation with a focus on blended and e-learning models. Calgary: University of Calgary. Retrieved from

Dressler, R. (2015). Signgeist: Promoting bilingualism through the linguistic landscape of school signage. International Journal of Multilingualism, 12(1), 128-145, doi:10.1080/14790718.2014.912282

Dressler, R. (February 2015) Language and Power. Cooperative ESL Ministries. Retrieved from

Dressler, R. (2014). Exploring linguistic identity in young multilingual learners. TESL Canada Journal 32(1), 42-52, doi:10.18806/tesl.v32i1.1198.

Dressler, R. (2011). “Lifelong Language Learning: A Panel Discussion.” Notos, 12(1), 25-27.

Dressler, R., & Di Lullo-Patten, D. (2011). “Lifelong Language Learning: Benefits for 21st Century Global Citizens:  In Celebration of UNESCO’s International Adult Learners’ Week: A Report to the Community.” S. Eaton (Ed.). Calgary: Language Research Centre, University of Calgary.

Eaton, S. E., Buhl, C., Mezhevich, I., Dressler, R., Novodvorski, B. D., & Carr, W. (2011). A review of the literature on the effects of second language (L2) on students with special needs. Edmonton: Commissioned by the Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education (IISLE), Edmonton Public School Board.

Dressler, R. (2011). German-English bilingual programs: Transitioning to a dual immersion model? Forum Deutsch, 19(1), 11-22. Retrieved from

Dressler, R. (2010). “There is no space for being German”: Portraits of willing and reluctant Heritage Language Learners of German. Heritage Language Journal, 7(2), 162-182. Retrieved from

Dressler, Roswita. (2008) Motivation in second language learning. In Sylvie Roy and Chantalle Berlinguette (eds) Emerging Social and Language Issues in Canada. Canada: Blitzprint, 203-225.

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