GetYourGuide is the booking platform for incredible travel experiences. Powered by a global team of over 400 travel experts, GetYourGuide helps travelers find the best things to do wherever they’re headed — including skip-the-line tickets to the world’s most iconic attractions, walking tours by top local experts, immersive food and beverage tours, cooking and craft classes, bucket-list experiences and niche offerings you won’t find anywhere else. Since its founding in 2009, travelers from more than 170 countries have booked over 20 million tours, activities and attraction tickets through GetYourGuide. The company has offices in 14 countries around the world.
GetYourGuide secures $194 million to boost further growth (
GetYourGuide raises USD 194 million in new funding to fuel the future of the experience economy (
GetYourGuide acquires French tour operator (
World shaper of tomorrow: GetYourGuide leads the travel industry into the future (TOP 100)
GetYourGuide secures €80 million in revolving credit facility financing (
GetYourGuide announces EUR 80 million in revolving credit facility financing (
GetYourGuide closes $133 million convertible loan to secure market position (
GetYourGuide secures €114 million in convertible note financing (
Six Swiss startups envisioned to be the next unicorns (
TOP 100 Swiss Startup Award 2019 - Switzerland’s 100 most-promising startups (
Investments in Swiss Startups Doubles in the First Half of 2019 to Exceed CHF 1 Billion (
GetYourGuide raises $484 Million (
Swiss Travel Startup GetYourGuide Raises $484 Million Growth Financing (
GetYourGuide set to hit unicorn status (
Swiss startups shine under the global spotlight (
Swisscanto Growth Fund invests in GetYourGuide (
Swisscanto Growth Fund invests in GetYourGuide (
Applications are open for Venture Leaders China Roadshow 2019 (
Applications are now open for Venture Leaders Life Sciences roadshow 2019 (
GetYourGuide: One million bookings per month (