Mon, 15 Jul 2013

Package LaplacesDemon (with last version 13.03.04) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-03-04 13.03.04
2013-02-04 13.02.04
2013-01-08 13.01.07
2012-12-03 12.12.03
2012-11-05 12.11.05
2012-10-01 12.10.01
2012-09-03 12.09.03
2012-08-06 12.08.06
2012-07-02 12.07.02
2012-06-04 12.06.04
2012-05-08 12.05.07
2012-04-02 12.04.02
2012-03-05 12.03.05
2012-01-02 12.01.02
2011-12-05 11.12.05
2011-11-03 11.11.03
2011-10-03 11.10.03
2011-09-26 11.09.26
2011-09-19 11.09.19
2011-09-12 11.09.12
2011-09-05 11.09.05
2011-08-22 11.08.22
2011-08-15 11.08.15
2011-08-08 11.08.08
2011-07-26 11.07.27
2011-07-23 11.07.15
2011-07-05 11.07.05
2011-06-27 11.06.27
2011-06-15 11.06.13
2011-06-07 11.06.05
2011-04-11 11.04.10
2011-04-04 11.04.04
2011-03-28 11.03.27
2011-03-21 11.03.20
2011-03-14 11.03.14
2011-03-07 11.03.06
2011-02-28 11.03.01
2011-02-22 11.02.21
2011-02-14 11.02.14
2011-02-07 11.02.07
2011-02-01 11.02.01
2011-01-28 11.01.27
2011-01-24 11.01.23
2011-01-19 11.01.18
2011-01-14 11.01.13
2011-01-09 11.01.08
2011-01-08 11.01.07
2011-01-06 11.01.05
2011-01-03 10.12.30

Permanent link
New package turner with initial version 0.1.5
Package: turner
Title: Turn vectors and lists of vectors into indexed structures
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 2013-07-15
Author: Gaston Sanchez
Maintainer: Gaston Sanchez
Description: Package designed for working with vectors and lists of vectors, mainly for turning them into other indexed data structures.
Depends: R (>= 3.0), tester
Suggests: testthat, knitr
VignetteBuilder: knitr
License: GPL-3
Collate: 'df_to_blocks.r' 'dummy_to_list.r' 'factor_to_dummy.r' 'from_to.r' 'funlist.r' 'indexify.r' 'lengths.r' 'list_ones.r' 'list_to_dummy.r' 'list_to_matrix.r' 'listify.r' 'listsize.r' 'matrix_to_blocks.r' 'vector_to_dummy.r'
Packaged: 2013-07-15 18:09:20 UTC; Gaston
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-07-15 21:18:28

More information about turner at CRAN
Permanent link

Package fuzzyRankTests updated to version 0.3-5 with previous version 0.3-4 dated 2013-03-31

Title: Fuzzy Rank Tests and Confidence Intervals
Description: see title
Author: Charles J. Geyer
Maintainer: Charles J. Geyer

Diff between fuzzyRankTests versions 0.3-4 dated 2013-03-31 and 0.3-5 dated 2013-07-15

 ChangeLog           |    5 
 DESCRIPTION         |    8 -
 MD5                 |    7 -
 inst/doc/design.pdf |only
 inst/doc/design.tex |  348 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 5 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)

More information about fuzzyRankTests at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RProtoBuf updated to version 0.3 with previous version 0.2.6 dated 2012-10-04

Title: R Interface to the Protocol Buffers API
Description: Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol Buffers for almost all of its internal RPC protocols and file formats.
Author: Romain Francois, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Murray Stokely
Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel

Diff between RProtoBuf versions 0.2.6 dated 2012-10-04 and 0.3 dated 2013-07-15

 ChangeLog                                            |  109 
 DESCRIPTION                                          |   18 
 MD5                                                  |  110 
 NAMESPACE                                            |    3 
 R/00classes.R                                        |   33 
 R/completion.R                                       |    3 
 R/extensions.R                                       |only
 R/has.R                                              |    5 
 R/set.R                                              |    3 
 R/wrapper_EnumValueDescriptor.R                      |    6 
 R/wrapper_FieldDescriptor.R                          |    3 
 R/zzz.R                                              |    6 
 TODO                                                 |   18 
 configure                                            | 4635 ++++++++-----------                                         |    9 
 inst/NEWS.Rd                                         |   37 
 inst/doc/RProtoBuf-intro.R                           |only
 inst/doc/RProtoBuf-intro.pdf                         |binary
 inst/doc/RProtoBuf-quickref.R                        |only
 inst/doc/RProtoBuf-quickref.pdf                      |binary
 inst/doc/RProtoBuf-unitTests.R                       |only
 inst/doc/RProtoBuf-unitTests.Rnw                     |    2 
 inst/doc/RProtoBuf-unitTests.pdf                     |binary
 inst/unitTests/runit.addressbook.R                   |    8 
 inst/unitTests/runit.enums.R                         |    4 
 inst/unitTests/runit.extensions.R                    |only
 man/Descriptor-class.Rd                              |    4 
 man/EnumDescriptor-class.Rd                          |   17 
 man/EnumValueDescriptor-class.Rd                     |   13 
 man/FieldDescriptor-class.Rd                         |   46 
 man/FileDescriptor-class.Rd                          |   14 
 man/Message-class.Rd                                 |   12 
 man/P.Rd                                             |    4 
 man/RProtoBuf-package.Rd                             |    2 
 man/aslist.Rd                                        |   10 
 man/clone.Rd                                         |    5 
 man/has.Rd                                           |   24 
 man/is_extension.Rd                                  |    5 
 man/label.Rd                                         |    4 
 man/number.Rd                                        |    9 
 man/type.Rd                                          |    3 
 man/with.Rd                                          |    3 
 src/DescriptorPoolLookup.cpp                         |    8 
 src/S4_classes.h                                     |   10 
 src/extensions.cpp                                   |only
 src/extractors.cpp                                   |    8 
 src/lookup.cpp                                       |   52 
 src/mutators.cpp                                     |    2 
 src/rprotobuf.cpp                                    |    9 
 src/rprotobuf.h                                      |    8 
 src/wrapper_EnumDescriptor.cpp                       |   13 
 src/wrapper_EnumValueDescriptor.cpp                  |    4 
 src/wrapper_FileDescriptor.cpp                       |   17 
 vignettes/RProtoBuf-quickref/RProtoBuf-quickref.Rnw  |    6 
 vignettes/RProtoBuf-unitTests.Rnw                    |    2 
 vignettes/RProtoBuf-unitTests.tex                    |   32 
 vignettes/RProtoBuf/RProtoBuf.Rnw                    |  165 
 vignettes/unitTests-results/RProtoBuf-unitTests.html |   48 
 vignettes/unitTests-results/RProtoBuf-unitTests.txt  |   30 
 59 files changed, 2832 insertions(+), 2769 deletions(-)

More information about RProtoBuf at CRAN
Permanent link

New package RND with initial version 1.0
Package: RND
Type: Package
Title: Risk Neutral Density
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-06-25
Author: Kam Hamidieh
Maintainer: Kam Hamidieh
Description: Collection of functions to extract risk neutral density.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2013-07-15 15:42:17 UTC; kam
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-07-15 18:21:38

More information about RND at CRAN
Permanent link

Package mapplots updated to version 1.4 with previous version 1.2 dated 2012-12-19

Title: Data visualisation on maps
Description: Create simple maps; add sub-plots like pie plots to a map or any other plot; format, plot and export gridded data. The package was developed for displaying fisheries data but most functions can be used for more generic data visualisation.
Author: Hans Gerritsen
Maintainer: Hans Gerritsen

Diff between mapplots versions 1.2 dated 2012-12-19 and 1.4 dated 2013-07-15

 mapplots-1.2/mapplots/R/geoTiff.R             |only
 mapplots-1.2/mapplots/man/geoTiff.Rd          |only
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/DESCRIPTION             |   16 +++-----
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/MD5                     |   50 ++++++++++++--------------
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/R/legend.grid.R         |   11 +++--
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/R/progressMsg.R         |    8 ++--
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/R/write.grid.R          |   39 ++++++++++++++------
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/add.pie.Rd          |    6 +--
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/basemap.Rd          |   10 ++---
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/draw.barplot2D.Rd   |   12 +++---
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/draw.bubble.Rd      |   10 ++---
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/draw.grid.Rd        |    6 +--
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/draw.pie.Rd         |   10 ++---
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/draw.rect.Rd        |    2 -
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/draw.shape.Rd       |    2 -
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/draw.xy.Rd          |   20 +++++-----
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/ices.rect.Rd        |    2 -
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/       |    6 +--
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/legend.bubble.Rd    |   12 +++---
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/legend.grid.Rd      |   16 ++++----
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/legend.pie.Rd       |   12 +++---
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/make.grid.Rd        |   15 +++++--
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/make.multigrid.Rd   |    4 +-
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/         |   10 ++---
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/mapplots-package.Rd |    2 -
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/progressMsg.Rd      |   17 +++++---
 mapplots-1.4/mapplots/man/write.grid.Rd       |   25 +++++++------
 27 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)

More information about mapplots at CRAN
Permanent link

Package kinship2 updated to version 1.5.4 with previous version 1.5.0 dated 2013-06-06

Title: Pedigree functions
Description: Routines to handle family data with a pedigree object. The initial purpose was to create correlation structures that describe family relationships such as kinship and identity-by-descent, which can be used to model family data in mixed effects models, such as in the coxme function. Also includes a tool for pedigree drawing which is focused on producing compact layouts without intervention. Recent additions include utilities to trim the pedigree object with various criteria, and kinship for the X chromosome
Author: Terry Therneau, Elizabeth Atkinson, Jason Sinnwell, Daniel Schaid, Shannon McDonnell
Maintainer: Jason Sinnwell

Diff between kinship2 versions 1.5.0 dated 2013-06-06 and 1.5.4 dated 2013-07-15

 kinship2-1.5.0/kinship2/R/pedtrim.R               |only
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/DESCRIPTION               |   30 ++++-----
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/MD5                       |   20 +++---
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/R/kinship.R               |    2 
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/inst/NEWS.Rd              |    8 ++
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/inst/doc/pedigree.pdf     |binary
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/inst/doc/pedigree.snw     |    2 
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/noweb/all.nw              |    2 
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/noweb/kinship.Rnw         |    2 
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/tests/test.kinX.R         |   27 +++++++-
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/tests/ |   73 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 kinship2-1.5.4/kinship2/vignettes                 |only
 12 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

More information about kinship2 at CRAN
Permanent link

New package coneproj with initial version 1.0
Package: coneproj
Type: Package
Title: Primal or Dual Cone Projections with Routines for Shape-restricted Regression
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-07-15
Author: Mary C. Meyer and Xiyue Liao
Maintainer: Xiyue Liao
Description: This package contains routines for cone projection and quadratic programming, as well as routines to do estimation and inference for constrained parametric regression and shape-restricted regression problems.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: RcppArmadillo(>= 0.3.800.1), Rcpp(>= 0.10.3), R(>= 2.15.2)
LinkingTo: RcppArmadillo, Rcpp
NeedsCompilation: yes
Suggests: stats, graphics, grDevices, utils
Packaged: 2013-07-15 16:34:01 UTC; xiyue
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-07-15 18:54:35

More information about coneproj at CRAN
Permanent link

New package straweib with initial version 1.0
Package: straweib
Type: Package
Title: Stratified Weibull Regression Model
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-01-02
Author: Xiangdong Gu and Raji Balasubramanian
Maintainer: Xiangdong Gu
Description: The main function is icweib, which fits a stratified Weibull proportional hazards model for left censored, right censored, interval censored, and non-censored survival data. We parameterize the Weibull regression model so that it allows a stratum-specific baseline hazard function, but where the effects of other covariates are assumed to be constant across strata.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Packaged: 2013-07-07 22:04:27 UTC; Xiangdong
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-07-15 07:27:13

More information about straweib at CRAN
Permanent link

Package rexpokit updated to version 0.24.1 with previous version 0.24 dated 2013-02-16

Title: R wrappers for EXPOKIT; other matrix functions
Description: This package wraps some of the matrix exponentiation utilities from EXPOKIT (, a FORTRAN library that is widely recommended for matrix exponentiation (Sidje RB, 1998. "Expokit: A Software Package for Computing Matrix Exponentials." ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 24(1): 130-156). EXPOKIT includes functions for exponentiating both small, dense matrices, and large, sparse matrices (in sparse matrices, most of the cells have value 0). Rapid matrix exponentiation is useful in phylogenetics when we have a large number of states (as we do when we are inferring the history of transitions between the possible geographic ranges of a species), but is probably useful in other ways as well.
Author: Nicholas J. Matzke [aut, cre, cph], Roger B. Sidje [aut, cph]
Maintainer: Nicholas J. Matzke

Diff between rexpokit versions 0.24 dated 2013-02-16 and 0.24.1 dated 2013-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                        |   31 +++++----------
 MD5                                |   37 +++++++++---------
 NEWS                               |only
 R/rexpokit-package.R               |   19 +++++----
 R/rexpokit_v1.R                    |   74 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 man/SparseM_coo_to_REXPOKIT_coo.Rd |    3 +
 man/coo2mat.Rd                     |    3 +
 man/expokit_dgexpv_Qmat.Rd         |    6 ++-
 man/expokit_dgexpv_wrapper.Rd      |    6 ++-
 man/expokit_dgpadm_Qmat.Rd         |    3 +
 man/expokit_dmexpv_Qmat.Rd         |    3 +
 man/expokit_dmexpv_wrapper.Rd      |    6 ++-
 man/expokit_mydgexpv_wrapper.Rd    |    6 ++-
 man/expokit_mydmexpv_wrapper.Rd    |    6 ++-
 man/expokit_wrapalldgexpv_tvals.Rd |    6 ++-
 man/expokit_wrapalldmexpv_tvals.Rd |    6 ++-
 man/findrows_w_all_zeros.Rd        |    6 ++-
 man/mat2coo_forloop.Rd             |    3 +
 man/rexpokit-package.Rd            |   26 +++++++------
 man/row_allzero_TF.Rd              |    6 ++-
 20 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

More information about rexpokit at CRAN
Permanent link

Package RcmdrPlugin.BCA updated to version 0.9-6 with previous version 0.9-5 dated 2013-02-28

Title: Rcmdr Plug-In for Business and Customer Analytics
Description: This package provides an Rcmdr "plug-in" to accompany the book Customer and Business Analytics: Applied Data Mining for Business Decision Making Using R by Daniel S. Putler and Robert E. Krider.
Author: Dan Putler
Maintainer: Dan Putler

Diff between RcmdrPlugin.BCA versions 0.9-5 dated 2013-02-28 and 0.9-6 dated 2013-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                    |    8 +++----
 MD5                            |    6 ++---
 R/RcmdrPlugin.BCA.R            |   45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 man/RcmdrPlugin.BCA-package.Rd |    2 -
 4 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

More information about RcmdrPlugin.BCA at CRAN
Permanent link

Package LogConcDEAD updated to version 1.5-6 with previous version 1.5-5 dated 2012-06-12

Title: Log-concave Density Estimation in Arbitrary Dimensions
Description: Computes a log-concave (maximum likelihood) estimator for i.i.d. data in any number of dimensions.
Author: Madeleine Cule, Robert Gramacy, Richard Samworth, Yining Chen
Maintainer: Yining Chen

Diff between LogConcDEAD versions 1.5-5 dated 2012-06-12 and 1.5-6 dated 2013-07-15

 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/LICENSE                    |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/R/zzz.R                    |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/algorithm.intRnw  |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/example1d.intRnw  |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/example2d.intRnw  |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/example3d.intRnw  |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/examplebin.intRnw |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/intro.intRnw      |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/logconcdead.bib   |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/rglfig.png        |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/rgllog.png        |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-5/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/usage.intRnw      |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/DESCRIPTION                |   13 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/MD5                        |   39 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/NEWS                       |    3 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/R/plot.LogConcDEAD.R       |    6 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/LogConcDEAD.R     |only
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/inst/doc/LogConcDEAD.Rnw   |  830 ++++++++++++++-
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/man/LogConcDEAD-package.Rd |    4 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/man/dslcd.Rd               |    4 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/man/getinfolcd.Rd          |    3 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/man/hatA.Rd                |    4 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/man/interactive2D.Rd       |   23 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/man/rslcd.Rd               |    4 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/src/Makevars               |    2 
 LogConcDEAD-1.5-6/LogConcDEAD/vignettes                  |only
 26 files changed, 872 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

More information about LogConcDEAD at CRAN
Permanent link

Package knitr updated to version 1.3 with previous version 1.2 dated 2013-04-11

Title: A general-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R
Description: This package provides a general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R, which can be used to deal with any type of (plain text) files, including Sweave, HTML, Markdown, reStructuredText and AsciiDoc. The patterns of code chunks and inline R expressions can be customized. R code is evaluated as if it were copied and pasted in an R terminal thanks to the evaluate package (e.g. we do not need to explicitly print() plots from ggplot2 or lattice). R code can be reformatted by the formatR package so that long lines are automatically wrapped, with indent and spaces being added, and comments being preserved. A simple caching mechanism is provided to cache results from computations for the first time and the computations will be skipped the next time. Almost all common graphics devices, including those in base R and add-on packages like Cairo, cairoDevice and tikzDevice, are built-in with this package and it is straightforward to switch between devices without writing any special functions. The width and height as well as alignment of plots in the output document can be specified in chunk options (the size of plots for graphics devices is still supported as usual). Multiple plots can be recorded in a single code chunk, and it is also allowed to rearrange plots to the end of a chunk or just keep the last plot. Warnings, messages and errors are written in the output document by default (can be turned off). Currently LaTeX, HTML, Markdown and reST are supported, and other output formats can be supported by hook functions. The large collection of hooks in this package makes it possible for the user to control almost everything in the R code input and output. Hooks can be used either to format the output or to run a specified R code fragment before or after a code chunk. The language in code chunks is not restricted to R only (there is simple support to Python and Awk, etc). Many features are borrowed from or inspired by Sweave, cacheSweave, pgfSweave, brew and decumar.
Author: Yihui Xie
Maintainer: Yihui Xie

Diff between knitr versions 1.2 dated 2013-04-11 and 1.3 dated 2013-07-15

 knitr-1.2/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-intro.lyx          |only
 knitr-1.2/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-refcard.lyx        |only
 knitr-1.2/knitr/inst/tests                        |only
 knitr-1.2/knitr/inst/themes/eclipse.brew          |only
 knitr-1.2/knitr/inst/themes/highlight3.brew       |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/DESCRIPTION                       |  124 +++----
 knitr-1.3/knitr/                            |    6 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/MD5                               |  370 +++++++++++-----------
 knitr-1.3/knitr/NAMESPACE                         |    6 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/NEWS                              |  170 ++++++++++
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/block.R                         |   69 ++--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/cache.R                         |    4 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/citation.R                      |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/concordance.R                   |    6 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/defaults.R                      |   13 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/engine.R                        |  102 ++++--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/header.R                        |   23 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/highlight-renderer.R            |    6 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/highlight.R                     |   62 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/hooks-asciidoc.R                |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/hooks-extra.R                   |   10 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/hooks-html.R                    |   10 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/hooks-latex.R                   |  105 ++++--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/hooks-md.R                      |    8 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/hooks-rst.R                     |   14 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/hooks.R                         |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/output.R                        |  116 ++++--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/pandoc.R                        |   19 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/parser.R                        |   50 +-
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/pattern.R                       |   68 ++--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/plot.R                          |   88 +----
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/spin.R                          |   25 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/table.R                         |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/template.R                      |   39 --
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/themes-eclipse.R                |   63 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/themes.R                        |   74 +++-
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/utils-base64.R                  |   12 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/utils-conversion.R              |   27 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/utils-sweave.R                  |   22 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/utils-vignettes.R               |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/utils.R                         |   27 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/R/zzz.R                           |    4 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/                         |  104 +++++-
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/bin/knit                     |   23 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/datatables.R             |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/datatables.Rmd           |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/datatables.html          |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knit_expand.R            |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knit_expand.Rmd          |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knit_expand.html         |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-html.R             |    8 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-html.Rhtml         |    7 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-html.html          |  128 ++-----
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-intro.R            |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-intro.Rnw          |    6 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-intro.pdf          |binary
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-markdown.R         |   16 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-markdown.Rmd       |   16 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-markdown.html      |  186 ++++++++---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-refcard.R          |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-refcard.Rnw        |    4 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/doc/knitr-refcard.pdf        |binary
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knit-all.R          |    6 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-beamer.Rnw    |   10 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-graphics.Rnw  |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-listings.Rnw  |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-manual.Rnw    |   23 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-manual.lyx    |   17 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-minimal.Rnw   |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-packages.bib  |   20 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-spin.html     |   89 ++---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-subfloats.Rnw |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-themes.Rnw    |   34 --
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-themes.lyx    |  343 +++-----------------
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/examples/knitr-twocolumn.Rnw |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/misc/datatables.txt          |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/misc/knitr.css               |    7 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/misc/vignette.css            |   35 --
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/acid.css              |   58 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/aiseered.css          |   56 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/andes.css             |   54 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/anotherdark.css       |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/autumn.css            |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/baycomb.css           |   55 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/bclear.css            |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/biogoo.css            |   53 +--
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 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/blacknblue.css        |   57 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/bluegreen.css         |   57 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/breeze.css            |   52 ---
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 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/candy.css             |   53 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/clarity.css           |   52 ---
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 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/default.css           |   78 +---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/denim.css             |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/dusk.css              |   52 ---
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 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/edit-emacs.css        |   54 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/edit-flashdevelop.css |   51 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/edit-gedit.css        |   53 +--
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 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/edit-nedit.css        |   55 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/edit-vim-dark.css     |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/edit-vim.css          |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/edit-xcode.css        |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/ekvoli.css            |   58 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/fine_blue.css         |   57 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/freya.css             |   54 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/fruit.css             |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/golden.css            |   58 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/greenlcd.css          |   56 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/kellys.css            |   53 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/leo.css               |   53 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/lucretia.css          |   54 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/manxome.css           |   54 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/maroloccio.css        |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/matrix.css            |   52 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/moe.css               |   55 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/molokai.css           |   53 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/moria.css             |   54 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/navajo-night.css      |   56 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/navy.css              |   56 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/neon.css              |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/night.css             |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/nightshimmer.css      |   52 ---
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 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/olive.css             |   53 +--
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 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/oxygenated.css        |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/pablo.css             |   57 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/peaksea.css           |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/print.css             |   52 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/rand01.css            |   57 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/rdark.css             |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/relaxedgreen.css      |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/rootwater.css         |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/seashell.css          |   57 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/solarized-dark.css    |   54 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/solarized-light.css   |   54 +--
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 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/whitengrey.css        |   51 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/xoria256.css          |   52 ---
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/zellner.css           |   53 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/zenburn.css           |   55 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/inst/themes/zmrok.css             |   53 +--
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/Sweave2knitr.Rd               |    4 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/all_patterns.Rd               |   15 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/eclipse_theme.Rd              |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/hook_plot.Rd                  |    7 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/kable.Rd                      |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/knit.Rd                       |   40 +-
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/knit2html.Rd                  |   14 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/knit2pdf.Rd                   |   19 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/knit2wp.Rd                    |    4 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/knit_child.Rd                 |    9 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/knit_exit.Rd                  |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/knit_expand.Rd                |   29 -
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/output_hooks.Rd               |   10 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/pandoc.Rd                     |    5 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/pat_fun.Rd                    |    3 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/read_chunk.Rd                 |   16 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/read_rforge.Rd                |    4 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/spin.Rd                       |    9 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/stitch.Rd                     |    2 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/man/wrap_rmd.Rd                   |    4 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/tests/run-all.R                   |    6 
 knitr-1.3/knitr/tests/testit                      |only
 knitr-1.3/knitr/vignettes                         |only
 183 files changed, 3093 insertions(+), 4341 deletions(-)

More information about knitr at CRAN
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Package gMCP updated to version 0.8-4 with previous version 0.8-3 dated 2013-06-14

Title: Graph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures
Description: This package provides functions and a graphical user interface for graphical described multiple test procedures.
Author: Kornelius Rohmeyer, Florian Klinglmueller (parametric tests, adaptive designs), Bjoern Bornkamp (power simulations)
Maintainer: Kornelius Rohmeyer

Diff between gMCP versions 0.8-3 dated 2013-06-14 and 0.8-4 dated 2013-07-15

 gMCP-0.8-3/gMCP/inst/doc/Makefile                                              |only
 gMCP-0.8-3/gMCP/inst/doc/figure                                                |only
 gMCP-0.8-3/gMCP/inst/doc/gMCP                                                  |only
 gMCP-0.8-3/gMCP/inst/doc/literatur.bib                                         |only
 gMCP-0.8-3/gMCP/inst/doc/                                           |only
 gMCP-0.8-3/gMCP/inst/doc/pictures                                              |only
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/.Rinstignore                                                   |    7 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/DESCRIPTION                                                    |   17 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/MD5                                                            |  265 ++++++++--
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/NAMESPACE                                                      |    4 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/NEWS                                                           |   26 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/R/calcPower.R                                                  |   16 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/R/convertFromOldClassDefinition.R                              |    7 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/R/rqmvnorm.R                                                   |   66 +-
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/R/startGUIs.R                                                  |    2 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/TODO                                                           |   45 +
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/classes                                                   |only
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/doc/AQuickStart.pdf                                       |binary
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/doc/gMCP.pdf                                              |binary
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/doc/parametric.pdf                                        |binary
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/af/gMCP/gui/              |   15 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/af/gMCP/gui/            |    4 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/af/gMCP/gui/               |   19 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/af/gMCP/gui/                    |   16 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/af/gMCP/gui/dialogs/ |    2 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/af/gMCP/gui/graph/                  |    5 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/af/gMCP/gui/graph/             |   13 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java-src/org/af/gMCP/gui/graph/                  |   11 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/java/gsrmtp.jar                                           |binary
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/unitTests/runit.LaTeX.R                                   |    9 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/unitTests/runit.cover.everything.R                        |only
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/inst/unitTests/runit.power.R                                   |    2 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/man/calcPower.Rd                                               |    8 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/man/exampleGraphs.Rd                                           |    5 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/man/graph2latex.Rd                                             |    3 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/tests/doRUnit.R                                                |    6 
 gMCP-0.8-4/gMCP/vignettes                                                      |only
 37 files changed, 437 insertions(+), 136 deletions(-)

More information about gMCP at CRAN
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Package cladoRcpp updated to version 0.14.2 with previous version 0.14 dated 2013-06-22

Title: C++ implementations of phylogenetic calculations
Description: This package implements in C++/Rcpp various cladogenesis-related calculations that are slow in pure R. These include the calculation of the probability of various scenarios for the inheritance of geographic range at the divergence events on a phylogenetic tree, and other calculations necessary for models which are not continuous-time markov chains (CTMC), but where change instead occurs instantaneously at speciation events. Typically these models must assess the probability of every possible combination of (ancestor state, left descendent state, right descendent state). This means that there are up to (# of states)^3 combinations to investigate, and in biogeographical models, there can easily be hundreds of states, so calculation time becomes an issue. C++ implementation plus clever tricks (many combinations can be eliminated a priori) can greatly speed the computation time over naive R implementations.
Author: Nicholas J. Matzke [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Nicholas J. Matzke

Diff between cladoRcpp versions 0.14 dated 2013-06-22 and 0.14.2 dated 2013-07-15

 DESCRIPTION                                           |   29 --
 MD5                                                   |   44 +--
 NEWS                                                  |only
 R/cladoRcpp-package.R                                 |   29 ++
 R/cladoRcpp.R                                         |  112 +++++++-
 inst                                                  |only
 man/Rcpp_combn_zerostart.Rd                           |   12 
 man/areas_list_to_states_list_old.Rd                  |   18 +
 man/cladoRcpp-package.Rd                              |   58 ++++
 man/numstates_from_numareas.Rd                        |   25 +
 man/rcpp_areas_list_to_states_list.Rd                 |   29 ++
 man/rcpp_calc_anclikes_sp.Rd                          |   19 +
 man/rcpp_calc_anclikes_sp_COOprobs.Rd                 |   19 +
 man/rcpp_calc_anclikes_sp_COOweights_faster.Rd        |   19 +
 man/rcpp_calc_anclikes_sp_prebyte.Rd                  |   19 +
 man/rcpp_calc_anclikes_sp_rowsums.Rd                  |   19 +
 man/rcpp_calc_anclikes_sp_using_COOprobs.Rd           |   12 
 man/rcpp_calc_rowsums_for_COOweights_columnar.Rd      |   12 
 man/rcpp_calc_splitlikes_using_COOweights_columnar.Rd |   12 
 man/rcpp_convolve.Rd                                  |    8 
 man/rcpp_states_list_to_DEmat.Rd                      |   54 +++-
 src/basics.cpp                                        |   28 +-
 src/basics.h                                          |    2 
 src/calc_anclikes_sp.cpp                              |  234 +++++++++++++-----
 24 files changed, 675 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)

More information about cladoRcpp at CRAN
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New package AGD with initial version 0.30
Package: AGD
Type: Package
Version: 0.30
Title: Analysis of Growth Data
Date: 2012-05-07
Author: Stef van Buuren
Maintainer: Stef van Buuren
Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), gamlss
Description: Tools for NIHES course EP18 'Analysis of Growth Data', May 22-23 2012, Rotterdam.
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
Packaged: 2012-05-06 21:33:58 UTC; stefvanbuuren
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2012-05-08 14:48:19
NeedsCompilation: no

More information about AGD at CRAN
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New package AER with initial version 1.1-9
Package: AER
Version: 1.1-9
Date: 2011-12-08
Title: Applied Econometrics with R
Authors@R: c(person(given = "Christian", family = "Kleiber", role = "aut", email = "[email protected]"), person(given = "Achim", family = "Zeileis", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]"))
Description: Functions, data sets, examples, demos, and vignettes for the book Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis (2008), Applied Econometrics with R, Springer-Verlag, New York. ISBN 978-0-387-77316-2. (See the vignette for a package overview.)
LazyLoad: yes
Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), stats, car (>= 2.0-1), Formula (>= 0.2-0), lmtest, sandwich, strucchange, survival, zoo
Suggests: boot, dynlm, effects, foreign, ineq, KernSmooth, lattice, MASS, mlogit, nlme, nnet, np, plm, pscl, quantreg, ROCR, sampleSelection, scatterplot3d, systemfit, rgl, truncreg, tseries, urca
Imports: stats
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2011-12-08 09:19:51 UTC; zeileis
Author: Christian Kleiber [aut], Achim Zeileis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Achim Zeileis
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-12-10 19:14:44
NeedsCompilation: no

More information about AER at CRAN
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New package ADM3 with initial version 1.2
Package: ADM3
Type: Package
Title: An Interpretation of the ADM method - automated detection algorithm.
Version: 1.2
Date: 2011-03-14
Author: Tomas William Fitzgerald
Maintainer: Tom Fitzgerald
Description: Robust change point detection using ADM3 algorithm.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2012-12-18 15:53:10
Packaged: 2012-12-18 13:45:27 UTC; tf2
NeedsCompilation: yes

More information about ADM3 at CRAN
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New package ADGofTest with initial version 0.3
Package: ADGofTest
Type: Package
Title: Anderson-Darling GoF test
Version: 0.3
Date: 2011-12-28
Author: Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Maintainer: Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
Description: Anderson-Darling GoF test with p-value calculation based on Marsaglia's 2004 paper "Evaluating the Anderson-Darling Distribution"
License: GPL
LazyLoad: yes
Packaged: 2011-12-28 01:41:10 UTC; carlos
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-12-28 13:50:19
NeedsCompilation: no

More information about ADGofTest at CRAN
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New package ACNE with initial version 0.5.0
Package: ACNE
Version: 0.5.0
Date: 2011-10-24
Title: Affymetrix SNP probe-summarization using non-negative matrix factorization
Author: Angel Rubio , Maria Ortiz , Henrik Bengtsson
Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson
Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), R.methodsS3 (>= 1.2.1), R.oo (>= 1.8.2), matrixStats (>= 0.3.0), aroma.affymetrix (>= 2.2.0), MASS
Imports: R.utils (>= 1.8.5)
Description: Package for NMF summarization of SNP probes.
License: LGPL (>= 2.1)
LazyLoad: TRUE
biocViews: Infrastructure, Microarray, DNACopyNumber, Preprocessing, aCGH, SNP, CopyNumberVariants
Packaged: 2011-10-25 05:09:54 UTC; hb
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2011-10-25 07:46:41
NeedsCompilation: no

More information about ACNE at CRAN
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New package ACD with initial version 1.5
Package: ACD
Version: 1.5
Date: 2013-03-20
Title: Categorical data analisys with complete or missing responses
Author: Frederico Zanqueta Poleto, Julio da Mota Singer, Daniel Carlos Paulino, Fabio Mathias Correa and Enio Galinkin Jelihovschi
Maintainer: Fabio Mathias Correa
Description: Categorical data analisys with complete or missing responses
Depends: R(>= 2.13.0)
License: GPL (>= 2)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-03-21 10:14:41
Packaged: 2013-03-19 18:43:06 UTC; mars
NeedsCompilation: no

More information about ACD at CRAN
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New package ABCp2 with initial version 1.0
Package: ABCp2
Type: Package
Title: Approximate Bayesian Computational model for estimating P2
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-01-02
Author: M. Catherine Duryea, Andrew D. Kern, Robert M. Cox, and Ryan Calsbeek
Maintainer: M. Catherine Duryea
Description: This package tests the goodness of fit of a distribution of offspring to the Normal, Poisson, and Gamma distribution and estimates the proportional paternity of the second male (P2) based on the best fit distribution.
Depends: MASS
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2013-04-09 21:44:40 UTC; mcduryea
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-04-10 17:04:21

More information about ABCp2 at CRAN
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New package ACCLMA with initial version 1.0
Package: ACCLMA
Type: Package
Title: ACC & LMA Graph Plotting
Version: 1.0
Date: 2010-05-31
Author: Tal Carmi, Liat Gaziel
Maintainer: Tal Carmi
Description: The main function is plotLMA(sourcefile,header) that takes a data set and plots the appropriate LMA and ACC graphs. If no sourcefile (a string) was passed, a manual data entry window is opened. The header parameter indicates by TRUE/FALSE (false by default) if the source CSV file has a head row or not. The data set should contain only one independent variable (X) and one dependent varialbe (Y) and can contain a weight for each observation
License: GPL-2
LazyLoad: yes
Keywords: ACC,LMA,Absolute Concentration Curve, LOI minus ACC, Regression coefficient robustness
Packaged: 2012-10-29 13:13:00 UTC; ripley
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2012-10-29 13:13:35
NeedsCompilation: no

More information about ACCLMA at CRAN
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New package ABCExtremes with initial version 1.0
Package: ABCExtremes
Type: Package
Title: ABC Extremes
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-05-09
Author: Rob Erhardt
Description: This package contains code to 1.) construct the summary statistic needed to facilitate approximate Bayesian computing for spatial extremes, and then 2.) run the ABC-Rejection method to produce a set of draws from the ABC posterior. The intention is for the user to directly modify the command >abc.rej() to suit his or her purposes. In general, ABC fitting of max-stable processes is very computationally expensive, and requires advanced programming skills with research computing.
Depends: SpatialExtremes, combinat
License: GPL-2
Packaged: 2013-05-14 19:47:55 UTC; erhardrj
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-05-15 10:45:53

More information about ABCExtremes at CRAN
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New package A3 with initial version 0.9.2
Package: A3
Type: Package
Title: A3: Accurate, Adaptable, and Accessible Error Metrics for Predictive Models
Version: 0.9.2
Date: 2013-03-24
Author: Scott Fortmann-Roe
Maintainer: Scott Fortmann-Roe
Description: This package supplies tools for tabulating and analyzing the results of predictive models. The methods employed are applicable to virtually any predictive model and make comparisons between different methodologies straightforward.
License: GPL (>= 2)
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0), xtable, pbapply
Suggests: randomForest, e1071
Packaged: 2013-03-26 18:58:12 UTC; scott
NeedsCompilation: no
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2013-03-26 19:58:40

More information about A3 at CRAN
Permanent link

Package ABCExtremes (with last version 1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-05-15 1.0

Permanent link
Package ACCLMA (with last version 1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-12-04 1.0

Permanent link
Package ADGofTest (with last version 0.3) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-12-04 0.3

Permanent link
Package ACNE (with last version 0.5.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-12-04 0.5.0

Permanent link
Package ACD (with last version 1.5) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-03-21 1.5
2012-12-04 1.0-0

Permanent link
Package ADM3 (with last version 1.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-12-18 1.2
2012-12-04 1.1

Permanent link
Package ABCp2 (with last version 1.0) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-04-10 1.0

Permanent link
Package AER (with last version 1.1-9) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-12-04 1.1-9

Permanent link
Package AGD (with last version 0.30) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2012-12-04 0.30

Permanent link
Package A3 (with last version 0.9.2) was removed from CRAN

Previous versions (as known to CRANberries) which should be available via the Archive link are:

2013-03-25 0.9.2
2013-02-07 0.9.1

Permanent link

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