Procore Resources - Whistle

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Whistle Rewards for Procore Download

Leveraging Whistle Rewards in Procore gives constructors a powerful tool to improve Procore adoption, engagement and impact.  Imagine a world where more constructors used Procore to its full potential.  That translates to tens of billions of dollars of client value!

This page is designed to help our Procore partners more efficiently introduce and activate Whistle Rewards for Procore.

We welcome any feedback or suggestions on how we make the process more valuable to you.

Why add Whistle Rewards to Procore?

Adapting to new software can sometimes be met with resistance. However, by integrating rewards into Procore, you can foster user adoption and engagement. Motivate your team to explore and fully leverage Procore’s data management capabilities. With rewards for using the system effectively, you’ll create a team of enthusiastic Procore champions who embrace the platform wholeheartedly.

Data entry is paramount in construction management. Missed entry and inconsistencies erode progress visibility, increase risks and prevent new insights. Whistle Rewards integration helps form new habits, creates a culture of accountability and attention to detail. By rewarding consistent data entry, Procore can live up to its potential as a hub for complete accurate project information, ensuring smoother operations.

Timely data is vital for effective decision making and making sure your project record is accurate and up-to-date.  With Whistle Rewards integration, you can incentivize your team to enter safety data promptly, eliminating delays and bottlenecks in information flow. Reducing risks from audits or future actions.  Timely updates and real-time visibility empower constructors to make informed decisions, drive productivity, and minimize risks on every job.

Whistle’s data analytics capabilities, provide valuable insights into project performance. By integrating rewards, you can drive the utilization of these insights, encouraging your team to leverage data analytics to identify trends, optimize workflows, and make data-driven decisions. The result is continuous improvement, increased efficiency, and heightened project success rates.

Whistle Rewards app screen shot with card

Resources to help introduce Whistle Rewards


Constructor Boosts Safety Reporting by 50% for about $5 a day!

Whistle Rewards Case Study for Procore Users

Learn how a $600m construction company is using Whistle Rewards to dramatically improve safety reporting in Procore. For just $5 a day across 9 different projects driving 100% participation.


Activating Whistle Rewards in Procore is Easy


Add Whistle Rewards to Your Procore Account

Add Whistle Rewards to Procore

Adding Whistle Rewards in Procore is easy.

FAQs and Support

Add Whistle Rewards to Procore

Information to help people through the buying process like CFOs, HR leaders and more.


    The most frequently asked questions from CHROs at construction companies about Whistle Rewards.

The Science and Thinking Behind Whistle Rewards

Blog post and PDF

The 5 Concepts Shaping Whistle Rewards

Add Whistle Rewards to Procore

Learn about 5 concepts that are shaping the Whistle Rewards platform, and the science behind them.