Career Services

Career Services Staff

Katie Mileski

Director of Career Services

Bachelor of Business Administration – Management (Walsh College)
Master of Science in Information Technology Leadership (Walsh College)
Master of Business Administration (Walsh College)


Cheryl Carr

Outreach Coordinator/Advisor, Career Services

Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources, Oakland University
Master of Science in Management, Walsh College


What’s Happening at Walsh?

Featured Events

Fall Career Fair

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 | 4 – 6:30 p.m. | Troy Campus

The career fair is a great opportunity for employers to meet with Walsh students and alumni to discuss full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities within your company. It also allows students and alumni a chance to learn more about your organization by asking questions and networking.

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Career Services Q&A Drop-In Sessions for Students and Alumni

Tuesdays 12 – 1 p.m. | Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. | Zoom

The Virtual Career Services Q&A Drop-In Sessions offer students and alumni a convenient and accessible platform to seek personalized career advice and support designed to address a wide range of career-related questions from job search and resume writing to interview preparation and networking strategies. Whether you’re a student exploring future paths, a job seeker looking for guidance, or a professional seeking career advice, our team is here to help!

October 2024
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How do I start my job search on Walsh Career Link?

Job opportunities received from employers are posted in, which offers quick and easy access to many professional and internship opportunities.

Login to to create your profile, publish your resume, and upload your job search documents. Search for and apply to professional positions and internships from employers.

More than 2,000 positions are posted in the database, which provide a broad range of opportunities from internships and entry-level through executive-level positions. The database allows active job seekers to apply directly to open positions.

Note: Career Services accepts positions closely aligned with Walsh programs/majors or student/alumni career interests. Please note that Walsh does not vet or screen job listings. Concerns about a particular job posting should be reported to Career Services.

Who is eligible to use Career Services?

Fully enrolled, for-credit Walsh students and degreed Walsh alumni are eligible to participate. Any student who has been academically dismissed from Walsh is ineligible to utilize career services until reinstated.

How can I get one-on-one job search assistance?

Appointments for resume preparation, job search techniques, practice interviews, and general career advice are available. It is recommended that students make an initial appointment as early as possible upon enrollment at Walsh.



Our team of advisors is happy to assist you with finding a new career opportunity, or to find the talent for your company.

Phone: (248) 823-1625
Fax: (248) 689-3306 | E-mail: [email protected]
Q&A Drop-In Sessions:
Tuesdays 12 – 1 p.m. | Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. | Zoom

Career Services is located at the Troy location.