Documentation Source Text

SQLite Documentation

This repository contains scripts used to generate the documentation for SQLite. This repository also contains much of the content of the documentation, though some of the content is extracted from special comments in the SQLite sources and in the TH3 sources and in the SQL Logic Test sources.

The repository also contains the source code to the custom web server that is used to run the SQLite website. See for additional information.

How To Build

These are the steps to build the documentation:

  1. Download and unpack the source trees for SQLite, TH3, and SQL Logic Test into sibling directories. The SQLite install should be in ../sqlite. TH3 should go into ../th3. SQL Logic Test should go into ../sqllogictest. The TH3 and SQL Logic Test installs are optional and are only used for requirements test coverage tracking.

  2. Make sure you have TCL development libraries version 8.6 or later installed on your machine.

  3. Edit the Makefile for your system. Pay particular attention to:

    1. TCLINC= and TCLFLAGS= should point to the Tcl 8.6 development libraries.

    2. Set TH3= and SLT= to empty strings if those source trees are not available to you.

  4. Setup a SQLite library checkout which has been made ready to build and can be referenced as ../sqlite from the docsrc checkout root directory. These steps will suffice:

    1. pushd ../sqlite

    2. ./configure

    3. make tclsqlite3.c

    4. popd

  5. Run: "make all"

The documentation will be built into the docs/ subdirectory.