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UTC Document Register for 2001

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A few documents have been password protected at the request of their originators, and are limited to UTC member-only access. To find a particular revision of a document that has multiple revisions posted in the document register, use Find by Number.

Doc № Subject Source Date Project
L2/01-001  Complete document register for 2000 Winkler 2001-01-23 admin
L2/01-002 NCITS membership fees 2001 NCITS 2000-12-20 Admin
L2/01-003 Calling notice and preliminary agenda for WG2 meeting #40 in Mountain View, April 2-5, 2001 Mike Ksar
SC2/WG2 N2305
2000-12-19 Admin
L2/01-004 The impact of normalization – add U+FB1D to the Composition Exclusion list Martin Dürst 2000-12-20 UTC
L2/01-005 Background information on Recycling Symbols Everson, Freytag
SC2/WG2 N2310
2000-12-22 396-D
L2/01-006 Reply to Georgian State Department of Information Technology Lisa Moore, UTC 2000-12-22 396-D
L2/01-007 "Encoding Iranian Scripts in Unicode", Iranianist meeting report from Paris Carl-Martin Bunz 2000-12-21 396-D
L2/01-008 Arguments for adding U+FB1D to the Composition Exclusion list Peter Constable 2000-12-22 UTC
L2/01-009R Agenda item Cn category definition with comments from Ken Whistler Mark Davis
Ken Whistler
L2/01-010 Agenda UTC #86 in Mountain View, Jan 2001 Lisa Moore 2001-01-12 UTC
L2/01-011 Motions UTC #86 in Mountain View, Jan 2001 Lisa Moore 2001-02-11 admin
L2/01-012 Minutes UTC #86 in Mountain View, Jan 2001 Lisa Moore 2001-02-07 admin
L2/01-013 Action items before Mountain View, Jan 2001 Moore,  Winkler 2001-01-03 admin
L2/01-014 Agenda L2 #183 in Mountain View, Jan 2001 Arnold Winkler 2000-12-27 admin
L2/01-015 Minutes L2 #183 in Mountain View, Jan 2001 Arnold Winkler 2001-02-07 admin
L2/01-016 Action items after Mountain View, Jan 2001 Arnold Winkler 2001-02-12 admin
L2/01-017 Invitation letter to the government of Tami Nadu for the UTC meeting in Mountain View (January 2001) Lisa Moore 2001-01-03 UTC
L2/01-018 NCITS data base for committee use – information Monica Vago 2001-01-04 admin
L2/01-019 Helping NCITS in identifying “families of related standards” for publication on one CD Arnold Winkler 2001-01-05 admin
L2/01-020 General category for Non-characters Mark Davis 2001-01-08 UTC
L2/01-021 Proposal for the Taxonomy of CEN/TC304 - ICT- European Localization Requirements Keld Simonsen
CEN/TC304 N960
2000-11-24 I18n
L2/01-022 Matching and browsing – scooping
(Text in Word format for commenting – 01-022)
Mark Küster
CEN/TC304 N962
2001-01-09 I18n
L2/01-023 Ordering the Runic script (revised) Michael Everson
SC22/WG20 N809R
2001-01-09 I18n
L2/01-024 Roadmapping early Semitic scripts Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2311
2001-01-09 396-D
L2/01-025 Presentation of tone contours encoded as UCS tone letter sequences Peter Constable
SC2/WG2 N2312
2001-01-08 396-D

CJK Ext.B – Pre-DIS (R1) for ISO/IEC 10646-2
(Word version of L2/01-026)
SC2/WG2 N2298
IRG 758
2000-11-21 396-D
L2/01-027 Super CJK Version 11.1; with Kangxi and HYD data for CJK Ext.B – Pre-DIS (R1) for ISO/IEC 10646-2 SC2/WG2 N2299
IRG 759
2000-11-21 396-D
L2/01-028 Revised version of the CLAUI recommendations from Sophia (France) JTC1 N6336
2000-11-09 I18n
L2/01-029 Roadmap of ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 – Plane 0, BMP
(replaces L2/00-366)
Roadmap ad hoc
SC2/WG2 N2316
2001-01-09 396-D
L2/01-030 Roadmap of ISO/IEC 10646-2 – Plane 1, SMP Roadmap ad hoc
SC2/WG2 N2314
2001-01-09 396-D
L2/01-031 Report from the IRG meeting in Seoul,
December 4-7, 2000
John Jenkins 2001-01-15 396-D
L2/01-032 Liaison from IETF to Unicode regarding permanent references in RFCs Patrik Fältström 2001-01-16 UTC
L2/01-033 Proposal to disunify braces/brackets for math, computing science, and Z notation from similar-looking CJK braces/brackets Kent Karlsson
(Asmus Freytag)
2001-01-16 396-D
L2/01-034 Meeting logistics for SC2/WG2 meeting in Mountain View, April 2-5, 2001 Mike Ksar 2001-01-17 admin
L2/01-035 Personal contribution on normatively referencing
TR 14652 in the new COBOL standard
William Klein 2001-01-16 I18n
L2/01-036 Preliminary agenda for SC2/WG2 meeting
registration form,    hotel reservation form
Mike Ksar
SC2/WG2 N2305
2000-12-19 396-D
L2/01-037 Unicode for Kannada Script C V Srinatha Sastry 2001-01-17 396-D
L2/01-038 Supporting Martin Dürst’s proposal in L2/01-004
(add U+FB1D to the composition exclusion list)
Jonathan Rosenne 2001-01-18 UTC
L2/01-039 Terminology Used in Internationalization in the IETF Paul Hoffman 2001-01-17 I18n
L2/01-040 Encoding Model for Georgian Script Joe Becker 2001-01-26 396-D
L2/01-041 PDUTR #27 – Unicode 3.1 Unicode 2001-01-17 396-D
L2/01-042 On the use of JOINERS in ligation Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2317
2001-01-19 396-D
L2/01-043 Schema Time Changes (draft) Mark Davis 2000-12-11 UTC
L2/01-044 Unicode Transcriptions (PDF snapshot) Mark Davis 2001-01-19 UTC
L2/01-045 Not assigned.   UTC
L2/01-046 Letter from the Georgian State department for Information Technology David
2001-01-22 UTC
L2/01-047 Example: Megrelian Ioseb Qipshidze 1994 UTC
L2/01-048 Proposal summary form for addition of 3 letters to the Georgian Mkhedruli block Georgin State Dpmt.
for IT
2001-01-22 396-D
L2/01-049 Comments to L2/01-042 – Joiners in ligation Peter Constable 2001-01-23 396-D
L2/01-050 Minutes of the SC2/WG2 meeting in Athens, September 2000 (repl. L2/00-318) Umamaheswaran
SC2/WG2 N2353
2001-01-21 396-D
L2/01-051 Guidelines for internationalization of protocols H. Alvestrand 2001-01 I18n, UTC
L2/01-052 Liaison report from NCITS/H2 (SQL) to L2 Dave Birdsall H2-2001-011 2001-01-22 admin
L2/01-053 Agenda item: Proposal to restrict case mappings from crossing planes Markus Scherer 2001-01-23 UTC
L2/01-054 Agenda Item: Ranges in UnicodeData Mark Davis 2001-01-23 UTC
L2/01-055 Comments to FCD-2 ballot of ISO/IEC 2375 Aliprand, Hart 2001-02-09 02.04
L2/01-056R Ethnologue summary (revised draft) Sandra O’Donnell 2001-01-25 UTC
L2/01-057 SQL 2002:  Possible problems with characters, the saga continues J.M. Sykes (UK) SC32, HEL-052 2000-09-25 admin
L2/01-058 Draft changes for wchar_t and Conformance sections in PDUTR #27 Sandra O’Donnell 2001-01-24 UTC
L2/01-059 Summary and proposed actions regarding the Georgian documents  Michael Everson 2001-01-24 396-D
L2/01-060 Relationship between Namespaces (Ethnologue) Peter Constable 2001-01-24 UTC
L2/01-061 Proposed draft UAX #19, version 3.1 – UTF-32 Mark Davis 2001-01-31 UTC
L2/01-062 Draft UTR #24, version 1.2 – Script Names Mark Davis 2001-01-23 UTC
L2/01-063 Scripts, version 1.2d4 Mark Davis 2001-01-20 UTC
L2/01-064 Mathematical Variant Symbol Patric Ion 2001-01-24 396-D
L2/01-065 Restoring canonical equivalence to Unicode 3.0.1 Mattias Ellert 2001-01-25 UTC
L2/01-066 UnicodeData differences regarding L1/01-065 Mattias Ellert 2001-01-25 UTC
L2/01-067 Additional mathematical symbols Beeton, Ion, Freytag 2001-01-25 396-D
L2/01-068 Commentsto draft UTR #19 Peter Constable 2001-01-25 UTC
L2/01-069 Proposal for “Arabic Tail”, an additional Arabic compatibility character Mark Davis 2001-01-25 396-D
L2/01-070 Draft Changes for wchar_t and conformance sections Kent Karlsson 2001-01-26 UTC
L2/01-071 Character Model for the World Wide Web (link to W3C site) W3C 2001-01-26 UTC
L2/01-072 Georgian Text & Case Mappings, Reduxed Michael Everson 2001-01-27 UTC
L2/01-073 Comments on PDAM1 of ISO/IEC 10646-1 Bruce Paterson SC2/WG2 N2320 2001-01-29 396-D
L2/01-074 UTR #15 – intermediate form – NFQ version Martin Dürst 2001-01-29 UTC
L2/01-075 UTR #15 – intermediate form – NFC 3.1 version Martin Dürst 2001-01-29 UTC
L2/01-076 Illustrations to L2/01-069 – Graphical characters in IBM code page 420 (EBCDIC) Markus Scherer 2001-01-29 396-D
L2/01-077 YOD WITH HIRIQ Martin Dürst 2001-01-28 396-D
L2/01-078 Letter from the “Catholicos Patriarch of all Georgia” (1.6MB) Georgia Church 2001-01-29 396-D
L2/01-079 Comments on PUDTR #27 – Unicode 3.1 Peter Constable 2001-01-22 UTC
L2/01-080 Unicode Support for Mathematics Murray Sargent 2001-02-01 UTC
L2/01-081 PDUTR #23 – Survey of Unicode character properties and guidelines Asmus Freytag 2001-01-29 UTC
L2/01-082 Property Data files Mark Davis 2001-01-26 UTC
L2/01-083 Unicode definition list Ken Whistler 2001-01-31 UTC
L2/01-084 Status report on Aegean Script Proposal Deborah Anderson 2001-01-28 396-D
L2/01-085 Ideographic description properties Mark Davis 2001-01-31 UTC
L2/01-086 Locale-independent Graphemes Mark Davis 2001-01-31 UTC
L2/01-087 Revised Dingbats proposal (replaces L2/00-420) (1 MB) Sairus Patel SC2/WG2 N2321 2001-01-31 396-D
L2/01-088 Additional Mathematical Symbols Proposed code allocation for “Math Candidates” B. Beeton, A. Freytag; P. Ion; WG2 N2318 2001-01-25 396-D
L2/01-089 Two bugs in the BIDI algorithm Roozbeh Pournader 2001-01-05 UTC
L2/01-090 L2 request to vote NO on SC35 NPs in JTC1 N6359 and JTC1 N6369 and comments (draft) L2, Winkler 2001-02-01 I18n
L2/01-091 Tags for the Identification of Languages (Best Current Practice 47) Harald Alvestrand IETF RFC 3066 January 2001 I18n
L2/01-092 Text for Unicode 3.1 on wchar_t Sandra O’Donnell 2001-01-30 UTC
L2/01-093 Summary of voting on COR #1 for ISO/IEC 10367 SC2 N3509 2001-02-05 1041-L
L2/01-094 Letter from the JTC1 chair regarding JTC1 strategic planning activities – WG participation JTC1 N6375 SC2 N3510 2001-02-02 admin
L2/01-095 Modified proposal to add the “Arabic Tail Fragment”  character to the UCS Umamaheswaran SC2/WG2 N2322 2001-02-05 396-D UTC
L2/01-096 US comments to the ballot for PDAM #1 of ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 Michel Suignard SC2/WG2 N2323 2001-02-13 396-D
L2/01-097 Reply to William Klein on COBOL FCD Normative Reference to ISO/IEC 14652 Lisa Moore L2 2001-02-13 I18n
L2/01-098 Information necessary for TR 15285 amendments drafting T.K. Sato SC2/WG2 N2324 2001-02-12 1141-L
L2/01-099 AMC-ACE-M version 0.1.0  - (ASCII-Compatible Encoding) Adam M. Costello IETF draft 2001-02-12 I18N
L2/01-100 Report on the liaison from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 to ISO/TC 211 SC35 N0229 2001-02-09 I18n
L2/01-101 Reply to Dr. Pavanaja regarding L2/01-037 Rick McGowan 2001-02-09 UTC
L2/01-102 Ballot text for the registration of a POSIX locale according to ISO/IEC 15897  [ballot form 01102-LB] Keld Simonsen
SC22 N3206
2001-02-16 I18n
L2/01-103 Draft ISO Guide #73: Risk management - Vocabulary - Guidelines for use in standards ISO TMB 2001-02-08 admin
L2/01-104 Systematic review of international standards published five or ten years ago, or earlier (567 kB) ISO/IEC JTC1 2001-01-25 admin
L2/01-105 Disposition of comments to “matching and browsing” pre-draft 1.1 Marc Küster
CEN/TC304 N967
2001-02-19 22-30-02.02
L2/01-106 Swedish proposal for a revision of EN 1923 (replaced by L2/01-113) CEN/TC304 2001-02-19 395-L
L2/01-107 Updated agenda for SC2/WG2 meeting in Mountain View, April 2-5, 2001 (repl. by L2/01-127) Mike Ksar
SC2/WG2 N2325
2001-02-25 396-D
L2/01-108 DTR #27, Article 3 – request for clarification Peter Constable 2001-02-26 UTC
L2/01-109 Ballot text for the registration of a C locale according to ISO/IEC 15897 [ballot form 01109-LB] narrative Keld Simonsen
SC22 N3210
2001-02-21 admin
L2/01-110 Sixteen Bits, Surrogate Space, and Serendipity Sandra O’Donnell 2001-03-01 UTC
L2/01-111 Overview of the work of CEN/TC304 TC304 N969 2001-03-01 I18N
L2/01-112 Resolutions from the CEN/TC304 plenary meeting in Brussels, February 23, 2001 TC304 N972 2001-03-01 admin
L2/01-113 Proposed EN 1923 updated with input from the CEN/TC304 meeting in Brussels K.I. Larsson
2001-03-02 395-L
L2/01-114 Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 3503, ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000/PDAM 1 SC2 N3514
SC2/WG2 N2328
2001-03-09 396-D
L2/01-115 Summary of Voting on SC 2 N 3505, ISO/IEC CD 2375.2 (revised) SC2 N3515 2001-03-15 395-L
L2/01-116 List of SC 2 Standards Published/Confirmed in 1997 (consider for re-confirmation) SC2 N3512 2001-02-27 admin
L2/01-117 Results of Systematic Review for ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 Standards (2000) SC2 N3511 2001-02-27 admin
L2/01-118 Joining group “WAW” – duplication ? Marco Cimarosti 2001-03-13 396-D
L2/01-119 Multilingual issues concerning recycling symbols and symbols in general Alain LaBonté
Sc2/WG2 N2329
2001-03-14 396-D
L2/01-120 Change of Thai Names requested (8859-11) Michael Everson 2001-03-16 395-L
L2/01-121 FDIS 8859-11 – Thai Johan van Wingen 2001-03-16 395-L
L2/01-122 Names of characters in FDIS 8859-11 - Thai Surayuth Boonmatat 2001-03-16 395-L
L2/01-123 Accessing 10646-1:2000 CD-ROM files (replaces L2/00-397 – WG2 N2296) Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2296R
2000-11-08 396-D
L2/01-124 Roadmap – early Semitic scripts Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2311
2001-01-08 396-D
L2/01-125 Roadmap – Plane 1 (replaces WG2 N2214 == L2/00-366) Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2314
2001-01-09 396-D
L2/01-126 Roadmap – BMP (replaces WG2 N2313 == L2/00-366) Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2316
2001-01-09 396-D
L2/01-127 Updated agenda (#3) for SC2/WG 2 meeting (with document links, replacing L2/01-107) Mike Ksar
SC2/WG2 N2325
2001-03-16 396-D
L2/01-128 Report of the Korean Script ad-hoc group Korean ad-hoc 2001-02-24 396-D
L2/01-129 Browsing and Matching - scoping, draft final report Marc Küster
CEN TC304 N970
2001-03-01 I18N
L2/01-130 Minutes of the plenary of TC304 in Brussels, February 23, 2001 Þorgeir Sigurðsson 2001-03-20 admin
L2/01-131 Proposal to encode additional grass radicals in the UCS Everson, Whistler, McGowan; N2326 2001-04-01 396-D
L2/01-132 Lao Script - inquiry Boualoykhong Chansavat 2001-03-23 UTC
L2/01-133 Case mapping, and Greek Final Mark Davis 2001-03-24 396-D
L2/01-134 Comments on W3C character model, grapheme definition Mark Davis 2001-03-24 UTC
L2/01-135 Draft comments on DTR 14652 (L2/01-151) Sandra O’Donnell 2001-04-05 1241-L
L2/01-136 Mapping error of a particular JIS X 0213 character in CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPHS EXTENSION-B Sato – Japan
SC2/WG2 N2334
2001-03-28 396-D
L2/01-137 Draft proposal: Unicode coding of the Limbu Script Boyd Michailovsky 2001-03-29 396-D
L2/01-138 Proposal summary form for the Limbu Script Boyd Michailovsky
SC2/WG2 N2339
2001-03-29 396-D
L2/01-139 Printed samples of the Limbu Script Boyd Michailovsky 2001-03-29 396-D
L2/01-140 New proposal process/form for new characters Mark D.K. Whistler 2001-04-01 396-D
L2/01-141 Proposal to encode Ugaritic in the UCS Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2338
2001-04-01 396-D
L2/01-142 Additional Mathematical Symbols (replaces L2/01-088 == SC2/WG2 N2318) Beeton, Freytag, Ion
SC2/WG2 N2336
2001-04-02 396-D
L2/01-143 Encoding of Swedish dialect transcripts (PDF version) Brodda, Törnqvist
SC2/WG2 N2340
2001-03-10 396-D
L2/01-144 Ballot results and comments to FDIS ballot of ISO/IEC 10646-2 SC2/WG2 N2337 2001-04-02 396-D
L2/01-145 Proposal to encode 2 Georgian characters, incl. Letter to SC2/WG2 from the UTC Unicode, Moore
SC2/WG2 N2346R
2001-04-03 admin
L2/01-146 Background information on Recycling Symbols (supersedes L2/01-005 == SC2/WG2 N2310) Everson, Freytag
SC2/WG2 N2342
2001-04-02 396-D
L2/01-147 Encoding of long arrows Everson, WG2 N2343 2001-04-03 396-D
L2/01-148R Proposal to encode the “Arabic Ligature Rial” in ISO/IEC 10646-1 Roozbeh Pournader 2001-04-07 396-D
L2/01-149 Revised proposal to encode the Aegean scripts in the UCS Everson, Anderson
SC2/WG2 N2327
2001-04-03 396-D
L2/01-150 Proposal to encode two Arabic characters to the UCS Unicode
SC2/WG2 N2357
2001-04-04 396-D
L2/01-151 ISO/IEC DTR 14652 – “Specification method for cultural conventions “ for DTR ballot Keld Simonsen
SC22/WG20 N822
2001-03-22 1241-L
L2/01-152 Letter Ballot for DTR 14652 ballot Arnold Winkler 2001-04-05 1241-L
L2/01-153 Function and property of character names Everson, Unicode
SC2/WG2 N2360
2001-04-05 396-D
L2/01-154 Resolutions from the SC2/WG2 meeting #40 in Mountain View, April 2-5, 2001 Umamaheswaran
SC2/WG2 N2354
2001-04-05 admin
L2/01-155 Final disposition of comments for the PDAM ballot of ISO/IEC 10646-1, Amd. #1  (SC2 N3503) Michel Suignard
SC2/WG2 N2355
2001-04-04 396-D
L2/01-156 Additional mathematical characters – result of the ad-hoc meeting at WG2 #40 (rep. N2336) Asmus Freytag
SC2/WG2 N2356
2001-04-03 396-D
L2/01-157 Proposal to dis-unify certain fencing CJK punctuation marks from similar-looking Math fences Kent Karlsson
SC2/WG2 N2345R
2001-04-04 396-D
L2/01-158 Resolutions from the IRG meeting #16 SC2/WG2 N2358 2000-12-07 396-D
L2/01-159 Report: ad-hoc on Mathematical Symbols SC2/WG2 N2344 2001-04-03 396-D
L2/01-160 Ad hoc discussion on amending the Character - Glyph Model  (TR 15285:1998) Ads-hoc group
SC2/WG2 N2359
2001-04-05 1141-L
L2/01-161 Summary of the SC2/WG2 meeting in Mountain View, April 2-5. 2001 Ken Whistler 2001-04-09 UTC
L2/01-162 Clarification On Versions of CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B As Well As SuperCJK Zhang Zhoucai
SC2/WG2 N2349
2001-04-02 396-D
L2/01-163 CJK Unified Ideographs ext. B pre-IS for review SC2/WG2 N2347 2001-03-30 396-D
L2/01-164 FPDAM 1 Names List (Draft 12) Asmus Freytag
SC2 N2341(R)
2001-04-05 396-D
L2/01-165 SuperCJK Revision 13.0 SC2/WG2 N2348 2001-04-02 396-D
L2/01-166 Reply to Georgian State Department of Information Technology  (reply to: L2/01-046) Lisa Moore 2001-04-16 396-D
L2/01-167 Unassigned.      
L2/01-168 Bracket Disunification & Normalization Hell Ken Whistler 2001-04-10 396-D
L2/01-169 Normative changes in Unicode 3.1 Unicode 2001-04-17 UTC
L2/01-170 Comments on SC2/WG2 N2242 (New Tai Lue and Tai Le) Peter Constable 2001-04-17 396-D
L2/01-171 Text for FDIS ballot of ISO/IEC 6937  -- Coded graphic character set for text communication -- Latin alphabet Keld Simonsen
SC2 N3522
2001-04-19 1039-L
L2/01-172 Report on the tenth plenary meeting of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 held in Athens, Greece, 2001-09-25/26 SC2 secretariat
SC2 N3521
2001-04-19 admin
L2/01-173 Invitation from National Body of Singapore to host the SC 2 Plenary and WG 2 meetings Singapore
SC2 N3520
2001-04-19 admin
L2/01-174 Summary of voting on FDIS 10646-2 SC2 N3519 2001-04-25 396-D
L2/01-175 Liaison report from the W3C Mark Davis 2001-04-29 admin
L2/01-176 Requirements of Internationalized Domain Names IETF IDN WG 2001-04-24 I18n
L2/01-177 Vocabulary standards maintenance Farance / Winkler 2001-05-01 I18n
L2/01-178 List of all parts of the (orphaned) vocabulary standard ISO/IEC 2382 (with links to parts 4 and 5) ISO/IEC 2382 2001-05-01 admin
L2/01-179 Disposition of East Asian mapping tables Whistler, Freytag 2001-05-02 UTC
L2/01-180 Three proposals to extend the charset XML format Markus Scherer 2001-05-01 UTC
L2/01-181 Action items before the UTC/L2 meetings Arnold Winkler 2001-05-17 admin
L2/01-182 Agenda for the UTC/L2 meeting Lisa Moore 2001-05-21 admin
L2/01-183 Motions from the UTC/L2 meeting Lisa Moore 2001-06-18 Admin
L2/01-184 Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting Lisa Moore 2001-06-18 admin
L2/01-185 Agenda for the L2 meeting Arnold Winkler 2001-05-01 Admin
L2/01-186 Minutes from the L2 meeting Moore 2001-06-15 Admin
L2/01-187 Action items after the UTC/L2 meetings Moore/Winkler 2001-06-14 Admin
L2/01-188 Liaison report from NCITS/H2 – SQL: Character related features in ISO/ANSI SQL Dave Birdsall 2001-03-29 admin
L2/01-189 Updates to EastAsianWidth … Asmus Freytag 2001-04-30 UTC
L2/01-190R HTML test file for combining sequences for Lithuanian Kent Karlsson
Vladas Tumasonis
2001-05-06 396-D
L2/01-191R Dotting the i's; a request for changing SpecialCasing.txt Kent Karlsson
Vladas Tumasonis
2001-05-03 UTC
L2/01-192 Problems on Interoperativity between Unicode and CJK Local Encodings Tomohiro Kubota 2001-05-02 396-D
L2/01-193 Background information about East Asian mappings Asmus Freytag 2001-05-02 UTC
L2/01-194 Proposal: Formalizing the Unicode Private Use Area Eric Muller 2001-05-07 UTC
L2/01-195 UTF-16 in C and C++ Tanaka Keishiro
Elbe Markus
2001-04 UTC
L2/01-196 Case Mapping and Greek Final Mark Davis 2001-03-24 UTC
L2/01-197 Case Misalignments
(original URL: http://www.macchiato.com/utc/case_misalignments.htm)
Mark Davis 2001-05-08 UTC
L2/01-198 Comments on W3C character model, grapheme definition. Mark Davis 2001-03-24 UTC
L2/01-199 Unicode N chars in XML names (N > 2) Misha Wolf 2001-05-14 UTC
L2/01-200 L2 annual report to NCITS Arnold Winkler 2001-06-13 admin
L2/01-201 Resolutions from the SC22/WG20 meeting in Tübingen, May 9-11, 2001 SC22/WG20 N812
2001-05-11 I18N
L2/01-202 The Soft_dot_above property Kent Karlsson 2001-05-16 UTC
L2/01-203 Summary of voting on letter ballot on POSIX locale for registration according to ISO 15897 (N3206) ITTF
SC22 N3235
2001-05-15 1275-L
L2/01-204 Line oriented parsing Kent Karlsson 2001-05-15 UTC
L2/01-205 Summary of voting on letter ballot on C locale for registration according to ISO 15897 (N3210) ITTF
SC22 N3236
2001-05-15 1275-L
L2/01-206 Guide to the use of character set standards in Europe TC304 N890 1999-07-23 I18N
L2/01-207 Language coding in TC37/SC2/WG1 Haavard Hjulstad 2001-01-31 I18N
L2/01-208 CEN/TC304: Cultural Diversity Study PWC, TC304 N966 2001-02-14 I18N
L2/01-209 Language codes - information from ISO/TC37/SC2 John Clews 2001-05-16 I18N
L2/01-210 Potential requirement for SQL – sorting (proposal withdrawn) Ed Hart 2001-05-21 UTC
L2/01-211 An Informational RFC about Unicode Consortium procedures, policies, standard versioning, stability, and public access Rick McGowan 2001-05-18 UTC
L2/01-212 Proposal to Formally Reject Klingon for Encoding Rick McGowan 2001-05-18 396-D
L2/01-213 Suggestion regarding identifiers in XML (Name and Nmtoken) for the next version of XML Kent Karlsson 2001-05-21 UTC
L2/01-214 Arabic joining clarification Roozbeh Pournader 2001-05-21 UTC
L2/01-215 Comments on L2/01-207 and on current work on language tagging in general Peter Constable 2001-05-21 UTC
L2/01-216 Unicode FAQ on GB 18030 Cathy Wissink 2001-05-21 UTC
L2/01-217 Status Report on Aegean Script Proposal (Linear B, Aegean Numbers and Cypriot Syllabary) Deborah Anderson 2001-05-20 396-D
L2/01-218 Bidirectional Reordering Issues Steve Atkin 2001-05-22 UTC
L2/01-219R Bidirectional Reordering and Normalization Issues (ppt) Steve Atkin 2001-05-22 UTC
L2/01-220 Proposal for a C/C++ language extension to support portable UTF-16 Nobuyoshi Mori 2001-05-05 UTC
L2/01-221 INFITT Liaison report Michael Kaplan 2001-05-21 admin
L2/01-222 SC2/WG2 Principles and Procedures Uma, WG2 N2352R 2001-05-30 396-D
L2/01-223 Bracket Dis-unification Michel Suignard 2001-05-23 UTC
L2/01-224 East Asian Widths Asmus Freytag 2001-05-24 UTC
L2/01-225 Review of Case Misalignments Asmus Freytag 2001-05-21 UTC
L2/01-226 Unicode in Mathematics Proposed TR Beeton, Freytag, Sargent 2001-05-23 UTC
L2/01-227 UTC 87 Consent Document Ken Whistler 2001-05-22 UTC
L2/01-228 WG20 Liaison Report Ken Whistler 2001-05-22 I18N
L2/01-229 Unicode in XML names John Cowan 2001-05-22 UTC
L2/01-230 A Revised Proposal for Equivalent Binary Collation across Unicode Transformation Forms ”a.k.a. UTF8-S” Jianping Yang
Nobuyoshi Mori
Toby Phipps
2001-05-23 UTC
L2/01-231 Proposal to encode Limbu in the BMP Boyd Michailovsky
SC2/WG2 N2339
2001-03-29 396-D
L2/01-232 Table of replies on FDIS 8859-16: Latin alphabet No. 10 SC2 N3523 2001-05-23 395-L
L2/01-233 Citing a Specific Enumerated Version of the Unicode Standard Joan Aliprand
Editorial Committee
2001-05-23 UTC
L2/01-234 Binary order in different UTFs Asmus Freytag 2001-05-20 UTC
L2/01-235 Liaison report from NCITS/H2 – SQL: L2 Codes and character sets liaison report David Birdsall 2001-02-02 admin
L2/01-236 Language coding (TC 37/SC2/WG1) Haavard Hjulstad 2001-01-31 I18N
L2/01-237 ISO 10585 – Armenian alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange ISO 10585 1996-12-15 1520-L
L2/01-238 ISO 10586 – Georgian alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange ISO 10586 1996-12-15 1521-L
L2/01-239 Extension of the Arabic coded character set for bibliographic information interchange ISO 11822 1996-12-15 1522-L
L2/01-240 ISO 6862 - Mathematical coded character set for bibliographic information interchange ISO 6862 1996-12-15 1519-L
L2/01-241 Letter ballot for the re-affirmation of ISO 10585 [ Question Form for re-affirmation ] Arnold Winkler 2001-06-01 admin
L2/01-242 Letter ballot for the re-affirmation of ISO 10586 Arnold Winkler 2001-06-01 admin
L2/01-243 Letter ballot for the re-affirmation of ISO 11822 Arnold Winkler 2001-06-01 admin
L2/01-244 Letter ballot for the re-affirmation of ISO 6862 Arnold Winkler 2001-06-01 admin
L2/01-245 Unicode characters permitted in XML names Mark Davis 2001-06-06 UTC
L2/01-246 SC 31 Liaison Report to SC2 K. I. Larsson
SC2 N3524
2001-06-05 admin
L2/01-247 Resolutions of the JTC 1 Special Group on Strategic Planning (SGSP) London, 2001-05-30/06-01 JTC1 N6447
SC2 N3525
2001-06-05 admin
L2/01-248 Rules for ISO/IEC Workshop Mode of Operation JTC 1 N 6446
SC2 N3526
2001-06-05 admin
L2/01-249 Draft Revision of the Annex K to the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives, Guide for ITU-T and ISO Cooperation JTC1 N6443
SC2 N3527
2001-06-05 Admin
L2/01-250 Resolutions from the ISO/TMB June 2001 ISO/TMB 2001-06 Admin
L2/01-251 Preliminary agenda for SC2 meeting in Singapore, 2001-10-18/19 SC2 N3529 2001-06-11 Admin
L2/01-252 FPDAM ballot and text for ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000, Amendment #1 – Mathematical symbols and other characters SC2 N3530
SC2/WG2 N2364
2001-06-08 396-D
L2/01-253 DIS ballot for ISO/IEC 20970 – JEFF format (Java class file format) JT/01-0268
2001-05-31 I18n
L2/01-254 Minutes of the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32/WG 3 Meeting in Perth, Australia (843 kB) David Birdsall,
SC32/WG3 N0050
2001-06-04 UTC
L2/01-255 SC32/WG3: Minutes of the Editing Meeting in Perth, Australia (1640 kB) David Birdsall,
SC32 YYJ-013
2001-06-04 UTC
L2/01-256 Proposal for encoding the Shavian script in the SMP of the UCS (see L2/01-285) Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2362
2001-06-03 396-D
L2/01-257 Notice and preliminary agenda for SC2/WG2 meeting in Singapore, October 15-18, 2001 Mike Ksar
SC2/WG2 N2365
2001-06-19 admin
L2/01-258 SQL support for the Universal Character Set (Liaison from SC32 / H2) J. M. Sykes (UK)
SC32/WG3 per 054r1
2001-04-18 I18n
L2/01-259 Report to CEN/TC304 on the OCR-B situation K.I. Larsson
CEN TC304 N982
2001-06-20 240-L
L2/01-260 Request for comments: Dealing with stabilized / obsolescent standards (US proposal to JTC1) JTC1 N6455
SC2 N3534
2001-06-20 Admin
L2/01-261 Not assigned.      
L2/01-262 Proposal to reserve d7c0..d7ff for internal use Markus Scherer 2001-06-20 UTC
L2/01-263 Result of voting for FDIS ballot for ISO/IEC 10646-2 ITTF 2001-06-21 396-D
L2/01-264 Comments accompanying Japan’s negative vote on ISO/IEC FDIS 10646-2 JISC 2001-06-21 396-D
L2/01-265 Request to WG2 to allow FFFF, FFFE in UTF-8 Mark Davis
SC2/WG2 N2369
2001-06-25 396-D
L2/01-266 Report from the IRG #17 in HK, June 18-22, 2001 John Jenkins 2001-06-25 396-D
L2/01-267 Resolutions from the IRG meeting #17 IRG N803 2001-06-21 396-D
L2/01-268 Variant selector Asmus Freytag 2001-06-27 396-D
L2/01-269 Text for Ballot of Amendment #1 to ISO/IEC 14651: International string ordering, mandatory table Alain LaBonté
SC22 N3242
2001-05-10 1241-L
L2/01-270 How U+06D5 works in Uighur Martin Hosken 2001-06-19 396-D
L2/01-271 Revised proposal to encode the Osmanya script in the SMP of the UCS (see L2/01-284) Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2361
2001-06-12 396-D
L2/01-272 Proposal to add five phonetic characters to the UCS (SC2/WG2 N2366) Richard S. Cook, Jr.;
Michael Everson
2001-07-02 396-D
L2/01-273 Text for registration and CD ballot of ISO/IEC 15897 Registration of cultural elements Keld Simonsen
SC22/WG20 N849
2001-07-01 1275-L
L2/01-274 Request for improvement of WG2 proposal form instructions Mark Davis 2001-07-16 Admin
L2/01-275 Proposal:  New properties for Cf Mark Davis 2001-07-16 UTC
L2/01-276 Request to eliminate irregular sequences – UTF-8 W3C I18N 2001-07-20 UTC
L2/01-277 Proposed ISO/IEC 15897 registration: Finnish in Finland TIEKE
SC22 N3263
L2/01-278 Proposed ISO/IEC 15897 registration: Norwegian Bokmål language locale for Norway Norwegian Tech. Ctr.
SC22 N3264
L2/01-279 Proposed ISO/IEC 15897 registration: Swedish in Sweden ITS
SC22 N3262
L2/01-280 Open issues for EOR-2 Marc Küster 2001-07-16 1241-L
L2/01-281 Summary of Voting on JTC1 N 6404, ISO/IEC DTR 14652 – Specification methods for cult. conventions SC22 N3261
JTC1 N6483
2001-07-09 1241-L
L2/01-282 European generic locales: narrative cultural specifications, POSIX locales, and repertoiremap CEN CWA 14051-2
SC22 3265
2001-01 1275-L
L2/01-283 Proposal to add monogram, digram and hexagram characters to the UCS Cook, Everson,
Jenkins, WG2 N2363
2001-07-25 396-D
L2/01-284 Revised proposal to encode the Osmanya script in the SMP of the UCS (repl. L2/01-271) SC2/WG2 N2361R 2001-07-14 396-D
L2/01-285 Revised proposal for encoding the Shavian script in the SMP of the UCS (repl. L2/01-256) Everson, Jenkins
SC2/WG2 N2362R
2001-07-14 396-D
L2/01-286 Principles and Procedures for Allocation of New Characters and Scripts and handling of Defect Reports on Character Names (Replaces N2002 and N1876), editor V.S. Umamaheswaran Ad hoc group on Principles and Procedures
SC2/WG2 N2352R
2001-07-26 admin
L2/01-287 Draft L2 ballot comments to L2/01-273, registration and CD ballot for ISO/IEC 15897 O’Donnell,
2001-08-03 1275-L
L2/01-288 Disposition of Comments Report on SC2 N 3333, FCD 8859-11, Latin/Thai alphabet Johan van Wingen,
Surayuth Boonmatat
SC2 N3537
2001-07-02 392-M
L2/01-289 Revised Text of ISO/IEC 8859-11 Part 11: Latin/Thai alphabet for FDIS ballot Johan van Wingen
Surayuth Boonmatat
SC2 N3538
2001-07-02 392-M
L2/01-290 Notice of Publication: ISO/IEC 8859-16,: Latin alphabet No. 10 SC2 N3541 2001-07-04 392-M
L2/01-291 Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (proposed correction of shapes) Bill Jancewicz 2001-08-07 396-D
L2/01-292 Action items before the UTC meeting #88 & L2 #185 Arnold Winkler 2001-08-08 Admin
L2/01-293 Agenda for the UTC/L2 meeting #88 (R4) Lisa Moore 2001-08-17 Admin
L2/01-294 Motions from the UTC/L2 meeting #88 (R) Lisa Moore 2001-09-07 Admin
L2/01-295 Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting #88 (R) Lisa Moore 2001-09-07 Admin
L2/01-296R Agenda for the L2 meeting #185 Arnold Winkler 2001-08-14 Admin
L2/01-297 Minutes from the L2 meeting #185 Arnold Winkler 2001-08-17 Admin
L2/01-298 Action items after the UTC/L2 meetings #88 & #185 Arnold Winkler 2001-08-31 Admin
L2/01-299 Summary of Conclusions of the JTC 1 Market Trial Project Team (MTPT) Meeting, 9 March 2001 in Washington, DC [JTC 1 N 6473] SC2 N3540 2001-07-17 admin
L2/01-300 Notice of Publication: ISO/IEC 10367: 1991/Cor.1: 2001, Standardized coded graphic character sets for use in 8-bit codes SC2 N3539 2001-07-04 1041-L
L2/01-301 Analysis of Character Deprecation in the Unicode Standard – position paper Ken Whistler 2001-08-01 UTC
L2/01-302 SC22/WG20: Convenor’s report 2001 Arnold Winkler 2001-08-02 I18N
L2/01-303 Letter from the Government from India on “Draft for Unicode Standard for Indian Scripts” Dr. Om Vikas 2001-07-26 admin
L2/01-304 Feedback on Unicode Standard 3.0 VishwaBharat@tdil, May 2001 edition (1.9 MB !!) Experts from India 2001-08-02 396-D
L2/01-305 Draft UTC Response to L2/01-304, "Feedback on Unicode Standard 3.0" Rick McGowan 2001-08-08 UTC
L2/01-306 Liaison report from SC2 to the SC22 plenary Arnold Winkler 2001-08-02 admin
L2/01-307 Serious bug in Khmer, Myanmar combining classes Ken Whistler 2001-08-06 UTC
L2/01-308 More on L2/01-307 – Khmer and Myanmar Hoskins, Whistler 2001-08-07 UTC
L2/01-309 Variation selectors and HAN John Jenkins 2001-08-08 UTC
L2/01-310 Khmer issues on the horizon McGowan, Whistler 2001-08-14 UTC
L2/01-311 Security concerns about UTF-8 from Misha Wolf, chair of the W3C I18N working group Misha Wolf 2001-08-08 UTC
L2/01-312 Comments on L2/01-282 (European generic locales - Part 2: Narrative cultural specifications, POSIX locales, and repertoiremap) Sandra O’Donnell 2001-08-09 1275-L
L2/01-313 MES identification in FPDAM-1 to 10646-1: 2000 Umamaheswaran 2001-07-07 396-D
L2/01-314 Unicode FAQ on GB18030 Scherer, Wissink 2001-08-10 UTC
L2/01-315 DUTR #22:  Character Mapping Mark-up Language Davis, Scherer 2001-08-09 UTC
L2/01-316 Arabic Letter Final/Isolated Kaf Sign Ivanov, Novgorodova 2001-08-01 UTC
L2/01-317 Bracket disunification and normalization (R) Michel Suignard 2001-09-10 UTC
L2/01-318 Preparation of internationalized host names Paul Hoffman, IMC 2001-07-19 UTC
L2/01-319 White space processing Michel Suignard 2001-09-10 UTC
L2/01-320 Character mapping DTD Markus Scherer 2001-08-14 UTC
L2/01-321 Proposal to update “SpecialCasing” Kent Karlsson 2001-08-15 UTC
L2/01-322R Default Grapheme Clusters Mark Davis 2001-08-15 UTC
L2/01-323 Ideographic Description Properties Mark Davis 2001-08-17 UTC
L2/01-324R Variation Selectors Mark Davis 2001-08-17 UTC
L2/01-325 Variants in Arabic script – related to L2/01-304 Thomas Milo 2001-08-14 UTC
L2/01-326 New properties – Reserved_Cf_Code_Point & Deprecated (follow on to L2/01-275) Mark Davis 2001-08-15 UTC
L2/01-327 Case under normalization Mark Davis 2001-08-16 UTC
L2/01-328R3 UTF-16 compatible encoding scheme 8-bit UCES-8 (for review). L2/01-328R for comparison Toby Phipps 2001-09-04 UTC
L2/01-329 Comments on the Arabic block in Unicode Thomas Milo 2001-08-17 UTC
L2/01-330 US Comments on PDAM 1 to ISO/IEC 14651 Whistler, Davis 2001-08-17 1241-L
L2/01-331 Unassigned.      
L2/01-332 CEN CWA – European Culturally Specific ICT Requirements CEN CWA 14094, ESR:2000 2000-10-31 1241-L
L2/01-333 SC22 secretariat’s report 2001 Matt Deane
SC22 N3290
2001-08-21 admin
L2/01-334 Minutes of 18th Plenary of CEN/TC304 European Localization ICT Requirements CEN TC304 N987 2001-08-20 admin
L2/01-335 Differences between case(normalize(s)) and normalize(case(s)) Kent Karlsson 2001-08-20 UTC
L2/01-336 Message to the IDN nameprep group about Traditional/Simplified Chinese Mark Davis
Cathy Wissink
2001-08-25 UTC
L2/01-337 Call for volunteers for L2 chair (by November 26) NCITS, IT/01-0751 2001-08-27 Admin
L2/01-338 Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16 – 8-Bit (CESU-8) Toby Phipps 2001-09-12 UTC
L2/01-339 Grapheme Break Mark Davis 2001-09-10 UTC
L2/01-340 Principles and procedures for allocation of new characters and scripts (replaces SC2/WG2 N2352, N2002, N1876) Umamaheswaran
SC2/WG2 N2352R
2001-09-04 396-D
L2/01-341 Proposal summary form to accompany submissions for additions to the repertoire of ISO/IEC 10646 Umamaheswaran
WG2 N2352-form
2001-09-04 396-D
L2/01-342 Comments accompanying the US positive vote on the FPDAM 1 to ISO/IEC 10646-1:2001 (annex: 1.8MB !!!), 2 pages from ISO/IEC 10646-1 in context - annex Michel Suignard 2001-09-10 396-D
L2/01-343 Comments to the registration of 30 European locales according to ISO/IEC 15897 Sandra O’Donnell
2001-09-13 22.15897
L2/01-344 Minutes from SC2/WG2 meeting #40 – Mountain View, April 2001 Umamaheswaran
SC2/WG2 N2353
2001-09-09 admin
L2/01-345 Preliminary Agenda for SC2/WG2 meeting #41 in Singapore, October 15-18, 2001 Mike Ksar
SC2/WG2 N2367
2001-09-14 admin
L2/01-346 Language Identifiers in the Markup Context (link to coverpages.org) Robin Cover, OASIS 2001-09-11 I18N
L2/01-347 Updated proposal to add six phonetic characters to the UCS (SC2/WG2 N2366R) Richard S. Cook, Jr.;
Michael Everson
2001-09-20 396-D
L2/01-348 Proposal summary for DAI script China,
SC2/WG2 N2371
2001-09-14 396-D
L2/01-349 Proposal to add 70 symbols to ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 (1 MB) DPRK
SC2/WG2 N2374
2001-09-03 396-D
L2/01-350 Proposal to add 160 Compatibility Hanja code table of D P R of Korea into CJK Compatibility Ideographs DPRK
SC2/WG2 N2375
2001-09-03 396-D
L2/01-351 Proposal to add the Hanja code tables of D P R of Korea into ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 (18194 ideographs to CJK Unified Ideographs and its Extension A) (Word format, 1.5 MB) DPRK
SC2/WG2 N2376
2001-09-03 396-D
L2/01-352 Proposal to add the Hanja code tables of D P R of Korea into ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000(18194 ideographs to CJK Unified Ideographs and its Extension A) (same document as L2/01-351, separate cover and table) Mapping table in plain text format DPRK
SC2/WG2 N2376
2001-09-03 396-D
L2/01-353 Resolutions from the 2001-SC22 plenary in Hawaii ( Resolutions specifically for WG20 ) SC22 N3316 2001-09-26 admin
L2/01-354 Proposal to add Arabic Currency Sign Rial to the UCS Roozbeh Pournader
SC2/WG2 N2373
2001-09-20 396-D
L2/01-355 Request to allow FFFF, FFFE in UTF-8 in the text of ISO/IEC 10646  Mark Davis
SC2/WG2 N2369
2001-09-26 396-D
L2/01-356 Editorial Defects in 10646-1: 2000 Umamaheswaran
SC2/WG2 N2377
2001-09-28 396-D
L2/01-357 Additional comments for FPDAM ballot on Amd. 1 for 10646-1:2000; i.e. on document SC2/N3530, WG2/N2364. Kent Karlsson
SC2/WG2 N2379
2001-10-03 396-D
L2/01-358 Establishing a Rosetta Stone of the Internet Liana Ye 2001-09-29 UTC
L2/01-359 Resolutions form the SC22/WG20 meeting in Malvern, October 1-3, 2001 Winkler
SC22/WG20 N873
2001-10-03 I18N
L2/01-360 Minutes from the SC22/WG20 meeting in Malvern, October 1-3, 2001 Winkler
SC22/WG20 N874
2001-10-03 I18N
L2/01-361 Call for Candidates to Serve as Liaison Representative from SC22 to SC 2 SC22 N3324
SC22/WG20 N884
2001-10-05 Admin
L2/01-362 Letter ballot: Request to Include Annex A of ISO/IEC TR 10176 on the ITTF Website (LB-01-362) SC22 N3326
SC22/WG20 N885
2001-10-05 473-L
L2/01-363 Letter Ballot on Future of SC 22/WG 20 (Internationalization) (LB-01-363) SC22 N3327
SC22/WG20 N886
2001-10-05 Admin
L2/01-364 Letter Ballot on Withdrawal of Project JTC1.22.15435 - APIs for Internationalization (LB-01-364) SC22 N3328
SC22/WG20 N887
2001-10-05 1241-L
L2/01-365 Letter Ballot on Establishment of Liaison between SC22 and the IETF (LB-01-365) SC22 N3329
SC22/WG20 N888
2001-10-05 Admin
L2/01-366 Letter Ballot on Revision of ISO/IEC TR 10176 - Guidelines for the Preparation of Programming Language Standards (LB-01-366) SC22 N3330
SC22/WG20 N889
2001-10-05 473-L
L2/01-367 Disposition of comments on DTR 14652 ballot Keld Simonsen 2001-10-05 1241-L
L2/01-368 Liaison report from SC22 to SC2 for 2001 plenary Arnold Winkler 2001-10-06 admin
L2/01-369 Revised proposal for encoding the Tai Le script in the BMP of the UCS Michael Everson
SC2/WG2 N2372
2001-10-05 396-D
L2/01-370 Final proposal to encode Aegean scripts in the UCS Anderson, Everson
SC2/WG2 N2378
2001-10-03 396-D
L2/01-371 Normalization Form FCD Markus Scherer 2001-10-07 UTC
L2/01-372 Cambodian official objection to the existing Khmer block in UCS Cambodia NB
SC2/WG2 N2380
2001-10-08 396-D
L2/01-373 CT22 ballot: ISO/IEC DIS 20970 – JEFF file format (with comments from Rex Jaeschke) (LB-01-373) CT22, Rex Jaeschke
2001-05-31 I18N
L2/01-374 Result of voting for ISO/IEC FDIS 6937 ITTF; SC2 N3546 2001-10-09 1039-L
L2/01-375R Proposal to add eight Tamil symbols (1.426 MB) Umamaheswaran
SC2/WG2 N2381
2001-10-10 396-D
L2/01-376 Guideline to correct fatal error on UCS SC2/WG2 N2382 2001-10-06 396-D
L2/01-377 Liaison report from CEN TC304 to SC2 Erkki Kolehmainen 2001-10-10 admin
L2/01-378 Unicode Consortium Liaison Report to SC2 Asmus Freytag
SC2/WG2 N2370
2001-10-10 Admin
L2/01-379 Roadmaps (Snapshot on October 10, 2001) SC2/WG2 N2383 2001-10-10 396-D
L2/01-380 CEN: TC-ballot results on EOR-2 CEN/TC304 N990 2001-10-11 I18N
L2/01-381 SC2 Business Plan (Oct 2000 – Sep 2001) Shibano, SC2 N3555 2001-10-04 admin
L2/01-382 Response to Cambodian official objection to Khmer block (N2380) Bauhan, Everson
SC2/WG2 N2385
2001-10-11 396-D
L2/01-383 Expectations for the 41st meeting of WG2 NB Ireland
SC2/WG2 N2386
2001-10-11 admin
L2/01-384 Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 N 3530: ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000/FPDAM 1 SC2 N3556 2001-10-12 396-D
L2/01-385 WG2 Report to the eleventh SC2 plenary meeting in Singapore – October 2001 Mike Ksar
SC2/WG2 N2368
2001-10-12 admin
L2/01-386R Disposition of comments on SC2 N 3530 (FPDAM# 1 to ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000) Michel Suignard
SC2/WG2 N2389
SC2 N3564
2001-10-26 396-D
L2/01-387 ROK’s comments about DPRK’s proposal to add 70 symbols to ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 Kyongsok KIM
SC2/WG2 N2390
2001-10-13 396-D
L2/01-388 A Report of Korean Script ad hoc group meeting on Oct. 15, 2001 Kyongsok Kim
SC2/WG2 N2392
2001-10-16 396-D
L2/01-389 IRG Rapporteur’s Report to WG2 # 41 and SC2 #11 in Singapore – October 2001 IRG N837
Sc2/WG2 N2393
2001-10-16 396-D
L2/01-390 Explicit Properties for Special Casing & Titlecase (see L2/01-445, below) Mark Davis,
Markus Scherer
2001-10-16 UTC
L2/01-391 Secretariat report to the SC2 plenary in Singapore October 18-19, 2001 SC2 N3552 2001-09-28 admin
L2/01-392 Resolutions from the SC2/WG2 meeting in Singapore, October 15-18, 2001 SC2/WG2 N3568
SC2 N2404R
2001-10-22 admin
L2/01-393 Resolutions from the SC2 meeting in Singapore, October 18-19, 2001 SC2 N3574 2001-10-23 admin
L2/01-394 Letter from Cambodia to JTC 1 Chairman Regarding Khmer Character Encoding in ISO/IEC 10646 SC2 N3571 2001-10-22 admin
L2/01-395 Report from the SC2/WG2 meeting in Singapore Asmus Freytag 2001-10-20 396-D
L2/01-396R Property Aliases 3.2.0 Mark Davis 2001-10-26 UTC
L2/01-397 Comments on WG2 N2395: draft code charts for PDAM 2 to 10646-1:2000 Ken Whistler 2001-10-24 396-D
L2/01-398 Request for SC2 to prepare to accept ISO/IEC 14651 as a new work item Ireland NB
SC2 N2399
2001-10-16 Admin
L2/01-399 Subdivision for Amendment 2 to ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000, Part 1: Basic Multilingual Plane SC2 N3573 2001-10-22 396-D
L2/01-400 Subdivision for Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 10646-2: 2001, Part 2: Supplementary Planes SC2 N3572 2001-10-22 396-D
L2/01-401 Disposition of comments to ISO/IEC 2375-2 Michael Everson
SC2 N3567
2001-10-22 13-M
L2/01-402 New ordering rules for Hangul, including rules for historic characters, and a DPRK delta (See L2/01-469) Kent Karlsson
WG20 N891
2001-10-30 1241-L
L2/01-403 Agenda for the UTC/L2 meeting in Mountain View, November 6-9, 2001 Lisa Moore 2001-10-29 Admin
L2/01-404 Motions from the UTC/L2 meeting in Mountain View, November 6-9, 2001 Lisa Moore 2001-11-12 Admin
L2/01-405 Minutes from the UTC/L2 meeting in Mountain View, November 6-9, 2001 Lisa Moore 2001-11-12 Admin
L2/01-406 Agenda for the L2 meeting in Mountain View, November 6-9, 2001 Arnold Winkler 2001-11-01 Admin
L2/01-407 Minutes from the L2 meeting in Mountain View, November 6-9, 2001 Arnold Winkler 2001-12-13 Admin
L2/01-408 Action items before the UTC/L2 meeting in Mountain View, November 6-9, 2001 Arnold Winkler 2001-11-04 Admin
L2/01-409 Action items after the UTC/L2 meeting in Mountain View, November 6-9, 2001 Arnold Winkler 2001-12-13 Admin
L2/01-410 PDUTR #26: Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16: 8-Bit (CESU-8) (See L2/01-460) Toby Phipps 2001-09-12 UTC
L2/01-411 Not assigned      
L2/01-412 Greek Acrophonic Numerals Proposal and Proposals for Other Greek Additional Characters Deborah Anderson 2001-11-05 396-D
L2/01-413 Grapheme Break Mark Davis 2001-10-30 UTC
L2/01-414 Proposal to add the eject key symbol to Unicode John Jenkins 2001-11-02 396-D
L2/01-415 Interaction of ligation control via high-level protocols and ZWJ John Jenkins 2001-11-02 UTC
L2/01-416 Issues with GB 18030 to Unicode mapping tables John Jenkins 2001-11-02 396-D, UTC
L2/01-417 Business to take up with the IRG John Jenkins 2001-11-02 UTC
L2/01-418 Report of SC 2/WG 3 to the SC 2 Plenary in Singapore, 2001-10-18/19 Melagrakis
SC2 N3566
2001-10-22 admin
L2/01-419 Block Boundary Fixes Mark Davis 2001-10-30 UTC
L2/01-420 WG2 (Singapore) Resolution Consent Docket for UTC in Mountain View, November 2001 Ken Whistler 2001-10-30 UTC
L2/01-421 Cambodian official objection to existing Khmer block (Committee for Standardization of Khmer Characters in Computers*) Industrial Standards Bureau of Cambodia
SC2/WG2 N2380R
2001-10-14 396-D
L2/01-422 Response to L2/01-419 Block Boundary Fixes Ken Whistler 2001-10-30 UTC
L2/01-423 Suggested reference name and annotation updates Kent Karlsson 2001-10-31 UTC
L2/01-424 CLAUI Meeting announcement for Paris, December 11-12, 2001 SC22 N3335 2001-10-19 I18N
L2/01-425 Proposal to add Arabic-script honorifics and other marks Jonathan Kew, SIL 2001-11-01 396-D
L2/01-426 Proposal to add Arabic-script honorifics and other marks, Appendix: Examples of usage (14.5 MB) Jonathan Kew. SIL 2001-11-01 396-D
L2/01-427 Proposal to add Parkari letters to Arabic block (1.6 MB) Jonathan Kew. SIL 2001-11-01 396-D
L2/01-428 Request for clarification regarding ARABIC END OF AYAH and other Arabic enclosing marks Jonathan Kew. SIL 2001-11-01  
L2/01-429 UTR #24 – Script Names Mark Davis 2001-09-27 UTC
L2/01-430R UTC Response to L2/01-304, "Feedback on Unicode Standard 3.0", (repl. L2/01-305) Rick McGowan 200111-20 UTC
L2/01-431R Action item list for UTC and Editorial Committee resulting from L2/01-340R Rick McGowan 2001-11-08 UTC
L2/01-432 Draft UTC Response to Internet Draft "draft-liana-idn-stone-00.txt" (Rosetta Stone) Rick McGowan 2001-10-31 UTC
L2/01-433 Handling PDAM issues for ISO/IEC 10646 Asmus Freytag 2001-10-31 396-D
L2/01-434 Apples comments on UTR #22 Deborah Goldsmith
Peter Edberg
2001-10-31 UTC
L2/01-435 Head of Delegation report from the SC2 meeting in Singapore, October 18-19, 2001 Michel Suignard 2001-11-01 admin
L2/01-436 Draft US Comments on Draft of DIS 2375, dated 2001-10-25 Ed Hart 2001-10-31 13-M
L2/01-437 Flow of registration according to ISO 2375 Ed Hart 2001-10-31 13-M
L2/01-438 Disposition of comments to the ballot of ISO/IEC DTR 14652 – Cultural Conventions Keld Simonsen
SC22/WG20 N892
2001-11-02 1241-L
L2/01-439 Year-sign example Tom Milo 2001-11-02 396-D
L2/01-440 Some comments on the Arabic block in Unicode Tom Milo 2001-11-02 396-D
L2/01-441 Draft proposed update to TR #21 – Case Mapping Mark Davis 2001-11-03 UTC
L2/01-442 JIS X0213 FAQ Tet Orita 2001-10-23 I18N
L2/01-443 Response to WG2 Document N2385, 2001-10-11 from the Cambodian Committee for Standardization of Khmer Characters in Computers* Cambodian NB
SC2/WG2 N2406
2001-11-04 396-D
L2/01-444 Proposed update to UTR #18 – Unicode regular expressions guidelines Mark Davis 2001-11-03 UTC
L2/01-445 Explicit Properties for Special Casing & Titlecase (updating L2/01-390) Mark Davis
Markus Scherer
2001-11-05 UTC
L2/01-446 Update to UTS#10: Unicode Collation Algorithm for Unicode 3.1.0 Mark Davis
Ken Whistler
2001-11-06 UTC
L2/01-447 Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #XX: Character Foldings (See L2/01-459) Asmus Freytag 2001-11-06 UTC
L2/01-448 INFITT Liaison Report – Unicode in Tamil Mike Kaplan 2001-11-06 UTC
L2/01-449 Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #25: Unicode Support for Mathematics Beeton, Freytag, Sargent 2001-10-10 396-D
L2/01-450 Proposal to change the unification rules for the Dingbats block Freytag, Muller 2001-11-06 UTC
L2/01-451 DerivedAge.txt Mark Davis 2001-10-26 UTC
L2/01-452 Response to the EJECT SYMBOL proposal (in document L2/01-414) Michael Everson
Asmus Freytag
2001-11-07 396-D
L2/01-453R Information about GB 18030 and China from IRG rapporteur Mr. Zhang (SACS) Mike Ksar 2001-10-23 admin
L2/01-454 XML Identifier Names (rev. 2) Mark Davis 2001-11-08 UTC
L2/01-455 Proposed Comments from US National Body supplementing L2/01-436 Joan Aliprand 2001-11-08 396-D
L2/01-456 Replacement application for registration of ANSI/NISO Z39.47 Joan Aliprand 2001-12-18 admin
L2/01-457 Letter from Michael Khumancha to UTC concerning Manipuri script Rick McGowan 2001-11-07 UTC
L2/01-458 Request to Korean ad hoc group to generate mapping tables between ROK and DPRK national standards from US NB and Unicode Uma
SC2/WG2 N2407
2001-11-16 396-D
L2/01-459 Update to document L2/01-447: Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #XX: Character Foldings Asmus Freytag 2001-11-13 UTC
L2/01-460 Working draft for DUTR #26: Compatibility Encoding Scheme for UTF-16: 8-Bit (CESU-8) Toby Phipps 2001-11-09 UTC
L2/01-461 Ballot: Proposal for modifications of the JTC1/SC2 Programme of Work (LB-01-461) SC2 N3576
JTC1 N6609
2001-11-07 396-D
L2/01-462 Summary of voting on CD registration and CD ballot for ISO/IEC CD 15897 – Registration of cultural elements SC22 N3341 2001-11-16 1275-L
L2/01-463 Consolidating the two parts of ISO/IEC 10646 into a single part UMA
SC2/WG2 N2408
2001-11-28 396-D
L2/01-464 Summary of voting on 15897 registration of 30 cultural elements from CEN TC304 SC22 N3342 2001-11-19 1275-L
L2/01-465 Default accelerated letter ballot: Proposed modification of the SC22 program of work (LB-01-465) JTC1 N6567 2001-10-03 I18N
L2/01-466 ISO/IEC DTR 14652: Annex D.2 Comments from the U.S. member body Ken Whistler
SC22/WG20 N895
2001-11-21 1241-L
L2/01-467 US comments on SC2 N3567, Editor's Proposed Disposition of Comments Report on SC2 N3505 ISO/IEC 2375 Joan Aliprand
Ed Hart
2001-11-27 13-M
L2/01-468 Request for SC2 to accept ISO/IEC 14651 as a new work item NB of Ireland
SC2 N3565
2001-10-22 1241-L
L2/01-469 Ordering rules for Hangul (repl. L2/01-402) Kent Karlsson
SC22/WG20 N891R
2001-11-29 1241-L
L2/01-470 FPDAM Ballot: ISO/IEC 14651, Amd #1 associated “Common Template Table” and French version of the CTT (LB-01-470) Alain LaBonté
SC22/WG20 N890
2001-12-01 1241-L
L2/01-471 Block Boundary Fixes for ISO/IEC 10646 Ken Whistler 2001-11-30 396-D
L2/01-472 Snapshots of roadmaps to BMP, SMP, SIP and SSP (prepared by the ad hoc group on roadmaps) SC2/WG2 N2409 2001-12-04 396-D
L2/01-473 Table of Replies on FDIS 8859-11: Latin/Thai alphabet SC2 N3575 2001-11-12 392-M
L2/01-474 Resolution from the 2002 JTC1 plenary in Hawaii SC2 N3577 2001-11-28 admin
L2/01-475 Notice of publication of ISO/IEC 10646-2: Part 2 – Supplementary Planes SC2 N3582 2001-12-03 396-D
L2/01-476 Ordering rules for Khmer - presently, this document needs this font: (James Kass' Code2000 font) Kent Karlsson 2001-12-19 1241-L
L2/01-477 Report from the IRG#18 in Tokyo, Dec. 3-6, 2001 John Jenkins 2001-12-10 396-D
L2/01-478 A Use for Variation Selector VS2 Asmus Freytag 2001-12-10 396-D
L2/01-479 Request for comments on JTC1 N6602 – JTC1 business planning: current and future state of technology and market SC22 N3348
JTC1 N6602
2001-11-26 admin
L2/01-480 Proposal to add NEGATIVE CIRCLED DIGIT ZERO Eric Muller 2001-12-14 396-D
L2/01-481 Notice of publication of ISO/IEC 8859-11 Latin – Thai alphabet SC2 N3583 2001-12-15 392-M
L2/01-482 Normativity of compatibility tags Ken Whistler 2001-12-19 UTC
L2/01-483 Character Model for the WWW 1.0 (link to W3C site) W3C 2001-12-20 I18N
L2/01-484 SC35/CLAUI: New work item proposal: Guidelines and methodology for the assessment of cultural and linguistic adaptability in information technology products (LB-01-484) SC35 N368
JTC1 N6638
2001-12-19 I18N
L2/01-485 Combined PDAM Registration and Consideration Ballot on ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000/Amd. 2: Limbu, Tai Le, Yijing and other characters (712 kB) (LB-01-485) SC2 N3584 2001-12-21 396-D
L2/01-486 Combined PDAM Registration and Consideration Ballot on ISO/IEC 10646-2: 2001/Amd. 1: Aegean, Ugaritic, and other characters (354 kB) (LB-01-486) SC2 N3585 2001-12-21 396-D
L2/01-487 Text for DTR2 ballot of ISO/IEC 14652 – Specification method for cultural conventions (223 kB) (LB-01-487) Keld Simonsen 2001-12-25 1241-L
L2/01-488 Thanks, and good luck for the future Arnold Winkler 2001-12-28 admin