Academic Accommodations

The purpose of academic accommodation is to provide students with documented disabilities opportunities to access post-secondary education.

Accommodations at the University of Calgary

The purpose of academic accommodation is to provide students with documented disabilities opportunities to access post-secondary education. Students with disabilities at the University of Calgary have met all admission requirements but may have done so with the use of accommodations. Similarly, they are expected to meet all academic and non-academic requirements. Adaptive technology and other academic accommodations do not relieve students of their responsibility to develop the essential skills and abilities expected of all students.

The nature and type of academic accommodations vary from student to student and are dependent upon the student's disability and the academic requirements.

Consult the Student Accommodation Policy, effective July 1, 2015. View the Policy.

For more information please contact:

Student Accessibility Services
MacEwan Student Centre, Room 452
Telephone: (403) 210-6019
Fax: (403) 210-1063
[email protected]